03880 Application of fuel cell technology to health care institutions in rural and urban environments

03880 Application of fuel cell technology to health care institutions in rural and urban environments

05 Nuclear fuels (economics, Economics, policy, supplies, Policy, Supplies, forecasts) Forecasts Conference report. Nuclear energy: Decline or ...

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Conference report. Nuclear energy: Decline or 96/03873 renaissance Mole, T. Energy & Environmenf, 1996, 7, (l), 81-83. A report on the Twentieth Annual Symposium of the Uranium Institute held in September 1995. 96103874 Still a political target Masters, R. Nuclear Engineering In!., Jun. 1996, 41, (503), 31-37. A country-by-country review, by the author who recalls the main events in the nuclear industry since June 1995 in a necessarily selective record based on what was reported at the time.

Calculation and interpretation of a grounding grid 96/03882 In two-layer earth with the synthetic-asymptote approach Salama. M. M. et al.. Electric Power Svsfems Rex. Dec. 1995. 35..\,131. 157-165. An accurate method for calculating the resistance of a substation grounding grid buried in two-layer earth is proposed in this paper. The method is based on the image theory and the synthetic-asymptote approach. The synthetic asvmotote is an exnression that fits between the asymptotes of paramete; lihits and is the&fore accurate throughout the parake& ranges. Despite the large number of parameters involved in the design of a grid buried in earth, the method is still simple enough to give good physical insight.

96103875 The Swedlsh dilemma. Amputation or mutllatlon? Greenhal@, G. Nuclear Engineering Inf., Jun. 1996, 41, (503), 43-44. Fi;;sses If Sweden will really shut down their twelve power reactors by

Channel Tunnel bulldlng management system 96103883 Energy Digest, 1995, 24, (6), 25-29. Reports that the operators of the Channel Tunnel, Eurotunnel, has been developing and adding to its Trend building controls which have been installed throughout the UK terminal.


96103884 Clrcult protectlon Elect. Contracfor, Jan. 1996, 20-21. The two articles deal with circuit protection



ABB electrical equipment on board the luxury liner 96103676 WV Oriana’ Barra, I. and Kuhrau, C. ABE Review, 1996, (2), 4-11. With a gross registered tonnage of 69,153 and a length of 260 meters, the luxury liner ‘MV Oriana’ is among the largest passenger vessels ever to be built in a German shipyard. ABB Industrietechnik’s Marine Division in Hamburg supplied the main electrical equipment for the vessel, which is also the fastest cruise liner to have been built in the last 25 years. ABB Varspeed generator boosts efficiency and operating flexibility of hydropower plant Merino, J. M. and Lopez, A. ABE Review, 1996, (3), 33-38. Fixed-speed turbines in hydro-electric power plants operate most efficiently at a so-called best efficiency pomt (bep) that represents the best combination of speed, head and discharge. Away from the bep, the hydraulic efficiency drops sharply. By operating the turbines at variable speed, overall efficiency can be optimized despite a varying head and discharge. Spain’s Compuerto hydropower plant was chosen for a pilot project with an ABB Varspeed generator - a variable-speed machine based on the subisupersynchronous cascade. It is demonstrating that Varspeed offers better plant efficiency and grid frequency control, plus more flexible power control in the pumping mode. 96103877

tools to evaluate 96103878 Adellne 2.0 - using computer dayllghting and electric llghtlng appllcatlons In bulldlngs Erhorn, H. et al., Proc. 3rd European Conferewe on Energy-Efficietlt Lighring, Newcastle, Jun. 1998, IAEEL, 1, 25-31. The paper describes ADELINE 2.0 (Advanced Daylighting and Electric Lighting Integrated New Environment), a computer program which permits the simulation of complex daylighticg systems. 9s/o3a79 Advanced energy management system for a Swiss utlllty Benahmed, M. and Rohr, F. ABB Review, 1996, (2), 12-17. Bernische Kraftwerk (BKW) is a major Swiss utility supplying electrical energy to more than a million people. Recently, it took into operation a new, advanced energy management system called S.P.I.D.E.R. EMS from ABB. The system, the first of its kind to be installed in Switzerland, has features that include a user-friendly interface and innovative grid security functions giving access to operational information, such as power tlow and load forecasts, as well as facilities for fault analysis. The dispatchers can be trained on a simulator that allows all the main functions to be manipulated in a realistic power system environment.


Comparison of unit addition and fast Fourier trans96/03aa5 form methods for generation system reliability evaluation Singh, C. and Gubbala, N. V. Electrical Power & Energy Systems, May 1996, 18, (4), 203-205. Several methods have been proposed to improve the efficiency of convolution of generating unit probabihty distributions, since this is the most basic step in reliability and production cost studies. These methods can be broadly classified into those based on discrete convolution and others based on approximations using continuous distributions. The traditional approach to discrete convolution is based on unit addition algorithms. Another approach transforms this convolution into discrete Fourier domain, where the Fourier transform of the system can be obtained by the product of the Fourier transform of the unit probability distributions. The objective of this paper is to provide a comparison between unit addition algorithm and the Fast Fourier Transform method of building capacity outage probability tables. 96/03886 Containerized static frequency converter for backto-back coupling of two MV power grids Wiley, B. G. er al., ABB Review, 1996, (2), 25-31. Reports that ABB have developed a unique static frequency converter for a major papermaking concern in the USA. Used to couple two power grids operating at different frequencies, it features an innovative design in which the converter, auxiliary equipment and control system are housed in a single container. Describes the main advantages of the containerized converter which is its compactness, the saving in civil works costs, no special building has to be constructed on the site, and the substantially shorter time required for on-site erectton and commissioning. 96103887 Continuous self-supervlslon enhances rellablllty of HV substation protectlon Eschermann, B. er ol., ABB Review, 1996, (2), 18-24. It takes a power outage to show the extent to which modern societies depend on a constant, uninterrupted supply of electrical energy. Key roles in the chain of supply are played by high-voltage substations and their protective equipment. Advanced numerical protection systems, such as ABB’s newly developed RED 500 busbar protection, enhance the reliability and performance of power distribution. Features of the REB 500, which is based on a distributed real-time computer system that may use dozens or even hundreds of processors, are continuous self-supervision and instant failure diagnosis and containment. 96103888 Declslon steps for lmplementlng a BACnetTM Interface project Amborn, R. and Ehrlich, P. ASHRAE J., Nov. 1995, 37, (ll), 34-35.

Application of fuel cell technology to health care 96/03aao lnstltutlons In rural and urban environments Monaco, E. and Bleckman, J. Heolih Esrure J., Dec. 1995, 49, (lo), 3-12. Discusses how fuel cells are excellent candidates for hospitals, which need round-the-clock energy. Describes the advantages of fuel cells, and explains their operation and outlines the current stage of development.

96103889 Development of a photo-voltalc pumping system using a brushless DC. motor and hellcal rotor pump Langridge, D. er al., Solar Energy, Feb. 1996, 56, (2), 151-160. A PV pumping system based on a brushless d.c. motor and helical rotor pump has been designed, simulated and a prototype constructed. Describes the operation of the system and the development of component models for the array, the brushless d.c. motor and helical rotor pump. Simulation results and subsequent test results for the complete system are included.

96/03aal Avoldlng llghtnlng damage Clarke, G. Control Itrstrum., Nov. 1995, 27, (11). Reports that the incidence of thunderstorms and lighning-related damage in the UK has been increasing. Discusses the possible causes of this, including the use of Protective Multiple Earthing of electrical installations which are ideal for power to ground faults but lightning-induced surges can travel along the network.

96103890 An efflclent greedy approach for mlnlmum loss reconflguratlon of dlstrlbutlon networks Augugliaro, A. er al., Elecrric Power Sysrems Rex., Dec. 1995, 35, (3), 167-176. THe paper proposes a two-stage heuristic procedure, based on a greedy approach, for the minimum loss reconfiguration of MV distribution networks.


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