Electric power generation
Valve-regulated lead/acid batteries for SLI use In 96106116 Japan Isoi, T. and Furukawa, H. J. @Power Sources, Mar.-Apr. 1996,59, (l), 143-146. Valve-regulated lead/acid batteries for automotive ap lications have been on the market in Japan for more than ten years. Initial Py, the batteries were used only for a small-size motorcycle. Today, however, they are widely employed in all sizes of motorcycles. In the meantime, VRLA batteries has also been used for agricultural machines, and even for some types of passenger cars. The paper provides an overview of the progress in the development and application of VRL4 batteries for SLI (starting, lighting and ignition) use in Japan and discusses future expected trends. 96106117 A vlew on chrmlcally aynthealzad expanders for leadlacld battery negative plates Aidman, G. I. J. ofPower Source-s, Mar.-Apr. 1996, 59, (l), 25-30. The mechanism of expander action is reviewed, with special emphasis on the role of its organic constituent and the method by which this constituent is derived from lignin. Voltage and cape&y atablllty of the Hubbla tale96iO6116 ?? copa nickel-hydrogen battery Vaidyanathan, H. et al., J. ofPower Sources, Jan. 1996, 58, (l), 7-14. The power system of the Hubble Space Telescope incudes two orbital re lacement units, each containing three nickel-hydrogen (N&H ) batteries oP 88 Ah capacity. Since launch in ADril 1990. the batteries fiave comnleted 23.oodcharge and discharne cvcies and continue to meet the newer hemands bf the sat&e. The volGge,*capacity, and pressure characte&tics of all six batteries were analyzed to determine the state of health of the battery to identify any signs of performance degradation.
96106119 Chlna’a power managamant Yang, M. and Yu, X. Energy Policy, Aug. 1996, 24, (8), 735-757. Supported by extensive statistical data, many current research papers, and national government official reports, this paper provides a comprehensive assessment of China’s power management. It aims to examine the evolution of national policies for power development? including supply-side management, demand-side management, and envlronmental conservation management. The paper concludes that the central government should continue changing the planning system from a centrally planned mode to a competitive market oriented mode, abolish the power project approval policy, speed up reforms in electricity pricing, make effective laws suitable for the development of China’s power industry and invest in energy efficiency on an equivalent basis with generation. 96106120 Coat-effective lncentlvea for cooperation between partlclpanta In the alectrlclty market Andersson, M. and Karlsson, B. Applied Energy, Aug. 1996, 54, (4), 301-313. In the Swedish electricity system there is a great potential for increasing the cost efficiency of electricity use. Today economic incentives, offered for instance by existing electridity tariffs, a;e too weak to improve the use of the system. On the Swedish electricity market, there are at least three different uarticioants. the oower oroducer. the distributor and the customer. Today these pa&cip&ts ak sepakately o&ing to low awareness of the costs for electricity over the year and the day. If the participants are aware of the real electricity costs, cost-effective incentives for &operation will arise. When participants cooperate, the introduction of end-use measures will reduce system costs for those particiants that are involved in cooperation. The authors present a system analysis for cooperation between distributor and customers. Developing a small-area electricity demand fore96106121 casting system Madden, M. er al., The J. of Energy & Development, 20, (I), 1-23. The dvnamics of a reeion’s woulation structure make forward olannina prone io uncertainty &d risk.‘I.&ge capital investments to suppoi a population are difficult to target efficiently if accurate forecasts of the population’s requirements cannot be made. Thus, for an organization for which forward planning is an essential task, any reductions in uncertainty are very welcome. MANWEB is one of the British Regional Electricity Companies. The difficulty of predicting future populati& levels throuihout iis area means that the laree infrastructure investments needed to maintain and improve the distr&ion network are often subject to much uncertainty. Describes a small-area forcasting- system developed to help MANWEB to reduce some of this uncertainty by estimating no? only by how much electricity consumption is likely to change, but also where these changes are likely to occur.
and utilisation (economics,
policy, supplies,
Electrlclty privatization revlalted. A commentary on 96106122 the case of new lnltlatlvaa In lndla Ranganathan, V. Energy Policy, Sep. 1996, 24, (9), 821-825. Normally privatization is resorted to by different economies for different reasons - resource mobilization, introducing efficiency by promoting competition, and for achieving commercial orientation. Often these are assumed to be independent objectives. The Indian experience is showing that they are quite interdependent and unless all the three objectives are tackled simulataneously, privatization will not succeed. Speafically, the noor financial oerformance of the state electricitv boards and their lack of commercial orientation is applyin a brake on’investment in the power sector by foreign IPPs. Similarly ta e government’s approach to privatization without promoting competition - through the so-called Memorandum of Understanding -is leading to high cost solutions and acrimonious public debates demanding transparency in decision making and review of those already made.
96106123 Elactrlclty rationing through a two-stage machanlam Doucct, J. A. et al., Energy Economics, Jul. 1996, 18, (3), 247-263. Analvsis of interruutible service mechanisms has focused on the efficiencv losses due to the absence of corn lete contingent contracts. There exists ‘a second type of inefficiency whit iJl, to a large extent, has been ignored. It originates from the fact that the relative order, or ranking, of consumers’ willingness to pay for a given quantity generally varies throughout the contract period. A more general model of electricity demand allowing for changes in the order of consumer willingness to pay-for a given quantzy is presented. Under such demand conditions, the use of a two-stage rationing mechanism is proposed.
96106124 Environmental assessment of demand-aide management programs Turner, J. and Sinclair, J. Energy Studies Review, 1995, 7, (3), 220-231. Demand side management (DSM) programmes provide unique challenges to environmental impact assessment (EA). It is unclear whether traditional EA is warranted, or, what framework such as EA should have. The a r discusses the characteristics of the environmental impacts of Q?zl programmes and decides that an EA is required when programmes introduce new technolonies or uractices. or when oositive imoacts need to be more clearly define;. The ;esults of’a survey o‘finternatiokal utilities identified four types of DSM EAs. From this, and the literature, a number of EA approaches are developed and evaluated.
96106125 The external coats of electricity generation: Laaeons from the US experlenca Martin, P. E. Energy .&dies Review, 1995, 7, (3), 232-246. Some American electric utilities have been required since 1989 to incorprate environmental costs into their assessment criteria of competmg projects for a given required capacity. In doing this, their local regulators are trying to reduce the competitive disadvantage faced by DSM programmes and renewable-source electricity production. It is obvious, though, that this requirement, other than being heavily criticized, has not produced expected results. Selected values, as well as the existence of an unfavourable bias towards new facilities,, have created a number of controversies. Above all, the ongoing reorganization of the Californian electric industry has led to the complete disappearance of this requirement.
96106126 Free domestlc market In England ahead Raaijen, W. Gas (Netherlands), Sep. 1996, 116, (9), 12-17. (In Flemish) Part 2 of the ‘Energy sectors across the border’ series reviews the United Kingdom. In this trial field of liberalising and privatising matters are at stake that are vet onlv dreamt of in Holland. From 1998 even the British residential co&umers can pick their suppliers at will. This new step towards deregulation will have drastic effects, rates and quality of service being the main parameters.
Lead/acid battery myths 96106127 Moseley, P. T. J. ofPower Sources, Mar.-Apr. 1996, 59, (l), 81-86. The lead/acid battery deserves a more positive image than has been traditional heretofore-particularly with res ct to a number of aspects that relate to its utility as a power source p” or electric vehicles. Recent results from a large internationally coordinated research programme indicate that: (i) with proper attention to construction, valve-regulated lead/acid batteries can be deep-discharged many times without ca acity loss; (ii) lead/acid batteries can be recharged extremely rapidly so t!Jlat long journeys of electric vehicles become a realistic possibility; (iii) ranges of over 150 km between charges are achievable, and (iv) the introduction of significant numbers of lead/acid-powered electric vehicles does offer a beneficial environmental impact.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts November 1996 433