05097 Optimal planning of distribution substation locations and sizes — Model and algorithm

05097 Optimal planning of distribution substation locations and sizes — Model and algorithm

06 Electric power generation and utilisation (economics, policy, supplies, forecasts) 96105066 Flnland: Looklng to a common Nordic electrlclty ex...

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power generation

and utilisation

(economics, policy, supplies, forecasts)

96105066 Flnland: Looklng to a common Nordic electrlclty exchange Mykkanen, T. MPS, Modern Power Systems, Supplement, Scandinavia, May 1996, 16, (5), 25, 27, 29. In June 1995. the Nordic Enerev Ministers decided that the Norwav-Sweden power exchange would bezn operation at the beginning of 19$6 and that Finland would join at the beginning of 1997. In what could be seen as Finland’s first step towards joining this Nordic power exchange system, the country is due 10 begin operating its own power trading system this summer.

Hydra-Quebec energy savings programs: ‘Watt’ are 96105009 they worth? ~~;s~e;auk.E. et al., Resource & Energy Economics, Mar. 1996, 18, (l), Hydro-Quebec, a large government-owned electric utility serving the Province of Quebec, launched several energy savings programmes as part of its 1992 development plan. It will be replacing investment in new hydroelectric power projects with investment in energy savings and intends to spend S1.9 billion from 1992 to 2000 and $2.0 billion from 2001 lo 2010 on the venture. This is expected to reduce electricity demand by 9.3 TWh in 2000 (5.4% of the business as usual forecast) and by 18.0 TWh in 2010 (9.1% of the business as usual forcast). The authors perform a cost-benefit analysis of the programmes, taking into account the financial criteria underlying electricity rates paid by consumers.

Impact of power wheellng on composite system 96105090 adequacy evaluation Billinton, R. and Gbeddy, F. Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Mar. 1996, 18, (3), 143-151. One of the many possible uses and benefits of interconnection between neighbouring electric power systems is the opportunity to wheel energy through the transmission facilities of one system in order to serve another system. Wheeling of energy can also occur within a system when an independent power producer serves a load located at some other point in the system. Power wheeling transactions are recognized to have a definite impact on the utility’s system losses depending upon the system topology, the amount of power/energy wheeled and the wheeling distance involved. These factors currently form the basis for determining service charges associated with power wheeling. Quantification of the reliability impacts of power wheeling is also important in order to understand fully the impacts of wheeling options.

lndlvldual dlscountlng, energy conservation, and 96105091 household demand for llghtlng Kooreman, P. Resource & Energy Economics, &far. 1996, 18, (l), 103-114. The paper analyzes household appliance purchase and energy consumption and conservation related to demand for lighting. The behavioural model is estimated using data on consumers’ choic& berween various types of electric light bulbs with large differences in purchase costs, operating costs and lifteimes. The model allows the utility attached 10 energy conservation per se lo vary across consumers and explicitly takes into account the random nature of the lifetimes of lamps. Due to the panel nature of the data and the differences between lifetimes of high-efficiency and low-efficiency lamps, the consumers’ discount rate can be estimated without assuming that he correctly perceive the operating cos1s. The estimated annual discount rate is about 15%. somewhat lower than most estimates in earlier studies.

lntearatlon of Dower svstems In Scandlnavla 96105092 Lundberg, L. MP>, Modern Power Syitems, Supplement, Scandinavia, IMay 1996, 16, (5), 3, 5, 7. Discusses the co-operation and integration of electric power systems in Scandinavia.

LM6000s brlng fast track power to Tanzanla 96105093 Lukas, R. et al., MPS, Modern Power Systems, Jun. 1996, 16, (6), 61, 63, 65. Reports that Tanzania like many other developing countries is in urgent need of power. To ease the situation, the Tanzanian government utility, Tanzania Electric Supply Company recently began operating a power plant using two LM6000 aeroderivative gas turbines at a facility in Ubungo.

Mlnlmum loss optlmlzatlon In dlstrlbutlon systems: 96105094 Discrete ascent optlmal programmlng Broadwater, R. P. et al., Electric Power Systems Rer., Feb. 1996, 36, (2), 113-121. A new algorithm, discrete ascent optimal programming, for optimal power flow in distribution systems is presented. The new algorifhm will converge to the same solution as the Lagrange multiplier approach, as demonstrated by example. An intuitive discussion illustrating the path of convergence is presented along with a theorem concerning convergence. The algorithm is explained with two DC examples which illustrate both unconstrained and constrained solutions.


Fuel and Energy




96105095 New functions of the regulator and government In llberallzed electric Industries: The lessons from European experience Finon, D. Revue de I’Energie, Apr.-May . 1996, (477).I 225-237. (In French) Contrary to what liberals assumed, the experience of introducing competition in the British and Norwegian electric industries shows the need for reinforcing the regulatory function, compared with the previous monopolistic organization. Alongside the new competition control functions, the old control functions of the natural monopoly - namely, the control of investments, price control, consumer protection - now have to be reconfigured. The experience also shows that new rules, similar to the old public service norms, are being defined by a succession of lessons learned. 96/05096 On the models of peak load forecaste uncertainty In probablllstlc productlon costing algorithms Hoffer, J. and Prill, M. Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Mar. 1996, 18, (3), 153-160. The paper presents a model and related methodology for the problem of reliability calculation and production costing simulation with peak load forecast uncertainty. The model uses conditional load duration curves, each of them represents a realization of the random peak load. The conditional load duration curves are arbitrary but identical over the interval of the base load domain, and linear in the peak load domain. The final load duration curve is a mixture (the integral) of the conditional load duration curves. Optlmal plannlng of dlstrlbutlon substatlon loca96105097 tlons and sizes - Model and algorlthm Hongwei, D. et al., Electrical Power &?Energy Systems, Aug. 1996, 18, (6), 353-357. A new method is presented in this paper to solve the optimal planning problem of distribution substations. The procedure proposed does not require candidate substation locations and can automatically select the optimal sizes, locations and service areas of substations in power distribution systems. In addition, an effective solution algorithm is also presented. Overseas Departments and their atypical electrlcal 96105098 dlmenslons: Attempt at a surve on the flftleth blrthdays of the Overseas Departments and Ed Fy Cauret, L. and Adnot, J. RevIre de I’Energie, Jun. 1996, (478), 307-315. (In French) In 1946, the French overseas territories Guadeloupe, Martinque, French Guyana and Reunion Island were finally integrated in the French administrative system and became four overseas departments. They celebrated in 1996 their fiftieth anniversaries at the same lime as the French utility Electricite de France, (EdF). It is an opportunity to discover their energy systems, particularly the local electric systems which have been based on the juridical frame imported from continental France (but with numerous local adaptations). Nationalized in 1975, these insular electrical grids sustain climatic, technical and economical constraints, generating higher and higher EdF losses in DOM. They face today poorly-known problems very different than those existing in the mainland. Parametrlsatlon of domestlc load proflles 96/05099 Apphed Energy, Jul. 1996, 54, (3), Riddell, A. G. and Manson, K. 199-210. As part of a study to determine the factors influencing the power usage patterns of domestic consumers, electrical loads have been logged at halfand quarter-hourly intervals for several months. This enables the production of hundreds of daily load profiles, the shapes of which can be analysed with respect to various attributes of the consumers. However, in order to carry out such an analysis, it is necessary to find a numerical representation of a load shape. It is found that the most suitable means of doing so is to calculate Fourier series approximations lo the profiles, and use the coefficients of the series 10 represent the profile shapes. Prlme movers reduce energy costs 96105100 Swanson, J. E. Plant Engng., Jan. 1996, 50, (l), 64-66. The author discusses how to analyse the economics involved in determining the payback period for engine-driven generators and chillers. Rellablllty evaluatlon of a generation-resource plan 96105101 using customer-outage costs In lndla Sarkar, A. Energy, Sep. 1996, 21, (9), 795-803. Customer-outage costs are used to evaluate reliability of the generationresource plan for a major power system in India, through development of an analytical reliability evaluation model. Extensive field surveys were conducted of different customer categories to examine inconveniences faced due to electricity interruptions. A composite outage cost function weighted across all customer categories in the region is estimated in a loglinear functional form. The status of demand side management In the 96105102 United States Meier, A. Energy & Environment, 1996, 7, (2). 179-190. Demand-side management (DSM), is now being tried in many countries. The paper reviews the current status of DS.M in the United States and describes the key issues that will determine its future.