Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 1960, Vol. 1, pp. 62 to 71. Pergamon Press Ltd., London. Printed in Great Britian
A C A R D I O - A C C E L E R A T O R P R E S E N T IN T I S S U E E X T R A C T S OF T H E S N A I L H E L I X A S P E R S A G. A. K E R K U T D e p a r t m e n t of Physiology and Biochemistry, T h e University of S o u t h a m p t o n and M. S. L A V E R A C K T h e N a t u r e Conservancy, M e r l e w o o d Research Station, Grange over Sands, Lancs. (Receh,ed 20 May 1959)
Acetone-water extracts from various snail tissues, such as the brain, mantle, foot, mid-gut and heart, have a cardiac accelerating property. The chromatographic purification of this substance shows that it differs in properties from 5HT. 2. The differences between the cardiac accelerator and 5HT are (a) The extract action is not antagonized by LSD. (b) The winter frog heart and the summer frog heart are both accelerated by the extract whilst 5 t t T inhibits the winter frog heart and accelerates the summer frog heart. (c) Solutions of extract and 5HT show different reactions to chemical tests. (d) The extract and 5HT have a different R f in tert. butanol-methanol-water. (e) The addition of 5HT to the heart causes an acceleration whilst the extract causes an acceleration and a regularization of the beat. 3. It is suggested that the active principle in the extract is an aromatic amine possessing one or more hydroxyl groups, one of which is possibly in the 5 position. It does not appear to he an indole. Abstract--l.
INTRODUCTION O v e r t h e p a s t f e w y e a r s c o n s i d e r a b l e i n t e r e s t has b e e n a r o u s e d in t h e p h a r m a c o l o g y o f t h e i n v e r t e b r a t e s . I n s o m e cases c h e m i c a l s s u c h as a c e t y l c h o l i n e , a d r e n a l i n e , noradrenaline, 5-hydroxytryptamine and y-amino-butyric acid have been isolated f r o m t i s s u e e x t r a c t s a n d s h o w n to b e o f p h y s i o l o g i c a l i m p o r t a n c e , b u t in o t h e r cases v a r i o u s n a t u r a l t i s s u e e x t r a c t s a p p e a r to p o s s e s s p r o p e r t i e s t h a t d i s t i n g u i s h them from other identified chemicals. T h e p r e s e n t p a p e r will d e s c r i b e s t u d i e s o n e x t r a c t s f r o m t h e b r a i n a n d o t h e r t i s s u e s o f t h e c o m m o n E n g l i s h snail, H e l i x a s p e r s a . H i s t o l o g i c a l s t u d i e s r e p o r t e d in t h e first p a r t of t h e p a p e r i n d i c a t e t h a t n e u r o s e c r e t i o n o c c u r s in t h e snail as in o t h e r m o l l u s c s ( G a b e , 1949, 1953a, b ; C a z a l a n d B o g o r a z e , 1946), a n d t h e s e n e u r o s e c r e t i o n s m a y h a v e s o m e p h a r m a c o l o g i c a l a c t i v i t y . T h e s e c o n d p a r t of the paper concerns our studies on the nature of a cardio-accelerator substance p r e s e n t in t h e b r a i n a n d t i s s u e e x t r a c t s . T h e p r e l i m i n a r y r e s u l t s o f t h e s e e x p e r i m e n t s h a v e b e e n r e p o r t e d b y K e r k u t a n d L a v e r a c k (1958). 62
METHODS T h e demonstration of neurosecretory elements within the nervous system of
Helix aspersa was carried out by means of two staining methods ; those of Gomori (1941) and Halmi (1952). T h e dilution of Halmi's solution as used by Clark (1955) on Nephthys was found to be unsatisfactory on snail material. Sections were cut serially at 8/~ through the snail ganglia. Pharmacological investigation on the isolated Helix heart involved removal of the heart and attaching it to a fine glass rod which was then inserted into a cork and placed at the bottom of a small glass tube with a total volume of 5 ml. T h e apex of the heart was pierced by means of a hook attached to a thread which was fastened to a balanced heart lever. T h e lever was slightly weighted so that a small tension was maintained on the heart, and recordings were then made on a smoked drum. T h e heart from hibernating winter snails was found to beat satisfactorily in 90 per cent frog Ringer as recommended by Barry (1955) for Helixpomalfa. T h e hearts from active summer snails did not beat well in this saline or in 70 per cent frog Ringer. An analysis of the ions of snails' blood indicated that the following Ringer solution might be more satisfactory: 5-85g/1. NaC1; 0.30 g/1. KC1; 0.06g/1. CaCI2; 0.1 g/1. NaHCOa; and the summer hearts isolated into this solution will continue to beat satisfactorily for some hours. Solutions were made up in the Ringer for use at the time and the values were given as g/1. T h e L S D solutions were initially made up in distilled water as this compound is quickly deactivated by free chloride ions.
(1) Histological Investigations Sections of the brain of Helix aspersa stained with Gomori's iron haematoxylin method (1941) did not show any definite stained granules within the cells. Other authors however have shown that failure to stain by this method need not necessarily be indicative of the lack of secretory power of that tissue (Stumm-Zollinger, 1957). Staining with the paraldehyde fuchsin method revealed small fuchsinophilic granules particularly within the axon hillock of the large neurones of the ventral ganglia. These small granules occasionally aggregated to form dense patches within the cell (Fig. 1). Granules were also found in the axons originating from these cells but the site of the axon terminations has not yet been determined. It should be noted that granules staining with paraldehyde fuchsin are found only in the large neurones of the ventral ganglia. T h e y are not present in the smaller cells of the cerebral ganglia. Phase contrast and interference microscopical examinations of the living neurones teased out in saline revealed quite clearly the presence of granules both in the cell body and in the axon of the living cell.
(2) Pharmacological Investigation (i) Snail heart preparation (a) The action of 5 t t T (5-hydroxytryptamine). The reaction of molluscan hearts to 5ttT has been reported by Erspamer and Ghiretti (1951). Among the hearts they studied was the heart of Itelix pomatia though they did not consider that it was a good preparation for the bioassay of 5HT since it gave a variable response to the same dose level and did not necessarily return to the resting beat after washing away the active material. The heart of Helix aspersa is very reactive to the addition of 5HT as is shown in Fig. 2. The trace shown here was obtained from the heart of a winter hibernating snail and the threshold response was obtained to a dilution of 10-12 g/1. 5HT. The sensitivity of the Helix aspersa heart varied considerably throughout the year particularly over the period between hibernation and the awakening in the spring. Fig. 3 shows the sensitivity of a non-hibernating snail heart isolated one month later than that shown in Fig. 2. This heart had a threshold response to 5t¥1' at 10-s g/1. and the response was approximately proportional to the dose level. (b) The action of tissue extracts. Extracts of the ganglia, mantle, heart and other tissues of Helix were made by mincing the tissue in 50 per cent acetone. The solution was then evaporated to dryness and the residue taken up in the appropriate Ringer solution. The addition of these extracts to the isolated snail heart led to an increase in the amplitude and a slight increase in the frequency of the heart beat (Fig. 4). The effect was very much like that elicited by low concentrations of 5HT. The extract prepared from snail tissues by the method already described contained a considerable nmnber of substances. These substances were separated from each other by means of paper chromatography, the various positions being tested for their pharmacological activity. ']?he substances were further purified by eluting the paper and re-running the chromatogram in a different solvent. The best separation was effected by a two-dimensional chromatogram running first in tert. butanol-methanol water in the ratio of 4:5:1 and then in amyl alcoholpyridine water in the ratio of 2:2:1 (Erspamer and Ghiretti, 1951). It was necessary to take care to dry the paper carefully to drive off all the pyridine before carrying out the bioassay, but heating above 60 ° reduced the activity of the preparation. Sometimes the crude preparation was initially purified by absorption onto alumina, eluting and then running the two-way chromatogram. The chromatogram was then cut into pieces, substances eluted from the paper, and the resulting solutions assayed on the frog heart. The results of such an assay can be seen in Fig. 5. A considerable amount of activity remained on the site of origin of the spot but a further portion of the substance was found to have been associated with an area having an R f of 0.5 in tert. butanol-methanol-water, and an R f of 0.25 in amyl alcohol-pyridine water. (c) The action of LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide). LSD has a stimulatory action on the Helix heart and in this it somewhat resembles 5HT. The action
~l~ ......l ~ Fuschinophilic material
FIG. 1. Section t h r o u g h the pedal ganglion of Helix aspersa stained with p a r a l d e h y d e fuchsin. Note the a c c u m u l a t i o n of fuchsinophilic material in the axon hillock of the large nerve cell. (Magnification ca. 400 x ).
10- z
FIG. 2.
Reaction of the isolated heart from a h i b e r n a t i n g snail to 5 H T . T h e t h r e s h o l d c o n c e n t r a t i o n to which this p r e p a r a t i o n r e s p o n d e d was 10 1', g/l.
FI~. 3. Reaction of the isolated heart from a n o n - h i b e r n a t i n g snail to 5 H T . T h e threshold concentration to which this preparation responded was 10 -s g/1.
Brain extract
FtG. 4. T h e effect of brain extract on the isolated snail heart. Note the increase in the amplitude of the beat.
F10. 5. Bioassay of material eluted from a c h r o m a t o g r a m . T h e c rude ganglion extract was p laced at 0 and then run in tert. b u t a n o l - m e t h a n o l water. T h e c h r o m a t o g r a m was t h e n cut into strips and the material eluted off and assayed. T h e r e was still some activity at 0 b u t the m a j o r activity' a p p e a r e d at 5 and 6.
FIG. 6. A c t i o n of L S D . L S D added to the isolated H e l i x heart caused an increase in the a m p l i t u d e of the beat. A f u r t h e r increase was caused by the a d d i t i o n of bra i n extract, t h o u g h 5 H T did not cause an increase. Brain extract will also cause an increase in a m p l i t u d e and 5 H T will not, if the solutions are a d d e d in the orde r L S D - 5 H T - brain extract.
FIG. 7. T h e effect of 5 H T on the isolated heart of a winter frog. 5 H T inhibits the heart beat, the effect being reversible by washing.
FIG. 8. T h e effect of 5 H T , heart extract and brain extract on the isolated heart of a s u m m e r frog. 5 H T causes an increase in the amplitude of the beat, as does also brain extract and heart extract.
differs from 5 H T in that the increased amplitude lasts for a much longer time, on some occasions up to 45 min. L S D has been used as an antagonist to 5 H T (Welsh, 1954; Welsh and McCoy, 1957; Amin et al., 1954). T h u s Welsh (1954) has shown that it blocks the response of Venus heart to 5 H T . This reaction has been confirmed here for the heart of Helix. T h e addition of L S D before 5 H T blocks the reaction of the heart to this substance even though the heart has returned to its original amplitude after the L S D treatment. On the other hand the addition of L S D does not block the heart's response to extracts made from snail tissues. T h u s Fig. 6 shows the effect of L S D , 5 H T and ganglion extract, the heart still responded to the ganglion extract even though it did not do so to 5 H T and this latter effect was not due to the diminution of the effect of the L S D with time. This indicated that the active principle in the tissue extract that stimulated the heart was not 5 H T . It should be noted that Welsh and M c C o y (1957) state that I,SD is not a true inhibitor of 5 H T . Instead they suggest that L S D makes Venus heart beat maximally so that 5 H T cannot show its effect. Our experiments on the snail heart show that the brain extract can still have an effect after L S D though 5 H T cannot. This would suggest that there is a true inhibition in this case. (d) The action of bufotenin (N-dimethyl 5-hydroxytryptamine). T h e considerable activity of 5 H T on the snail heart but the apparent difference between this substance and the snail extracts led to the investigation of another indole compound related to 5 H T , bufotenin. Bufotenin added to the snail heart at a concentration of 10 -4 g/1. caused the heart to increase its rate and amplitude in a manner much like that of 5 H T . T h e threshold to bufotenin was approximately 10 -4 g/l. and higher concentrations blocked the action of the heart to further additions of bufotenin. T h e heart failed to respond to 5 H T after treatment with bufotenin at 10 -3 g/1. (ii) Frog heart preparation T h e sensitivity of the snail heart was found to show considerable variation throughout the year. In the summer it often appeared to be completely refractory to the addition of 5 H T and of snail tissue extracts. This led us to seek an alternative assay technique and we chose the isolated frog heart. (a) The action of 5 H T . T h e action of 5 H T on the isolated frog heart varied according to whether the heart was isolated from a winter frog or a summer frog. In the winter heart the threshold sensitivity to 5 H T was 10 -~ g/1., the beat being diminished (Fig. 7). T h e inhibition was more complete at 10 -6 g/1. but was reversible since the heart beat recovered following washing with Ringer. T h e response of the summer frog heart was quite different. T h e r e was no response to low concentrations of 5 H T but at 10 -4 g/1. the heart showed an increase in the amplitude of the beat though with little modification of the rate (Fig. 8). (b) The action of ganglion extracts. T h e action of snail ganglion and tissue extracts assayed on the frog heart is shown in Fig. 8. T h e purified brain and heart extracts increased the amplitude of the frog heart beat. T h e heart often beat more regularly after the addition of the extract, this effect being noticeable after the heart had returned to its normal amplitude. 5
(c) The action of LSD. During the period when 5 H T acts in a stimulatory manner on the frog heart, it is difficult to distinguish between 5 H T and the unknown snail substance since both cause excitation. During the winter period this difference is apparent since at this time the snail material is still excitatory whilst the 5 H T is inhibitory. L S D is antagonistic to 5 H T in the snail heart and can be used there to distinguish between the action of 5 H T and the tissue extract. When L S D was added to the frog heart it was found to give a threshold response at 10 -6 g/1. and gave a slight increase in amplitude without causing any great increase in the frequency. The response was transitory and not as prolonged as the action of L S D on the snail heart. It is of interest that 5 H T added to the frog heart shortly after treatment with L S D still manifests its own action. That is to say that it still slightly stimulated the frog heart during the summer period. This would indicate that L S D is not antagonistic to 5 H T on the summer frog heart. Snail brain extracts are not affected by the action of L S D when assayed on the summer frog heart. (d) The action of bufotenin. When the isolated frog heart was perfused with dilute concentrations of bufotenin (10-°-10 -5 g/1.) there was no effect. Perfusion with a concentration of 10 -4 g/1. caused a slight increase in the amplitude of the beat. This still occurred in summer frogs when 5 H T had an inhibitory effect on the heart amplitude. (e) The action of extracts from the pericardial glands of Carcinus maenas. Alexandrowicz and Carlisle (1953) demonstrated that a crustacean cardioaccelerator could be obtained from the pericardial glands of Carcinus and other decapod crustaceans. When such extracts were tested by us on frog hearts and compared with the action of snail brain extracts, they appeared to have a similar pharmacological effect. Carlisle (1956) and Carlisle and Knowles (1959) tentatively identified the pericardial substance as 5:6 dihydroxytryptamine. (3) Identification of the Material After running the chromatograms in the different solvents, various chemical reagents were applied and these revealed the presence of certain reactive groups in the extracted material. The areas corresponding to these spots were then eluted from a parallel run and the pharmacological activity assayed. The most sensitive colour test was the ninhydrin reaction. This test was positive in two areas, both of which were pharmacologically active. These had an R[ value of 0.48 (0.42-0.55) and 0.57 (0.52-0.66) in tert. butanol-methanol-water and an Rf of 0.28 (0.23 0.32) and 0.21 (0.17 0.24) in pyridine-amyl alcohol water. These positions were active to other tests as summarized in Table 1. The positive reaction with ninhydrin indicated that the active material contained a primary amine group. When ninhydrin is used with acetic acid it becomes indicative for 5 H T by giving a golden fluorescent spot under ultra-violet illumination (Jepson and Stevens, 1953). This test proved to be negative for snail material ; the snail material being of sufficient concentration to give a pharmacological reaction equivalent to a 5 H T concentration that did give a positive colour test.
Another indication of the nature of the active substance was given by the Folin-Ciocalteau reagent for phenols. When the reagent was sprayed onto the chromatograms under acid conditions, the two active positions showed up as light blue spots; this reaction was intensified by placing the paper in ammonia fumes and indicated that the substances were phenols (Erspamer and Boretti, 1952). If phosphomolybdic acid was added to the chromatogram followed by ammonia, a blue colour appeared which indicated that the material was possibly of a diphenolic nature (Riley, 1950). 'PABLE l--CHEMICAL TESTS CARRIED OUT ON ACTIVE POSITION ON CHROMATOGRAM Test
Ninhydrin Ninhydrin/acetic Phosphomolybdic N H a Folin-Ciocalteau Diazotized sulphanilic acid Diazotized p-nitroaniline p-dimethylamino-benzaldehyde
Positive Negative Positive Positive Positive Positive Negative
Potassium dichromate and formaldehyde 1 -nitroso-2-naphthol 0"1 N HC1 Salkowski (HC104 and FeCIa) Potassium ferricyanide and ethylene diamine Silver nitrate and potassium dichromate Indicators Hanes and Isherwood test Schiff's reagent Hydroxylamine Dipicrylamine
Negative Positive Negative Negative Negative
Primary amine Not 5 H T Diphenol Phenol Aromatic amine Aromatic amine N o t indolic but shows amine reaction. Not 5HT 5 O H group N o t 5 O H indole N o t indolic No catechols
Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative
No No No No No No
purines organic acids phosphate keto group choline esters choline esters
The active positions were also able to undergo coupling reactions with diazotized sulphanilic acid and diazotized p-nitroaniline, which was further indicative of a phenolic group in the molecule and that the molecule was, most likely, aromatic. Udenfriend et al. (1957) have pointed out that if the hydroxyl group is present in the 5 position, then the substance should give a purple spot when sprayed with 1-nitroso-2-naphthol and nitrous acid. This test is fairly sensitive giving a reaction with 5/~g of material. 5HT gave a positive reaction with this material and the snail extract gave a very weak colour reaction which would indicate that there was a hydroxyl group present in the 5 position. Other tests which gave a positive response with 5 t t T but which were negative for the brain substance were the pink fluorescence with 0-1 N HC1; a purple colour with p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde; and a golden yellow fluorescence with potassium dichromate and formaldehyde. Miscellaneous tests for various groups include the ferricyanide test for catechols (Osthmd, 1954); silver nitrate and potassium dichromate for purines (Ruguera and 5*
Asimov, 1950); molybdate test for phosphate (ltanes and Isherwood, 1949); Schiff's reaction for ketones (Vogt, 1957); hydroxylamine (Whittaker and Wijesundra, 1952) and dipicrylamine (Augustinsson and Grahn, 1953) fi)r choline esters. T h e active snail extracts were negative for all these tests. DISCUSSION It has been known for some time that extracts from snail tissues can have a cardiac accelerating effect. Haberlandt (1930) showed that extracts from the foot muscle of Helix pomatia were capable of exciting the frog's heart in dilutions down to 10 -17. Jullien el al. (1956) found that extracts from various organs of the snail such as mantle, heart, albumcn gland, nervous system, hepatopancreas and kidney, caused an acceleration and increase in amplitude when added to the isolated heart of the snail. T h e activity was greatest in the mantle, and when it was added to a stopped heart it could bring about a renewal of the heart beat. Considerable quantities of this material could be released by electrical stimulation of the cardiac nerve. No attempt was made to identify the active principle in the extracts. In 1951 Erspamer and Ghiretti suggestcd that enteramine ( 5 t I T ) was present in extracts prepared from the isolated mantle of the snail Itelix pomatia. Their identification depended upon the similarity between the accelerating properties of the extract and 5 H T . T h e y did not, however, present any chromatographic or chemical identification of the material. T h e resemblance between the pharmacological action of various nerve extracts from invertebrates and 5 H T led Welsh (1957) to suggest that 5 t t T was a neurohormone in some invertebrates, particularly in the Mollusca. It is noteworthy however that in no case was the effect of the extract assayed on isolated hearts after the addition of I,SD as a blocking agent. T h e experiment was suggested but not actually performed (see Welsh, 1954; Welsh and McCoy, 1957). T h e chemical identity of 5 t t T in the molluscan extracts depended on the similarity of Rf values of 5 H T and the active material obtained from the extract. Both chemicals gave a coupling reaction with diazotized p-nitroaniline, a test which is specific only for phenols and not 5 t I T . Meng (1958) working on extracts from the lung, foot, blood, kidney and mid-gut of Helix showed that there was a cardiac accelerator that had the same R[ as serotonin ( 5 H T ) in at least four different solvents. It also moved in a similar manner during paper electrophoresis. Meng concluded that 5 H T was present in the snail extracts. He also found an inhibitory substance in his extracts which he identified as acetylcholine from its Rf properties. From our own extracts we have obtained an inhibitory substance which gave positive colour reactions indicating that it had an indolic nature. Florey and Florey (1954) suggested that 5 H T might be the substance present in nerve extracts from decapod crustacea. T h e y based their conclusion on the similarity of action of 5 H T and their extract on the isolated heart and the closure of the crusher claw. Alexandrowicz (1953) described some organs lying across the end of the openings of the gill cavity of decapod crustaceans, T h e blood flowed over these
A C A R D I O - A C C E L E R A T O R P R E S E N T I N T I S S U E EXTRACTS O F T H E S N A I L H E L L ¥ , 4 S P E R S A
organs before entering the pericardial cavity. In a pharmacological investigation Alexandrowicz and Carlisle (1954) showed that the substance contained in these pericardial organs was not adrenaline or noradrenaline, though it had cardiac acceleratory properties. Carlisle (1956) reported further investigations into the nature of the substance and showed that it was destroyed by amine oxidase; it gave a transient fluorescence when N a O H was added (as is also shown by catechol amines); it had similar colour reactions to 5 H T but when chromatogrammed it gave two spots which lay either side of the position of 5HT. The activity was destroyed by o-diphenol oxidase. Carlisle suggested that the substance could be 5-6-dihydroxytryptamine (Carlisle and Knowles, 1959). The cardiac accelerator substance obtained from the tissues of Helix aspersa shows certain similarities to 5 H T but there are at least five important differences between the two. (1) LSD antagonizes the action of 5 H T on the isolated snail heart but does not affect the action of snail extract. (2) The response of the isolated perfused frog heart shows two different reactions to 5 H T depending on the time of year. The summer frog heart responds by a slight acceleration to 5H'F but the winter frog heart is inhibited by 5HT. Snail brain extracts on the other hand always showed the same effect on the frog heart; they accelerated the beat and increased its amplitude. A transitory inhibition does sometimes occur if the brain extract is very concentrated but this is followed by a violent acceleration and augmentation of the heart beat. (3) Solution of 5 H T a n d tissue extract of equivalent strength as shown by bioassay gave different colour reactions to the various chemical tests. (4) Chromatographic separation of the active material showed that the active material had a different Rf to 5 H T in tert. butanol methanol-water. The activity also appeared to be associated with two areas rather than just one. The R f differed from that for adrenaline, noradrenaline, D O P A and DOPAmine. (5) 5 H T added to an irregularly beating snail heart causes it to beat more strongly but the beat soon returns to its irregular pattern. Snail tissue extract causes not only an acceleration but also a regularization of the heart beat which is maintained some time after the acceleration has disappeared. The chemical tests indicate that the substance present in the extracts is an aromatic amine possessing one or more hydroxyl groups, one of which is possibly in the 5 position. It does not appear to be an indole and in this it differs both from 5 H T and the Carcinus pericardial extract. Meng (1959) has found that in the snail extract there is a cardiac accelerator which is not inhibited by LSD. He suggests that there are thus two cardiac accelerators, one of which is 5HT. We, however, have not so far been able to find 5 H T present in the snail material. We have found that addition of brain extracts to isolated Helix hearts increases their respiratory rate and this substance could possibly be responsible for the control of respiration that we suggested occurred in Helix (Kerkut and Laverack, 1957). Acknowledgement--We should like to thank Sandoz Products Ltd. for a gift of bufotenin.
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