Fuel science and technology
science, analysis, instrumentation)
Survey on environmental load reduction
technology Hara, M. and Takai, M. Sekifan Riyo Gijursu Kaigi Koenshu, 1998, 8, 183193. (In Japanese) The paper reviews the development of emission and pollution-reduction technology for high-efficiency coal combustion applications, including COz. emissions reduction, flue gas desulfurization, pulse combustion, dust collection, melting chamber combustion process and combustion gasification of biomass fuels.
Technical survey on evaluation of environmental
burden Hara, M. Sekitan Riyo Gijursu Kaigi Koenshu, 1998, 8, 60-76. (In Japanese) A study of manufacturing and combustion of mixtures of coal and refusederived fuels, reduction and removal of hazardous substances during and after combustion and municipal power generation potential.
Working levels in the coal fired power plant In
Ez:’ Kovac, J. Prot. Assoc.,
IRPA9, Int. Congr. Radiat. Prot.: Ninth Int. Congr. Int. Radiat. 1996, 2, 232-234.
Technology-enhanced natural radiation (TENR), the exposure from manmade natural sources, was studied in association with coal-fired power plant radiation in Croatia. The anthracite coal used for combustion has an average 10% sulfur and a varying amount of uranium. Working area measurements where TENR is present were made and the results are reported.
FUEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Fundamental Science, Analysis, Instrumentation
99103992 Analysis of conversion of the firing of a heat and power plant from coal dust to natural gas as illustrated by the Wltaszyce sugar mill Ossowski, G. ef al. Gaz. Cukrow., 1998, 106, (12), 228-230. (In Polish) Situated at a sugar mill, two water-tube stoker-fired boilers were converted to natural gas firing. The converted boilers generate 50 tons/h steam at 3.9 MPa and 450°C and display 91% efficiency. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions are reduced by 99.6% and 26.7%. respectively. 99103993 Ca ion-exchanged coal char ss H2S sorbent Garcia, B. and Takarada, T. Fuel, 1999, 78, (5). 573-581. Using calcium ion-exchanged coal char, H2S removal was studied in a fixed bed reactor at a temperature of 900°C. Yallourn brown coal was used for ion exchange. The CaO obtained from the pyrolysis of calcium ionexchanged coal was finely dispersed in the char and much more reactive towards HsS than that from limestone. Calcium ion-exchanged coal char showed high HzS capture and almost no emission of HzS was observed in the earlier reaction stage. At a reaction time of 100 min, the sulfur/calcium atomic ratio in calcium ion-exchanged coal char increased to 1.2. This was due to HzS capture capacity of both the coal char itself and the CaO distributed in the char. The sorption capacity of char was determined as 1.5 mmol-H&g-char. The desulfurization characteristics of calcined limestone strongly depended on the particle size, whereas those of calcium ionexchanged coal char were almost independent of the char particle size. 99103994
Coal ash composltion as a function of feedstock
composition Thompson, D. and Argent, B. B. Fuel, 1999, 78, (5), 539-548. Realistic modelling of coal ash from combustion of a coal with known mineralogy is possible with the extended capability of thermodynamic predictive programmes now available. Previous investigations in which the equilibrium ash composition corresponding to the bulk mineral analysis of a coal was examined are extended here to evaluate trends which could occur as a result of local inhomogeneity. In order to obtain realistic modelling, it is necessary to refer to experimental investigations of ash composition and regard the formation of complex minerals involving mote than two oxides to be too slow to occur to any significant extent during pulverized fuel combustion. Products from the markedly different mineral contents of two coals predicted using a database which includes a model of a silicate melt with potential immiscible liquid formation are compared. The difference in the nature of oxide melt formation between the two examples is significant. Results are presented for predictions. Adiabatic temperatures ate predicted and show maxima which occur at higher air levels and lower temperatures
Fuel and Energy Abstracts
November 1999
for increasing mineral content. The formation also examined. The formation of condensed examined.
of oxide and sulfide melts is phases on cooling is also
Comparison of fuel properties of petroleum cokes and coals used in power generation
Lee, J. M. et al. Prepr. Symp. Am. Chem. Sot., Div. Fuel Chem., 1999, 44. (1) 80-89. A comparison was made between various fuel properties of petroleum cokes and bituminous coals used in power generation. Four fluid cokes, 14 delayed cokes and five export coals are included for evaluation based on recent analysis data accumulated for the past two years (1997-1998).
99103998 Design of IGCC demonstration plant Kaneko, S. et al. MifsubishiJuko Giho, 1999, 36, (1). 18-21. (In Japanese) The 200 tons/day pilot project in Nakoso was successfully completed and the IGCC technology development in Japan is now moving from feasibility studies to a detailed study on final decisions for demonstration plant construction. The feasibility study, conducted by the domestic power companies from 1997, found MHI’s IGCC most efficient due to its experience with the 200 tons/day pilot plant; it displays superior thermal efficiency and high reliability. Basic R & D is being executed as a national project, in parallel with the study, to ensure scaling up from pilot to demonstration plants.
Dis ersed anion-modified metal-promoted iron oxide catalysts Por hydrotreatment and hydroconversion processes
Pradhan, V. R. et al. US 5,866,501 (Cl. 502-338; BOlJ23/74), 2 Feb 1999, Appl. 609,759, 23 Feb 1996, 13 pp. Composed of precipitated oxides or oxyhydroxides of iron, the dispersed fine-sized catalysts are suitable for hydrogenation and hydroconversion reactions. The precipitates are prepared from iron-containing salt solutions and a promoter metal salt by rapid precipitation by adding aqueous NH,OH. The catalysts are active in hydtoconversion and hydrotreatment of a variety of feedstocks and feedstock mixtures, including petroleum residues, coal and mixed plastic wastes.
Dynamic modeling and simulation of the air blown gasification cycle prototype integrated plant
Pike, A. W. et al. IEE Conf. Publ., 1998, 457, (Simulation ‘98) 354-361. A new generation of clean and efficient coal gasification plants must be developed if coal is to continue as a major fuel source for power production. This paper addresses the development of a rigorous dynamic simulation model and control scheme for an air-blown gasification cycle prototype integrated plant.
Enhanced heat transfer: endless frontier, or mature
and routine? Bergles, A. E. Enhanced Heat Transfer, 1999, 6, (2-4), 79-88. The many techniques developed to enhance convective heat transfer are considered and presented according to the mode of heat transfer. The current advanced enhancement represents third generation heat transfer technology, integral to which are the many contributions of Prof. Ralph Webb. A bright future is predicted for this technology.
99/04000 Exergy model of a vortex tube system with experimental results Saidia, M. H. Energy, 1999, 24, (7) 625-632. A thermodynamic model has been used to investigate vortex tube energy separation. An equation has been derived for the rate of entropy generation. This equation is used to model the irreversibility term. A Gouy-Stodola type relation is used for the total irreversibility. The exergydestruction rate and flow availability are estimated. A vortex-tube laboratory unit has been constructed to verify the theoretical analysis. A new approach has been used to optimize dimensions and operating conditions of a vortex-tube using exergy analysis.
99lO4001 Experimental evaluation of a sln#le-stage heat transformer operatlng wlth the wster/CsrrolT mixture Rivera, W. et al. Energy, 1999, 24, (4), 317-326. This paper describes experimental results obtained with a single-stage heat transformer (SSHT). Many combinations of fluid pairs have been proposed although only the water/lithium bromide mixture has been widely used. The experimental work was done using the water/CarrolTM mixture, where CartolTM is a mixture of lithium bromide and ethylene glycol [(CH20H)2] in the ratio 1:4.5 by weight. Flow ratios, gross temperature lifts, useful heat and coefficients of performance are plotted for the heat transformer versus temperatures and solution concentrations. Because the water/CarrolTM mixture has higher solubility than water/lithium bromide and high experimental values are obtained for the gross temperature lift, it is a preferred mixture.