Gaseous fuels (derived gaseous fuels)
Comparison of the co-gasification and co-combus97102760 tion of municipal sewage sludges in lignite-fired plants Schiffer, H. P. et ul. Bw. Dtsch. Wl\r. Cm. Enfoe/, Erdgas Kohlc. Tagung.sher.. 1906, 9603. (Beitrarge zur DGMK-Fachhereichstagung ‘Energetische und Stoffliche Nutzung van Ahfaellen und Nachwachsenden Rohstoffen’, IYYh), lhY-181. (In German) A comparison was made following a study of co-combustion and cogasification of sewage sludge in brown coal-fired plants. The combustion was carried out in a circulating fluidized-bed firing (ZWS process), the gasification in an auto-thermal fluidized-bed reactor at IOOO’C (HTW process). Mechanically dewatered sewage sludge with 25-X04 dry matter is required. Steam from the combustion is used for power generation and process steam, while synthesis gas from the gasification is used for methanol synthesis. Co-combustion revealed economic and ecological advantages over co-gasification of the sewage sludge. Development of coal gasification technologies 97102761 Szechy, G. and Szebenyi, 1. Period. Polytech., Chem. Eng., 1995, 39, (2), 87-99. The development of coal gasification technologies is presented. The basic features of the ‘first generation‘ technologies and later developments based on these are discussed. The role of coal gasification in clean coal based electrical power generation is also evaluated. In addition, the authors highlight special, experimental gasification processes. Development of specialty chemicals from dimethyl 97102762 ether Tartamella, T. L. and Lee, S. Proc. Armu. Int. Pittshwgh Cod Conf., 1996. 13, (2), 1018-1023. A high pressure. mechanically agitated slurry reactor could efficiently uroduce Di-Me ether (DME) from coal-based ayngas. DME synthesis occurs in the liquid phase using a dual catalyst. The feasibility of utilizing DME as a building block for more valuable specialty chemical has been examined A wide variety of petrochemicals may he produced from DME including light olefins, gasoline range hydrocarbons, oxygenates, and glycol precursors. DME provides an additional route for the production of industrially important petrochemicals. Direction-variable nozzle used in pressurized coal 97102763 gasifier Yokohama, K. rf al. Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho JP 05,327,017 [96,327,017] (Cl. F23Dl/OO), 10 Dec. 1996, Appl. 95/136,522. 2 Jun 1995, 5 pp. (In Japanese) A pipe and an end section having different direction from the pipe axis comprise the nozzle. The pipe is capable of reciprocal motion and rotation around the axis for stable operation according to load and fuel. Flow injection-thermal analysis-mass spectro97102764 metry: application to studies of carbon gasification reactions Jones, J. M. rr al. Carbon, 1997, 35, (2). 217-225. The combination of flow injection with thermal analysis-mass spectrometry was used to study the following gasification reactions common to coal gasification, carbon gasification, and combustion: (1) the reaction of NO with carbon, and (2) the reaction of NH? and NO over carbon. The method can separate the variables of a single reaction. In both cases, >99% isotopically pure ‘sC was used, so that N, and CO, and also NzO and CO2 could be mass-resolved. The effects of oxygen concentration and gasification temperature on the formation of NzO and Nz during the NO-carbon reaction were examined The NzO:Nz ratio increased with increasing oxygen concentration, whereas the NzO concentration decreased with increasing temperature. Hydrogen production from fossil fuels and other 97102765 regionally available feedstocks Timpe, R. C. et al. Hydrogcw Enera frog. XI. Proc. World Hydrogen Ener&y Conf., llth, 1996, 1, 489-498. Edited by Veziroglu, T. Nejat. International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Coral Gables, Fla. Data concerning hydrogen production, including feedstock analysis, arc reported. Catalysed and uncatalysed steam gasification tests of coal, biomass,. and selected wastes are also discussed. The bench-scale steam gasificatton kinetics of several Iignites, sub-bituminous, and bituminous coals under uncatalysed and catalysed conditions have been studied extensively at the University of North Dakota (UND) Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC). Catalyst screening has shown that potassium-rich minerals and wood ash provide the best rate enhancement. steam gasification reactions Limestone- , dolomite-, and taconite-catalysed have exhibited rate enhancement, although not as great as that of the alkali metals. Steam gasification of annual or fast-growing perennial biomass or accumulations of dead biomass results in a product gas similar in hydrogen content to that produced from fossil feedstock. Rates of uncatalysed reactions are similar to bituminous coal gasification rates and less than the rates of low rank coal gasification. Influence of Gasification Catalyzed by Calcium and 97102766 Steam Activation on the Porous Structure of Activated Carbons Lehoda, R. et rrl. Loogm~lir, 1997, 13, (5), 121 l-1217. The paper presents the effect of the catalyst concentration, the method of deposition on the carbon surface and burn-off on the parameters of the micropore and mesoporc size distributions that were established. The
Fuel and Energy Abstracts
July 1997
microporous and mesoporous carbon structure were altered by the modification of the carbon by steam and in the presence of impregnated Ca(Il). The micropore adsorption capacity decreased and the mesopore surface area and the average and the variance of the half-width of the micropore slits increased with increasing burn-off for all of the carbons that were studied. The sensitivity of the parameters that were used for characterizing the porous structure of the activated carbon to the chalges in the burn-off is determined by the structure of the raw’ matertala. Compared to the impregnation method for deposition, the most appropriate method of catalyst deposition on the surface of the activated carbon is calcium ion exchanged. 97102767 Light olefins from coal derived syngas Satdesai, A. er N/. Proc.-Annu. Inf. PiMxrrgh Cm/ Cottf.. IYY6, 1.3. (2). 1012-1017. In response to inadequate petroleum supplies to meet the existing energy demands. coal has emerged a\ a viable alternative fuel source. Synthesis ot methanol from coal-derived synthesis gas is a well-cstahlished technology and methanol has heen used as a feedstock for the commercial \ynthesia of gasoline range hydrocarbons and olefins. An efficient hydrocarbon di-Me ether synthesis tram synthesis process, hased on a single-stage syngas. has been developed at the University of Akron. Thts UA!EPRI‘s DTH (Di-Me Ether to Hydrocarbons) process has significant advnntagc\ over its counterparts in the areas of heat duties, hydrocarbon selectivttte\. product yield, and reactor size. The present work focuses on the effect of key process variables on the di-Me ether conversion to Iowcr olefins in a fixed bed microreactor system over ZSM-5 type zeolite catalyst. Thi\ study examines experimental results with respect to gaseou\ hydrocarbon product yields and selectivities. 97102766 gasification Tandon, D.
Low temperature and elevated pressure of Illinois coal. Diss. Ahsfr. Irt r., 8, 1997. 57. (IO). 273 pp.
97102769 LPMEOH synthesis using C021CO-rich syngas Gunda, A. Proc. Annu.. Itzf. Pittsburgh Cool Conf., I9Yh. 13. (2). IO022 lOOh. A discussion about the Liquid Phase Methanol Synthesis Process (LPMeOH) process is presented. In this process, syngas reacts in the presence of the catalyst slurried in an inert parafftntc oil. A methsmtl synthesis reaction takes place on the catalytic active sites immersed in the oil phase. The catalyst currently used in methanol synthesis consists of co precipitated CuO and ZnO with small amount of A1201. The oil provides a means for catalyst homogeneity in the reactor as well as maintaining the thermal stability of the reactor system. CO:-hydrogenation and w’ater-gas shift reactions best explain the methanol synthesis. The effects of CO? concentration in the feed syngas on methanol synthesis and product selectivity are studied at different temperatures. The operating conditions have been chosen such that they closely resemble industrial reactors. 97102770 Minimum COP emissions from IGCC power plants by methanol production with H2 Pruschek, R. er al. Hydrogen Ener&y Proc. VI, Pmt. Wdd Hu/rqqcn fxcr:~~~ Conf., 11th. 1996. 2, 1439-1446. Edited by Veztroglu, T. N.. Internattonal Association for Hydrogen Energy, Coral Gables. Florida. It is possible. due to the intermediate stage of synthesis gas in IGCC technology, to remove most of the carbon compounds heforc comhu\tion with acceptable additional auxiliary power demand The separated CO? stream is of highest purity and therefore suited for disposal. Methanol synthesis based on power plant CO? is a promising with regard to the worldwide market situation, because this methanol could replace gasoline on a large scale. As all the conceivable gasifier feedstocks. lack hydrogen in terms of syngas composition stoichiometry necessary for methanol synthesis Hz has to be provided from an external COz-free source. This has to he both cost-efficient and widely available, such as electrolysis of water based on hydra. solar or nuclear pow’er. This contribution presents the results of a pre-basic design for a coal-fired 300 MW-class IGCC power plant with methanol production using an external H: source. Primary energy utilization as well as the resulting generating cost\ and methanol production costs are discussed from the standpoint of expenditure necessary to avoid a\ much COz emitted by coal-fired power plants as economically fcasihle. 97102771 Model of autothermal gasification of high-ash fuel during two-stage combustion in fluidired bed Belyaev, A. A. and Chistov, S. F. Prom. Energ.. 1996. (8). 28-35. (In Russian) The fluidized-bed gasification of solid fuels wa\ simulated wtth a mathematical model for a two-stage fluidized-bed comhuation process. This process was comprised of (I) partial gasification and (2) final combustion in a boiler. The efficiency of conversion of chemical energy to thermal energy was substantially higher than that of conventional combustion when calculated using the model. 97102772 New clean fuel from coal. Dimethyl ether Ohno, Y.et al. Prepr. Pap. Am. Chem. Sot.. Div. Fuel C‘hm.. lYY7. 42. (2). 705-709.
The manufacture
of DME from coal, its properties.
and uses are presented.