Solid fuels (sources, winning, properties)
97/00001 ture Gorbaty,
97100006 fractions
in understanding
coal struc-
Er&eI. E~.&N.\. Kohlr. I 9%. I I?, (6). 266-267. including organic, physics. and characterizatmn. structures are discussed in this article with 20 references.
M. L..
Coal structure inorganic
Age estimation of the Cottage 97/00002 (Illinois, U.S.) from high-resolution seismic coal measures
Grove Fault System reflection studies of
Henaon, H.
Analysis 97/00003 forms in coals
of sulfur
liurllilro HlctrUre XIIPIJNO., IYOh. 24. (2). I S(lD. and Riley. J. T.. Chinrc) The different sulfur forms are determined and their dc\ulfuriration reactivity is examined in seven kinds of coals by direct detection of sulfur forms in coal in the laboratory automatic sulfur analyser. The results given hy this test method are almost the same as those obtained by sulfur K-edge X-rav ahsorption structure (XAFS) spectroscopy. The desulfurization rraciivity of different sulfur forms in coals is aliphatic > pyritic > thiophenic > sulfate under air heating. and pyritic > aliphatic > thtophcnic > sulfate under mildly alkaline oxydesulfurization. Zhang,
Analysis 97/00004 coal particles
of steam flow behavior
in a packed bed of
Nizhizawa. M. ef al.. Ko,~oli~ Kogrrkrc H~u/II~~I\/II~, IYYh. 27. (4). 81)X-906. (In Japanese) This paper measures steam outflow rate and temperature distribution in packed hed of coal particles, it then compares these measurements with the results of the numerical analysis in order to determine the steam flow behaviour in the coke oven chamber. The results show that steam flow toward the heated side decreases the heat transfer rate. while steam flow toward the insulated side increases it.
The behavior
of sulfur during combustion
of coal
Kemal. M. cr ul., Ru,. C‘on~h~rsr.. IYYh. 50, (2). 55-63. Several coal types with varying sulfur content were subjected to burning tests in a laboratory size stove. SO2 emissions were calculated using online detection and from sulfur in ash. Lime added coal and hriquettcs were also tested. Almost YOC;6of the sulfur was emitted during coal burning. In the case of lime added coal and briquettes 50% of the total sulfur was retained in the coal ash. The paper describe5 the apparatu\ used for combustion tests and the chemical characteristics of the coal under investigation. Experimental results are discussed.
97100006 Beneficiation of brown coals of the Dnieper Coal Basin in heavy organic liquids Bulgakov, F. N. and Korobchanskii. V. 1.. (In Russian) Suggests that mixtures of tctrachloromcthane used for the hen?ficiation of brown coals.
KoX.\ Kllim.,
1906. (4),
and dichloroethane
Brown 12-14. can he
Natarajan, K. A., Miner. Procrrr.: Recer~t Adl,. F‘trtuw Twtds. Proc. Conf.. IYYS, 489%SO2. Edited by Mrhrotra. S. P. and Shekhar, R., Allied Publishers: New Delhi, India. This review examines the role of different types of microorganisms in bringing ahout surface-chemical changes on minerals with respect to \urfacc adhesion of bacteria, bio-catalysed oxidation-reduction reactions and biologically generated surfactants.
and Energy Abstracts
January 1997
Mirrrr. Prows\.: Reccrtt Ah. Frctuw Bhattacharya, S. and Misra, D. D.. Twnds, Pmt. Cmf, lYY5. 632-641. investigates the breakage hehaviour of constituent specific gravitational fractions of coal being crushed hy single roll crushers in two operating circuits, Two simple and relative measures of breakage (characteristic passing size and reduction ratio) have been used to make the study with most of the data being generated in the plants.
and trends
Breakage behavior of constituent of coal in operating circuit
Carbon dioxide range of pressure values
on hard coals over a wide
Nodzenski, A. and Holda. S.. Arch. Mio. Sci.. IYYh. 41, (I). Y3-103. Presents carbon dioxide sorption isotherms trn four samplch of Polish hard of sorption equilibria over a coals, differing in Cd”’ values. Investigations wide range of pressure values play an important role in explaining and describing the problems related to sorption and deaorption of gases from hard coal‘;. The isotherms were determined at 2X8 and 29X K. over the pressure ranging from 0 to 4 MPa. The samples’ porosity was determined from measurements of density using the mercury and helium methods. The volume of micropores was calculated using the DR equation. The obtained constants (W,, and B) appeared to he practically temperature independent. in agreement with the theoretical assumptions. It wa\ found that the gas content isotherms for carbon dioxide are independent on the total volume of pores present in the coals. The value of the gas content depends among the others on the characteristic sorption rnergy, E,,. The higher F.,, value\ increase the ga\ content. 97/00010 The characteristics erated from coal
of aromatic
Lu. S. Etcrl.. Shivm Xttchuo. IYYh. 17, (I). 47-53. (In Chinese) In this paper the hydrocarbon generation and expulsion from two kind\ of brown coals. and the characteristics of aromatic product\ from the coals were \tudicd hy the data acquired from pressurized thermal simulation experiments. A lot crf aromatic compounds were more difficult to migrate than their corresponding non-substituted aromatics. Relevant ratios have the potential to act as migration parameters. 97/00011 Characterization of interactions of coal with solvent by flow microcalorimetric measurement
Wang. N. et al.. Sckitcrrr Kapktr Krrigi Hrrppyo Ror~Atrr~r/tu. 1094, 3 I. I h- I Y. (In Japanese) The paper discusses the heat of adsorption of solvents on the \urfacc ot coal, which was calculated using flow microcalorimetry. On the basis of the hcat5 measured and FTIR spectra. the interactions of coal surface with solvent were examined. Eight various rank coals. n-hexane as a carrier liquid. methanol and THF as polar solvents, and Tetralin as a non-polar solvent were used in the study. It concludes that swelling of coal depend\ on adsorption behavior of \olvcnt and swelling ratio of coal can he estimated based on the heat of adsorption.
97/00012 Chemical compositions and pyrolysis tics of oil shales distributed in Korea
Yang. M. Y. et al.. Anal. .%L. Tcclr~~ol.. 1095, X. (4). 387-Y2. This paper investigates the chemical compositions and pyrolysis characteristics of oil shales and source rocks distributed in the southwestern and southeastern parts of the Korean Peninsula. In order to compare the results of Korean samples with those of shales giving high oil yields. two Colorado oil shale sample\ and one Paris source rock samples were also investigated. 97/00013 Coal-containing basins of the Republic of Croatia Kruk. B. ct u/., Z/J. Rod-Hnat. Gcwl. Kongr.. I. IYYS. I. 331-335. (In Croatian). Edited by Viahovic. I. ct ul.. Institut za Geoloska Istrazivanja: Zagreb Croatia. This paper examines the coal-carrying geologIcal formations and genetic characteristic\ of coal formation in Croatia. The important coal deposits are described from the view of their stratigraphic, structural, palcogeological and other characteristics as well as from the point of coal quality, The possibilities and potential of the future coal exploration is also given.
97/00014 Coal flotation cal and chemical variables
Chander, S. and Polat. M., Minen Promw.: Rrcetrt At/t,. Flrtttrcj 7’rcr1d5, Pmt. coq. IYYS, 616-631. A discussjon of flotation models (micro- and macro+cale kinetics) and interaction between physical and chemical variables (aggregation, rragentization. entrainmrnt and entrapment, and huhble and froth overloading). Includes 100 references.
97/00015 Technology
Comminution research and Equipment
at the
Sutherland, D.. Miner. Ptwmr.: Ruwrt Ad\,. Futtrw Twrtdr. Proc~. CmJ.. 1995, 1X6-102. Edited hv Mehrotra, S. P. and Shekhar. R.. Allied Publishers: New Delhi, In&a. This review looks at the work of the Center which covers mining and processing of metal ores and coal. The development of equipment and education related to mining are also important elements of the Center. A major effort has heen eatahlished in comminution research which covers