97102403 reflection
Applications of shallow, to various mining operations
Fuel science and technology (fundamental
Miller. R. D. and Steeples. D. W. T~~rts. Sot. Min., Mefall., &/or., 1995, (Pub. I99f1). 298. 35S-3hl/Section I. Application of shallow, seismic reflection to problems associated with abandoned-mine detection and mineral exploration, mine planning, environmental evaluation has been successful in many geological settings. The increased dynamic range of recording equipment and the decreased cost of processing hardware and software have made shallow, seismic reflection a cost-effective means of imaging geological targets significant to mining operations. Shallow. high-resolution seismic reflection has the potential to enhance the economics and safety of mine operations.
97102404 coal mines
for prediction
of gas content in
Polevshchikov. G. Y. cr ul. Fiz:T&h. Prohl. Razruh. Polezn. Iskop., 1996, (3), 54-60. (In Russian) The basic conditions for the design of automated systems to estimate methane content in coal mines are reported. These are based on spatial methods of evaluation of properties and gasokinetic characteristics of mining-perturbed rock body.
Biodesulfurization 97102405 tion of the growth parameters sulfur-removing bacterium
of Turkish lignites 1. Optimizaof Rhodococcus rhodochrous, a
Ozbah, T. FLU!/. 19%. 75, (13), l.Y96-1600. An investigation into the effects of inoculum percentage, initial pH, growth temperature, shaking rate. substrate type and initial substrate concentration on the growth kinetics of Rhodococcus rhodochrous, a sulfur-removing bacterium. The optimum value for each parameter that favoured the maximum specific growth rate was calculated from models established through linear of non-linear regression of the relevant data. Around these optima. biodesulfurization experiments were performed with sterile lignite. An increase in sulfate, pyritic and organic sulfur reduction with increasing reaction time were ohserved.
sieves from walnut
Xu. S. er ~1. Fuel SC;. Technol. Int., 1996, 14, (IO), 1447-1459. Walnut shells have heen used to prepare carbon molelcule sieves (CMS) for air separation. Walnut shells were first carbonized to produce a microporous char, which was finely ground and extruded with coal tar and phenol-formaldehyde (PF) resin as a binder. The extrudate was then heated to produce CMS for air separation. Conditions including carbonization temperature, heat treatment. and amounts of coal tar and PF resin were investigated. The micropore structure of the CMS was explored by means of gas adsorption.
Change of the coking 97102407 to their degree of oxidation
of coals in relation
Stankevich, A. S. et crl. Koks Khim., 1996. (6). 15-19. (In Russian) The relationship discovered between the coking capacity of coals and coal coking blends and their oxidation degree will be used in mathematical modelling of charges for coking and coke quality. This will use chemical, petrographical. and oxidation characteristics of coals.
97102408 Characterization of peatified and coalified wood by tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) thermochemolysis McKinney, D. E. and Hatcher, P G. IN. .I. Cool Geol., 1996, 32, (l-4) 2 17-228. The new technique of thermochemolysis with tetramethylammonium hydroxide, was used to analyse seven samples of peatified and coalified wood, varying in rank from peat to sub-bituminous coal. As rank increases from peat to sub-bituminous coal, the yields of lignin-derived monomers were found to decrease and the ratio of methylated acids to methylated aldehydes to increase systematically. This describes a general increase in the level of alteration of the lignin side chain. The technique lends itself to studies of structural changes that may occur in lignin as it is being altered during coalification. Data obtained along with previously proposed structural models give insight to mechanistic changes that occur in the lignin biopolymer during early coalification.
of phosphorltes
Babievskaya, I. Z. ef al. Zh. Neorg. Khim., 1996. 41, (3), 370-37.5. (In Russian) In order to elucidate the possibility of chemical enrichment of phosphorites, thermodynamic analysis of the carbonate fluorapatite (CF)-C-Cl system was performed. The possibility of chemical sublimation of P from a mixture of CF by coal during the chlorination with Cl1 was demonstrated and conditions of this process were evaluated. Examination of the chlorination of CF samples mixed with coal demonstrated that 2% of P passed into a gas phase as phosphorus fluorides, chlorides, and mixed halide oxides at 600IOOO”C.
science, analysis, instrumentation)
97102410 Combined-cycle power stations using ‘clean-coal technologies’: thermodynamic analysis of full gasification versus fluidized bed combustion with partial gasification Lozza, G. et al. J. Eng. Gos Turbines Power, 1996, I IX. (4), 737-748. A recent proposal was made detailing a novel class of power plants for clean conversion of coal into power. It was based on the concept of partial coal gasification and fluidized-bed combustion of unconverted char from gasification. This paper focuses on the thermodynamic aspects of these plants, in comparison with full gasification cycles, assessing their performance on the hasis of a common advanced power plant technology level. The calculation method, used for reproducing plant energy balances and for performance prediction, is described. A complete second-law analysis is carried out, pointing out the efficiency loss breakdown for hoth technologies. Results show that partial gasification plants can achieve efficiencies consistently higher than IGCC, depending on plant configuration and carbon conversion. Therefore. this solution i’i a viable and attractive option for efficient coal utilization.
97102411 of methane
Comparative analysis content in coal mines
of methods
for measurement
Bywalec-Dworok. M. Przegl. Corn., 1996, 52. (7-g). 25-33. The emphasis is placed on the improvement of the method used in Poland.
A composite adhesive for formed coal 97102412 Chen. M. Zhanjie, 1996, 17. (2). 19-20, 22. (In Chinese) A composite adhesive for manufacturing brown coal briquettes was prepared by treatment of waste fabric with alkali to obtain a cellulose. Sulfonation of the cellulose to obtain cellulose-sodium sulfonate was then carried out. followed by the dissolution of the cellulose-sodium sulfonate in water to obtain a viscose solution. The viscose solution was subsequently mixed with the plant fibres. 97102413
Design and control of a reaction the recovery system
Bock, H. et al. Chemical Engineering und Procev,~rrrg, Apr. 1997. 36, (2). IUI-109. In this study a complex dynamic model for reactive distillation, which includes control systems and the capability of coupling additional columns is derived. On this basis, a typical reactive distillation column coupled with a recovery column is investigated and optimized. In this paper, the esterification of myristic acid in a reaction column as a typical example is optimized through simulations. To guarantee an almost complete conversion of the acid and a high purity of the reaction by product water, the reaction column is coupled with a recovery column. Both columns are designed based on steady state simulations. To develop a control structure, the reaction column’s steady state and dynamic sensitivity of possible disturbances and manipulated variables are analysed. It is shown, that in this reaction column there is no direct relationship between temperature and purity as is usual in common distillation columns. The influence of the reaction on the temperature profile within the reaction column has to be known, when the temperature is used as a reference variable for the purity. The recovery does not lead to an instability of the system. With this knowledge an efficient control structure is presented for this strongly nonlinear coupled system. The purities of the product streams can be guaranteed.
Design and operation
of a PFBC ash cooler
Rang, D. et al. Proc. Annu. Int. Pittsburgh Con1 Conf.. 1995, 12, 225-229. In this paper, the principle of designing an ash cooler for a IS MWe PFBC pilot power plant, designed and partly built in China, is presented. The operating performance of an ash cooler test rig that is a quarter of that for the pilot plant is also reported, which aimed at verifying the design. The operational results show the ash cooler with its special structure can continuously cool the hot bed ash effectively, while abstracting the heat from them and then returning it to the combustor.
Design criteria for high temperature
Peukert, W. Proc. Annu. Int. Pitrshurgh Coal Conf. 1995. 12, 373-378. A review, with six references, on the design of high-temperature filters. including media (granular, woven, or fleece), chemical stability, regeneration (i.e. removal of dust cakes), testing, and baghouse design.
97102416 mixtures.
Desulfurizatlon Thermogravimetric
yield of calcium determination
Garea, A. et al. Thermochim. Acta, 1996, 286, (l), 173-185. The thermogravimetric characterization of solid products resulting from the low temperature reaction between SO? and mixed solids containing hydrated mixtures of calcium hydroxide and fly ashes is reported.
97102417 plant
of new control
at coke oven
Sugioka, S. Feramu 1996, 1, (g), h30-h33. (In Japanese) This paper describes the development of a coke dry quenching (CDQ) control system that is capable of coke quality prediction and heat balance based operation optimization. This system can be used to save energy and production cost in coke plants for steelmaking.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts
May 1997