Electric power generation and utiization (scienfific, technical)
97lOO428 Project
at the
Michal, R., Nuclear News, Nov. 1996, 3.9, (12), 29-31. This naoer looks at how the Houston Lighting & Power Company’s South Texai Project combines empowered employees, improved mate&l condition, and reduce outage times to ensure the long-term, reliable operations of the plant.
capacity fuelled by wood/ wood waste and approximately 2200 MW of capacity fuelled with municipal solid waste. Perspectives on the future availability of biomass fuels (including energy crops), as well as projected levels of market penetration for biomass power, are also considered.
Software use in a regulated industry 97100429 Libby, M. D., Nuclear News, Feb. 1997, 40, (2) 36-38. In this paper the neccessity for software quality assurance in the nuclear industry is discussed, particularly the need for to ensure the public’s health and safety.
Progress in the planar CPn SOFC system design 97100434 Frost, L. J. et al., Journal of Power Sources, July-Aug 1996, 61, (l-2). 135139. A high efficiency, modular planar solid oxide fuel cell module using the patented CPn module has been demonstrated on pipeline natural gas. The results of this 1.4 kW thermally integrated module, along with stack/cell tests, have verified the multi-stage oxidation concept. Design and analysis of a IO kW mobile electric power generating system using this technology predicts a final module with > 40% system efficiency when operated on logistics fuel. However, this analysis also stresses the need for improved cell performance at lower temperature. Ceria-based planar single cells have been demonstrated at 1 300 mW/cm’ at 750°C.
Critical 97/00430 polymer fuel cells
Ledjeff-Hey, K. and Heinzel, A., Journal Power Sources, July-Aug 1996, 61, (l-2). 125-127. A review of the state-of-the-art of solid polymer fuel cell (SPFC) development is given. The international activities focus on cell performance and stack design, materials research and gas processing, depending on the application. The fastest progress is being made with respect to fuel cell development for transportation, but the specific advantages of SPFC make the system interesting for residential power supply systems, for on-site power production and also for small, portable power supplies. 97100431
Hydrogen from methanol for fuel cells in mobile development of a compact reformer B. et al., Journal of Power Sources, July-Aug 1996, 61, (l-2)
Hohlein, 143-147. In this study the on-board generation of hydrogen from methanol with a reformer is studied in connection with the use of a proton-exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) which is an attractive option for a passenger car drive. Special considerations are required to obtain low weight and volume. Furthermore, the PEMFC of today cannot tolerate more than IO ppm of carbon monoxide in the fuel. Therefore a gas conditioning step is need after the methanol reformer. Our main research activities focus on the conceptual design of a drive system for a passenger car with methanol reformer and PEMFC: engineering studies with regard to different aspects catalytic burner, gas conditioning, of this design including reformer, balances of the fuel cycles and basic design of a compact methanol reformer. The work described here was carried out within the framework of a JOULE II project of the European Union (1993-1995). Extensive experimental studies have been carried out at the Forschungszentrum Jiilich GmbH (KFA) in Germany and at Haldor Popsoe A/S in Denmark.
97100432 Impacts of alternative on hydropower production
Great Lakes regulation
Irvine, K. N. et al., Energy Sfudies Review, 1996, 8, (I), l-15. The evaluation of hydropower production for two alternative regulation measures developed under the recent International Joint Commission Great Lakes Water Levels Reference is considered in this paper. Measure 1.18 included a new control structure to regulate outflows from Lake Erie, while measure 1.21 was a revision of the current regulation plans for lakes Superior and Ontario. A negative impact to the entire hydropower system was calculated to range between US$I I .9 and US$20.9 million/year under measure 1.18, while measure 1.21 had a positive impact in the range of US$l to US$3 million/year. Considering the impacts to all interests, the Reference Study Board recommended no further consideration be given to measure 1.18, but that a measure similar to 1.21 should be implemented.
97190433 Overview power production
of biomass
and waste fuel resources
Easterly, J. L. and Burnham, M., Biomm Bioenergy, 1996, 10 (2-3), 7992. A review of the issues and opportunities which are associated with the use of biomass for electricity power generation. Important physical characteristics of biomass and waste fuels are summarized, including comparisons with conventional fossil fuels, primarily coal. The current use of biomassand waste-derived fuels for electricity power generation is also discussed. Biomass-and waste-derived fuels are currently used for -9800 MW of electricity generating capacity, including approximately 6100 MW of
Fuel and Energy Abstracts
January 1997
oil as diesel fuel
Gras, S., VTT Symp. 1996, 164 (Power Production from Biomass 11 with Special Emphasis on Gasification and Pyrolysis R&DD), 225-23X. This study discusses the use of wood waste pyrolysis oil as a fuel for diesel engine operation. The wood waste pyrolysis oil does not contribute to CO? emissions, however the utilization of wood waste pyrolysis oil in diesel engines involves a lot of challenges and problems to be solved. The low heating value requires a new injection system with high capacity. The corrosive characteristics of the fluid also underline the need for new injection equipment materials. Wood waste pyrolysis oil contains solid particles which can clog filters and cause abrasive wear. Wood waste pyrolysis oil has proven to have extremely bad ignition properties. The development of a reliable injection system which is able to cope with such a fuel involves a lot of optimization tests. redesign and innovative solutions. Successful single-cylinder tests have heen performed and they have verified that diesel operation on wood pyrolysis oil is technically feasible.
97100436 systems
(QP) oscillations
in electrical
Electrical Power & Ener&y Sy.wn~,s. Chakravarthy, S. K. and Nayar, C. V.. Nov. 1996, 18, (8) 483. The occurrence of quasiperiodic (QP) oscillations in power systems was first experienced in the French grid when attempting to energize an unloaded transformer at the end of a long transmission line. In this paper the conditions necessary fro the occurrence of QP are shown by solving the system equations using the method of harmonic balance.
97100437 Relationships of power systems
and angle stability
Vournas, C. D. et al., Electricul Power & Energy S.ysrems, Nov. 1996, IX, (S), 493. This paper discusses modelling and theoretical issues associated with voltage and angle stability of power systems. A time-scale decomposition is performed to illustrate how the critical modes can be identifed with reduced-order models and and the bifurcation phenomena can he explained with these low order models. Examples are given for single and multimachine systems
97100436 generating
Simulation plant
of gaseous
from electricity
Bellhouse, G. M. and Whittington, H. W.. Eleclrical Power & Etwr~y Systems, Nov. 1996, 18, (8) 501. In electricity supply networks, traditional dispatch algorithms are based on features such as economics and plant availability. Annual limits on emissions from fossil-fuelled stations are regarded as a restriction and limit generation from specific stations. This paper describes an algorithm to allow the dispatch engineer to assess the cost in real time of different generation options involving fossil-fuelled plants.
97100439 applications
Solid polymer fuel cells for transport
and stationary
Prater, K. B., Jolrrnal @Power Sources, July-Aug 1996, 61, (l-2), IOS-109. Progress is reported toward the commercialization of solid polymer fuel cells (SPFC) (also known as the proton-exchange membrane or PEM fuel cell) technology. A full size transit bus powered entirely by an SPFC. sufficiently compact to fit within the standard bus engine compartment, is described. The first order for a test fleet of these buses is also reported, Progress in the development of fuel cell stacks for stationary and motive applications is described. A high power density SPFC stack producing over 1000 W/l is reported.
97100440 Three-dimensional numerical ious geometries of solid oxide fuel cells
Ferguson, J. R. et al., Journal of Power Sources, Feb. 199h. 58, (2), lO9122. A three-dimensional mathematical model of a solid oxide fuel cell is presented, which allows the computation of the local distributions of the electrical potential, temperature and concentration of the chemical species. The physics of the cell and the simplifying assumptions are presented; a sketch of the numerical procedure is also given. The numerical result\