96103691 Electrical upgrade keeps Texas Instruments on line Hutchings, W. C. Consul. Specif: Engr., Oct. 1995, 18, (4), 30-32. The paper describes a major retrofit of an electrical supply spslem to improve its reliability. 96103092 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Special feature Southerland, D. and Webb, K. Environ. Engng., Dec. 1995, 8, (4), 10-18. Presents two articles dealing with electromagnetic compatibility. Energy efficiency as an element of design in the 96103893 context of hospital ward lighting Brown, A. and Wiltshire, J. Proc. 3rd European Confererlcr WI Energ),Effcrent
Newcastle, Jun.
1995, IAEEL,
Necrric power generation
and utikation
(scientific, technical)
96103901 A low-cost method of evaluating savings from lighting retrofits Dent, C. L. Proc. 3rd European Conference on Ener~-EfficientLighting, Newcastle, Jun. 1995,
2, 7-10.
The paper points out that evaluating the savings from lighting efficiency measures has traditionally been a difficult and expensive process. New technologies are not available that can reduce lighting evaluation costs by 90% from traditional methods while maintaining high accuracy. Presents case studies on technology.
96103902 Mapping a course for industrial lighting Borden, A. R. Consul. .Specif: Engr., CM. 1995, 18. (4). 36-40. The author discusses industrial lighting design for worker safery.
1, 129-138. 96/03903
96103894 Escape route lighting - Comparison of human performance with traditional lighting and wayfinding systems Aizlewood, C. E. and Webber, G. M. Lrg. Rex. Tech., .1995. 27, (3), 133-143. Describes an emergency lighting system which consists of low-mounted luminous guidance and signage which are being developed for use on escape routes in buildings to provide an emergency wayfinding system at times of power failure. The Building Research Establishment has investigated the movement of 48 adult subjects under three wayfinding systems. 96103095 Fuel cell technology: Status and future prospects? Appleby, A. J. Energy, Jul.-Aug. 1996, 21, (7), 521-653. Fuel cell generators are reviewed from the viewpoint of systems, markets, emissions, and cost reduction. Their most attractive features are likely 10 be their unobtrusiveness, which includes very low emissions, combined with their availability in small sizes, allowing cogeneration at the widest range of sites. Unattended operation and very high availability will result in low O&M costs. System designs require rethinking with a view to cost reduction, to make them more attractive compared with competing technologies. This is being pursued by developers. The fuel cell promises 10 bc an important energy conversion technology, which will help to reduce carbon dioxIde emissions in the next cenmr! Future-oriented concepts for substatlon protectlon 96103896 and control Biewendt, V. er al., ABE Review: lYY6, (3), 18-23. Discusses modern substations which feature both a high level of automation and a higher reliability than their predecessors. Sensors, digital switchgear controls, and advanced process control software, have come onto the market in recent years which are creating a new platform for substation secondary technology and providing many benefits for users. Use of digital switchbay control and protection equipment in mediumvoltage and simple high-voltage substarions has further increased the high functionality and reliability of the primary systems. Genetlc algorlthm for optimal sectionalizing In 96103897 radlal dlstrlbutlon systems with alternative supply Levitin, G. ef nl., Elecrric Power Sys~cms Rex., Dec. 1995. 35, (3), 149-155. A procedure for optimal allocation of sectionalizing switches in radial distribution systems is proposed. The procedure is aimed at minimizing unsupplied energy caused by network failures. Opportunities for alternative source supply made possible by network reconfiguration are considered. HVDC 2000 - A new generatlon of hlgh-voltage DC 96/03898 converter statlons Arnlov, B. ABB Rev&v, 1996, (3), 10-17. lmproved performance and robustness, shorter lead times and faslel deli\,ery, plus reduced maintenance needs, were the development goals set bj ABB Power Systems for its new generation of HVDC converter stations. Dubbed ‘HVDC 2000’, it is based on an existing concept and proven know-how. Newly developed components combining advanced, highspeed electronics. modern overvoltage protection and stare-of-the-art computer software, make HVDC 2000 an attractive alternative to conventional IIVDC station design. Llghtlng 96103899 Pritchard. D. C. Lor~grnar~ Scimrific 1’11. The hook is a revised fifth edition light design and application. The BTEC XC/D and HNCID building 96103900
& Technical.
Fifth Edifrou. 1995. 217
of a standard work for the teaching of edition is written for [hose studying services engineering COUISCS.
In the new Bulldlng
Littlefair, P. Proc. 3rd Europearl Corlfrrulce 01, Euery~~-Effic~u~ Lrgh/mg, Newcasrle, JUII. 1995, IAEEL, 1, 377-384 Discusses Part L (conservation of fuel and power) ot the Building Regulations for England and Wales, which contains for the first time requirements on efficient lighting.
Microprocessor based inverse-time multiple overcurrent relays Fadual, F. and Krahe, R. EIecrric Power Sysrems Res., Dec. 1995, 35, (3). 207-211, Inverse-time overcurrent relays are used to protect transmission lines and other power system equipment. The use of microprocessors to implemem single and multiple overcurrent relays has been reported in the literature. In the paper it is shown that several independent overcurrent relays and other tasks can be implemented using a single microcontroller: the Intel 8051.
96103904 Modelling and simulation of the operational impacts and value of distributed renewable resources in electric power systems Proc. Solar ‘95 Conference, Hobarr, MacGill, I. E. and Kaye, R. J. Tasmania, ANZSES,
Box 124, Caulfield
East, Vie. 3145, Australia.
Distributed renewable resources are, together with other novel decentralised power technologies, likely to play an increasingly important role in electric power systems. There are however, a number of operational issues that need addressing before their widespread use. The paper outlines the development of an object oriented software modelling and simulation tool for exploring power system operation with distributed resources. New alr-cooled turboaenerator in the 300.MVA 96103905 class Stephan, C. E. ABB Review, 1906, (l), 20-28. Systematic improvement of the design and cooling principles of air-cooled turbogenerators has produced unit ratings that until just a few years ago were only possible with hydrogen-cooled machines. Proven features such as axial ventilation of the rotor and indirect cooling of the stator winding have been retained in the new units. The efficiency figures are excellent: for the described 300-MVA turbogenerator in the 50-Hz version just 0.1 to 0.2 percentage points below the value of a hydrogen-cooled unit, and for 60 Hz -due 10 the higher windage losses - 0.2 to 0.4 percentage points lower. A slight increase in losses with air cooling is compensated for in most cases by lower investment and maintenance costs, so that economic advantages can generally be expected when air-cooled generators are used. 96103906
New method of fault locatlon on double-clrcult twoterminal transmlsslon lines Mazon, A. J ef al., Elecrric Power Systems Res., Dec. 1995, 35, (3), 213.21’). Describes a new method 10 locate faults on double-circuit transmission lines.
New POLIMR medium-voltage surge arresters wlth 96103907 slllcone lnsulatlon Schmidt, W. ABB ReGw, 1996, (2), 32-38. Surge arresters improve the reliability of power systems by reducing the Interference caused by lightning overvoltages and switching transients. The past 25 years have seen ABB arrester rechnology go through rhree evolutionary stages. First, the arresters with plate-type spark gaps and Sic resistars were replaced by gapped arresters featuring magnetic blow-out for improved protection. This technology was eventually superseded at all the voltage levels by the far more efficient MO arresters and zinc-oxide resitors. The third major improvement came with the MVK, MWK and, more recently, POLIMR medium-voltage arresters, which have siliconepolymer insilation instead of ceramic Insulators. POLIM surge arresters combined in an optimum way the outstanding protection properties of metal oxide, exceptional reliability in services and safety in the event of oxferloads.
Hemmingson, E. er al., ABB Revmv, 1996, (3), 4-9. Describes a newly developed compact robot system dubbed IRB 6400C which is helping IO increase the productivity of spot welding and assembl) Imes in the automotive industry and at the same time reduce their first-lime and operating cos& Due to the system’s compactness and three different work envelopes, more robots can be operated in a welding station than in the past. Leaner, more efficient production is possible as a result.
Fuel and Energy