A controlled trial of fluvoxamine for OCD in children and adolescents

A controlled trial of fluvoxamine for OCD in children and adolescents


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BIOI. PSYCHIATRY 1996;39:.500-666

235. A CONTROLLED TRIAL OF FLUVOXAMINE FOR OCD IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS M.A. Riddle l • 2, J. Claghorrr', G. Gaffne~2. J.H. Greisr', D. Holland 2 , R. Landbloorn", B. McConville2 , T. Plgotr', M. Pravetz", J.T. Walkup", J. Yaryura-Toblas", & V.P. Houser' 'Johns Hopkins Medical lnstitutlons, Baltimore. MD 21056: ZPcdiatric OeD Research Group. Marietta, GA 30062; "Solvay Pharmaceuticals, lnc., Mariettn, GA 30062 In lin industry-sponsored. IQ-week. double-blind, placebo-controlled. multicenter trial, the safety and eflicacy of Iluvoxumine (50-200 mglday) in the treatment uf chlklren and adolescents with obsessive compulsiverllsorder (OeD) Was assessed. Subjects 8-17 years old with a minimum SIX month history of OeD were eligible to participate, Exclusion criteria includedsignificant medical or psychiatric co-morbidity. or a past history of not responding 10 an adequate trial of another serotoninreuptake inhibitor. To be randomized. subjectswere requiredto have a baseline score 0:: IS un the lO·item Children's Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Seale (CY-BOCS) lind 0::7 on the NIMH Global Obsessive Compulsive Scale. A 7-14 day single-bllnd, placebowashout! screening period occurred prior [0 randomization. Subjects who had not responded by week 6 of the 10 week trial could terminate the doubleblind panion of the study and enter II long-term open trial of fluvoxaminc.Of the 120subjectsrundomlzcd, 44 terminated early. 31 (22 placebo. 9 nuvoxamine) due to lack of improvement at week6; 4 (3 fluvoxamlnc, I placebo) discontinued due 10 side effects. none of which were considered serious: and 9 for "other" reasons. The primary efficacy variable, CY-BOCS. showell significant differences from placebo (p< 0.05) for the intent-to-treat, last-obscrvatlon-curricd-Iorwnrd analysis at weeks 1-6 and week 10. with a trend towardsignificance at week 8, This finLling was also supported by significant differences in the 3 secondary outcome measures, Side effects more common on Iluvoxamine included lnsomnla, agitation. byperkinesia, somnolence anddyspepsia.There were no clinicallysignificant changes in laboratory or EKG parameters during short-term fluvoxaminc treatment, Differences in Ihedesign.subjects and results of published, controlled. medication trials for OCD in children and ndoleseents will be discussed,


M. Mavissnkalian, J. Percl, M. Talbott-Green, & C. Sloan The Ohio Slate University. Department of Psychlatry The aim of the present study was 10 assess the net effectiveness of systematic.open imipramine treatment in n homogenous sample of panic disorder with ugeraphubla patients and to characterize this outcome in termsof panicactlvity, anxietysensitivity, depressed moodand qualityof life. One hundred ten consecutive patients were lrealed with u fixed regimen of lmlprnmlne 2.25mg/kg/t1uy over a 24 week period. No Instructions or encouragement for self directed exposure 10 phobic situations or other coping strategies with panic or fear were given throughout the trial. Assessments, including patient and clinician rated

scales as well as opcratlonullaed erhedn of response that had been previously validated in a dose-ranging study. were administered at pre-treatment and at weeks 8. 16. and 24 of treatment. The protocol yielded u net effectiveness of 53% using marked and stable response as the definition of success. There was virtually no baseline differences between these patients and the patients who did not complete the treatment. On mostmeasures, substantial improvement continued beyond week 8 of treatment. Treatment success was accompanied with significant improvements in anxiety sensitivity. dysphoric mood and functional well being measures. The present results provide a clinically relevant standard reference with which to compare the effectiveness of alternative treatments. Siratcgies thai may improve the effectiveness of treatment with antidepressants are discussed.

237. A NEURAL NETWORK MODEL OF STROOP INTERFERENCE AND FACILITATION EFFECTS IN SCHIZOPHRENIA J.D. Cohen L2 & M. Usher' 'Clinical Cognitive Ncurosclcncc Laboratory. Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic. University of Pittsburgh Medical School. 3811 O'Hara Street. Pittsburgh. PA 15213; :!Dcparlmcnt of Psychology. Carnegie Mellon University, Plusburgh PA Thc Stroop task is widely used as a neuropsychological measure of both selective auention and behavioral inhibhlon, Schizophrenics show characteristic deficits ill this task. consistent with the well acceptedview that this illness involves disturbances of both anerulon and inhibitory processes. In previous work.we have described a neural network model that explains these behavloral deficits in terms of a disturbance of dopamine activity withinprefrontal cortex. This model explained both the lnterference ami facilitation effects observed in the Stroop task. relating bothof these to the functioning of a single processing mechanism. Recently, however, results from a numberof empirical studies have suggested that while normal subjects showgreater interference than facilitation effects. the reverseis true for schizophrenics. On the surface, this mightbe taken as evidence iLgllinst our model, and the idea that interference and facilitation reflect the functioning of the same processing mechanism. Here. we will present nn extension of our model. that takes Into account biologically plausible constraints on network connccrivhy. Specifically. the new model adds lateral inhibition among units within u processing module (implementing cornpetltlon), and bidirectional excitatoryconnections between modules (implementing infonnation flow), both of which arc consistent with general principles of conical connectivity. We show that these principles are suflicient to explain the pattern of Stroop performance observed in both normal and schizophrenicsubjects. as well as several other detailed aspects of the empirical dnta (e.g.• reaction lime distributions), NC'w predictions of the model will be discussed.as well as its more general relevance to studies of the neurobiological basis of cognitive disturbances in psychiatric disorders.


D.A. Yurgetun-Todd, S.A. Gruber, & A.A. Baird Consolidated Department or Psychiatry. Harvard Medical School, Mcl.enn Hospital. Boston. MA A variety of central nervous system dysfunctions have been reported 10 be elevated in both schizophrenic patients lind their non-schizophrenic