9th Canadian
on Catalysis ? The programme for this meeting (Sept. ZO-Oct. 3, Quebec) includes sessions on surface analysis, photocatalysis and photoassisted processes, ZSM-5 type zeolites, simulation of transient reactors and phenomena, Fisher Tropsch and related synthesis (the so-called R.B. Anderson session) and homogeneous and heterogenised organometallic complexes. There will also be a general session and a minisymposium on the upgrading of residual heavy oils. Speakers will include P. Hobsbn, E.G. berouane, J.M. Smith, K. Klier, R.h. Burnell and J.M. Speight. The proceedings of the conference will be published in the Elsevier series "Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis".
8th International
on Catalysis
The 8th International Congress on Catalysis (81CC) will be held in Berlin from July 2-6, 1984. The programme, which has now been announced, contains 280 papers and posters. More than 800 participants are expected. Two opening lectures will be given by G.-M. Schwab (Euken's work on Catalysis) and B. Timm (Ammonia synthesis and heterogeneous catalysis. A historical review.) The plenary lectures will be given by J.M. Thomas (New approaches to the structural elucidation of zeolitic and related catalysts), J.M. Lehn (Artificial photosynthesis and solar energy conversion - Photocatalytic water splitting and CO2 reduction), J. Haber fcatalvsis and surface Chemistry of 0xides);G.A. Somorjai (The surface science view of heterogeneous catalysis. The Past, the present and the future) and W.M.H. Sachtler (Elementary steps in the catalysed conversion of synthesis gas). The papers are divided over the following topics: zeolites, (4 papers); studies on the working catalyst (4 oaoers, 12 posters); catalysis and energy requirements (4'papers,-9 posters); catalyst synthesis (8 papers, I5 posters); catalysis for synthesis of chemicals (8 papers, 22 posters); structure-selectivitvlactivitv correlations (8 papers, 25 posters); dynamics of catalytic reactions (8 papers, 19 posters); active phase-support interactions (8 papers, 16 posters); impact of surface science on Catalysis (8 papers,
Volume 10 No. 1 - April 1994
17 posters); catalysis for upgrading crude oi 1 (4 oaoers, 21 oostersl; catalvsis for reactions'with synthesis gas (8 papers, 15 posters). Posters will also be given on: new methods in catalysis research (16); catalysis and environmental protection (6); and cluster-derived catalysts (9). A number of post-congress symposia are scheduled, details of which are included in the Calendar of Forthcoming Events. The first on "Surface Spectroscopic Investigations of Real Catalysts" will be held on July 9th at the University of Miinster. Soeakers will include Boddenbera. Gonzalez, Heinrich, Holm, Madix, Sachtlerand Stone. The second will be held on July 9th and 10th at the Congress Centre at Bad Soden and is entitled "Reaction Engineering Aspects of Catalysis", the aim is to cover new developments in this subject in the Federal Republic of Germany. The third symposium is entitled "CIChemistrv" and will be held in the University of karlsruhe on July 9th and 10th when speakers will include Bell, Dolkemeyer, Geertsema, Haag, Klier, Satterfield and Somorjai. The fourth symposium, on July 10th and llth, will be held in the Ruhr-University of Bochum, where speakers will include Grasselli, Haag, Pernicone, Topstie, Butt, Delmon, Riekert and Trimm; the subject is "Characterisation of Activity, Selectivity and Deactivation of Solid Catalysts". The fifth symposium is entitled "Promoter Action in Heterogeneous Catalysts" and will be held in the University of Munich on July 11th and 12th; speakers will include Bonzel. Goodman. Madey, Madix, Nfirskov, Ponec; Tamaru and TopsBe. Several other events will occur in Western Europe at about the same time and will be of interest to participants at the International Congress. These include the symposium on "Adsorption and Catalysis on Oxides", to be held in Brunei University, UK, on June 28-29, and the 9th Ibero American Svmoosium on Catalysis, to be held in Lisbon from July 16th-21st; both these events have been described in previous issues. A four-day course on "Mixed Bed Catalytic Reactors" will be held, at a venue still to be fixed, from 16th-19th July, while the "3rd International Symposium-on Small Particles and Inoraanic Clusters" will be held at the Free UGiversity of Berlin from July 9th-13th. On the same dates, as previously announced, the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences will hold a conference on "Structure and Reactivity of Modified Zeolites", while "The 31st International Field Emission Symposium"