02068 Comminution phenomena during the fluidized bed combustion of a commercial refuse-derived fuel

02068 Comminution phenomena during the fluidized bed combustion of a commercial refuse-derived fuel

07 combined to offer an attractive solution to this problem. A 4-MWe, solarassisted natural gas power plant is under consideration for Tennant Creek ...

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combined to offer an attractive solution to this problem. A 4-MWe, solarassisted natural gas power plant is under consideration for Tennant Creek in Northern Australia. This base-load power plant would employ a steam rankine cycle power conversion unit and incorporate an array of 2X directsteam-generating dishes wsith 400-m- aperture each. Preliminary experimental results indicate that 24.hour storage could be provided at an additional co\t of only I,qr;. Further results showed that a thermochemical ammonia system could demonstrate 24-hour base-load \olar power genrratlon for the same per-dish capital cost as a solar-only steam system without storage. ‘This opens the market to megawatt-size, remote, offgrid applications. Pollution and greenhouse-gas emissions from such a closedloop \olar power generation system would he zero.

97102061 production







Sakurai, M. er ul. .Sol. E/rer~~. 1006. S7, (I). 51-5X, Elsevier The UT-3 thermochemical hydrogen producing cycle is a four step process developed at the University of Tokyo. Only solid and gas reactants/products arc used in the process and the maximum temperature is 1033 K. The process has been developed to he coupled with gas cooled nuclear reactor\ (HTGR). A new UT-3 process is presented that is to be coupled with a solar heat source. In the new proces\. all four reactions are carried out in adiabatic equipment where steam (or steam + nitrogen) can he used as a vector. During sunshine hours, the energy to the proccas is supplied directly from the solar receiver. During cloudy periods and night\. it is supplied flom a thermal storage system where the necessary high temperature heat is stored during sunshine hours. The solar UT-3 process has heen evaluated u\inL: the ASPEN-PLUS code. The overall thermal efficiency was found to he 4;).5% and the exergetic efficiency 52.9%. The process can he realized using conventional materials. Sizing of a solar hydrogen plant producing 2OllO m’/h hydrogen has heen carried out and operation of various equipment is discus\&

System performance of a solar-thermal 97/02062 station with thermochemical energy storage


of multi-stage



Farwati. M. A. E>lc,a,, 1YY7. 22. (I), 1-S. A multistage flash (MSF) distillation system in Benghazi wa*l powered hy solal- energy,, as a clean renewable heat source, to produce distilled water. The system IS evaluated.

Thermodynamics of heat storage in a PCM shellheat exchanger in parallel or in series with a heat


and-tube engine

Conti, M. and Charach, C. Sol. Er~e~y, IYYh, 57, (I), 59-68. The thermodynamics of heat storage in a phase change material (PCM) shell-and-tube heat exchanger is presented in this paper. In a solar power plant, this is provided tn damp the pulsed behaviour of the heat source. Two alternative schemes of connection of the storage element to the heat engine, referred to as the series and the parallel set-ups, are considered. Using the general framework developed in our previous work, we reformulate the second-law efficiencies for each scheme in terms of a few dimensionless parameters, reflecting the operating conditions of the system and the relevant heat-transfer characteristics of the storage element. A parametric study is conducted to compare the series and parallel schemes with regard tn various design objectives.




to the Building

energy sources (wind energy)

Sizing and techno-economical optimization for 97102067 hybrid solar photovoltaiclwind power systems with battery storage Protogeropoulos. C. et ul. Irlter7larlonal .lounlul l)/’ /:,lel:<~ Ke.scrrrc.h. 1007. 21, (6), 465-497. The paper presents a general methodology for the sizing and optimization of renewahle power supply systems. including hybrids such as those with solar photovoltaic and wind power components. Data refer to the particular location and load pattern for an existing hybrid system, hut the method is quite generally applicable.

Others, including Economics

97102068 combustion


Comminution phenomena during the fluidized of a commercial refuse-derived fuel


Arena. U. er trl. Proc. In/. Cor!f: f‘llritl. Hed Conthl(tl.. lYY5, 13. (2). 943Y4Y. The combustion of a commercial densified rrfusc-dcri\ed fuel (RDF), obtained as pellets from municipal solid wastes, took place in two laboratory scale hubhling fluidized bed comhustora, having an internal diameter of 41 mm. Results were compared with those obtained burning a South American bituminous coal. Results pointccl out that RDF particles undergo a strong primary fragmentation phrnomemm. with a prohahility of particle breakage equal to one for fuel particles larger than h mm. Attrition and char fragmentation phenomena are particularly relevant under both inert and oxidizing conditions, generating a large amount of unburned fines which may affect overall combustion efficiency.


Wierse, M. and Groll, M. Hydrogen E!lercq Prog. XI, Proc,. #‘or/t/ &drogcn En<,,:
97102063 Theoretical using solar energy


Energy Code of

97102069 advanced

Economics of co-firing waste materials pressurized fluidized-bed combustor.

in an

Bonk, D. L. CI rrl. Proc. Inf. Corlf: F/rrft/. Arrl C‘r~mhlr.\r.. IOYi. 13. (7). XYY910. The co-firing of waste materials with coal in utility scale power plants has emerged as an effective approach to produce energy and manage municipal waste. Leading this approach is the atmospheric tluidized hcd comhu\tor (AFBC). The application of pressurized fluidizetl-bed comhustor (PFBC) technology. although relatively new. can provide significant enhancements to the efficient production of electricity whllc maintaining the waste management benefits of AFBC.

97102070 Electricity generation from rice husk in Indian rice mills: Potential and financial viability Kapur, T. cf N/. Biomass Bioener&~. lY9h, IO. (S/h), 3Y.?-403. The availability of rice husk as an energy rcsourcc in India has heen assessed and the technologies for the exploitation of its energy potential in rice processing industry discussed.

97102071 European

Future Union


of bioenergy


in the

Grassi. G. Bio-Oil Prod. Util., Proc. E U-C (1,~. Workrhop Tlwnn. l3ionmr.s Pmce.w.. 2m/, 1995, (Pub. 1996). 17-21. Edited hy Bridgwater, Hogan, A. V., Ed N. CPL Press. Newhury, UK. Important factors pointing to the likely expansion of hioenergy activities include: the urgent need of restructuring the agriculture sector, increasing unemployment in rural areas. environmental concern and the large potential of biomass resources. Biomass is the most versatile renewahlc resource. With its diversified composition (starch. sugar. oil, lignocellulosics) in the short-medium-long term, depending on the location and on the final product. it can penetrate all the hulk energy markets: heat, power. transport fuels, hulk chemicals. In order to Accelerate this penetration process. modern efficient, law-cost, reliable technologies are required. In this respect the situation is at present not satisfactory. because tht: availability of good technology seems very limited.

Australia? Sale, R. So/or Prqr-ess. 1996. 17, (4), 4-S. The paper looks at the prospect of a Building Energy Code in Australia for non-residential buildings and the issues surrounding its introduction.

Wind Energy 97102066 Performance for lifting water

of a wind-turbine-driven


Abed, K. A. Energy. IYYh, 22. (I), 21-26. Compressed air storage is an attractive alternative to pumped water storage in renewable energy systems and is suitable for use with wind-energy systems. A system consisting of a wind turbine. compressor. storage tank, and air-lift pump is studied in this paper. Characteristics of the air-lift pump were investigated by using a numerical model.

97102072 Hydroprocessed improvement






Stumhorg. M. et ul. Bioresour. 7>chno/., 1006, 56. (I). I.i-IX. Research ha\ been carried out hy the Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC), in cooperation with Natural Resources Canada and Agriculture and Agri-Fodd Canada, investigating the use of conventional refinery technology to convert vegetable oils into a product resembling diesel fuel. SRC found that the use of a medium severity refinery hydroprocess yielded a product (‘super cetane’) in the diesel boiling range with a high cetane value (55-90). Preliminary engine testing hy ORTECH has shown that the impact of the ‘super cetane’i diesel mixture (‘green diesel’) on engine emi\rion\ is similar to the impact cetane enhancement via a nitrate additive has when added to conventional diesel fuel. Further research in the areas of proce\\ optimization, alternative feed stack selection. cold flow properties, and multi-cylinder emission testing is planned. In cooperation with a commercializatton partner. Arhokem Inc.. pilot testing of the hydroproccsa was done and was proven successful. A fleet demonstration and evaluation i\ currently underway.

Fuel and Energy Abstracts

May 1997