Electric power generation and utilisation (economics, policy, supplies, forecasts)
Static frequency converter couples US paper mill’s 96105072 25-Hz and 60-l+ electricity grids Moen, T. E. ABE Review, 1996, (4) 32-37. Before 60 Hz was adopted as the standard frequency for electricity distribution in the USA, power companies across the nation had traditionally operated with a frequency of their own choice. In Pennsylvania, for example, 25 Hz was widely used, and even today there are a large number of power networks still operated as 25-Hz ‘islands’. Only recently, as modern static frequency converters have come onto the market, has it become possible to exchange energy between these networks and the 60-Hz grid.
of a self-controlled
nous motor Srivastava. S. P. et al.. Electric Power Systems Rex. Mar. 1996. 36. (3). ~I 211-216. The paper describes a simple mathematical model for steady-state analysis of self-controlled synchronus motor in terms of d.q. variables.
96/05074 Study of turbinegenerator shan parameters from the viewpoint of subsynchronous resonance Ibrahim, E. S. Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Aug. 1996, 18, (6), 371-376. Changes to the mechanical design have not received any consideration as a solution to the subsynchronous resonance (SSR) problem. This is mainly because the ordering and manufacture of the turbine-generator has often been done long before the SSR Problem is diagnosed. It is observed that hydraulic turb&tes do not experience SSR problems and that the problem occurs with varying degrees of severity for different designs and sizes of thermal machines. The principle objective of this paper is to explore the sensitivity of shaft design parameters as a possible solution to the SSR problem. This assessment was performed using an eigenvalue analysis technique of the mechanical and electrical systems. A parametric investigation was also made to assess the sensitivity of the damping ratio for the different modes to the variation of generator-exciter shaft stiffness.
96105075 Terminations and connectors Rea, T. er al., Elect. Contracror, Feb. 1996, 21-23. Presents three short articles on cable connections and terminations.
96105076 Unit commitment by genetic algorithm with penalty methods and a comparison of Lagrangian search and genetic algorithm-economic dispatch example Sheble, G. B. er a!., Elecfrical Power & Energy Systems, Aug. 1996, 18, (6), 339-346. A genetic algorithm is a random search procedure which is based on the survival of the fittest theory. The paper presents the genetic algorithm applied to the unit commitment scheduling problem and to the economic dispatch of generating units.
96105077 Use of modern waveform reconstruction techniques in digital power system simulators Skendzic, V. er al., Electric Power Systems Res., Mar. 1996, 36, (3), 191-195. The paper presents a short tutorial covering the use of modern waveform reconstruction techniques for digital power system simulator applications. Special emphasis is given to the requirements related to open- and closedloop testing of protective relays and the possibility of using existing standards regulating digital audio applications,
Computerized trading takes its first steps 96105080 MPS, Modern Power Systems, May 1996, 16, (S), 23, 25-26. Discusses the new electricity industry emerging in the US which will be more dependent on the trading of power over the transmission network than the regulated market. At present, trading is a somewhat ad hoc procedure. with oersonal teleohone contacts the mime negotiation route. New means of organizing trades are coming forward, &td they promise to increase the transparency of the transactions and give valuable market information.
96/05081 Countdown to 1998 Wyman, V. Elect. Rev., Mar. 1996, 229, (5), 20-22. Discusses the progress towards a free market for the supply of electricity to UK users with a maximum demand of less than 100 kW planned for 1998.
96105082 Decision support for energy trading between Dower aenerators Robson,?. A. et al., Electrical Power & Energy Sysfems, Aug. 1996, 18, (6). 359-369. Within the privatized Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) of the United Kingdom there exist several ways of selling electricity. The paper concentrates on spot trading with an external pool member .outsidd the England and Wales Pool. The ooeration of the UK ES1 is described to identifv the role of the spot markeiand details are given of the software which-has been written to assist ooerations eneineers in the biddine orocess. A tvoical software run is presented and i& application for the %ure is discussed.
96105083 Development of a Monte Carlo based aggregate model for residential electric water heater loads Dolan, P. S. et al., Electric Power Systems Res., Jan. 1996, 36, (l), 29-35. A model for a residential electric water heater load is developed using an energy flow analysis of the water heater tank. An aggregate model for residential electric water heater loads is then developed using a rejection type Monte Carlo simulation technique. The resultant aggregate model is then used to assess the effectiveness of several demand-side management strategies using the water heater load profile presented in a previous analysis.
96105084 Driving for efficiency Sacks, J. Elecf. REL,., Feb. 1996, 229, (4) 29, 31-32. Discusses the costs and efficiency of large electric motors.
96105085 Economic organization and llberallzation of the electricity industry. In search of conceptualization Arentsen. M. J. and Kunneke, R. W. Energy Poliq, Jun. 1996, 24, (6), 541-552. In this article a theoretical conceptualization of the liberalization of the electricity industry is developed. Three pure and six mixed coordination systems are identified. The main distinguishing factor is the choice of one of three different allocation systems (the price mechanism, voluntary agreement and governmental hierarchical authority) as a dominant or additional system. Based on this conceptualization, it is possible to operationalize the concept of liberalization, to distinguish it from the notions of privatization and regulation, and to model the relation between different sectoral organizations and different types of governmental regulations. The classification scheme is illustrated by applying it to four countries (the Netherlands, Germany, England and Wales, and France).
96105070 An alternatlve approach to roundlng off generation models In power system reliablllty evaluation Sineh. C. er al.. Electric Power Systems Res., Jan. 1996, 36, (1). 37-44. Generation system models are used in single-area, multi-area, and composite system reliability studies. The smaller the number of states, the fewer will be the calculations involved in computing the reliability indices. The paper describes a new method of rounding off to reduce the number of states in the generation system model without sacrificing the accuracy. The accuracy and efficiency are studied using three sample systems.
Energy consumption in UK households: Impact of 96105086 domestic electrical appliances Mansouri, I. et al., Applied Energy, Jul. 1996, 54. (3), 211-285. The social-psychological aspects of energy use in UK households have been reviewed. A major survey, which focused on identifying environmental attitudes and beliefs. enerev-use behaviour. ownershin levels for certain appliances and their utilisaticn patterns, was undertaken’among householders resident in the south-east of England. The results indicate that members of the general public are (1) interested in receiving information concerning household energy use and the associated environmental impact, and (2) willing to modify their behaviour in order to reduce household energy consumption and environmental damage. Therefore, there is an urgent need to provide end-users with accurate energy-consumption and environmental-impact information, persuasively presented.
The challenge for the future 96105079 White. D. J. Inst. Chem. Ena. SvmD. Ser.. 1995. (1381, 75-83 Discusses the privatization of-the’Ui(‘s electricitysupply industry which has led to an increase in competition and the introduction of new combined cycle capacity based on natural gas. The older coal and oil fired plant is being displaced but with much useful life remaining. The challenge is evaliating an economically viable and environmentally acceptable wais of using that capacity.
96/05087 FEW final rule opens up stranded cost debate Stein, H. MPS, Modern Power Systems, Jun. 1996, 16, (6). 19, 21. Reoorts that the US Federal Enerev Reeulatorv Commission recentlv is&es its ‘Final Rule’ for opening tr%mission access for both utility and non-utility electric generators. The Rule closely follows the Yega-NOPR it is based on, and means that the die is cast for the most major changes the power industry has seen since the 1930s. Worries still remain, however, over the effects of FERC’s ruling on the thorny issue of stranded costs.
Policy, Supplies, Forecasts
Fuel and Energy Abstracts