rested during two-to-one rhythm, c~)rt~pl~~t~~ t~locli was in~lu~~<~‘tl. The direction of the main ventricular deflection yaricfl :rcc.or~Ilng to the, presclice or absence of strru of thr hurllllr. conduction through the main During half rhythm the \‘enrricular complex in Lead II1 was Ilirclctc*tl tlownrvar~l, whcwas lluring complete dissociation its direction was upwnrtl. 1’11~ fact that this nlan’s heart was unduly ruspectible to adrenalin suggests that in pastas elf intermittent complete heartblock, the temporary failure of conduction, I(~a~ling to transient. c*ompletc dirsoeiation, may perhaps be associatccl wsith the f’or!~lat.itrn xithitl the body of soule subtle and complex rhemical substancacb to allrr>nalin or allenosine. Hitchcock, Charla H., Camero, Anthony R., and Swift, Reactions in Lung and Liver Following Intravenous .r. ~kp. ~4. Inti Previously Sensitized Animals.
Homer Injection 59:
F.: of
Perivwular Streptococci
Intravenous inoculation of small doses of nonhcmolytic *tr(!ptoeowi into previously sensitized rabbits is usually follo~~(~11 by the appcaranccb of perivascular The c.haractcristi(. ~~11 in thcPe aggregates cellular aggregates in lung and liver. is moderately large xl-i-ith vesicular nucleus, prominent nuclroli. clumped ehroulatin and basophilic cytoplasm. These charactcxriatics together with the additional evidence of phagocytosis all indicate thab the cell probably has its source in th(h reticuloeadothelial system. Further study with vital stxiuing nlctholls ant1 011~ servations of its behavior toward parenterally introduccrl Inclia ink shoulll fury Whether it is produced directI> nish more conclusive evitlencr as to its itlentity. by the presence of the bacteria or secondarily to the clcstruction of ROIIIC othrl. In acltlition, the lesions cells or tissue is also a problem for the future to unfold. contain small lymphocytes and granuloc~,vtc>. This normally cirrhosis. is large In occur
and cell content fr~~nl lesion is easily differcntiatctl by architecture occurring lymphoid aggregates ant1 from spontaneous rabbit hc’ljatic This mononuclear response does not occur when the intravenous do~:1~ enough to cause death of the animal within twenty-four hours. spleen and lymph nodes the characteristic: in these organs are present in increased
Following intravenous treatment treatment, the lesions o~eur much a.nd more sparsely found.
basophilic numbers.
alone. or sensitization less frclcluently and when
without prosent.
norlrirtll> intravrnclur arc smaller
Inasmuch as in the present series of experiments this lcxion was not foun~l in normal animals ant1 infrequently in thorc treatcll by the intravenous routr alone, it is suggested that the preliminary sensitization serves to enhance the aniIn this way :r small dose of bacteria is capablr mal’s reactivity to the antigen. of eliciting the cellular phcnomcnon x-hich in unsensitized animals appears only Too when larger doses of antigen are administered over longer periods of time. large a dose of antigen, however, results in shock ant1 cell tleath rather than in proliferation. M. H.: A Comparative Study of Subcutaneouir, Nodules in Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatoid Arthritis. J. Exper. M&l. 57: 545, 1033.
The present communication pres”1t.s a llctailetl study of the subcutaneous It is believed that the nodules in rheumatic fever and rheumatoid arthritis. study has shown that these lesions are highly characteristic of the two discaseb and they represent different phases of the same fundamental, pathological proeess. It is probable that the two diseases represent different responses of affected individuals to the same etiological agent.