03731 Apparatus for pressurized coal gasification

03731 Apparatus for pressurized coal gasification

03 96103715 Comment on British Gas TransCo consultative document (November 1995) Waddams Price, C. Energy Policy, May 1996, 24, (.5), 373.375. 961037...

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96103715 Comment on British Gas TransCo consultative document (November 1995) Waddams Price, C. Energy Policy, May 1996, 24, (.5), 373.375. 96103716 Comment on the paper by J. Estrada - The transformation of the European gas market Czernie, W. Energy Studies Review, 1995, 7, (2), 161-164. The paper by J. Estrade is published in Ejle?-gy Studies RerCew. Volume 17, No. 2. pages 141-160. 96103717 Comment on the paper by Peter R. Odell -The cost of longer-run gas supply to Europe Tungland, K. Energy Studies Review, 1995, 7, (2), 109-112. The paper by Peter R. Ode11 is published in Energy Studies Hewer+, Volume 17, No. 2. pages 94-108. 96103718 The cost of longer-run gas supply to Europe Odell, P. R. Energy Studies Review, 1995, 7, (2), 94-108. The paper discusses gas in Europe which has always been sold above its long-run supply price. Recent lower prices, however, still permit profitable indigenous supply expansion and, as further reductions in production and transport costs from technological advances are expected, this will continue based on the exploitation of large proven and probably reserves. By 2025, indigenous output will be 60% up on 1995. Nevertheless, an average Z.?%/annum growth in gas demand will increase import dependence from 130 to 320 BCM over this period. Future international oil prices indicate gas-equivalent border values adequate to secure profItable supply from a range of external sources, leading to continuing competitlon for markets and the diversification of imports. 96103719 The gas distribution manual in the year 2000 Coueignoux, Apr. 19Y6. 120, (4). Gaz d’aujourd’hui, J. M. et al., 185-188. (In French) The article conlinues a series that first appeared in the February 1YYS issue of GAZ d’aujourd’hui. 11was shown there that interactive solutions using multimedia resources allow the production of publications to be made much more attractive. The latest report, published in May 1995, even proved that the production and distribution costs do not render this solution unreasonable for a wider audience. Various documents and computer and technical projects will benefit greatly from using the new multimedia tools. One such project with everything 10 gain is the gas distribution manual published by Gaz de France. This month’s article. shows how this manual will be in the near future and how il could be in the more disranr iuture too. Gas to the backbone: Joep Delnoij and Wim 96103720 Harinck Kop, L. Gas (Nerherlands), Jun. 1996, 116, (6). 38-40. (In Flemish) They have a 101 in common. Both Joep Delnoij (retiring general manage, of Gamog) and Wim Harinck (retiring general manager of Nuon VNB) more or less smell of gas. GAS asked them 12 questions that were exactly the same to find if there are any differences at all. In future each customer chooses his own supplier 96103721 Van Egmond, L. and Raaijen, W. Gus fNetherlamfs). Jan 1096. 116. (1). 28-31. (In Flemish) The new Energy Paper has just come off the press. In an exclusive inlerview with Gas Mr Hans Wijers, Minister for Economic Affairs, goes into the details of this paper. Mr. Wijers explains why he stresses the use of renewable energy sources, outlines the future role of natural gas and hou to anticipate the advent of a free energy market. ‘In my view the final model is a natural gas market in which the small-scale consumers can also choose between several suppliers’. In-line inspection of gas meters 96103722 Meijerink, R. and Slats, H. Gns (h’erlrerlnn~s), May 19Y6, 116. (5). 32-34. (In Flemish) Describes the development of a new method of measuring gas tlows in the field by Gastec. The method, which is fit for several purposes including gas meter inspections, offers some major advantages. The gas meter no longer needs to be removed and in some cases the installation can even keep operating. In addition, inspection is carried out in-line so that installation effects are taken into account. The method can also be used in places where no gas meter is present. The accuracy of flow rate derermination is better than 1%. 96103723

The integration of Scandinavia with the European natural gas market Radelzki, M. Energy Sfudrer Rrvrew, lYY5, 7. (2), 165-181. Scandmavia IS an outlirr in the European gas market, with very low gas consumption levels. Given the favourable prospects for longer term European gas supply, the paper considers how the Scandlnavlan reElon could be more closely knit with the European gas market. The costs and logistics ot a pipeline from the Norwegian gas fields through mid-Sweden and southern Finland, to link up with existing pipes carrying Russian gas, are received in detail. Norwegian gas appears to be competitive with alternative fuels in satisfying growing energy needs along the pipe. But given the erratic energy policies in the two countries, private agents are unlikely to undertake the necessary long term investments. PolitIcal guarantees are necessary to bring such investments about.

Gaseous fuels (derived gaseous


96103724 Natural gas in Germany: Growth and change. Ruhrgas position and positioning Faust, G. F. Revue de I’Energie, Mar. 1996, (476), 151-156. (In French) Discusses how natural gas has become a cornerstone of German energy supplies, and how the outlook for this energy source is favourable. Ruhrgas AG, based in Essen, is virtually synonymous with natural gas. It is one of the companies in the highly complex German gas industry comprising almost 700 gas supply companies at all levels. The positive developments achieved thus far were possible under liberal economic policies, open markets and an appropriate legal framework. 96103725 Opt for natural gas as a bus fuel Koenders, N’. Gas (Nerherlmds), Jan. 1996, 116, (l), 24-27. (In Flemish) LPG and natural gas have major environmental advantages over diesel as a bus fuel. Of these two alternative natural gas comes out better with respect to longterm environmental advantages, safety, supply reliability, bus technology, fuel price stability, linking up with international developments and fitting in with national, regional and local transport/environmental policies. The disadvantages of natural gas compared 10 LPG are a smaller range, longer refuelling times and lower acceptability. However, these will soon vanish altogether. According to Nice Koenders of the Amsterdam Energy Utilit) bus companies better opt for natural buses 96103726 Panel discussion of ‘The integration of Scandinavia with the European natural gas market’ by Marian Radetzki Euergy Srudies Review, 1995, 7, (2). 182-189. The paper by Marian Radetrkl was published in E,fe,-gy Srudies Revielz Volume 7. ho.2. 1995. pages 365-181. 96103727 Perspectives on interfuel competition in the European natural gas market Watkins, G. C. Energy Srudlrs Reliew, lYY5, 7, (2), 113-136. Discusses how the reliance on natural gas in European markets has increased strongly. Further increases, particularly in the power generation sector, are expected. The market structure has become more competitive but is still far removed from the degree of integration and competition prevailing in North America. In Europe, price discrimination remains noticeable, and pipeline access, a key 10 competive price formation is far from open. While open access is a necessary condition for greater competition in European gas markets. it is not sufficient. Other elements would need to be in place as well. 96103726 Reluctantly to a freer gas market I Iohverda, B. Gas (Nether/a,rds), Jun. 1996, 116. (6). 34-37. (In Flemish) The proposition that the European energy sector is .in motion’ is a euphemlsm rarher than an open door. Monopolies are being broken down and markets are being liberated. As one of the last sectors the gas sector now has to follow. At a political and legal level the first steps have already been made and all market partners have begun 10 adjust their policy according!y. Recently Gastec and the energy group of the law and notary firm Tremte van Doorne set out the consequences of the liberalization in a joint publication ‘Gas under pressure’. The authors predict for instance a modification in ~hc current price system, more independence of lhc energy utilities and a change of ths so-called small-field policy. The transformation of the European gas market 96103729 Esttada. J. Energy Smdres Review, 1995, 7, 112). 141-160. European gas markets have grown to a very large size, and further substantial expansion is envisaged for the coming decades. The paper explores the preconditions and modes for the future expansion of the gas market.




Air gasification of Donbass coals in circulating flu96/03730 idized bed lKiruj. 1995, (2), l-4. (In hlaistrenko, A. Y. er ul.. Euler-g. Elrkrrif Russian) The paper describes how optimum conditions are determined for the air gasification of Donbass coals in a circulating fluidized bed. Apparatus for pressurized coal gasification 96103731 Nozoe, S. and Ino, T. (Atrigrled ro) Kawataki HeaL? Ind. Ltd., JAP. Par. Jl-‘.O7,292.370,

NoL,. 1995.

The apparatus for pressurized coal gaslllcation consists of a first pressurized container accommodated with a pressurized burner and a L-duct connecting to the burner; a second pressurized container accommodated \vlth a reductor and a linking duct to connection with the L-duct. A dust hopper is arranged at the low end of the gas passage in the reductor. Apparatus for pressurized coal gasification in 96103732 power generation plant Nozoe, S. et al., (Artiguetf ro) Kahajukl Heaq Ind. Lrd., JAP. Par. JP.07~293.272.



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