Solid fuels (transport, storage)
material of 6.13 wt% sulfur content crushed and retreated gave a reduction in emission value from 2795 to 1783 g of sulfur per GJ: 36.2% at a CV loss of 17.7%.
considered either by local small scale gasification with coal, rich in kaolinite, alternative to combustion.
gasification as well as by coin new IGCC processes, as an
Swelling pretreatment of coal for improved lique98loo979 faction at less severe conditions
ICCS ‘97, Hu, H. et al. DGMK Tagungsber., 1997, 9704 (Proceedings Volume 3), 1465-1468. In order to study the effect of solvent swelling pre-treatment of a subbituminous coal on the liquefaction at different conditions, tests were und,ertaken. MeOH, THF and pyridine were used as swelling agent and the liquefaction of swollen coals and untreated coal was carried out in an autoclave apparatus Swelling pre-treatment of coal was found to effectively increase the THF conversion of coal liquefaction at temperatures below 400°C. The use of some catalyst is needed to obtain high conversion at low temperature. The FT-IR and SEM analyses indicated that solvent swelling pre-treatment renders the coal structure much more uniform while the main structure is unchanged.
Use of supercritical
in coal
Lanterman. H. B. and Lee, S. Proc. Annu. I&. Pittsbumh Coal Conf.. 1995, 12,738-743. The paper examines coal desulfurization for pre-combustion combustion using supercritical COz-water and supercritical CO*-MeOH at constant reduced temperature and reduced pressure. Extraction efficiencies, Btu heating values, proximate and ultimate analysis of the extracted coal are provided. In terms of sulfur extraction, supercritical water was the best solvent, but alone it resulted in reduced recovered heating value. Use of CO*, however, either in conjunction with water or MeOH or alone, did not show any beneficial solvent effects. Supercritical CO* does, however, have use as a secondary cleaning agent. Some typical organic sulfur compounds were identified in the liquid extract.
System for classification and dewatering of solids, especially fine grain coal
Blaszczynski, S. Pol. PL 172,425 (Cl. B03B5/28), 30 Sep 1997, Appl. 301,701, 29 Dee 1993, 3 pp. (In Polish) A container with a porous bottom with underneath chamber connected with a water inlet and a vacuum device is fed with a stream containing coal particles of various sizes suspended in water. The stream and water is fed under the porous bottom on which coarse particles are settled in the form of a layer, above which small particles suspended in water are floating. Water is removed from the chamber and partly from the layer of coarse particles by vacuum. A small portion of the floating fine particles is simultaneously settled by suction onto the coarse particle layer surface, so that the surface is sealed and the filtration is slowed down. Finally, the water containing fine particles is discharged and the coarse particle layer is vacuum dried.
98lOO981 orocessina
Theoretical analysis of schemes for complex coal
~~~keev~ VPI. et al. DGMK Tagungsber., 1997, 9703 (Proceedings ICCS ‘97, Volume 2), 1287-1290. The paper studies the influence of chemical composition of raw coals on their complex processing to MeOH, coke, heat and electricity through gasification were studied. The process scheme optimization is based on the The Fischer-Tropsch technology detailed thermodynamic calculation. scheme to synthesize light and heavy hydrocarbon fuels from coal gasification products was calculated. Productivity and product selectivity are given as the functions of coal gasification and hydrocarbon synthesis parameters.
Thermal coal desulfurization 98lOOQ82 Zbraniborski, 0. el al. Karbo-EnergochemicaLEkol., 1996, 41, (9), 347351. (In Polish) Partial gasification of coal fines in the presence of dolomite or limestone is followed with separation of the spent sorbent and combustion of obtained gas and solid residue in a boiler. Prior to reaching the boiler’s hightemperature zone the used calcium-containing sorbent is removed to protect the CaS04 from thermal decomposition. 98100983
Treatment method temperature preheatlng of coal
of the gas used for high-
Ohira, H. and Amamoto, K. Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho JP 09,272,873 [97,272,873] (Cl. ClOB57/08), 21 Ott 1997, Appl. 96/108,451, 3 Apr 1996, 6 pp. (In Japanese) Combustible-containing waste gas is treated and used for high-temperature preheating of coal after heat exchange. The treatment comprises introducing the waste gas to the upper space of prechamber of coke dry-quenching (CDQ) equipment and combustion with air, having at least above the theoretical combustion equivalent of the waste gas. The heat of the gas after combustion is recovered, at least a part of the cooled gas can be used for cooling red-hot coke in the CDQ equipment, and the remainder of the gas is vented into the atmosphere. 98fOO984
Upgrading of waste derived solid fuel b,y steam
Braekman-Danheux, C. er al. Fuel, 1998, 77, (l/2), 55-59. Thermolysis is an interesting alternative or complementary way to eliminate municipal solid waste or other kinds of dispersed waste, especially in rural regions with a low population. The energetic valorization of the solid fuel generated by the process determines how economically feasible the thermolysis is: steam gasification is a possible way to valorize this fuel. The results presented here show that steam gasification of waste derived solid fuel produces a synthesis gas with good calorific value. The behaviour of lead, cadmium, copper and manganese has been studied as a function of the gasification conditions. The main toxic species can be trapped in the ashes in a non-leachable form if kaolinite is added as a sorbent during gasification. The behaviour of the lead derivative present in the waste derived solid fuel seems to be due to PbCl2 formation during the thermolysis. Energetic valorization of waste derived solid fuel can be
98JOOQ88 Analysis of coal log ram extrusion Deng, Q. and Liu, H. Powder Technol., 1997, 91, (l), 31-41. For the purpose of coal log pipeline transportation of coal, ram extrusion of coal logs was studied. Wall friction and Fontraction of the die (mould) cross-sectional area, high pressure may be needed to cause the flow of coal through the die. One common problem of ram extrusion is the predetermination of the extrusion load. Equations have been derived in this study to predict the pressure drop inside a conical die under static conditions. The extrusion area ratio, the Janssen constant, the contact friction coefficient, and the cone angle were all found to contribute to the extrusion load. Experiments were carried out on a conical die using a bituminous coal. There was
The explosion risk in case of spontaneous ignition 98400987 fires in the Ruhr coal mining indusjry, Germany Hermulheim, W. Glueckauf, 1997, 133, (ll), 665-673. (In German) Spontaneous ignition fires caused by CH4 were examined and the results evaluated with regard to suitability for practical application, making assessment of the explosion hazard of a spontaneous combustion fire possible. Some common features and hypotheses are recommended. 9aioo9aa Formation of biofilms in coal David, P. VGB Tech. Ver. Grosskraftwerksbetr., [Tagungsber.] VGB-TB, 1996, (VGB-TB 432, VGB-Konferenz, ‘Chemie im Kraftwerk 1996’), Paper V17, 12 pp. (In German) In coal storage areas, the role of indigenous sulfur- and sulfide-oxidizing bacteria in the corrosion of concrete and steel was examined regarding factors of bacterial growth. Studies with representative sulfur-oxidizing bacteria have suggested a self-accelerating potentially corrosive process involving oxidation of pyrite to Fez(SO.,)s and Hz-S04, which then can corrode the steel and concrete structures of the storage area. Bacterial growth was limited most by pH of the water and the presence of CO* and 02. Corrosion can be best monitored by measuring the pH of the drainage or runoff water that can be in contact with the storage structures. The presence of biofilms can be determined microbiologically.
98JOO989 Installation for d&H-free loading of loose materials into railway cars Baklazhenko, A. S. el al. Koks Khim., 1995, (ll), 34-35. (In Russian) An apparatus for loading dry quenched coke into railway cars contains cap for dust prevention.
Kinetic parameters of oxidatlon of coals by heatrelease measurement and their relevance to self-heating tests
Jones, J. C. et al. Fuel, 1998, 77, (l/2), 19-22. The kinetic parameters of oxidation of a number of bituminous coals were determined from heat-release rates made in oven heating experiments. Calculations to determine the critical ambient temperature for ignition of each coal in a 3-m shipping hold were made, and the heat release rates at that temperature were calculated for each coal. These were the same for each coal. It is suggested that this can provide a criterion for an alternative approach to assessing self-heating hazards with such materials. 98/00991
Pneumatic conveying of coal against high back
Marianovic, P. et al. Proc. Annu. Inr. Pittsburgh Coal Conf., 1995, 12, 548553. For the purpose of investigating gas-solid flow at elevated pressures over a wide range of gas flow rates and conveying line pressure drops, an experimental facility was built at Glasgow Caledonian University. The
Fuel and Energy Abstnwta
March 1998 91