96lO4650 Use of carbon science concepts to understand coal structure and reactlvlty Cuesta, A. et al., Coal Sci. Technol., 1995, 1, 47-50. Five coals of difference rank were characterized by XPS, XRD, Raman microprobe spectroscopies, surface area, porosity, reactivities in coal 0, plasma, thermogravimetry,and DTA. In comparing the bulk and surface compositions, the lignite and subbituminous coals were enriched in carbon and depleted in 0 at the surface, whereas the opposite was observed for the two higher-rank coals. N and S seemed to be depleted at the sample surface.
Preparation Apparent coal vlscoslty estlmated from needle 96104661 penetratlon Into pellet of pulverized coal particles Matsuoka, K. et ai, ISIJ In;, 1996, 36, (l), 40-44. Describes the needle penetration and volumetric dilation which were measured for cylindrical pellets of six kinds of pulverized coal particles using a needle penetrometer. 96104652 The appllcatlon of low-temperature oxldatlon for lnvestlgatlon and ratlonal utlllratlon of coals Zaostrovsky, A. N. et al., Coal Sci. Technol., 1995, 1, 131-134. Low-temperature oxidation of coal in cool oxygen plasma was used to evaluate the effects of minerals and the structure of the mineral components in coal, especially in the grinding, preparation, and reactions of aqueous coal slurries. The structure of the mineral phase decreased with increasing kaolinite content, which may explain the good slurry fluidity and homogeneity from high-kaolinite coals. 96104653 Blodesulfurlratlon of coals from the north of Leon (Spaln). Optlmlzatlon of process varlables Martinez, 0. et al., Coal Sci. Technol., 1995, 24, (2), 1749-1752. It was found that the degree of coal biodesulphurization with autochthonous bacteria was higher than that with collectlon cultures. In addition, the bacteria inherent in the coal can also add some activity. A higher biodesulphurization rate was achieved with coal at pH 2.0, 35”, and 15% pulp density Change In physlcochemlcal propertles of peat dur96104654 Ing molsture removal and mechanlcal dlsperslon Gavrilchik, A. P. et al., Vestsi Akad. Navuk Belarusi, Ser. Khim. Navak, 1995, (2), 109-114. (In Russian) Describes the effect of drying and size reduction in a grinder and a vortex magnetic field apparatus on peat properties. 96104655 Chemical desulfurlzatlon methods of organic sulfur of Eocene coal, Jalntla Hills, Meghalaya Ahmed, M. and Rahim, A. Coal Sci. Technol.; 1995, 24, (l), 1721-1724. Two-step desulphurization of Eocene coal (Meghalaya and Assam, India) with 1:3 HNO, and then with 2N NaOH was recommended as a viable process for removal of organic sulphur. Coal desulphurization with hydroiodic acid and 96104656 microwaves Ferrando, A. C. er al., Coal Sci. Technol., 1995, 24, (2), 1729-1732. Sierra de Arcos coal (Teruel region, Spain) was desulphurized by reaction with HI in a sealed reactor in Hz with microwave heating for 10 minutes, resulting in >99% pyrite sulphur removal and 64.7% removal of organic sulphur. Sulphur was removed as H,S, although elemental S was also obtained. 96104657 Coal heterogeneity and Its effect on coal floatability as derived from flotatlon tests in methanol solutions Holuszko, M. E. and Laskowski, J. S. Proc. Process. Hydrophobic Miner. Fine Coal, UBC-McGill Bi-Annu. Int. Symp. Fundam. Minera. Process, Canadian Inst. of Mining, Metallurgy & Petroleum, 1995, 145-163. The paper disc&es the hydrophobiiity of coal particles tested by studying critical surface tension of wettability and floatability, and the differences between these two parameters. The values of critical surface tension of floatability have been determined for particles of certain petrographic composition. The study is also believed lo be the first one 10 derive critical surface tension of floatability values for macerals by techniques different than contact angle. 96iO4650 Demineralization of anthracite char by molten salts Alfaro-Dominguez, M. et al., Coal Ser. Technol., 1995. 24, (2), 1577-1580. A study was made of the demineralization of anthracite char with a molten LiCI-KC1 mixture containing CaO, Cu?O, COO, ZnO, MgO, EiiO, or FeO.
Solid fuels (preparation)
96104659 Dry magnetic desulfurlratlon of pulverized coal Zhou, S. et al., Inst. Chem. Eng. Symp. Ser., 1995, (138), 223-230. Describes how dry magnetic desulphurization tests were conducted on a British coal using ferromagnetic stainless steel wire meshes as the matrix which was placed in the bore of a superconducting magnet. Its effectiveness lo remove sulphur and ash content from dry pulverized coal was determined. 96104660 Dry-cleaning coal by fluldlred-bed Tanaka, Z. Kemikaru Enjiniyaringu, 1996,41, (3), 218-221. (In Ja anese) Discusses dry washing of coal fluidized beds. Deashing in a multlp.P e stage fluidized bed, which resembles a distillation process, and a solid-component separation method, or powder extraction, which resembles liquid extraction are introduced. The effect of brown coal petrographic composltlon 96104661 on the propertles of hot brlquets Fomin. A. P. et al.. Coal Sci. Technol.. 1995. 24. (1). 311-314. The strength of the’briquets produced under labor&ii conditions correlated closely with coal characteristics. An investigation was made of coals with optimal properties under pilot-scale conditions. 96104662 Effect of different drylng methods on coal structure and reactlvltv toward llauefactlon Miknis, F. P. if al., Energy Fuels, 1996, 10, (3), 631-640. Discusses the investigation of diffeent methods of drying coal lo determine if drying can be accomplished without altering the coal structure and reactivity toward liquefaction. Coal-drying methods included thermal and miciowave drying at elevated tembera&res and chemical drying at low temperature. Six coals from lignite to high volatile bituminous rank were studied. 96104663 Effect of gas nuclei on hydrophobic coagulation Zhou, 2. A. et al., J. Colloid Interface Sci., 199.5, 179, (l), 311-314. Discusses the experimental results on coagulation of fine coal particles in water (i.e. natural hydrophobicity) and silica in dodecylamine hydrochloride solution (chemical induced hydrophobicity). Different behaviour was observed depending whether or not the slurry was degassed. After degassing, the apparent size of both coal and silica floes became smaller, which was attributed 10 removal of gas-phase nuclei and consequent reduction in interparticle attractive force. The effect on settling, however, was different for both; the settling rate of silica decreased whereas for coal it increased. 96104664 Effect of scale factor on the structure farmatlan durlng drying of colloidal caplllary-porous peat bodies Afanas’ev, A. E. and Boltushkin, A. N. ColloidJ., 1996, 58, (2), 139-144. 96104665 Effect of the lnltlal condltlon In a fluldlzed bed for coal cleaning Kozanoglu, B. In) Tecnol., 1995, 6, (5), 69-73. (In Spanish) Describes the development of a one dimensional,, transient, bubbling fluidized bed model for predicting the axial distribution of the particle concentrations. The results system of partial differential equations was solved numerically by a Runge-Kutta integration scheme. Effect of turbulence on the flotation of flne coals 96104666 Chenp. Y. H. er al,. PI-oc. Process. Hvdrouhobic Miner. Fine Coal. CJBCMcGgj Bi-Annu. In’t. Symp. Fundam. ‘Minlra. Process, Canadian inst. of Mining, Metalhrrgy & Perroleum, 1995, 425-434. Froth flotation in a turbulent three-phase system is the most widely adopted technique for recovering coal fines and is influenced by many chemical and hydrodynamic factors. Flotation is usually achieved either in mechanical agitated flotation machines or in flotation columns. In mechanical agitated flotation machines, the operation takes place under highly a itated conditions. The turbulence controls air dispersion, the suspension o %partlcles, the rate of particle-bubble collisions, and the stresses that tend lo break oarticle-bubble azerenates. Results showed that sufficient turbulence promo‘tes the recovery:? fLe particles, but excessive turbulence disrupts particle-bubble aggregates depending on the surface properties. The results obtained are discussed on the basis of surface propeties of coal and hydrodynamic conditions encountered in the flotation process. Experimental needle cakes for graphltlzed 96104667 electrodes Mordukhovich, B. S. er al., Khim. Tekhnol. Tf~pl.Moscow, 1995, (6), 5-7. (In Russian) As a result of the usage of coarser needle coke, decrease of the coke percentage in the charge, and addition of Fe,O;, in the amount corresponding to sulphur concentration in the coke, the yield of graphitized electrode blanks increased up to 98.5% and was comparable to that attained with imported needle coke containing up to O.S%S. Formed coal brlquets 96104666 Iwama, H. er al., (Assigned to) Ube Industries, JAP. Pat. JP.O7,310,084, Nov. 1995. The briquets contain low-grade coal, clay minerals, S fixation agents, and binders. The generation of smoke is prevented.
Fuel and Energy