A Comparison of Methods of Assessment of Body Composition Including Neutron Activation Analysis of Total Body Nitrogen H. C. Lukaski,
J. Mendez,
E. R. Buskirk,
S. H. Cohn
Fourteen healthy men underwent determinations of total body nitrogen (TBN) by prompt gamma neutron activation analysis and total body potassium (TBK) by whole body counting to estimate the muscle and nonmuscle components of the fat-free body mess (FFBM) and their protein contents. Comparison of FFBM estimated from TBN and TBK (66.6 f 6.9 kg, meen + SD). densitometry (62.3 + 7.1 kg), TBK alone (62.2 + 8.0 kg), and TBW (63.9 + 7.8 kg) showed no differences among the techniques. Similarly, there were neither differences in fat mass nor percent body fat among the methods. Anal@s of the chemical composition of FFBM of this group showed TBK/FFBM = 62.6 + 2.3 mEq/kg. TBW/FFBM = 74.6 + 0.2%. TBN/FFBM = 32.74 f 1.09 g/kg, protein/FFBM = 20.5 + 0.7%. The calculated mineral content of the FFBM wes 6.4%. Theeevekres are strikingly similar to the values calculated by direct chemical analysis. It was concluded that the combinsd TBN-TBK method is a valid technique for estimating body composition in man.
HE INCORPORATION of body composition techniques into the practice of medicine, clinical nutrition, and applied physiology has provided normative information on the healthy population. These data are based upon the assumption that the body consists of two chemically distinct compartments, fat and fat-free.‘z If the body mass (BM) is known, determination of the fat-free body mass (FFBM] allows for the calculation of the fat mass (FM) by difference, and vice versa. The most reliable methods available for estimation of FM and FFBM require measurement of body density, total body potassium (TBK), or total body water (TBW). Estimation of body composition by each of these methods is based upon assumptions relating to the relatively constant composition of the FFBM or FM. Anderson3 proposed a three-compartment system of body composition analysis which utilized measurements of TBK and TBW to predict the body fat and the muscle and nonmuscle fractions of the FFBM. More recently, Burkinshaw et al.4 developed equations hased upon the different nitrogen/potassium ratio to estimate the muscle and nonmuscle portions of the FFBM and their respective protein contents. This approach requires determinations of TBK and total body nitrogen (TBN) which now can be measured accurately and safely by the prompt gamma neutron activation teehnique.5 The mass and the protein content of the muscle and nonmuscle FFB can be calculated and so provide a very useful tool to study objectively the effects of various physiological and pathological stresses on human body composition. However, before this method can be implemented in comparative studies, it is important to determine body composition in normal subjects. The purpose of the present study was to obtain baseline data on body composition calculated in several ways in a group of healthy young men and to compare the estimates derived from the TBN-TBK model with those determined by independent methods Me-,
Vd. 30. No. 8 (Aqustl, 198 1
(densitometry, TBK, and TBW). Also, the composition of the FFBM obtained from these various estimates is compared with the composition commonly assumed for the FFBM. MATERIALS
Fourteen healthy men, students at the Pennsylvania State University, volunteered to participate in this study. Subjects received a detailed description of the purpose and procedures, and gave their informed consent. This study was approved by the Biomedical Review Committee of the Pennsylvania State University and the Human Subjects Review Committee of the Medical Research Committee of the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). Body composition was determined by densitometry at the Noll Laboratory using the underwater weighing system and the method of Akers and Buskirk. Residual volume was measured simultaneously with the underwater weighing by an open-circuit technique for nitrogen washout of the lungs.’ Percent body fat (% BF) was calculated from body density (D) according to Brozek et al.:* % BF = 100 [(4.570/D) FM and FFBM were calculated follows:
- 4.1421
from % BF and body mass (BM) as
FM = % BF (BM)/lOO FFBM = BM -FM
(2) (3)
where BM, FM, and FFBM are in kg. FM can be estimated by densitometry with a precision of + 0.5 kg.8 After the density determination, the subjects travelled to the Brookhaven National Laboratory for determinations of TBK, TBN, and TBW. The TBK content of each subject was measured exter-
From the Laboratory for Human Performance Research. The Pennsylvania State University, University Pork. Pennsylvonio. ond the Medical Research Center, Brookhoven Notional Loborotory, Upton. New York. Supported in part by PHS Grants CM0 1748 and AM-08311. NIH Grant RR0 7082, and NIH-NCI Contract YOI-CP-80207. Received for publication August 20. 1980. Address reprint requests to J. Mendez. 101 No11 Laboratory. Pennsylvania State University, University Pork. Pennrylvanio 16802. 0 1981 by Grune & Stratton, Inc. 00260495/81/3008-0007$01.00/0 777
nally by detection of 1.46 Mev gamma rays emitted from the naturally occurring radioactive isotope 40K which is a constant fraction (0.012%) of body potassium. The Brookhaven whole-body counter with its on-line computer facility was used to measure absolute levels of TBK. The counter system has a relatively invariant response to individual body size and radionuclide distribution.9 The accuracy and precision for measuring TBK is + 3.3%.r0 It has been determined there is a ratio of 62.7 Meq (2.45 g) potassium per kg FFBM (I I). Calculation of FFBM and FM is: FFBM
= TBK/2.45
% BF = lOO(FM)/BM
Absolute levels of TBN were quantitated by using neutron capture prompt gamma ray analysis, IgN(n.y) “N, as described by Vartsky et al.’ Briefly, the capture of a thermal neutron by 14N is followed by the prompt emission (lo-*’ set) of a cascade of gamma rays. About 15% of the de-excitations takes place directly from the highest excited state to the ground state of 15N by emission of a 10.83 Mev gamma ray. Becaase no other body element has a neutron capture gamma ray at this energy, the 10.83 Mev gamma ray of “N is measurable among the more numerous captures by the other body elements. An internal standard based upon body hydrogen reduces the requirement for a highly uniform composite sensitivity (i.e., an equal number of counts per unit mass of nitrogen per unit dose) for absolute measurements.” While lying on a movable bed, subjects were irradiated from shoulder to knee in the prone and supine positions by a 60 x 13 cm rectangular beam of partially moderated neutrons from an 85 Ci 238Pu,Be source. Gamma rays were detected by two 15.24 x 15.24 cm NaI(TI) detectors positioned over the subject. The total measurement time was 20 min, and the radiation dose delivered to the body was 26 mrem. The precision of the TBN estimate is * 3%.5 TBW was determined by the dilution technique using tritiated water (HTO) as the tracer. After an overnight fast, subjects drank 50 &i of HTO (New England Nuclear, Boston, MA) mixed with 250 ml of orange juice. After a three hour equilibration period during which time no food or drink was consumed, a IO ml venous blood sample was drawn, and the plasma was extracted. Plasma water was collected by lyophilization according to Baling.” Plasma water tritium activity was assayed in duplicate with a liquid scintillation counter (Model 3385, Packard Instruments, Downers Grove, IL) using standard techniques. TBW was calculated from the HTO dose administered, corrected for any urinary isotope losses, and the observed tritium activity of the plasma water. The radiation dose incurred with the HTO ingestion was 3 mrem. FFBM was calculated from the TBW value assuming that water constitutes 73.2% of the FFBM:14 FFBM
= TBWl0.732
where FFBM is in kg and TBW is in L. FM and % BF were calculated using equations’ and.6 Compartmental analysis of the FFBM was derived from the TBK and TBN data using the equations of Burkinshaw et al.4 The theoretical basis of the model and the derivation of these equations are presented in detail in Appendices A and B. The muscle (Mm) and nonmuscle (Mn) components of the FFBM were calculated as follows: Mm = [ 19.25(TBK) Mn = [TBN
where Mm and Mn are in kg and TBK and TBN are in g.
(8) (9)
Table 1. Physical Characteristics UV= 141 Mean + S.O.
Age. yr Height, cm Body Mass, kg
+ 4.1
_t 6.7
Body Density, g
. cc&
Total Body Potassium, g
RangeLimits 20-30 162.1-184.6
+ a.9
* 0.0136
+ 19.7
Total Body Nitrogen, kg
+ 0.23
Total Body Water, L
+ 6.0
The amount of nitrogen in the muscle (Nm) and the nonmuscle (Nn) compartments was calculated with the equations: Nm = [TBK -0.052
Nn = [O.l I8 (TBN)
where Nm, Nn, TBK, and TBN are in kg. When Nm and Nn each are multiplied by 6.25 (assuming the mean nitrogen content of protein is 16%). an estimate of the protein content of muscle (Pm) and nonmuscle (Pn) fractions of the FFBM is obtained. One-factor ANOVA and standard regression analysis were performed on the body composition estimates determined by the various methods.” RESULTS
The physical characteristics of the subjects are given in Table I. Regression equations and correlation coefficients relating the measured values of TBK, TBN, and TBW are presented in Table 2. With the use of the TBK and TBN measurements and equations 8-l 1, the compartmental analysis of the FFB was conducted (Table 3). The mean calculated FFBM of 60.6 * 6.9 kg (mean _+ S.D.) was equal to the sum of 23.4 + 4.8 kg muscle and 37.2 f 4.8 kg nonmuscle FFBM. Thus, the muscle and nonmuscle portions represent 32 and 50% of BM, respectively. The protein content of the muscle portion was 4.39 f 0.91 kg and the protein content of the nonmuscle portion was 8.37 i 1.08 kg. The mean protein content of the FFB was 12.76 * 1.43 kg. Hence, the muscle component contained 34% of the total body protein, and the nonmuscle FFB included the remainder. No significant (P > 0.05) differences were observed among the estimates of FFBM, FM, and % BF determined by densitometry, TBK, TBW, and the combined TBN-TBK analysis (see Table 4). The combination of TBN-TBK predicted a slightly lower
Table 2. Prediction Equations and Correlation Coefficients (r) for Total Body Potassium (TBK), Total Body Water (TBW), and Total Body Nitrogen (TBN)
TEN, kg = 0.45 TBW, L = 3.75 TBN, kg = 0.37
+ 0.01 (TBK. g) + 0.28 (TBK. g) + 0.04 (TBW. L)
lN = 14. P < 0.001
2 08
estimates is questionable. Similarly, failure to measure the residual volume during the hydrostatic weighing procedure can reduce significantly body density measurements and so overestimate body fat.*’ Whereas the experimental errors associated with the densitometry and whole body counting are related to procedural and technical considerations. errors of measurement of body water by isotope dilution are influenced by physiological phenomena. Assuming the subject is euhydrated, the error of the TBW measurement is dependent upon the degree of isotopic hydrogen exchange with nonaqueous exchangeable hydrogen in the body.22m’4 Based upon direct desiccation experiments in rats, Culebras et aLZ5 determined that HTO overestimated TBW by about 2%. This suggests the HTO method slightly underestimates body fat. Another error source inherent in human body composition analysis is the assumption of the validity of the “biological constants” used in the calculation of body composition from various measurements. Body composition determinations in man are complicated by uncertainty because they use indirect methods which are based upon information obtained from the direct chemical analysis of five cadavers of which only three can be considered normal,* plus data from carcass analysis. Thus, the accuracy of any in vivo estimate of body composition in man is unknown. The use of biological constants to derive either the FFBM or FM from primary measurements of body density, TBK, and TWB assumes the relatively constant chemical composition of the FFB and body fat. The FFB is assumed to have a density at 37°C of 1.1 g . cc-’ (1,26), a water content of 72%~-73%,‘7~‘9 and a potassium content of 60-70 mEq . kg- ’ in men and 50-60 mEq - kg-’ in women.-‘” The present study has demonstrated similar estimates of body composition obtained by independent methods. Therefore, using the components measured directly and the FFBM calculated from densitometry, it was possible to derive the chemical composition of the FFB (component/FFBM) of this group of healthy men. Table 6 summarizes the content of the various measured and derived components of the FFB, and shows the relatively constant composition of the FFB.
Table 3. Derived Mass and Protein Content of Fat-Free
Body (FFB) (N = 14)* Mean + SD.
Range Lhmlts
5 4.8
Nonmuscle, kg
i 4.8
FFB. kg
* 6.9
Protein Content Muscle, kg
f 0.91
Nonmuscle, kg
f 1.08
+ 1.43
FFB. kg
*Values were obtamed from equations 8 to 1 1; proteln = N x 6.25; FFB = muscle + nonmuscle.
average value of FFBM, and higher mean values of FM and 5% BF than the other methods. Significant (P < 0.001) correlation coefficients (0.89-0.97) were calculated among the various estimates of body composition (Table 5). DISCUSSION
With the use of absolute measurements of TBK and TBN and the known differential ratio of the nitrogen/ potassium concentrations,4 the muscle and nonmuscle components of the FFB and their protein contents were estimated in a group of healthy men. Comparison of body composition estimates derived from TBNTBK model and those calculated by conventional methods showed no differences among the estimates. Results of studies comparing estimates of body composition in man have demonstrated different values among the various methods. Relative to estimates calculated from measurements of body density and TBW, significantly lower average FFBM and higher body fat values have been derived from ‘OK whole body counting.” ” There are two sources of error involved in any indirect estimate of body composition. Intrinsic errors are due to factors which affect the accuracy of the experimental measurement. For example, determinations of TBK are influenced by individual differences in body size and shape which can affect 40K gamma ray attenuation.’ Thus, absolute TBK levels are not measured and the validity of these body composition Table 4.
Densltometry Fat-Free
Range Lmvts Fat Mass,
Body Range
by Various Methods
(2 + S.D.)
Total Body
Total Body
of Body Composition
+ 5.0
+ 5.6
Limits Fat,
as indicated
in Table
+ 8.0
4.1-22.7 15.5
* 6.9
49.8-71.6 5.5
4.1-22.6 13.9
+ 6.2
+ 5.9
4.1-22.7 16.8
+ 7.0
Table 5. Correlation Coefficients for Comparison of Body Composition Estimates by Various Methods*
TotalBody Potassium ITBK)
Total Body Water (TBW)
Fat-Free Body Mass, kg Total Body Potassium
Total Body Water
Fat Mass, kg Total Body Potassium
Total Body Water
Body Fat, % Total Body Potassium
Total Body Water
lN = 14, P < 0.001.
On the average, the potassium content of the FFB was 62.6 mEq - kg-’ which is essentially the same as 62.7 mEq - kg-’ reported by Delwaide and Crenier” based upon determinations of FFBM calculated from TBW measurements. However, our value is substantially lower than the commonly used value of 68.1 mEq kg-’ obtained by direct chemical analysis of four cadavers by Forbes and Lewis.3’ Krzywicki et al.19 compared the techniques of densitometry, total body water, and whole-body 40K counting to estimate body composition in 233 male soldiers and reported that FM calculated using 68.1 mEq kg-’ was significantly greater than estimates derived from the other methods. Similarly, other investigations have demonstrated higher estimates of FM derived from 40K measurements using 68.1 mEq - kg-’ in military” and civilian male populations” as compared to independent techniques. Unfortunately, these authors did not provide the individual or mean TBK data necessary to calculate the TBK/FFBM. Our data indicate that the FFB contains 74.6% water. This agrees with the value of 73.5 + 0.04% reported by Loeppky et al.32 who measured TBW by HTO dilution and FFBM by densitometry in 35 men. Because the HTO technique may overestimate TBW by 2%,25 the corrected degree of FFB hydration was Table 6. Concentration of Total Body Potassium (TBK), Total Body Water (TBW), Total Body Nitrogen (TBN), Muscle, and Protein in the Fat-Free Body Mass (FFBM)* Mean+ SD. TBKIFFBM, mEq/kg TBWIFFBM.
62.6 0.746t
f 2.3 rt- 0.020
RangeLimits 59.7-68.7 0.720-0.800
? 1.09
3 1 .o-35.4
f 5.37
3 1 .O-48.9
Protein/FFBM. %
? 0.7
TBNJFFBM, g/kg Muscle/FFBM,
lFFBM calculated from densitometry according to Brozek et al.’ tlf corrected for non-aqueous hydrogen exchange, this value becomes 0.731.
73.1% which is similar to the direct desiccation value 73.2% observed in some mammals.‘4~23~33-3s Using average values derived from chemical analysis of three male cadavers, Brozek et al.2 calculated the FFB composition of their reference body. By weight, water represented 73.8%, protein 19.4%, and mineral 6.8% of the FFB. Widdowson and Dickerson36 have estimated the average protein content of the FFB to be 19.3%. Our mean value for this relationship was 20.5% which agrees with these estimates. Also, using our corrected value for hydration (73.1%) and protein concentration (20.5%), the mineral content of the FFB was calculated to be 6.4% which is similar to the 6.8% derived by Brozek et al.* Thus, the composition of the FFBM calculated in the present study supports the application of the different “biological constants” currently in use for the study of body composition in man. Furthermore, if TBN determined by neutron activation analysis or other techniques becomes popular, we propose the content of TBN and total body protein in the FFBM is 32.7 g - kg-’ and 204.6 g - kg-‘, respectively. Other investigators have employed a multimeasurement approach to estimate muscle mass. Using measurements of TBK and TBW, Anderson3 derived an average muscle mass of 26% BM and 32% FFBM in young adult men. Burkinshaw et al.4 used measurements of TBK and TBN to calculate a mean value of 28.5% BM and 36% FFBM in a group of 10 men. Similarly, in the present study the muscle mass calculated from data on 14 men aged 20-30 yr was 32% BM and 38% FFBM. Whether this discrepancy is due to differences in the experimental techniques utilized or to genuine differences in the subject groups is not known. The present study has reported the separate determinations of the muscle and nonmuscle components of the FFBM. Because no differences were observed among the estimates of body composition determined by the several independent techniques, it is concluded that the TBN-TBK method provides a valid measure of body composition in man. It is recognized, however, that the N/K ratio varies among the tissues of the nonmuscle component of FFB and that further research is needed to refine the working model. Also, our analysis of the chemical composition of the FFB demonstrated remarkable similarity to that proposed by the pioneers of human body composition analysis. APPENDIX
The values used to estimate the muscle and nonmuscle fractions of the fat-free body were taken from Burkinshaw et al.4 He derived the muscle potassium concentration as the weighted mean of 11 different values reported in the literature, with values ranging
from 3.00 to 4.17 g - kg-’ fresh fat-free skeletal muscle. His value for the concentration of nitrogen in muscle was calculated as the mean from the I.C.R.P. “Reference Man” composition,37 and the value determined by Widdowson and Dickerson,36 28.1 and 30.8 muscle, respectively. He g . kg-’ fresh fat-free compiled the potassium and nitrogen concentrations of the nonmuscle fat-free body similarly from the literature.36.37 A useful source of values for both the potassium and nitrogen concentrations in over 100 tissues in the standard man are summarized in Table 108 of the report of the task group on Reference Man3’ A summary of the values used by Burkinshaw et a1.4 is presented in the table below.
mass (Mn) from total body potassium total body nitrogen (TBN) as suggested shaw.4
Let: TBK = K; TBN = N; Km and Nm = muscle K and N; Kn and Nn = nonmuscle K and N; rm = Nm/Km; Nm = rmKm, and rn = Nn/Kn, Nn = rnKn. K = Km + Kn (b)
N=Nm+Nn(a) Substituting
in (a); N = rmKm
+ rnKn
from (b); Kn = K - Km then; N = rmKm
+ rn (K -Km)
Solving for Km; Km = (N -rnK)/(rm Concentration of Potassium and Nitrogen in the Muscle and Nonmuscle Portions of the Fat-Free Body
g-kg ’
g . kg-’
Km = (rnK -N)/(rn
Using the values from Appendix
-rn) -rm)
Km = (19.25 K -N)/10.8
is important to point out that the potassium concentrations used by Burkinshaw et a1.4 agree quite well with the values proposed by Anderson3 derived from data given by Forbes and Lewis,3’ 3.41 and I .90 components, g - kg-’ for muscle and nonmuscle respectively. The muscle nitrogen concentration is similar to values obtained for other mammals, 32.8 g . kg -‘,38 It
(TBK) and by Burkin-
Mm = Km/[Km]
= (19.25 K -N)/38.34
Using the same type of derivation, Kn, Mn, Nm and Nn become: Kn = (N - rmK)/(rn
the equations
(8) for
- rm)
= (N -8.45K)/10.8 Mn = Kn/[Kn] Nm = (rmrnK
= (N - 8.45K)/20.2 - rmN)/(rn
- rm)
= (K -0.052N)/0.066
Nn = (rmrnK
Derivations of equations 8-l 1 used for the calculation of muscle mass (Mm) and the nonmus-
= (0.118N
- rnN)/(rn - K)/0.066
(10) - rm) (11)
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