(pollution, health protection, safely)
ssKm614 Evaluation of extraction and detection methods for determining polynuclear aromatlc hydrocarbons from coal tar contaminated rolls Chen, C. S. et al., Chemosphere, 1996, 32, (6), 1123-1132. The use of batch, Soxhlet, and sonication extraction techniques was evaluated for determining the concentration of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in four soils contaminated with coal tar. 96/06615 Exercises In hedging against extreme consequences of global change and the expected value of information Yohe, G. Global Environmental Change, Jun. 1996, 6, 2), 87-101. The paper reports the implications for near-term global c6 ange policy of hedging against the extreme costs of low probability-high consequences events. Working with a full range of probabilistically weighted emissions trajectories and assuming complete resolution of uncertainty by the year 2020, the results support modest near-term carbon abatement policy that corresponds with a doubling of the efficient shadow price of carbon emissions. Assuming survey generated subjective likelihoods of extreme events, the efficient hedging shadow price can, for example, be as high as US$lS (US$1990) oer tonne of carbon emitted bv the vear 2020 along the median emissions’tiajectory and USS28 per tonne aloig a 95th perc&tile trajectory.
96106624 How green is your buildlng? Hampton, D. Energy Worli, May 1996, (239), 8-9. Reports that the Building Research Establishment (BRE), in partnership with several private sector companies? have available a number of products to help companies improve their environmental performance, thereby also improving their competitiveness. 96106625
How large a carbon tax Is justified by secondary benefits of CO, abatement? Ekins, P. Resource & Enernv Economics. Jun. 1996. 18. (21 161-187. The combustion of fossil fuels emits a rige of damaging ‘pollutants, the emissions of which are reduced if fossil fuel use is reduced in order to achieve CO, abatement. These reductions are termed the secondary benefits of such abatement. The paper reviews estimates of the size of these benefits at current levels of emissions of the relevant pollutants. Although the estimates are few and uncertain, their mid-range suggests that the secondary benefits are of the same order of magnitude as the gross costs of medium to high levels of CO2 abatement, and are substantially larger than the (equally uncertain) estimates of the primary benefits of CO, abatement, and are substantialy larger than the (equally uncertain) estimates of the primary benefits of CO, abatement. 96106626
Flue gas desulfurlzation system for fossil fuel power plants Ziehe, H. and Pfeiffer, J. (Assigned to) Veag Vereinigte Energiewerk AG, 96106616
Germany, GER. Pat. DE.19,502,635,
Apr. 1996.
96/06617 Focus on Government. Sustalnable Energy Industries Council of Australia Sonnebom, C. Solar Progress, A r.-Jun. 1996, 17, (2), 21-23. A report on government energy poFicy in Australia. 96106616 Global blodlversity prlorltles. A cost-effectiveness Index for Investments Moran, D. et al., Global Environmental Change, Jun. 1996, 6, (2), 103-119. Biodiversity investment priorities are a major concern for funding agencies and parties to the convention on biodiversity. Presents an index to rank global investments which builds on previous methods by including costeffectiveness criteria and considering the nature of threat and success in relation to priority nations. The cost-effective priority investment index (CEPII) is used to determine regional rankings for countries in the AsiaPacific renion. Sub-Saharan Africa and Central and South America and the Caribbeac D& limitations necessitate caution in the interpretation of priorities which, like other methods, are defined by subjective choice of success and threat surrogates. The index does, however,- appear to have merit as a policy tool. The greenhouse effect - Impact upon and the role 96106619 lo be played by constructlon Edwards. D. J. et al.. Bida. Res. InL, Mar.-Am. 1996. 24, (2). 97-103. The pap& differentiates be&een ozo& depletioi and gldbal’w‘aking. Discusses CO, emissions in the UK and what the construction industry can do to reduce them. Health and safety In mlning and metallurgy 96106620 The Institution of Mining & Metallurgy, 44 Portland Place, London WIN 4BR. U5.00. 309 oo. Pap&s presented ailhe Health and Safety in Mining and Metallury Conference held 14-16 May 1996, in London by The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy. 9610662 1 Health and safety Issues for mlcrowave power transmlsslon Osepchuk,J. M. Solar Energy, Jan. 1996, 56, (I), 53-60. A general public perception that microwaves are hazardous has been a key obstacle for acceotance of microwave wwer transmission (MPm. This perception will e
96106622 A hlghly sensltlve etmospherlc NO, sensor Hanazato, Y. and Kimura, S. Mitsubishi ElectricAdvance,Mar. 1996, 74, 21-23. A report on sensors being developed which can detect atmospheric oxides of nitrogn in concentrationsat the parts-per-billion level. 96106623
HMIP v Coellte Products Ltd: Foreseeabillty of scirntlflc developments Napier, C. Energy World, May 1996, (239), 6-7. Recent reporting of the HMIP case against Coalite Products Ltd demonstrates how the sympathies of the media and the general public against perceived polluters can obscure the wider merits of the case. The author a partner at Clifford Chance examines the case in greater detail.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts
IAQ marketing 101 Price, M. A. DucTales, 1996, 8, (l), 11-15. The paper discusses the principles to consider adopting when developing a marketing strategy for indoor air quality products or services. Discusses the implications of OSHA’s proposed IAQ rule in the USA. 96106627 lmpiications of nitrogen release from coals at eievated temperatures from NO, formation during PF combustion Gibbins, J. R. et al., Coal Sci. Technol., 1995, 24, 755-758. Describes the use of a novel high-temperature wire-mesh reactor to examine volatile and nitro en release from coals at elevated temperatures and the correlation with N8 data from full size utility plant. Results from the Argonne Premium Coal: are also presented to illustrate the effect of nitrogen functional groups on high-temperature nitrogen evolution. 96106626 Indoor alr quality - A design parameter Coad, W. J. ASHRAE J., Jun. 1996, 38, (6), 39-42, 44-47. Discusses how most indoor air quality problems occur as a result of the complexity of today’s variable air volume systems. Traces this current concern with VAV to the era following the energy crisis of the mid-1970s. Indoor air aualitv evaluation uslna a comblnatlon 96106629 of space carbon dloxlde ievei-and sensory eval;ati& technique Ramakrishnan, K. and Cena, K. AIRAHJ., Mar. 1996, 50, (3), 13-16. The paper discusses the attempts to establish the relationship between ventilation and sensory perception of air quality. Gives details of test results of the experimental evaluation of some occupied spaces. 96106630 Influence of pressure on the combustion rate and pollutant emlssione of blends of char and charcoal Mallet, C. et al., Coal Sci. Technol., 1995, 24, 779-782. Presents a study of the effects of initial sample temperature, total pressure, and 0 partial pressure on the reactivity and nitrogen oxide emission during combustion in a small fixed bed of a mixture of bituminous coal char and fir charcoal. 96106631 Influence of the operation time on the performance of a new SCR monolithic catalyst Blanco, J. et al., Catal. Today, 1996, 27, (l), 9-13. Discusses the effect of operation time on the performance of a novel monolithic catalyst in a life test conducted with real effluent gases from a walfired power plant. 96106632 Integral building envelope assessment - The performance concept Hens, H. IEA Energy Conservation News, Issue 23, May 1996, 9-14. Discusses the methods developed in building physics which make it possible to assess the hygrothermal, acoustic, visual and energy quality of a building in the same way that structural integrity is calculated. This has created the basis of a new approach to building and envelope quality. Integrated approach to air poilutlon IGCC system Mojtahedi, W. Kern.-Kemi, 1996, 23, (2), 110-112. 96106633 simpllfied
control in a
Describes the simplified Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) process, which incorporates the pressurized fluidized bed gasification of coal and hot gas clean-up in a power and heat generating combined cycle. Sulphur and particles are removed from hot gas from the gasifier by external desulphurization and filter units. Whereas ammonia is catalytically decomposed to reduce NO, emissions.