A completely supplemented evaporated milk and its use as a food for infants

A completely supplemented evaporated milk and its use as a food for infants

32 Allergy Autohemagglutinins-‘ Investigation Abstracts ‘ Cold Agglutinins. ’’ E’avour, (’. . B . : e. J Clin. 23 : 891, 1944. The cold aggl...

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Autohemagglutinins-‘ Investigation


‘ Cold Agglutinins.



(’. . B . :

e. J Clin.

23 : 891, 1944.

The cold agglutinin t,est, was carried out on a series of patients suffering from atypical pneumonia and from ~0n~m0n respiratory infections. Control studies were carried out, on patients suffering from other acute and chronic illnesses and on normal subjects. Cold agglutinin titers, varying from 1:5 to 1 :160, were found in members of each of the groups studied, including the normals. The latt,er, however, usually gave a history or showed signs of a recent infection. Atypical pneumonia was associated with the presence of serum cold agglutinins more often than the conrmon respiratory infections or any of the other diseases st,udied. Titers as high as 1:160 were uncommon except in severe atypical pneurnonia. 11 was noted that cold agglutinins may persist for as long as nine months following atypical pneurnonia and that they may appear or* disappear without evidence of infection. 5’.

A Completely for Infants.

Supplemented XcCollum,


Milk and Its Use as a Food

E .V., and Grubb, W. : Am. J. Dis. Child.

68: 231, 1944.

A completely supplemented evaporated rnilk was prepared and employed as a food for infants. The product was concentrated and fortified with all the necessary vitarnins. It provided 570 ca,lories per can. Additional calories were obtainable by including more carbohydrates. Eighty-three infants were maintained on supplemented evaporated rnilk for an average period of six months. All t,hrived and measured up to the accepted standa,rds of growing infants. There were no eviIt was concluded that completely dences of vitamin insufficiencies. supplemented evaporated milk is a suitable and complete food for infants for at least the first nine months of life. The food was stored for six months without deterioration. A.


of Blood Histaminase

in Pregnancy,


A. : Lancet

2: 406, 1944.

A method to determine the amount of histaminase in the blood is described. increased histaminase activity was observed during the seventh week of pregnancy. The rate of increase was fairly constant for each individual. During the second half of pregnancy, the histaminase activity increased 500 to 1,000 times above the normal. The histaminolytic power of the blood was lowered when abortion was irnThe guinea pig and rat,, animals with high histaminolytic minent. power in the placenta, showed. like humans, an increased blood histaminase during pregnancy. Cats and rabbits, however, shoived low values. H.