15 lnvestlgatlon of the technological enhancement of 96106634 natural decay rerles radlonuclldee by the manufacture of phosphates on the Cumbrlan Coast
Keating, G. E. et al., J. Environ. Radioactivity, Jul.-Aug. 1996, 32, (l), 53-66. The aim of this study is to investigate the response of the aquatic environment following the cessation of discharges from a phosphaie-ore processing plant, situated at Whitehaven, northwest England. A preliminary ?b and “‘U activities in surveywas carried out to determine ?o intertidal biota and sediment in the vicinity ok the plant in November 1992.
Ion exchange propertles of brown coals 96106636 Golovin, G. S. et al., Coal Sci Technol., 1995, 24, 1609-1612. Brown coal form the Beryosolvsk deposit in Russia is evaluated as a potential ion-exchanging material ror the removal of heavy metals from wastewater. The Ion exchange properties of low rank coals on actlnldes and other heavy metals
Wonp, A. S. er al., Prevr. Pav.-Am. Chem. Sot., Div. Fuel Chem., 1996, 41, (i), 481-483. Discusses the removal of heavy metal and low-level radioactive wastes from the environment and their subsequent immobilization in an appropriate res sitory is one of the major environmental challenges fa&g ‘the USA. +?l e scope and magnitude of the contamination at many DOE and Superfund sites are such that successful remediation will required the development of new, inexpensive technologies which remove, in an environmetitally acceptable manner, the heavy metal and radioactive wastes from contaminated soil and water.
IRPA-9 - The debates continue 96106637 Laze, T. Nuclear Engineering Inr., Sep. 1996, 41, (506), 30-31. A report on the 9th Congress of the international Radiation Protection Association (IRPA) held in Vienna. 96106636
perovskltes as catalysts for flue gas
treatment Fomi, L. er al., Appl. Caral. B, 1996, 7, (3), 269-284. 96106639
Large solar plant photocatalytlc water decontamlnatlon: Degradatlon of atrarlne
Minero, C. er al., Solar Energy, May 1996, 56, (5), 411-419. Photocatalytic degradation of atrazine was successfully and efficiently carried out in a large modular flow trough system under solar light. A degradation leads to corn lete mineralization of the alkyl substituents of striazine, giving trihy Broxy-s-triazine as a final product. An efficient detoxification can be attained. 96106640
Leachant pH effects on the leachablllty of metals
from fly ash Fleming, L. N. er al., J. Soil Conram., 1996, 5, (1), 53-59. The paper discusses the leachability of metals from fly ash produced by a coal-fired electricity plant and a municipal waste incinerator under acidic conditions. The results of these column-leaching experiments show that a decrease in the pH of the leachant favours the extraction of metal ions from solid particle of both coal combustion fly ash and municipal waste incinerator fly ash.
Major hazards onshore and offshore II 96106641 Institution of Chemical Engineers, Davis Building, 165-189 Railway Terrace, Rugby 021 3HQ, UK, f80.00, 645 pp. Proceedings of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (North Western Branch) conference on onshore and offshore hazards held October 1995, in Manchister. Market Instruments and the control of acid raln damage. Effects of a sulphur tax on the Spanish electrlclty generatlng Industry
Labandeira-Villot, X. Energy Policy, Sep. 1996, 24, (9), 841-854. Acid deposition is widely recognized as a regional environmental problem, the chief causes of which are oxides of sulphur and nitrogen emitted during combustion of fossil fuels. In this paper, the author considers the economic significance of acid rain phenomena and the relative usefulness of the different instruments available to reduce their effects. As an illustration, examines the likely effects of the application of a hypothetical Spanish sulphur tax on the electricity producers.
The mechanism of SO, removal by carbon 96106643 Lizzio, A. A. and DeBarr, J. A. Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Sot., Div. Fuel Chem., 1996, 41, (l), 201-205. The paper describes how SO, adsorption ca acity of coal char was found to be inversely proportional to the amount of B adsorbed on its surface. Based on this finding, a mechanism for adsorption of SO, and conversion to H,SO, was proposed.
Environment (pollution, health protection, safety)
96/06644 Message from Spokane: Envlronmental pollcler under closer scrutiny Kral, S. (Ed.) Min. Eng. (Littleton, Cola.), 1996, 48, (2), 53-55. The scrutiny of environmental policies at the 1Olst Northwest Mining Association Meeting, held in Spokane, Washington, USA, is presented. 96106646 Metabolism of radlocaeslum In Red Grouse Moss, R. et al., J. Environ. Radioactivity, 1996, 33, (l), 49-62. Red Grouse eat a natural diet mostly of heather, a dwarf shrub which accumulates radiocaesium. Captive grouse were fed a diet, comprising 60% heather contamined with Chernobyl radiocaesium, containing about 1500 Bq kg“ of radiocaesium. Intake and excretion of radiocaesium reached equdibrium after 20-23 days and its biological half-life was lo-11 days, with about 23% of the radiocaesium in the diet being absorbed by the bird. Transfer coefficients for both captives and wild birds were about 10 days kg“. 96/06646
of treating coal to reduce sulfur and chlo-
rlne emlsslons Chriswell, C. D. and O’Donnell, J. A. (Assigned to) Iowa Stare Universig Research Foundarion Inc., US Par. US.5,505,746, Apr. 1996. A method for treating coal to reduce. the emissions df sulphur dioxide and hydrogen chloride gases upon combustion. The coal is washed with a Calcmm anion wash solution, such as calcium h droxide solution, and then separated from the wash solution. The treate B coal shows reduced emissions of both sulphur dioxide and hydrogen chloride gas on combustion compared with untreated coal. 96106647 Methods for forecastlng and reducing gas emlsslon In mine worklngs: lmprovlng coal mlnlng safety Sergeev, I. V. and Dikoienko, E. Y. intergas 95, Prx Inr. irnconv. Gas Symp., Univ. of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala., 1995, 173-178. Coal seams when mined. undermined. and over-mined and their interlavers and enclosing rock are’sources of &al-bed CH, released in coal fa&, workings, and development of collieries. CH, emission is a multi-form process depending on many natural and technical factors. It depends on the ipeed of advance-of road-tieaders and shearers. With the data bbtained the CH, emission recess can be simulated to forecast and reduce gas releases into mine wor E.mgs and to improve safety in mines.
96106646 layers
Mlgratlon of 13’Cs and ‘%s
In different forest sol1
Ruhm, W. et al., J. Environ. Radioactivity, 1996, 33, (I), 63-75. Caesium-134 and “‘Cs measurements in about 250 sam les from L-, Of-, Oh, Ah- and B-horizons of a Bavarian forest from P987 to 1994 are analysed with respect to migration by using a compartment model.
Modelllng of radloceslum In lakes - Lake sensltlv96106649 Ity and remedlal strategies Hakanson, L. et al., J. Environ. Radioactivity, 1996, 33, (1). l-25. A given fallout of radiocaesium (e.g. after the%hemobyl a&dent) will be distributed and taken up by biota very differently in various types of lakes. Thus. lakes have different ‘sensitivities’ to radiocaesium. Imoortant environmental factors regulating the biouptake of 13’Cs are the lak; water retention time and the K concentration of the water. Several practically useful and ecologically relevant methods exist to remediate lakescontaminated by radiocaesium, e.g. liming, otash treatment of fertilization of low- roductive lakes. The basic aim o P this oaoer is to use a validated. state-o P-the-art model for radiocaesium in lake;, ihe VAMP model, first’to illustrate the fact the different lakes have different ‘sensitivities’, and then to simulate the effects of alternative remedial methods.
Modern flue-gas cleaning system for waste Inclner96106650 atlon plants Gottschalk, J. and Buttmann, P. Filrr. Sep., May 1996, 33, (5), 383-388. Reoorts that since 1990. waste incineration olants in Germany have had to coiply with Europe’s’strict emissions leiislation - a clean air decree known as the 17th BlmSchV. Describes a process developed by ABB Total Cleaning and Recycling, which ensures compliance with the 17th BlmSchV.
Modernlzatlon and flue gas cleaning at exlstlng 96106651 brown coal-flred power stations of VEAG (East Germany) Eitz, A. W. Kraftwerksrech., 1996, 76, (I), 52-58. (In German) Describes the results of retrofitting and rehabilitation of 500-MW units brown coal-fired ower stations. The measures comprised improvement efficiencv bv reo Pacement of low-oressure turbines. imorovement of gas cleaning by ‘installation of desblphurization and deiitration units, increase of service life and availability. The first operating results presented.
of a of flue and are
Monitoring of alr quality around a coal-flred power :Z?352 Segoni, M. er al., Inquinamenro, 1996, 38, (2), 48-54. (In Italian) The paoer discusses the air pollution level detected around a thermoelectric coal -fifi;ed power plant. He&y metals, total suspended powders and radioactivity were measured on the collected air samples.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts November 1996 463