05915 Low temperature steam-coal gasification catalysts

05915 Low temperature steam-coal gasification catalysts

03 98105907 The rffect of CO, partial prsssuro on gaslflcatlon reactlvlty Zhann, L. and Calo, J. M. Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Sot., Div. Fuel Chem., 19%,...

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03 98105907

The rffect of CO, partial prsssuro on gaslflcatlon reactlvlty Zhann, L. and Calo, J. M. Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Sot., Div. Fuel Chem., 19%,41. (1). 138-142. The gasification reactivity of coal char and a resin derived char are controlled by desorption rates of 1 atm CO,. As CO, partial pressure decreases, the formation rate of surface complexes becomes corn arable to the desorption rates, and the reaction rate begins to deviate from Bcsorption rate-controlled. For heterogeneous char surfaces, the distribution of desorption activation energies can be determined from TPD desorption rates.

98105998 Effect of HNO, and NH, treatment on the catalytic oxldatlon of carbon catalyzed by Cu, MO and thelr mlxture at the eutectlc composltlon Palma, M. C. et al., Coal Sci. Technol., 1995, 24, 691-694. Presents a study of the effects of chemical surface treatment on charcoal reactivity and MO and Cu dispersion in charcoal gasification in air. The results did not show a clear relationship between surface treatment, metal dispersion and catalytic activity. Enrlchlng methanecontalnlng gases from a coal 96lO5999 mlne or landflll Backhaus, C. and Dietz, B. (Assigned to) Umsichr Insritur fier Utnwelrund Sicherheirsrechnik e.V., GER. Par. DE.4,425,712,

Jan. 1996.

Describes how gases containing 20-6.5% methane are compressed to S-15 bar, CO, and water are then removed, the gases are precooled to partially condense the methane, and then the gas/liquid mixture is separated at lower temperatures to produce a product gas containing more than 85% methane. The fate of trace elements In coal during 98lO5910 gaslflcatlon J. and Williamson, J. Coal Sci. Technol., 1995, 24, &sse&,& During the gasification of coal, trace elements have been shown to partitition between bed ash and cyclone fines. The high concentration of most trace elements in the cyclone ashes su ests that these elements are strongly associated with the fine mineraP particles which are elutriated from the bed. Partition due to chemical differences is of a lesser significance. Feaslblllty and status of coal gaslflcatlon com96lO5911 blned cycle plant In Japan Uchida, S. et al., Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Sot., Div. Fuel Chem., 1996,41, (2), 516-520. Discusses the results of a 200 ton/da pilot lant. The plant includes a airblown coal gasifier and a fixed-bed 1.. acthty Por gas purtfication. The IGCC technology development has now reached the demonstration phase. 98lO5912 Formatlon of hydrogen permselectlve slllca membrane for elevated temperature hydrogen recovery from a mlxture contalnlng steam Sea,B. K. er al., Gas Sep. Purif, 1996, 10, (3), 187-195.

Gaseous fuels (derivedgaseous fuels)

98/05917 Method and lnstallatlon for gaslfylng solld fuel Van der Burgt, M. J. and Van Liere, J. (Assigned to) N.V. Kema, Nerh.,

EUR. Par. EP.708,168, Apr. 19%.

Describes a method for gasifying solid fuel such as carbon and heavy petroleum residue. 98lO5918

Mlcroscoplc lnvestlgatlon of the dlffuslon of carbon dloxlde and catalysts durlng coal gaslflcatlon Shibaoka, M. er al., Coal Sci. Technol., 1995, 24, 703-706. Discusses the permeability of black coal chars to CO2 gas and the diffusion of catalysts into such chars. 98/05919 Mine methane and envlronment: Ways of methane utlllzatlon Yelchainov, E. A. Inrergas 96, Proc. Inr. Unconv. Gas Symp., Univ. of

Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala., USA, 1995, 509-512. The paper discusses the effect ‘of coal-bed CH, on the environment and

technical possibilities of its utilization. Describes the technical and engineering approaches to CH,-air mixture preparation and enrichment via gas separation and cleaning. CH,-air mixture separation is important to prevent environmental pollution and for CH, utilization in various applications, 98105920

A moving-bed gaslfler wlth Internal recycle of pyrolysls gas Susanto. H. and Beenackers, A. A. FueL Seu. 1996. 75. (ll), 1339-1347. A co-current moving bed gasifier with internal recycle and separate combustion of pyrolysis gas has been developed with the aim of producing a design suitable for scaling-up downdraft gasifiers while maintaining a low tar content in the producer gas. Using wood chips with a moisture content of 7-9 wt% (db) as a fuel at a rate,of 20 kg h“, this system produced a gas pith a heating value of 4500 kJm; and a very low tar content of ~0.1 g m,’

98/05921 A novel reactor system for studylng the klnetlcs of coal llquefactlon and related processes at very short reactlon times Huang, H. er al., Coal Sci. Technol., 1995, 24, 1203-1206. A novel laboratory-scale short-contact-time batch reactor was devised that was capable of operation at up to 450” and 17 MPa with well-defined contact times ranging from a few seconds to 1 hour or longer. Plasma processing of brown coal 98105922 ;lot_yl$ w. w. et al., Inr. J. Mater. Prod. Technol., 1995, 10, (3), Presents selected problems of brown coal as well as another solid carbonaceous materials yrolysis and gasification in a plasma jet. introduction of the coal into t1 ermal plasma caused its decomposition into simpler components. 98105923


Gaslflcatlon reactlvltles of chars from different llgnlte varletles Martinez-Alonso, A. er al., Coal Sci. Tech&., 1995, 24, 571-574. Discusses the chemical structure of lignite varieties which has little effect on the gasification reactivity of the corresponding pyrolysis chars. Despite some correlation between surface area and reactivity, the physical structure of chars is not the only factor influencing their reactivity. The catalytic effect of inorganic constituents seems to have a significant role. 96l85914 lnternatlonal prospects for coalbed methane recovery at coal mines: An overvlew of methane emlsslons, recovery practices and key opportunltles Kruger, D. W. Inrergas 95, ProcJnr. Unconv. Gas Symp., Univ. of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala., USA, 1995, 541-556.

The paper presents results of USEPA work to quantify international CH, emissions from coal mining and identify key countries that could profitably reduce their emissions in the future. 98/05915 Low temperature steam-coal gaslflcatlon catalysts Hippo, E. J. and Tandon, D. Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Sot., Div. Fuel Chem., 1996, 41, (I), 216-220. The aim of this work is to develop a low temperature sulphur resistant catalyst for coal steam gasification. The emphasis is placed on a single-step methane production. Mechanisms and klnetlcs of thermal reactlons of 98l85918 aromatlc hydrocarbons from pyrolysis of solld fuels Jess, A. Fuel, Oct. 1996, 75, (12), 1441-1448. The kinetics of the thermal conversion of aromatic hydrocarbons in the presence of hydrogen and steam were studied, using anphthalene, toluene and benzene as model compounds. The experiments were performed in a tubular flow reactor at a total pressure of 160 KPa, temperatures of 70014OO”C,residence times of 0.3-2s and different gas-phaseconcentrations of hydrogen, steam and the aromatics. The mechanisms of primary and consecutive reactions are presented as reaction schemes that are supported by kinetic calculations.

Pressure-varylng coal gaslflcatlon technology Feng, Y. Huafei Gongye, 1996, 23, (l), 23-25, 35. (In Chinese) Describes the operating conditions of a pilot plant for testing pressurevarying coal gasification. 96105924

Recovery of coal gas from mlne shaft pillars In rela-

$nneto the method

of suppresslng


of a particular

Prokop, P. Uhli-Rudy-Geol. Pruzkum, 1996, 3, (2), 54-58. (ln Czech) Discusses the various methods of production suppression in coal mines and mine degassing variants. 98105925 The role of carbonlzatlon In the evolutlon of coal char gaslflcatlon reactlvlty Senneca. 0. et al.. Preor. Pan-Am. Chem. Sot.. Div. Fuel Chem..I 1996.I

41, (l), 103-107. ’ ‘ ‘ Examines the effect of thermal annealing on the reactivity of char from bituminous coal in Co, atmospheres. A model based on a triangular network of reactions shows the- ability to match experimental reactivity profiles over the entire range of carbon burn-offs. 98f85928

Steam gaslflcatlon of coal - The effects of acid and alkall leaching of coal on Its gaslflcatlon rate Murata, S. er al., Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Sot., Div. Fuel Chem., 1996,41,

(l), 237-240. The paper describes how the rate of coal gasification with steam is increased when the coal is demineralized with HF, HNO, or NaOH prior to the gasification. 98105927 Studles of treatment of coking gas for hydrogen productlon feed and Its commercial appllcatlons Fang, Y. Shiyou Lianzhi Yu Huagong, 1996, 27, (2), l-5. (In Chinese)

Describes the develooment of a orocess to remove most of the olefins and organic sulphides contained in coke oven gas. The process includes naphtha absorption, light gas oil absorption, once through hydrogenation, etc.

Fuel and Energy Abstracts
