96/03601 Influence of hydrogen donor solvent on kinetic features of hydrogenatlon of some fluld products of coal llquefactlon Sudakova, I. G. Coal Sci. Technol., 1995, 24, (2), 1491-1494. Presents a study of the kinetics and mechanism of hydrorefining of coal liquefaction distillates in the presence of hydroaromatic compounds, e.g. Tetralin, as hydrogen donors. The process is used for the production of motor fuels. 96103602 Influence of operating condltlons on the effect of catalysts In coal liquefaction De Marco, I. et al., Coal Sci. Techr!ol., 1995, 24, (2), 1283-1286. Describes the effects of operation conditions and catalysts on liquefaction of a subbituminous coal in anthracene oil and Tetralin. 96103683 Influence of the hydrocarbons dlstrlbutlon on the heat produced durlng Fischer-Tropsch synthesls Chaumette, P. ef al., Top. Caral., 1995, 2, (l), 301-311. The heat produced during Fischer-Tropsch synthesis has been calculated, considering a base case in which a typical Anderson-Schulz-Flory distribution is followed by the paraffinic hydrocarbons produced. An equation has been obtained, which allowed the authors to calculate the enthalpy of reaction, using the probability of chain growth as the variable. Also the effect of a deviation from the ASF distribution has been considered, through the example of a higher methane selectivity than in the base case. 96103684 Iron from two different catalytic precursors In coal hydrogenatlon Mastral, A. M. er al., Coal Sci. Technol., 199.5, 24, (2), 133.5-1338. The paper discusses how iron dispersed onto coal surface as FeSz showed a different state and behaviour depending on the type of coal: over the subbiluminous coal, detection of added Fe by X-ray techniques appears to be screened by the rapid oxidation of heteroatoms present in the coal. On the other hand, the iron dispersed on high-rank coal presents a higher disposition IO be reduced to pyrrhotite under hydrogenation conditions. The extent of reduction to pyrrhotite and the number of its vacancies do not present a direct relationship to the degree of conversion achieved in dry hydrogenation or to the selectivity to oil production for both catalyst precursors.
Llquefactlon of blended coals and thelr effect on product ylelds Pickering. A. ef a/., Coal Sci. Techol., 1995, 24, (2), 1263-1266 The paper discusses the effect of blends of coals on rh; product yields from the first stage of direct coal liquefaction which was examined for Point of Ayr, Baddesley, Trentham. and I.inleton (all high-volatile bituminou< coals) and Crumlin lignite.
Llquefactlon of coal and coal fractions of different 96103606 relatlve densitles from a hydrocyclone separator Barraza, .I. et al., Coal Sci. Technol., 1995, 24. (2), 1271-1274. The overflow fractions obtained by hydrocyclone separation. concentrated m reactive macerals and reduced in mineral content, produced an improvement in liquefaction conversions over the original coal, together wilh a shift in the net product distribution towards higher oils and lower residue content in the liquid products. In addition, the quantity of mineral matter removed at the filtration stage decreased.
Method 96103687 vent for slurrylng Kawabata, M. et al., JP 07.305.075,
for coal
(Assigned 1995.
llquefactlon fo) Shu~nippm
uslng Seirefsu
Improved KK, JAP.
96103688 gen-donor Mochizuki,
Method for coal llquefactlon using recycled hydrosolvent M. et al., (Assigned IO) Slmmipppon Seirerm KK; Mirsur Sekitarl Ekika KK, JAP. Pat. JP.O7,305,071. iVo1,. 1995. The method is carried out by slurrying coal with solvent and ca~a!ysl, coal liquefaction, distillation of liquefied oils, and hydrogenation of solvent. which are divided into two operations patterns. 96103689 Nakayama,
Method for coal llquefactlon using solvent A. and Kawabata, M. (.4ssigued IO) Slrirt~~ippw~Selfem
JAP. Pat. JP.O7.305,070,
No\,. 1995.
The method for coal liauefaction is carried OUI b\, slurryine coal with solvent and catalysl, coal Iiquefacton, distillation of IiqueflLd oils, and hydrogenation of solvent, which is followed by recycling hydrogenared solvent
Liquid fuels (derived liquid fuels)
96103691 Multi-stage coal reactlons In carbon monoxidecontalnlng atmospheres using alkaline and hydrogenatlon catalysts Hulston, C. K. et al., Coal Sci. Technol., 1995, 24, (2), 1363-1366. Describes how synthesis gas reactions were examined for multistage coal liquefaction in the presence of alkali metal catalysts and added transition metal hydrogenation catalysts. Reactions were carried out at 365” and 400” with CO-containing atmospheres and H,-H,O, and two-stage reactions with a dry-catalyzed hydrogenation stage.
96103692 The orlgln of allphatlc hydrocarbons In brown coal llquefactlon. Reactlons of a model acid, alcohol and ester Bangers, G. D. er al., Fuel, Apr. 1995, 75, (5), 591-596. A model long-chain alcohol (n-C,,), carboxylic acid (n-C,,) and ester (nC,, t n-C,,) have been reacted under coal liquefaction conditions at 320 and 405°C with both hydrogen and carbon monoxide-water as reducing systems. The products of these reactions were characterized by g.c., g.c.m.s. and mass spectroscopy. In addition to materials with the same carbon number as the starting compounds, lower-molecular-weight materials arising from fragmentation and higher-molecular-weight compounds arising from radical recombination reactions were detected.
96103693 Preconverslon chemistry and llquefactlon of coal In the presence of a molybdenum-contalnlng catalyst Warzinski, K. I’. er al., Coal Sci. Techol., 1995, 24, (2), 1339.1342. The paper describes the initial experiments on the interactions of catalysts in a donor solvent (i.e. Tetralin) which has emphasized the importance of a solvent in enhancing the primary dissolution of coal at lower reaction temperatures. Although dissolution in a coal-derived oil in the presence of a catalyst gives the best results, softening and coal solubilization are likely the important factors. Analysis of short-time products at 375” showed that a major role of the catalyst at the initial phases of coal dissolution is to facilitate hydrogen transfer to aromatic species in the coal.
Preparation and characterization of Co/SIO,, CoMglSIO, and Mg-Co/SIO, catalysts and thelr actlvlty In CO hidrogenatlon _ Niemela, M. K. er al., Top. Cafal., 1995, 2, (l), 45-57. CoiSi?,, Mg-CoiSiO, and Co-MgiSiO: catalysts were prepared from acetate, nltrate or carbonyl precursors. The catalysts were characterized by XKD. XPS. SIMS and TGA.
Reactlon of CO and H, In the presence of NI-Pd catalysts contalnlng a Bazal’tonetkalon nonwoven mlneral flber support Yushin, S. V. er al.. Khim. Tverd. Topl. (Mo.scow), 1995, (5), 23-25. (In Russian) Describes the catalytic properties of Ni- and Ni-Pd catalysts containing the nonwovcn mineral fibre support in synthesis of hydrocarbons from H, and CO. A high methanation activity was observed. A 1.8times higher yield of C,-C, was obtained in the presence of the bimetallic catalyst. _ hvdrocarbons , 96103696 Relatlonshlp between hydrogen-donatlng abllltles and structural parameters of solvent systems In coal llquefactlon Futamura, S. Coal Ser. Teclmol., 1995, 24, (?), 1231-1234. Discusses how hvdroeen-donating abilities of coal liauefaction residues (CI.Rs) are strongly affected by”their molecular struktures surrounding donatable hydrogens, based on the correlation analysis with CLR structural parameters.. _
Role of aromatlc structure In pathways of hydrogen 96103697 tranfer and bond cleavage In coal Ilquefactlon. Theoretlcal studles Franz, J. A. et ol., Coal SCL. Techol., 1995, 24, (2), 1411-1414. The paper examines an alternate pathway for hydrogen atom transfer to pisystems, radical hydrogen transfer, theoretical for the ethyl-ethylene and methallyl-buradiene systems using the ROHF-MBPT[2]-6-31G and KOHF-CCSD(T]-6-31G levels of ah initio MO theory. The results have appllcatmn in coal reactions during liquefaction.
Role of Iron catalysts on hydroconverslon of aro96103698 matic hydrocarbons Ogata, E. er al., Prepr. Pup. Am. C/rem. Sot., DiL. Fuel Chem., 1995, 40, (4). 940.944.
Method for wlthdrawlng resldues and recovering 96103690 Iron catalyst In coal llquefactlon process Namiki, Y. and Endo, K. (Assigned ro) Sltir~rrippo~~Setrerut KK. J.4P. Par JP.,
NO!,. IYYj.
The paper discusses thr role of iron and pyrite catalyst in the hydrogenation of aromatic hydrocarbons. The hvdroconversion of aromatic hydrocarbons and arylalkanes was studied as -a model reaclmn of coal liquefaction and heavy petroleum residue degradation
Fuel and Energy