Electricsl power supply and utilization (scientific, technical)
Nonllnear-pro ramming mathematical modeling of 99loo4w coal blending for power p$ant
Tang, L. et al. Proc. Annu. Int. Pittsburgh Coal Conf., 1997, 14, (17) 6-28. Most of the blending works at present are guided by experience or linearprogramming (LP) which cannot reflect the complicated characteristics of coal properly. Experimental and theoretical research work shows that most of the coal blend properties can not always be measured as a linear function of the properties of the individual coals in the blend. Non-linear functions or processes (including neural network and fuzzy mathematics) were introduced, established on the experiments directed by the authors and other researchers, to quantifiably describe the complex coal blend parameters. Finally, non-linear-programming (NLP) mathematical modelling of coal blend is introduced and utilized in the Hangzhou Coal Blending Center. Predictions based on the new method produced very different results form the ones on LP modelling. It shows that it is very important to introduce NLP modelling, instead of NL modelling, into the work of coal blending.
Onllne d namlc optlmlxatlon of cyclone units for 99100469 NO. control and eff rclency Improvement at llllnols Power’s Baldwln Statlon
Mcvay, M. and Jarc, C. Proc. Am. Power Conf., 1998, 60, (2), 662-666. The success of the initial installation of online optimization at Illinois Power’s Hennepin station has been described recently. As part of the company’s Phase II Clean Air Act Amendments compliance plan, Illinois Power proceeded with similar online systems at its Baldwin, Wood River, Havana, and Vermilion stations for all 10 of its coal-fired units. These operator advisory systems use the Ultramax Method and Dynamic Optimization, known as ULTRAMAXIMUM. Of particular interest are installations on Baldwin Units 1 and 2, which are 575 MW B&W cyclone units. Throughout the power industry, there is great concern about how to deal with high NO. concentrations and meet USEPA regulations while avoiding excessive capital costs. Based on previous applications of ULTRAMAX to cyclone units, a successful control strategy was used to optimize the Baldwin cyclones. These empirical model structures were then integrated with Baldwin’s distributed control system to provide continuous online optimization. The online optimization system meets IP’s objectives of NO, reduction and concurrent improvement in boiler efficiency. IP benefits by achieving compliance with emission regulations while securing cost savings and a rapid return on investment. Implementing ULTRAMAX as an integrated online solution on the Baldwin cyclone boilers assists the operator when conditions change, simplifies data collection, and enables daily updates of boiler models. This continuous use of an integrated dynamic solution offers greater fuel savings, emissions control, and the ability to respond rapidly and flexibly to changes in compliance regulations, operating conditions, and the market environment.
99lgg470 Ukraine
Operation of Alchevsk stamped charge coke plant,
Umansky, R. Z. et al. Ironmahing Conf: Proc., 1998, (57) 797-801. By using the stamped charge technology high-quality cokes were produced from blends containing as much as 70% poorly caking coals. The coking rate was reduced by 2.2-7.1%.
99W471 ((NH&SO,)
sulfate oxide (PEO)-ammonlum Polyethylene complexes and electrochemical cell performance
Ali, A. M. M. et al. Journal of Power Sources, 1998, 74, (1). 135-141. This paper describes the experiment whereby the PEO-(NHd)z504 systems with different NH.,+/EO ratio have been prepared by the solution-cast technique and investigated by X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy and impedance spectroscopy. The highest conductivity (2.7~10~ S cm-‘) is obtained from the film with a NH.++/EO ratio of 0.050. Some electrochemical cells are then fabricated using the film with the highest electrical conductivity as the electrolyte.
Powder synthesis and electrochemical propertles 99lgg472 of LIMn204 prepared by an emulsion-drylng method
Hwang, K. et al. Journal of Power Sources, 1998, 74, (2), 169-174. From a water-in-oil.emulsion spine1 LiMnzO., powder, used as a cathode material for lithium-ion batteries, was prepared by loading the lithium and manganese ions into the aqueous phase. As the heating temperature was increased, the particles grew linearly and the specific surface-area was reduced. The LiMnz04 phase started to form at 450°C and was produced up to 750°C for 48 h without the development of other phases. Optimum heating conditions, based on the resulting electrochemical properties, were 750°C and 850°C for 48 h. The capacities of the powders were 112 and 115 mA h g-‘, respectively.
Power eneratlon In Incinerators using fuel cells 99loo473 and waste thermal 8 ecomposltlon gases Mon, N. Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho JP 10 144,336 [98 144,336] (Cl. HOlM81 06), 29 May 1998, Appl. 96/293,567, 6 Nov 1996; 4 pp. (In Japanese) The decomposition gases are (1) passed through ceramic filters, while the gases are still hot, to remove char and carbon component, (2) modified in a furnace to become gases containing small amount of oxidizing gases, and (3) supplied in the fuel cells for power generation.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts
January 1999
Predicting failure of secondary batteries
Urquidi-Macdonald, M. and Bomberger, N. A. Journal of Power Sources, 1998, 74, (l), 87-98. Predicting the failure of secondary batteries is important. However, when determinism is not used to make the predictions because the complexity of the problem, difficult questions arise. Data analysts must always determine how much information is available in a given database and how much information can be squeezed from the database. A philosophical question is frequently posed: How long into the future can we predict based on past information? For the prediction of battery cycling life this question can be formulated as: How long must a battery be tested to predict when it will fail? The answer to this type of question depends on how many variables define the problem, how much we know of the problem, how effective we are at squeezing information from the database, and how much knowledge and reliable data we have available to build a predictive model. The quality of the model will be measured by its ability to predict the future behaviour of the system. The prediction of cycling life of batteries has been until now an impossible task. We are convinced that this is in part because the problem is very difficult, and in part, because the information available in databases has not been manipulated enough to produce a reliable predictive model. Models based on similar techniques are expected to have similar predictive capabilities.
Preparation of hydraulic binding coal ashes of thermal stations
material from
Voina, 1. Rom. RO 106,159 (Cl. F23Jl/OO), 26 Feb 1993, Appl. 149, 159, 15 Jan 1992; 5 pp. (In Romanian) From coal ashes of thermal stations hydraulic binding material for concrete manufacture without cement is prepared. Low- or medium-grade ground coal containing various mineral components are subjected to combustion in fluidized bed at 700-1000”. The resulting ashes are cooled in two stages; fast to 700” followed by normal cooling to 150”. The resulting product has a specific surface of 2000-4000 cm2 and can be used as hydraulic binder instead of cement.
Preparation lithium-ion batteries
of LI,Mn.N11..02
as a cathode for
Yoshio M. et al. Journal of Power Sources, 1998, 74, (l), 46-53. This paper concerns the study of the preparation of LiyMn,Ni,.,Oz from LiOH.HzO, Ni(OH)z and y-MnOOH under oxygen and flowing air. Single phases of Li,Mn,Nir.,Oz are prepared by using y-MnOOR as a manganese source. The optimum heating temperatures are 800°C for x = 0.1 and 850°C for x = 0.2. The particle size of the source manganese compound is an important factor for the preparation of the single phase Li,Mn,Ni,.,Oz. It is found that Li,.Mn,Ni,.,Oz is formed from Li,NiOz and LizMn03 at a temperature hrgher than 750°C. As the average valence of transition metals (Mn and Ni) for Li,Mn,Ni,.,Oz obtained under flowing oxygen is found to be more than three, it is experimentally confirmed that manganese in Li,Mn,Nir.,Oz exists as both Mn(lI1) and Mn(IV). For this reason, the presence of Li,Mn,Nir_IOz would be allowed for a wide range of y.
Selection llthlum-Ion batteries
of new Kynar-based
Christie, A. M. et al. Journal of Power Sources, 1998, 74, (1) 77-86. For use in lithium-ion batteries after gelling with an appropriate quantity of Kynar polymer new electrolyte solution compositions have been identified. Since the Li+ conducting medium is largely the liquid electrolyte component, the assessment of these solutions as suitable lithium-ion cell candidates were investigated before adding the polymer. Selected electrolyte solutions were then used in the preparation of polymer gels. The specific conductivities of Kynar-based gels were determined as a function of salt concentration and polymer concentration. Optimized self-supporting polymer films, based on mixtures of ethylene carbonate (EC), ethylmethyl carbonate (EMC) and lithium hexafluorophosphate (LiPFn) or lithium tetrafluoroborate (LiBF4), showed good high current density cyding performance. 99loo478
State of the art of gypsum recovery for a Spanish
power plant Mora, E. P. et al. Stud. Environ. Sri., 1997, 71, 581-590. A study with the aim of reducing SO, emissions from high sulfur content coal combustion for power generation in Spain was conducted. A desulfurization plant under construction is anticipated to reduce current emissions by 90%. The technology consists of using 700,000 tons of limestone/year, producing -1,000,OOO tons of gypsum.
Study of early cycling deterioration of a NIIMH battery by electrochemical Impedance spectroscopy
Cheng, S. et al. Journal of Power Sources, 1998, 74, (l), 155-157. On spiral-wound, size 4/SA, Ni/MR batteries, which are prepared by using direct-seal technology a.c. impedance measurements are made. Both the positive and the negative electrodes are fabricated by filling in a porous nickel substrate with the active materials. The main purpose of the investigation is to determine the cause(s) of the early cycling deterioration of this foam-type battery. The results demonstrate that the cycle-life curve can be divided into three parts. After little change in capacity and voltage, deterioration of the NVMR battery occurs as the voltage performance decreases. This is followed by a sharp decrease in both the discharge capacity and the voltage performance. The decrease in voltage performance