A Case of Urethral Calculus in a Puppy

A Case of Urethral Calculus in a Puppy

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ON March 23, 1909, I was called to see a bull dog , aged ro, who had had several bilious attacks; the patient had often had attacks of diarrh rea, and was most uncertain in this respect. As I found him dull and disinclined to eat, but in very good condition for a bull dog , I merely prescribed a tonic. On March 26 I received a telegra m saying that the dog was very ill. I found him suffering from violent sickness a nd diarrhrea , refusing all food and drinking a good deal of water. The pulse was weak, temperature rooD F., tongue bro wnish. These symptoms, with light-coloured diarrh rea at intervals, continued in spite of treatment till April 7. On April 8 the dog was removed to the infirmary, the journey bringing on another severe attack of diarrh rea and si ckness, alt ernating with constipa tion. By this time the animal was extremely thin, having only retained two or three solid meals from th e commencement of the illness. I continued various treatments without success until April 26, when he was seen in consultation by Professor Hobday. The suggested treatment not producing any good effect, a nd the animal by this time being almost a walking skeleton, I had great difficulty in persuading the owner to be allowed to give soured milk a trial. On May 7 I gave a small quantity of soured milk made by 'crushing one or more tablets of lactic acid bacillus and adding to warm milk, this ·being allowed to stand for twe lve hours. The diarrhrea continued for a while with this treatment, but steadily became better coloured, and the dog eat readily from 2 to 3 lb. of cooked meat daily. He was sent home on May 28 in good condition, being lively and rapidly ga jning strength. A g reat improve ment was noticed after the second d ay 's treatment with soured milk, to which the dog took kindly . N o other medicine was g ive n. I have also tried soured milk in three cases of bad dog typhoid, but the animals have been unable to retain it after the first or second day, and ha ve died suddenly from severe h re morrhage from the bowel, which is often the end of the cases. Soured milk seems likely to be of benefit in cases of stomach and bowel deran gem ents in dogs, and especially in puppies. A CASE OF URETHR AL CALCULUS IN A P U PPY. BY A . \V. RE I D, F.R.C.V. S. ,


AND FRED. \\', HOBDAY, F.R . C. V.S.,


ON May 10 a spaniel puppy, only 4 months old, was brought to hospit a l suffering fr om a complete stoppage of the urinary secretion. The little a nimal was in grea t pain, the abdomen very much distended, and constant efforts were made to empty the bl adder. Examination revealed the presence of a ca lculus about the si ze of a la rge pinhead, completely blocking the end of the urethra. With the stiletto of a catheter, well lubricated with vaseline, and also by the aid of a small


of Urine

ill Cats.

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pair of forceps, the calculus was extracted,· and by gen tle manipulative pressure of the abdomen the urine was released. Relief was immediate, and with the aid of a few doses of hyoscyamin the c ure was complete. The chief interest in the case lies in the extreme youth of the patient . RETENTION OF U RINE I N CATS AND ITS TREATMENT. BY G. H. WOOLDRID GE AN D S.


\ VE have recently had brought under observation a considerable number of cats with this condition, which is probably more common in town than country. It is comparatively rare in fem ales. The castrated male is perhaps the most common victim , and his sedentary habits, coupled with the difficulty often experienced by a town cat when he wishes to move outside the house, are no doubt in a measure responsible for the trouble to which he so frequently falls heir, in connection with his urinary bladder. Cats of cleanly habits are more often affected than others. The well-trained cat knows only too well the penalty for micturating in the house, and, there fore, in many in stances, prefers to retain his urine. Althoug h in such cases the urine is retained voluntarily at first, a time frequently arrives when the retention is compulsory, for, owing to the increased pressure to which the bladder becomes subjected by the acc umul ation of urine, its walls become paralyzed. SY1l1ptOIllS.- The animal becomes dull, mopes, refu ses food; a urinous odour is sometimes exhaled from the skin, and he is often unable to walk. He is s uffering from ur