A binocular perimeter

A binocular perimeter

Improved Perfusion 13. IL HaalnloxlJ of the Anterior (introdctccd Chamber by D. 1’. (‘ohs). (exhibit) Lo~t/o)r, The anterior chamber of the rabb...

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Improved Perfusion 13. IL HaalnloxlJ

of the Anterior



by D. 1’. (‘ohs).

(exhibit) Lo~t/o)r,

The anterior chamber of the rabbit eyr nlay be perfused whilst8 t,lle int,raocular pressnrc’ is ,‘ontinuously monitored either by using two nuttc,hed opposing syringes, or else by employing two opposmg loops m a peristaltic pump (Cole and Unger. 1973; (‘ok. 1974). SIlch sgstcrrls ilr’e often unsatisfactory in opernt,ion because of imprrfcct matching of the pump or syringe conrponrllt s. i\ more stable system is demonstrated using a flow inducer to pump perfusate from one tn111’of a resrrvoir to a sccontl compartment separatctl from the formc>r by a Intrs nlenibrant~.

Cole, D. F. and Ungcr, I\:. G:. (1973). f3.t~~. /31/e Rps. 17, 357. Cole, D. I+‘. (1974). E.x~. h$/e Kes. 19, 533.

A Binocular D. A.





The instrument exhibited may be used to test the visual fields of both eyes simultaneously, quick screening test, and may further be used uniocularly, in the conventiousl manner. more detailed analysis of the fields of patients who fail the binocular srreening test.

as a for t,he

The Presence of Crystallins and Certain Serum Proteins in Bovine Aqueous Humour, and Cornea1 Endothelium and Epithelium (exhibit)



ANU H.-.J.



Bovine cornea1 endothelium, epithelium and stroma and rabbit cornea1 epithelium are submitted to thin-layer isoelectric focusing (Bours, 1971). A number of isofocused bands are shown in bovine cornea1 endothelium, stroma and epithelium and in rabbit epit,helium having similar positions. As was demonstrated for the chick cornea (Bours, 1975), similar immunological results are obtained for the bovine cornea. Using monovalent, specific and polyvalent antisera in immnnoelectrophoresis, the presence is shown of a number of proteins immunologically identical to crystallins, like r.-crystallin in bovine aqueous humour, in the three layers of the bovine cornea and in the rabbit cornea, like @-crystallin(s) in bovine aqueous humour. cornea1 endothelium and epithelium and rabbit cornea. The organ-specificity of crystallins is objected by the presented evidence of the detection of crystallins in aqueous humour, cornea and other intraocular tissues (Bours, 1974; Sandberg, Folling and Gloss, 1974; Sandberg, 1976). The crystallins are no longer lens-specific but eye-specific (Bours. 1976). Species-specificity (Bours and Hockwin. 1976) of ox and chicken is demonstrated by a char difference between the crystallins which are det)ected in cornea1 epithelium. When polyvalent antisera directed t’o serum proteins are applied in immunoelectrophoresis, consistently the same pattern arises as developed from protein extracts of aqueous humour, cornea1 endothelium and other intraocular tissues. The species ox, rabbit and chick each show at least four bands, e.g. albumin, immunoglobulin-G and t,wo unidentified non-immunoglobulins, one of which most probably is transferrin. With monospecific antisera the presence is shown of albumin and immunoglobulin-G in bovine aqueous humour and in the cornea1 endothelium of ox, rabbit and chick. Here conformity of components in the various intraocular t)issues is shown between the species. REFERENCES Bours. Bours, Bours, Bours.

J. (1971). J. Chromztogr. 60, X5. J. (1974). Docum. Ophthnl. 37, I. J. (1975). Exp. Eye Res. 20, 187. J. (1976). On the organ and species specificity of crystsllins. In ScientiJic Foumlatio?~s of Ophthalmology (Ed. Perkins, E. S. and Hill, D. W.). Wi1lia.m Heinemann Medical Books. Ltd., London (in press). Bours, J. and Hockwin, 0. (1976). Bed. & Xiinch. Tierlirztl. Wschr. (in press). Sandberg. H. O., Fwlling, I. and Gloss, 0. (1974). Acta Ophthnlmol. 52, 161. Sandberg, H. 0. (1976). Bxp. Eye Res. 22, 75.