96103536 Desuifurization of coal by acid leaching under conditions suitable for microbial leaching by Suifoiobus acidocaidarius Blackmore, C. et al., Resow. Environ. BiotechnoL, 1995, 1, (l), 81-97. Acid leaching of iron pyrites from coal by non-biological methods was investigated under conditions suitable for microbial suiphur removal. A model was proposed for short-term leaching which was based on the assumption that the chemical reaction kinetics followed a series of consecutive reactions with stable intermediate. For medium-term leaching, a simple reaction series was proposed to account for deviations from the shortterm model.
96103537 Desuiphurization of coals by flash pyrolysis lowed by magnetic separation Cicek, B. et al., Fuel Process Technol., 1996, 46, (2), 133-142. Describes the investigation into the removal of inorganic sulphur Turkish lignite by flash pyrolysis and magnetic separation.
96103530 rographic
Detection techniques
of the incipient oxidation
of coal by pet-
Kruszewska, K. J. and Du Cann, V. M. Fuel, May 1996, 75, (6), 769-774. Two petrographic methods, namely long-wave fluorescence intensity measurements and a vitrinite elasticity index, were developed and used to detect incipient oxidation in coals subjected to simulated weathering conditions. The two methods are based on different physical properties of coal. However, their sensitivity in detecting changes caused by oxidation ~\‘as found to be equally high.
of development
in coal cleaning
Baichenko, A. A. and Gritsko. G. I. Coal Sci. Teclmol.. 1995, 24, (2). 3565-1568. Discusses the environmental aspects of coal cleaning, utilization of effluent<. and water recycling.
Distribution of rare and toxic elements according 96103540 to the products by high gradient magnetic coal separation Karmazin, V. I. ef al., Ugol’ Ukr., 1995, (5), 41-44. (In Latvian) Reports on a study made of the distribution of 39 trace elements in the high-gradient magnetic field separation of two coals and products of their conventional benefication.
96103541 ized coal
Dry superconducting
of puiver-
Zhou, S. er al., AIChE J., 1996, 42, (l), 277-284. The paper discusses how dry magnetic desulphurization-cleaning was able to remove up to 69% of pyritic sulphur and 33% of the ash content from a typical pulverized coal in a vertically upward airstream rig, with 97% recovery of heating value. Increasing the magnetic field increased the percentage reduction of pyritic sulphur, total sulphur, and ash, although with a penalty of decreased recovery of heating value.
coal briquettes
Jun. L. Famrrrg Zhuanli Sherqiq Gougkul Shuomrt~gsl~~r, C,V. I, 139.095. Sep. 1995. (In chlue.~e) The briquettes have an igniting layer and a fuel layer. The lgnitlng layer contains sawdust, additives, and undisclosed components.
96103543 behaviour
Effect of Fe,O,-Si02 in calcium system additives on of sulfur in burning coal briquets
Xiao, P. and Li. S. Ifuanjing Kexue Xuebno, 1996. 16. (I), 97-102. (In Chinese) Describes a study of the phase transition and the distribution of sulphur In ashes of coal briquets containing sulphur-fixing agents (calcium, iron, silicon, and strontium compounds). Sulphur existed in residues mainly as calcium sulphate, which was covered with a film of silicates. The silicates possessing high m.ps. could prevent from decomposition of calcium sulphate up to a very high temperature.
Effects of coal cleaning on gasification 96103544 bustion reactivity of coals and chars
and com-
Harris. D. J. er al., Coal Sci. Techtlol., 1995, 24, (2), 1581-15X4. The paper describes the demineralization of high-volatile bituminous coal with a caustic soda solution which changed its coking behaviour and increased the reactivity of the resultant chars for CO:. It alqo affected the combustion reactivity of the coal
Experimental study on the characteristics 96103545 gangue briquetting combustion in industrial boilers
Bailiang, Z. ef al., Coal Sci. 7echnol., 1995, 24, (2), 1645-1648. Describes a study on combustion of waste residues from coal rnlning in the presence of biomass. In parttcular the relations between the b~omas\ UN1en1 and the \,olatiles of briquets ha\c alqo been examined
Solid fuels (preparafion)
96103546 Flash pyrolysis of coal modified phase oxidation and solvent swelling
Mae, K. el al., Energy Fuels, 1995, 10, (2), 364-370. A new flash pyrolysis method of coal was presented for increasing the total volatiles and the tar yield through suppression of the crosslinking reactions during the pyrolysis.
96103547 Flotation pyrite removal
of oil-agglomerated
for ash and
Song, S. er al., Proc. UK-McGill Bi-Annu. Irut. Symp. Fundam. Miner. Process, Canadian Inst. of Mir~it~g, Metallurgy & Petroleum, Montreal, 1995, 223-234. The paper discusses oil agglomeration which is an excellent technique for the beneficiation of fine coal. For separation of the spherical agglomerates by screening, a high level of oil must be used however. When the subsequent separation is done by flotation, this disadvantage is eliminated. Better pyrite removal is also possible. In this paper, such a fine coal beneficiation process, also called hydrophobic flocculation-flotation is described. It features low non-polar oil consumption, intensive mechanical energy input, and smaller agglomerates or looser floes.
Fragrant coal briquettes 96103540 0~. J. and Ou, D. Faming Zl~ua~lr Shenqr~g CN.i,lO7.504, 96103549 Wang. Y. er General Inst., Ch’.1,107.878, The briquettes of corn starch
Aug. 1995.
(In Chinese)
coal briquettes
for fertilizer manufacture
(Assigned IO) Beijing Coal Chem. Insr., Coal SCL Res. Faming Zhuanli Shenqittg Gongkrri Shuomingshu, Sep. 1995. (Irr Chinese) contain a mixture of powdered anthracite, a binder mixture and NaOH, and washing tailings of caking coal.
improvement of the automatic control system for drying coal concentrate Zotov, V. A. Ugol’ Ukr., 1995, (3). 24-26. (In Russian)
The paper discusses the control
of drying
of coal flotation
influence of low temperature structure and its liquefaction behavior
on lignite
Sharypov, V. I. er al., Coal Sci. Technol., 1995. 24, (2), 1251-1254. Kansk-Achinsk lignite was subjected to low-temperature thermal treatment Prior to liquefaction m Tetralin, toluene, or EtOH solvent. Thermal treatment resulted in loss of oxygen-containing functional groups. The highest degree of conversion was observed for samples with larger distances her~een the aromatic structure<.
96103552 furization
The influence of process parameters by nitric leaching
on coal desui-
Rodriguez, R. A. er al., Fuel, Apr. 1995, 75, (5). 606-612. With the object to produce a low-sulphur coal by nitric leaching, research \vat undertaken on the influence of the different process parameters, such ‘1s temperature, time. acid concentration. particle size and physical pretreatnlrnt on sulphur decrease, nitrification of the product. loss of calorific \,alue and \,ariation in ash composition for a Spanish coal. 96103553
interaction between coal and mixed solvent system by means of L-band EPR
Matsuoka, K. er al., Coal Sri. Teclmo/., 1995. 24, (l), 397-400. L-band EPR spectroscopy is used to study interaction between bituminous coal and a model compound and a pyridine-CS, mixture. Spectral intensity and peak-to-peak width depend on the pyridine-CSz ratio and are consistent with volumetric swelling ratio 96103554
investigation of high-reactivity sorbent for enhanced SO, capture
Ghosh-Dastidar, A. er al., fnd. Eng. Chem. Rex, 1996, 35, (2), 598-606. The paper describes the kinetics of ultrafast, high-temperature sulphation for two calcium carbonates from different sources. a commercial calcium hydroxide and a laboratory-made modified hydrated lime powder.
96103555 benzoxide
Fuel. May 1996, 75, (7), 816-820. Prasassarakich, P. and Thaweesri, T. Mae Moh coal of Lampang province, northern Thailand, was dc\ulphurized b! leaching with organometallic compounds. Most of the inorganic sulphur and some organic sulphur were removed. The effect of process conditions (temperature, time and particle size) on the degree of dejulphurization was studied and optimum conditions were established. It i\ shown that sodium benzoxide can leach approximately 68% of pyritic kulphur and approximately 33 % of organic sulphur. The kinetics of pyritic sulphur reaction was investigated. The kinetic data are well described by the shrinking-core model, indicating that the pyrltic \ulphur reaction was predominantly diffusion-controlled. The organic wlphur reaction is zeroor&r with mpecr 10 organic \ulphut