A cosmological model for our universe. I

A cosmological model for our universe. I

ANK’ALS OF PHYSICS: 43, l-‘&l A Cosmological (1967) Model HONG-WEE Institute for Space Studies, A4drninistration, New Sciences Department, f...

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A Cosmological




for Space Studies, A4drninistration, New Sciences Department,






Salional deronautics and Spacf~ Goddard Space Flight Center, York, X. Y. and Physics Departmmf and Earth and Space State Uniztersity of A\ieul Iyork. S/on!/ I~rook. .\‘err York

In this paper we attempt to construct a cosmological model for our Uuverse, based on current.ly available astronomical observations alld two bask assumptions: (1) Einstein’s theory of general relativity is strictly valid without the cosmological constant; (2) the existing laws of physics are strictly valid. We have disregarded the Mach’s principle because its meaning is ambiguous. First, we review the present, status of knowledge of astronomical observations of our Universe. Next, we review t,he cosmological models accept,abltl under the two assumptions cit,ed above. We then formulate our method of construction of a cosmological model. Using st,atistical physics for equlibrium and nonequilibrium processes we reconstrllct the course of evolution of our Universe. From the 3”-B cosmic background radiation, the upper limit of nelltral hydrogen density in intergalactic space, and the deusif y of matter due t.o galaxies, we have obtained an upper limit for the allowable matterdensity of the Universe. We have found that the bulk part of matter-densit,! in our Universe is in galaxies. We also calculate the evolution of antimatter in our Universe and we havtx folmd that antimatter must be totally absent from o11r ITniversr. HelIce there are no antiworlds, antigalaxies, etc. Based on our resldt we have obtained a value of 0.02 for the deceleration parameter q~. This is to be compared with the value of 0.5 obtained recentl? hy Sandage. In view of the uncertainties associated with both values, these t)wo values must be regarded to be consistent with each ot,her. Consequently no suggestion of violation of any physical law is made. In conclusion, our Universe can be described hy an open cosmological modrl of the Friedman t,ype. I. INTRODUCTION

The desire t,o how t#he past history as well as the future course of evolution of the Universe has long resided in Man’s mind, but the degree of his suwees in nis search for this knowledge is limited by his ability to observe the Univcrw, not’ by his po’ver of wmprehension. In recent years tremendous progresses haw been rendered t,o ast,ronomical research by t’he use of modern techniques of ohservation and dat,a processing, and by ext’ending the I\-ave lengt,h region of ohservation to nearly all parts of t#he eIe&omagnet.ic spectrum. Dcspit,e all t8hw;c



technological advances, Man is still limited by his ability to sample the properties of the matter in different part’s of the IJniverse. Man often supplements his ignorance by his imagination, and whenever any information is missing, he makes postulates about the missing link. The nature of the postulates he makes often reflects his knowledge of the system, and hence, they are posted according t,o his past experiences. In cases where only a small link of informat8ion is missing, Man’s rich imagination has guided him to enlarge his horizon and to make new discoveries. In cases where a large portion of information is lacking, these postulat,es are often invented according to the inventor’s personal conviction. In t’his paper we shall take up the view t’hat if we abandon the idea that man must’ invent some principles for the Universe to abide with, we can perhaps enlarge our knowledge without having a biased opinion ab initio. Therefore we shall not postulate any cosmological principle, nor invent new laws of physics. Out of all phenomena in the Universe we can only make a limited number of observations with a limited degree of precision. It is not clear if we will ever possess a complete knowledge of the Universe. We therefore have to regard the Universe as an open system. This means that there might be information which is forever inaccessible to us, and we may never be able to answer all questions in cosmological problems. Under this view, clearly the cosmological model we shall arrive at will not be unique, since we shall base our work on existing laws of physics. This cosmological model will be constructed, however, on the basis of observation. Since new observations are const’antly being made, our cosmological model will have to be constantly modified. In this paper we shall assume: (1) That bhe general relativity t’heory as formulatjecl by Einstein without the cosmological constant is valid. (2) That the current’ly accepted physical laws are strictly valid in space and time. Although there are a number of modified versions of the general relativity theory, in t,heir predictions of observations either they do not differ from Einstein’s theory or t,he difference is beyond the current limits of experimental accuracy. Einstein’s theory has the beaut’y of being the simplest among all, and it contains only one co&ant to be determined from the classical limit; that constant is the gravitational constanb. Its success in predicting the advancement of the perihelion of the orbit of the planet Mercury is an impressive, if not conclusive evidence of its validity (1). We shall adopt t,he point of view that, unless there is experimental evidence that a physical law is clearly violated, or t’hat a physical constant is a function of time, we shall assume the converse. That is, we shall assume that all physical laws are strictly valid and that all physical constants, including the gravitational









constant, are constant in space and time. We do t’his because our interest’ is to find a relation among currently accepted physical laws, astronomical observations, and a given cosmological model. Out of tQe infinite ways that, a violation may occur, t’he chance for an arbitrary postulat,e to be correct! is small. Tn addition, we shall avoid the applicat#ion of Mach’s principle to cosmologic:il models. Theoret8irally, Mach’s principle provides an operational definition of an inertial system and of a mass in terms of the dist’ribmion of other masses in thr Universe. It has been shoun that Mach’s principle cannot he unambiguousl? applied t,o open cosmological models, in which t,he expansion of the Universe never ceases (2). It has been argued that the inapplicabilit8y of Jlarh’s principle to an open cosmological model is the reason for not accepting :tn open cosmological model. However, Mach’s principle has not been formulated in an unanibiguous way. Further, if an open universe is embedded in a closed universe of :r much larger dimension and a much lower matt’er-energy density, XIach’s priticiple can &ill be satisfied with respect to the closed Ihiverse wit’hout referring to the struct,ure of t,he smaller, open Universe. We therefore feel t#hat I lomature inclusion of Mach’s principle in theory will not help clarify exi&ng problems in cosmology, but mill tend to include unnecessary complicat,ions. Henceforth, we shall avoid the mention and use of Mach’s principle. The plan for the rest of this paper is as follows: In Section II w shall discuss t’he validity of certain physics laws in terms of some very precise experiments. All physical laws are interrelated by theory and this interrelationship is used to interpret’ t,he theoretical implications of precise experiments. I.Tnfortunatcly, t,he number of precise experiments is too small to make t#he use of theoretical interpretation as a basis for a rigorous argument. Much of the explanation will t’herefore depend on the validity of some theoret,ical principles. Hopefully, thi:: situat,ion will improve in the fut’ure, when more such precise experiments :iv:lilable. In Sect’ion III we shall summarize t,he available astronomical observation-: relevant, to cosmology. In Section IV we shall summarize the available cosm ) logical models, including some which use modified laws of physics. In Sectjion V we shall discuss the classical t,ests of the cosmological t,heory. 111 Section VI one of the most import#ant properties of a cosmological model, the question of closure will be treat’ed. We shall propose a method t,o det8ermine t,lte closure propertry of the Universe based on the available data on t#he intergalactic neutral hydrogen density and the density due to galaxies, and based on t,he use of nonequilibrium thermodynamics. In Sect,ions VII-IX we shall summnrizc t’he theory of equilibrium and nonequilibrium st,atistical thermodynamics, based on two-body interaction processes. These theories will be used to develop a (~)smological model for our Universe. Tn Sections X and XI the problem of :rnnihil:~t ion of p:u+le lwirs



in an evolving cosmological model will be formulated and a solut,ion obtained for t,he case of a radiation-filled universe. It’ is believed that if our Universe originated from a singular origin, then radiation is dominant in early epochs. It will be shown t’hat our Universe cannot be composed of an equal population of nucleons and antinucleons. In Section XII a cosmological model for our Universe is developed, based on previous sections. We shall apply t#hesolution obtained in Section X to estimate t’he ionized to neutral hydrogen ratio, to the neutrino energy densities of t#he Universe, and to the overall matt’er energy density of the Universe. It is tentatively concluded, t’hat galaxies comprise t,he bulk of the matter and energy in the Universe. Consequently, it is unlikely that our Universe can be described by a closed model. II.



Recent speculations propose that certain physics laws may be only approximate in nature and that a small degree of violation of these physical laws may have important cosmological consequences. In the history of physics, new physical laws are often discovered as a result of the failure of old laws t’o interpret r&ural phenomena; but such a discovery necessarily introduces radical departures from t’he older theory and, as is always the case, the older laws become a special case of the newly established theory. It is difficult to imagine t)hat, a violation will take place in a fragmentary manner, i.e., the gross structure of old laws remains valid while a small violation Oakesplace here and there. Such violations appear to be t’oo arbitrarily imposed. Hence, we shall not advocat#ethe invention of a new law by violating an old law in a fragmentary manner. In recent years, a number of highly accurat’e experiments of fundament,al importance have been performed, which have excluded some proposed “violation laws”. Since t’heselaws are of fundamental importance, t#hey are discussed briefly below: A. ISOT~ZOPY OF IXEIZTIAL


It was proposed by Coconni and Salpeter (3) that in accordance with Mach’s principle, the inertial properties of matter may depend on the presenceof nearby massesand that this dependence may induce an anisotropy in the inertial properties of matt,er. Dicke has shown, however, that even if such anisotropy existed, it would have been unobservable, according to the t,heory of general relativity (4). Nevertheless, an experiment performed under the direction of V. W. Hughes showed that, t,o one part in 1022(5), there is no detectable anisotropy of matter. Dicke argued t,hat this experiment thus supports the principle of covariance, if Coconni and Salpeter’s original postulate is correct that in accordance with hlach’s principle t,he inertial properties of matter depends on the local distribution of other masses.








AND A ~'Ro'I'oN

Lyvttleton and Bondi (6) have suggested that, a small departure of equality of t#heelectric charge of an electron and a proton can cause the Universe to espand. If, 011 t,he whole, the Universe is taken to be electrically neutral, then the charge-inequality hypothesis will only imply an excessive number of electrons or protons. Hence, the Universe must be Oaken to be composedof an equal number of electrons and protons and the small charge difference can cause t’he Universe t#oexpand. Why t,he tot’s1 number of electrons and prot,ons must be such t.hnt. there is a net charge is not explained. The degree of violation as proposed 1)). Bondi and Lyttlet#on is one part in 10lg. An experiment performed by Hughes rf al. (7) indicated t,hat the atomic argon is charge-neutral to one part in 10Z1,indicatSingthat, no such inequality of charge exists. C. LOREXTZ




Hughes’s experiment is of great theoretical importance because it gives ;L firm experimental confirmation of some consequencesof Lorentz invariance (8). In u11 atom the average velocity-squared of an electron is not. zero and, in the case of argon, it am0unt.s to 0.01 3. The electric charge is a Lorent’z invariant. However, it may be assumed that the charge is dependent on the velocity of t)he electron, the dependence can be writ#ten as y = po[l + a(r2/?)], where y is the charge of a moving elect,ron of velocity ~1,and yu is the charge at rest. Then, from the accuracy of Hughes’s experiment, the value of the cwtlstatrt “a” is lesq , b than 106’. D. THE






Xe\vtonian theory of gravitation implies that, the gravitational mass (t lrca property of a11 object’ in response to gravitation) is equivalent, to the inertial mass.In Einstein’s theory it is furt,her assumedthat massis equivalent to energ\ and t,he gravitational massis exactly equivalent to the inertial mass. Eiit’viis (91, and recent,ly, Dicke (IO), have shown that, the equivalence principle is valid t,o :I very high degree of accuracy. The upper limit, of E6tv6s’ classical experiment is around a few parts in IO8 and in Dicke’s experiment t,he accuracy is around five parts in lo’?. One of the other consequencesof t’he equivalence principle, is the red shift of an electromagnetic radiation in a gravitational field. ITsing the Rlijssbauer effect, Pound has shown that the red-shift, relation has been shown to be valid to a few parts in one thousand (11). E. THE LONGEVITY





If the baryon number is not conserved, then a proton can decay int#o rr-mesw~s. In an experiment, Reines has established that t’he experimental lower limit of



t,he natural lifetime of a proton against decay into n-mesonsis 10z6years (1.9). As a comparison, t#heage of the Universe is lOlo years. From these experiment(s we seet’hat there is a unity in the structure of physical laws, and often the validity of t’hese laws is established to such a degree that even if a violation may take place, it will not have any cosmological effect at all (e.g., the charge inequality). Hence, it appears prudent to exhaust all possibilit’ies of exist’ing laws of physics before venturing into invenbing new physics laws. III.






Because of our immobility in t,he Universe, quant’ities which are generally regarded as definable in t’erms of direct measurements in t,he laborrttory become definable only when addit,ional assumptions are made. So far, electromagnetic radiation emitted by galaxies and quasars provides the only means of detection of ext’ragalactic matter. In cosmological theories the most important information is the state of motion of matter and the distribution of matter and other forms of energy. It is important to know the distance of galaxies and other forms of matter, the mass, and the velociby. A. DISTANCE


In t’he laboratory, direct comparison or triangulation provides the two usual means of measurement of distance. Direct measurement of distances can also be made by sending radar pulses or probes. The longest distance ever measured directly by radar pulses is the distance between the sun and the earth (1.5 X 1Ol3cm), and that distance from the Earth to Mars by sending the interplanetary probe Mariner IV. The distance is 2 X 1013cm. Using methods of triangulation and the diameter of the earth’s orbit around the sun as the base line, direct measurement of stellar distances can be extended to 100 light years, or 10zl cm. The orbital motion of binary stars, assuming the validity of Kepler’s law, provides us information distances of the order of lo5 light years. The period-luminosity relation of Cepheid variables may be used to extend the measurable distance further to lo7 light years. But there are intrinsic variations in the periodluminosity relation in Cepheids. It therefore involves a greater risk to apply the period-luminosity relation to other galaxies. If the intrinsic brightness of the brightest star in galaxies is assumedto be uniform, then the apparent magnitude of the brightest stars can also be used to determine the distance to a galaxy. Beyond a distance of lo7 light years, it is no longer possibleto resolve individual stars in a galaxy, and the distance can only be obtained from the apparent magnitude of a galaxy, using a mean-magnitude-vs.-distance relation. Because of intrinsic variations in the absolute magnitude of galaxies, this method does








not, give a reliable answer if it is applied to a single galaxy. However, a more VOIIsistent answer is obtained when applying it to a cluster of galaxies. This met’hod of distance determination is closely relat,ed t,o t’he red shift of dist,anb galask:: which will be discussed below. The apparent bolometrir magnitude n~l,,,l is related to the distance v by thr inverse square law 111t,,1= 5 log 1’ + (‘,


1vhel.c (’ is a constant, provided t’hat (a) the absolute magnitude of sample galaxies are t’he same and (b) the curvature of space-time is small up to a tlistatlcc~ i’. Problems involved in using Eq. (2) will be discussed later. B.



OF CrALrlx113s

Early in this century it was receding from us at speeds up the H and I< absorption lines. indicat,ors, Hubble found that, by the following eyuation:



discovered that some extragalactic nebulae \~crc to 1000 km/set, as indicated by the red shift in C-sing the bright,est stars in a galaxy ax distan(*~~ t#he recession velocit,y is correlated t#o the distanc*e

1’ = (Ak/k)c

= H,,I’

(3 i

where No is t,he Hubble constant (13). At present, the value of No is bet8wec:n 7.5 and 10 cm/set-parsec. Using the distance-magnitude relation given by I+!. (2), it is found that t,he recession ve1ocit.y of distant galaxies also obey I’iq. ( :< 1 approximately. There is, however, a large spread of data presumed to be primarily t,he result of variation of the intrinsic brightness of individual galaxies. Sandage plotted t,he apparent magnitude of the brightest members of clusters of galaxies versus the red shift A&/x (14). He obtained a remarkably welldefined linear relation between the apparent magnit#ude and the red shift., 1111 t,o Ax,/x 2 0.1, corresponding to a velocity of 0.1 C. The dist’ance corresponding to this velocity (Eq. 3) is around 2 X lo” light years. In all theories and cosmological and relativistic to the linear-velocit,y-1cdshift relation correct,ion is of the order of (Ax/x )“. Hence, we can neglect both correct,ions up to a dist’ance of 2 X 10’ light years. This linear relnt,ion hctSwe(all the apparent magnitude and the red shift can be interpreted as validating the assumptions: (a) of the inverse square law; (b) that there is only a small vuriaCon in the intrinsic brightness of the brightest’ members of clusters of galaxies. In obtaining the red-shift-magnitude relation in Fig. 1, several corrections to raw observkonal data have to be made. One of the most important aorrec$on terms is t,he k-term, whose natlure is as follow!: Because the observable part, of the opGca1 spectrum is limited to 3500-10000 A, owing to red shift the observed spectra, of distant galaxies corresponds t’o the unobserved part of nearby galaxies.





1. Measurement


B Wilkinson



of cosmic radiation




in t,he microwave

region (after Thaddens)

If Eq. (2) is applie? to the visual magnitude (which measuresthe average energy flux at A = .5.500A), then a correction term usually referred to as the K-term must be added. In the absenceof a better knowledge of the spectrum of galaxies, this correction term depends strongly 011 theoretical calculations. At dist’ancesgreater than 2 X 10’ light years, the light from distant galaxies is so faint that it may not be distinguished from t’he night-emission of the earth’s atmosphere. It is difficult, if not impossible, to obtain accurate informat,ion 011 these distant galaxies. C. DETRIBUTION



At, present there is relat’ively good data on the distribution of galaxies up to a distance ot 10” light years. It is customary to define the quantity N(m), which is the number of galaxies per square degree brighter than a magnitude m. lising Eq. (a), N(m) then becomes the number of galaxies enclosed up to a distance T*,and (dN(nz)/&)/4a? is the number density of galaxies at r. Up to a distance of 10’ light years, t,he observed N(m) agrees with that given by a Eucleidean space with uniformly distributed galaxies (25). The derived matterenergy density (due to galaxies) is 7 X 10m31 g/cm3 (16). The properties of the Universe up to a distance of 10’ light years is in agreement with the concept of homogeneity and isotropy.








In addition to galaxies, the Universe appears t’o be filled with an isotropit radiation, which, interpreted as a black-body radiation, has a temperature II~ 3°K (1’7). At present, only a part of the spectrum is available. The t,heoretical spectrum and the observed points are shown in Fig. 1. A 3”-Ii black body radiation gives an energy density of 6 X 1O-34g/cm”, which is lo-” times smallcl than the density of galaxies (18). One form of intergalactic matter is neutral hydrogen. There is no posit ivc> information 011 intergalactic matter. If the red shift of the yuasars is taken to b(> cosmological, then, from the shape of the emission line HOL,Gunn and I’et’erson (19) and later, Rahcall and Salpeter (20) concluded that the density of intcrgalactic neutral hydrogen cannot exceed 1O-34g/cm”. There is little or no information on ionized hydrogen and other forms of matter, or energy. We shall discussthese problems in Section XI. IT'. COSMOLOGICAL





ast,ronomical information indicates t’hat up to a distanc*c of :! X 10” light years, t,he distribution of galaxies shows homogeneity and isotropy. If i&ropp and homogeneity are assumed to be properties of t)he Universe, and if we PSelude st,atic models, then it can be shown (21) that the most general form of the line element ds in a co-moving system with respect to matter is given by’ clS2= -ef”‘+Q’t’

(d,j? + v’:!(l$ + 1,’siti’ ~1~‘) + t/t’,


where 8, p are t#hepolar angles, r is t’he radial c*oordinate and t is the proprk~ time. We have used Tolman’s notation (21). j( I’) and q( f ) are func+ons of 1’ and t, which are determined from field equations. Using Eq. (41, Einstein’:: field equat,ions become

‘Here we adopt the system of units such that c=G=l, where G is the gravitatiolxtl COIIslant and c is t,he velocity of light. In this system of omits, t,he omit of length is cm. 11~ lluit of time is l/c = 3.335 X lo-” set, and the unit of mass is M = 1.340 X 10z8 y.



The prime and dot refer to differentiation with respect to r‘ and t, respectively, and Tj” is the stress-energy tensor. The cosmological constant h has been put to zero, according to the current practice. If space isotropy is assumed, then Tt = T: = T:, and a first integral can be obtained by equating the first and the second equations in Eq. (5) :

P) = A(1 +A)‘,


where Ro2 is a constant which can be positive, negative, or zero. Absorbing the constant A to the undetermined function eQCt’, we can write the most general form of the line element as

Since T1’ = T;

z T;

= -p,


where P is the pressure and p is the matter-energy and (8)) the field equations (Fi) become Sap = -R-2e-g(f’ 0 Sap = -e3 R,”






by using Eqs. (7)

3,&j? ,



egCt)” is the metric for length. We can therefore fp’4




= 1,/l, .

where I is the proper length at time t and lo is a constant. tions of I, and hence are implicit functions of time t. Substituting Ey. ( 11) into ( 10)) we obtain

(11) P and p are all func-

where we have chosen the + sign for the square root to fit the expansion of the Universe. As we shall show later for radiation p = ZK4,and for matter p a Z-3, hence at an earlier epoch, other quantjities in the parenthesis on the right-hand side of Eq. ( 12) can be neglected against ~2’. We then find that

l/2 dl -= Sir s P12 rlt ( > >










which gives the solution 1 a ?. This means that, there is a time in the past when t#heradius of the Universe is zero. Thus, general relat#ivity theory predicts a definite origin of the Universe. From Eq. ( 13) ( we find that in an early epoch, for a radiation tilled Universe, (1In 1 Ho(f) = T = Gt,

7’ = rf-l!‘,

and for a matter filled universe with a negligible pressure, ?’ = y-“3 Ho(t) = 3/3t,

( 11 1


where 7” and 7’” are con&ants. To seewhether the expansion will ever stop, the field equations and the metric will be written in another form originated by Robertson ( 22). If we make the substitution t#hat)

(note that R: may be positive or negative, so that the value of 1~is + 1, - 1, (lr 0)) t,hen Eq. (7) becomes

Let R(t) = d / Ro2/ egcf”‘. [R(t) is the scalar curvature of the Universe.] Then t,he field equat,ions (9) and (10) become

A posit#ive value of k corresponds to a closed Universe, a negative value c~f I, t’o an open Universe, and a null value of k to an Euclidean Universe. The held equations will now be rewritten in a manner so as to correlate the curvat,urc of the Universe to the overall matter-energy density of t,he Universe. Clearly t’he Hubble con&ant can be writ’ten in analogy to Eg. ( 11) : H






(1 In R

( I!) I


We now define a deceleration parameter q0 : ii go=


d 111 Ii -


(1 Ill





( “0 I


12 Equating


the two equations of (IS), R/R

we find

+ 47r(S$p + P) = 0.

Using Eqs. (19) and (20) to simplify


Eq. (21), we find

3P + p = ,JI(3Ha2q0)


or in c.g.s. units, 3P

3Ho’qo = 3.21 X lo-“qo


HO 100 km/sec/Mparsec

2 > ’


This equation relates the matter-energy density 3P + p to the deceleration parameter qo and the Hubble constant, Ho . Substituting Eq. (22) into the first of Eq. ( 18) and using Eq. ( 19) and (20) to simplify results, we obtain -=k R”

4?r 3q [PC%0 0




w (23)

p(2qo - 1) - g inc.g.e.

Eq. (23) relates t,he nature of the energy density p, the pressure, and verse. For a Universe in which matter for a closed Universe (1~ = +l ) are

For a Universe in which for a closed Universe is



geometry of our Universe to the matterthe deceleration parameter qo of the Uniis dominant, then P - 0 and the condition the same as having

is dominant,

so that P = 3pc2, the condition

qo > 1. Note that Ho is an observable quantity (obtained directly from the red shift of distant galaxies). Therefore, a knowledge of the matter-energy density in the Universe will decide the closure properties of the Universe. The more convent,ional tests of c*osmological theories center around measuring properties of very distant, galaxies to obtain a value of q. . We shall adopt the use of the matterenergy density to construct a cosmological model. B. UNCONVENTIOISAL COSMOLOGICAL MODELS (i) Continuous

Creation or Steady-State Model

Bondi and Gold first had t’he idea of this model, but it was finalized by Hoyle into a mathematically rigorous theory (63). This model has been exploited ex-








t’ensively by Hoyle and his associates. Briefly speaking, this t,ype of model is based on two cosmological principles: (1) the Universe is homogeneous in space ; (2) t)he Universe is homogeneous in time. As we have seen, ( 1) is an observed property of the Universe up to a distanc~c of 2 X 10’ light years. However, (2) is a conjecture based on ( 1). One of the important features of this cosmology is the requirement of spontaneous cre:tt)ion of matter. As t’he Universe expands, the mean density of a Universe will decrease. thus violating postulate (2). In order to maintain (a), it is necessary t’o postulat8e the spontaneous creation of matter. Thus, the steady state-model requires the‘ violation of the energy-conservation principle. Several revisions have been made to fit the theory to constantly arcumulatetl observational facts. For some reasons, Hoyle finally gave up the theory ( 24 1. This theory requires a negat,ive value of - 1 for the decelerat,ion parameter yn . A negat,ive value is allowed in this t,heory bec*:ruse the field equat,ions are modified by noIlc,onservation of energy. The t,heory does not allow a uniform radiation ba(~l

Scalar Theory ( 25 )

111conjunction with Mach’s principle, Dike has postulut’cd the existence of :I scaalar field whose source is the c.ontracted stress-energy tensor 7’ = xi ‘f’,‘. According to this theory, the Universe can be made to t*losc even for its present, value of matter-energy density, due to galaxies alone. A consequence of tJhe introduction of the scalar field is that the gravit8ational constant is a func4icnt of tdme, for or against which there is no definite observational data. A gravitational theory with a scalar field will predict a different value for t,h(k advancement of the perihelion of planets and a different value for the bending of light. Unless it can be shown that there are other causes for the advancement of the perihelion ot Mercury, the good agreement between theoretical prediction and observat.ion must be taken as an evidence that. the 1 sdar field does not exist (2%). (See note added in proof, however). The steady-stat,e theory and the scalar-field theory will not he discbussed further in this paper. \:.







As we have seen in the last section, t’he two important quamities that cehararterize a cosmological model are Hubble’s constant Ho nd the deceleration parameter y. . Ho can be determined directly from observation, but ~0 is related t.o the matter-energy density of the Universe through the field equations. 111 order t.o chompare t,heory with observat,ion, it is ncc*essary to obtain clij from oh



servation, either directly from the matter-energy density content of the Universe, or indirectly from the observation of distant galaxies. The classical test of cosmological theory involves obtaining go from the distribution, the size-redshift relation, and the magnitude-red-shift relation of distant galaxies. Information which can be extracted regarding t’he nature of the Universe is listed below. A. MAGNITUDE



As we have said before, the magnitude-red-shift relation can be used to check the validity of the inverse square law, and hence the geometric structure of the Universe. Without using the field equat’ions, Heckman, Robertson, and MCVitte (28) obtained the following expansion: mhol = 5 hg z + 1.086(1 - qo)z + 1* . ,


which is correct to the first order in the red shift Z = Ax/k. A method based on the assumption of field equations gives (99) : WLbol


5 logi

(QOZ + (qo - l)[(l

??‘&,I= 5 log z(l

+ !;z)

11) + c, qo # 0,

+ 2qo.wz -

+ c,

qo = 0.

(26) (27)

This plot of the magnitude-vs.-red-shift relation will therefore enable one to determine q. . According to the most recent work, the magnitude-red-shift relation indicates a value of qovery close to +O.;i. [See ( 14)]. Figure 2 showsthe most recent results of observations. B. THE



If galaxies are distributed uniformly in space, counts to successive limits of the parameter distance u, will yield numbers proportional to the volume inclosed within u. Because volumes in Riemannian geometry will either decrease slower or faster than u3, according to whet’her the curvature is positive or negative, a determination of the spatial curvature is possible in principle by count,s. Letting N(m) be t’he number of galaxies brighter than the apparent magnitude m, Mattig obtained t#hefollowing relations (SO): (1 - 2qo)-3’e[P( 1 + P2)1” - sinh--’ P], [sin-’ P - P( 1 - P’)“‘],

k = -1, k = +1,


where ?zis the number-densit’y of galaxies, and Q is the number of square degrees in the sky, and P=

AM2qo - 1)P2 qo(1 + A) - (qo - l)(l + L4)l’2 ’












I .-I

.6 6.2


.8 4z 5

5.0 .6 4.2


.8 43.0 i/:,8


] 12




14 16 m” -K,



, 20


FIG. 2. The theoretical red-shift, 11s. magnitude relation. Magnitudes are the I‘-msguit,ude (average intensity around a central wave length of 5-400 .%). I)ata for 18 clusters of galaxies are plot,t,ed as given by Humason, Mayall, and Sandage. Arrows are placed at the observed red-shift values for three distant clusters whose magnitrtdes are not quitp available (27).

where mR is the magnitude in the red band, 1iH. is the L-rorrec+tion term ns PS plained in Section III, and C’ is x constant 2.516 [See ($7 )I. I’m the case k = 0, we find

Figure 3 shows the difference in the count magnkude relation for various (dosmological models. As seen,the count-magnitude reMon (‘an discriminat,e various cosmological models only for objects of magnitude of +23 or more. This is t,clpond t,he ability of the 5 m Hale t,elescopeat ;\lt. Palomar Observatory. C’.



Because of curvature in space, the metric angular diameter of WI object clots





If z



:: J 3






















0 L





mf4 -K,

FIG. 3. Comparison and the two exploding the predicted log N(m) RR = 23. Values of the

not decrease linearly.

of the count-magnitude relation for the steady models po = I,.j and PO = 255. Note the extreme values bet,ween the three models for magnitudes red shift z are shown on each cnrve (27).

state small lighter

model (s.s.) difference in than mR -

For cases with q. 2 0, the relation is e








where A is given in Eq. (29) [see (27)]. Figure 4 shows the angular diameter red shift relation in different theories. It can be seen that for closed models the angular diameter will reach a minimum value, and then will increase. However, as Sandage pointed out, the isophotal radius will always decrease. The isophotal radius is the radius of contours of equal surface brightness of galaxies.’ Because of red shifts, however, the surface brightness can change if the observation is made at a deiinite wavelength. Hence, the isophotal radius is different from the metric angular diameter, which is the actual radius. The reason for this difference is the sanle as for the introduction of the k-t#erm. In conclusion, the usual tests of cosmological theory correlate the behavior of galaxies with large red shifts t’o the geometrical structure of space-time. These tests require the use of a large telescope, but at present the largest telescope, the 5-m Hale telescope of RIt. Palomar, is somehow inadequate to discriminate between different cosmological models (27). 2 Because change with

of Liouville’s theorem, distance [See Arking

the surface ($I)].


of an extended


does not








mR -5 FIG. 1.IMetric diameters (in arbitrary of galaxies computed on the magnitude stant red shifts are shown. The straight (27). VI.



units) of either individual galaxies or of clust,em system of the bright,est cluster galaxy. Line of conline gives t,he isophotal diameters for all models





The most important property of a cosmological model is closure, which dcpends on the values of the Hubble constant and the matter-energy density of the Universe. The Hubble constant can be obtained direct,ly from galactic* rcsearch. In most cosmological work the closure property which is related to the deceleration parameter q. , is determined from observing distant galaxies. This approach has stimulated widespread research, including the present work. Here. however, we will use a different criterion for the acceptance of a cosmologitrxl model and t’he determination of the closure property of our Universe. If we exclude certain cosmological models which contain a p~iori assumptions in violat,ion with presently accepted physical laws, then it is unavoidable t.o admit, that the present Universe originated from a singular state. A singularity of any kind is I clear violation of currently accepted concepts of physics, but the occurrence of this singularity may indicate the inadequacy of the classical theory of general relativity at too high densities.3 Whatever the c*nse may be, :L t.hco3 We do not. mean answer, but we wnnt, at large densities.

that a quantized version of the General Relativity theory to point out t,hat classical general relativity is certainly

is the only inadequate



retical singularity at the beginning of the Universe may indicate a very high density during and right after creation. If the present Universe evolved from a highly condensed state, then one can obtain information about the course of evolution of the Universe, based on the use of statistical physics of nonstationary processes. Among all forms of matter-energy, the most likely ones which are of cosmological importance are the following: (i) galaxies (ii) radiation (iii) intergalactic neutral atomic hydrogen (iv) intergalact’ic ionized hydrogen (v) intergalactic hydrogen molecule (vi) intergalactic neutral, ionized and second-ionized atomic helium (vii) intergalactic atomic heavy elements (ionized or neutral) (viii) neutrinos (ix) gravitational radiation (x) invisible forms of matter which include dust, rock-sized matter, black dwarfs (stars which are too small to be visible) dead galaxies, etc. (xi) the existence of antimatter in the Universe. Observations on items (i)-(iii) are now available. It may be possible to obtain direct information on (iv)-(vii) in the future. Observational information on (viii)-(x) are exceedingly difficult to obtain. However, if the Universe were once in a highly condensed st#ate and if a cosmological model is given, then, in principle, information on (iv)-(xi) can be obtained from statistical physics of from (i)-( iii). These renonequilibrium processes, in terms of information sults can then be used to judge if the cosmological model in question is con sistent with its basic assumption on any item from (iv)-(xi). Whenever additional information on any item from (iv)-(xi) is available, it can be used to further check the validity of the assumption of a singular origin of the Universe, by comparing the calculations with observations. In other words, we shall make definite predictions on (iv)-(xi). From these predictions we shall draw conclusions on the closure property of the Universe. VII.




In t#he following, we shall distinguish two cases, a weakly interacting gas and a noninteracting gas. In a weakly interacting gas it is assumed that the int,eraction is so strong that a thermodynamic equilibrium can be assumed and yet, in the mean time, so weak that the statistical properties are the same as an ideal gas. In a noninterac:t,ing case, the gas part,icles are assumed to be strictly noninteracting.








In this case we are dealing with a weakly interacting gas. The distribuGon function f(e) as a function of the gas particle kinetic energy e [which = (1-‘?c2 + n),2cJ)1’2 _ mc2, where p is the momentum] is

.f(t‘) =

1 exp [(E - ~)/kTl

( 32 1

f. 1 '

where the + sign in the denominator refers to fermions and the - sign refers to bosons, P is the chemical potential and T is the temperature. The expressions of the pressure P, the internal energy U (not including the rest energy) and the particle-number densit’y 72as funct,ions of T and p are as follows:

where (1is t,he statistical weight. For a dilute gas, the factor unity 1 in Eg. (32) be neglected from t#hedenominat,or, and Dhegas becomesa classical Maxwell gas. Properties of i’, 11, tr will be discussedin conjunction with specific problems: involved. cm



The caondition for chemical equilibrium at constant temperature and pressure is given by

where (2 is the energy released in the react,ion, the subscript,s i refer to t.he ith component of t,he system. vi are integers with no common divisors, satisfying the chemical reaction

C ViAi = 0,

( 37 )

where 21; is the notation for the ith species. C. APPLICATIONS




i. Pair Creation We now consider an equilibrium among protons, neutrons, electrons, photons and neut#rinos.We shall neglect the nuclear reaction which leads t)o a build up of



heavy elements. The reason for this omission is that the amount of heavy elements resulting from the initial step of nucleosynthesis is less than 30% [see

(3311. For a photon gas, the total number or photons is not fixed but is determined by the condition of equilibrium such that (8sldn)P.T




where s is the entropy. Since (&/dn)r,T = -p/T, the chemical potential for a photon gas is zero. The chemical equilibrium condition for the pair-creation reaction -y-(A+&=0


is then p6 $


+ a?& = 0


pa + mc” = -(pa

+ me’).

If the total number of particles (number of particles minus number particles) is conserved, then there is the subsidiary condition that nA




(40) of anti(41)


where no is the number density of particles without pair creation. Equations (40) and (41), together with Eq. (34), enable one to determine na and nz in t,erms of the temperature T and p. Applications. We now consider the case n o = 0. We then find pa + mc2 = - (~c~a+ mc”) = 0, and (42) [i,

= [iz = AL 3&i3 Jo

EJ12dp exp [(t + mc2)/kT]

For the case of a photon gas, the particle g = 2. Therefore, we have

and anti-particle

U, = aT4, n Y- - 2 g

rrt 1 ’ are identical

(43) and (44)


= 2.404 g 5 T3,

P, = f U, = ; T4, where a is the Steffan-Boltzmann constant and l(z) is the zeta function of Riemann. For the case of a neutrino, since there is only one spin component for the ob-




served neutrino and antineutrino







g = 1. We find

z’, = CT, = xsaT4


P, = fSU,


T3. n, = ns = 0.901( c31c3/a2fi3)


Equations (47)-(49) are applicable to electron pairs and nucleon pairs at r<ivistic temperatures if every quantity is multiplied by a factor of 2. For nonrelativistic temperatures such that ?cT,/me2<< 1, then we find

where 4 = mc’/kT.

t .-,::I

ii. Ionization and Mobeculaf- Dissociation. Consider the simple case of only one bound electron with no excited st,ates. The reaction for ionization is A - (A++e-+r)

= 0.

f 5-t)

Hence, the equation becomes PA











( 5.5 )

where Ei is the ionization energy. Taking the nonrelatSivistic and the di1ut.e gas limit in Eq. (34) we find,

Defining the degree of ionization ai by CXi= n+/(n+ + Ila) (ai is t,he fraction of all atoms ionized), from Eq. (5.5) and (56) we obtain



For molecules of type A2 the degree of association CQ will be

2 WI2 - gA 1 - old gA2 nA2

1 +


exp (-Ei/kT).



If the excited states are taken into account, gA is replaced by the partition tion 2,

= F gt exp (-E&T),


where the summation over I is carried over all excited states, and El is the energy of the excited state. Past experience shows that the inclusions of excited states do not change the simple results of Eq. (57) appreciably. 17111. NONEQUILIBRIUM



The behavior of a system of particles not in thermodynamic equilibrium is described by the Boltzmann equation

afi(ri,pi,t) + viegrad,,fi(s,p;,t) dt where ri is the coordinate, pi bution function of the particle and is different from that for sion term which takes care of

+ fii*grad,,.fi(s,pi,t)


c (60)

the momentum, vi the velocity, and fi the distriof the ith species.In general, fi is time-dependent, equilibrium process Eq. (32). [dfi/clt], is the colliinteractions. For a collision process, [@i/d!], is

(61) - fifj(l + @ifz’)(l + @j.fj’)llVi - VjI&‘,cpi’L where u( O;‘, cp:) is the scattering cross section as a function of energy and the angle of scattering, &‘, cp;’of the ith particle. Oi = +l for fermions, and Oi = -1 bosons. For caseswhere particle creation and destruction take place, we have

where li*(pj’, pi ) is the fractional number of particles of the jth species and momentum pi, which are capable of emitting a particle of the ith species of momentum p; , Aj(pi’, p;) is the rate of emission per emitter, and (T*is the absorption cross section. Eq. (62) is also applicable to annihilation processes,but in this case the factor (1 + 01 fi’) is absent in the second quantity on the right-hand sid of Eq. (62).







2. 3


Eq. (60) is simplified when applied to cosmological models. If homogeneity and isotropy are assumed for the Universe, then fi(ri’, pi’, t) should not depend on ri ; the grahi term therefore vanishes. The term hi is related to changes in the proper length I, by the following relation d In 1 T’

-=- p dlt

cl 111

( 6:: )

This can be seen by the following argument, whirh is based on two assumptions: (a) locally, the space-time is flat; and (b) the statistical properties of all similar systems are equivalent,. The assumption (a) is a consequence of the geemetrical character of space-time. It enables us to use the special relativistic. theory of t’ransport processes. The assumption (b) t.hen enables US to (*onsidcr an isolated system of parbicles in an expanding Universe. Consider a cubic volume of sides of proper length R in an evolving Univrrsr, where t)he sides are allowed to expand or contract with the Universe. Thus, as time passes, R will increase or decrease. If t,he box includes a large number of particles so that, one can talk about the statistical properties of the system. t,hen applying assumption (b), one can replace t’he boundaries of this box by perfectly reflecting walls, such that at the boundary of the volume, t#he momrl~t.:l P = ( Pr , P, 7 p-) of all particles are reversed to p’ = ( -p, , p, , p, ) 1 (P., , -P,, P,), or (P=, P, , - p;) . Because the sides of the cubic volume are aIlowed to expand with the Universe, the particle densities inside this box are thcl same as those outside. The size of R is so chosen that, dR/dt is always small compared with the velocity of light. Let the origin chosen be the center of the cube. Consider a particle whose mo mentum in the 5 direction is p, and whose velocity is 21~. In a time dt, the number of collisions of this particle with the wall is R/v, . Because the walls are moving away with a velocity &x(dR/dt) in the J: and -.(: direction, respectively, in eacah collision process this particle will lose momentum Ap, = m( dR/dt), where YILis the relativistic mass. Therefore, in a t,ime dt, the total amount of momentum lost is - (uI,IR)m( dRjdt) dl = --p,(d ln R/dt) dt. Thus, the rate at whic*h momentum is lost is given by t)he equat’ion

rip, = rzt

The same equation, Eg. (64) is


d In R dt


of course, also applies t#o other component,s.

where the superscript (0) denotes initial values. By denoting d In R/dt by H,(t), [’III cosmological :

models H,,(t)

The solutiotl


is the Hubhl(,‘s




because of Eq. (63)) the transport -$fi - Ho(t)p,*gradPiS;


equation then becomes =


Thus, cosmological effects enter into the transport Hubble’s constant HO(t) .











only through




i. Relativistic Particles For a weakly interacting gas, thermodynamic equilibrium can be assumed,and for a relativistic gas E = pc. Equations (33)-(35) become (67) (68)

(69) where $ = p/lcT and (76) j$‘“( {) is tabulated in Table I for several values of .$and for casesn = 1, 2. THEOREM 1. For a relativistic gas, the parameter p/kT remains constant in an adiabatic process,provided that the total number of particles remains constant. Proof. If V is the volume of the system, then for adiabatic changes PdV

+ d(W)

= 0.


Using the relation Eq. (69) to eliminate P, Eq. (71) gives UV4’3 = constant.


If the total number of particles is constant, then we have nV = constant.


From Eqs. (71) and (72) we find that r$$$$1’:” which is possible only if p/kT is a constant.

= constant,










s = 2 5.68213 6 .86839 8.28826 9.98279 11.9988 14.3891 20.5390 28.9952 40.4445 55.7036 75.7289 101.618 134.616 176.115 227.658 290.941 512.999 853.407 1351.18 2051.32 3Of34.82 5905.92 10582.5 17658.6 27854.1 41985.0 =g.p

1.80306 2.16113 2.58313 3.07823 3.65637 4.32827 5.99942 8.18972 11.0056 14.5593 18.9683 24.3531 30.8363 38.5430 47.5984 58.1286 91.7432 137.363 198.984 272.607 366.228 615.475 960.718 1417.96 2003.21 2732.45 rp@

>20 For radiation




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.ti 3 .o 3.4 3.8 4.2 4.6 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0



we have

Hence from the adiabatic condition, Eq. (71), we jind TP3

= constant,

which is the same as Eq. (72) if we use the relation ii. Nonrelativistic For nonrelntivistic

i76) U = aT4.


cases e = p2/2m. If the tot,al number of particles is constant,



then it is also true that p/kT

= constant,



= constant,


nV = constant,


and T p3 The proof is similar

= constant.

to that in Theorem



iii. Intermediate


In general, in intermediate cases p/kT is not a constant and the adiabatic laws become more complicated. If chemical reactions (pair creation, element equilibrium, and ionization) are taken into account, then in general, even for relativistic and nonrelativistic cases, the adiabatic conditions are more complicated. One can define three adiabatic exponents I’1 , r2 , and ra which describe the relation between P, V, and T. Let the two independent thermodynamic variables be denoted by x and y. We then have v (P% u, - P, UJ + P(Pz VI/ - Pu VA ) (SI) v, u, - v, uz T (Pz U, - P, Uz> + P(Pz V, - P, Vz) E) (T, U, - T, Uz) + P(Tz V, - T, VJ ’ V (T, U, -


+ (Tz V, -

T, Vz)

(S2, (s31

v, u, - v, i-7, For a noninteracting relativistic gas I’1 = I?2 = r3 = $5 and for a nonint,eracting nonrelativistic gas rl = I’Z = I’S = y$. When phase transition t’akes place (e.g., electron pair creation, ionization, etc.), then r’s will have lesser values, but the minimum value of I”s is 1 for any reasonable gas. B. STRICTLY NONINTERACTING


The case of a strictly noninteracting gas is of interest because when the temperature of the Universe is below say lOgoK, the relaxation time for establishing thermodynamic equilibrium for neutrinos is many times greater than the time scale of evolution of the Universe. Therefore a neutrino gas can and should be regarded as a strictly noninteracting gas. Further, at temperatures below 103’K, radiation can also be regarded as a noninteracting gas in the further evolution of the Universe.





The transport equation for a noninteracting gas is 13jJat - Ho( t)pi*gradpifa = 0.


Equation (84) will be used to demonstrate certain properties of a noninteracting gas. THEOREM 2. If initial& the distribution function fi is an equilibrium distribution functio?l., then it wilt remain so in the relativistic and nonrelativistic cases. Proof. First consider the relativistic case. The equilibrium distribution function f is f = {exp [(E - ~)/kTl




for fermion cases( +) and boson cases( - ), respectively. Letting @ = (E - ,A),/ k?‘, the transport equation then becomes

af' -- aa - Ho (t) $ p’ $ & = 0, aa at


sip - - Ho (t) p* * L = 0. ap X-T at



Since p*&,iap =



E, we

ai 'atn-at


ati EHo (f) k& = 0. ( ICT> -


,A is determined from the number density oi particles. T,ct) us assumethat pLl.ilcY is constant,. Then, Eq. (88) can be solved t,o give T = T’“‘[R”‘/R].

( 8!))

This means that the concept ot temperature is valid. We have previously shown that paR-’ [Eq. (65)]. H ence! f is invariant. We therefore find TV”3 = constant, pv*‘”

= ,1,$UV4’3 = constant,

( 90 )

i 01 '1

and nV = const,ant#,


which satisfies the condition that p/kT = constant. (Theorem 1). Thus, in a11 adiabatic process for a relativistic noninteracting gas, the spectrum will remain unchanged and the usual adiabatic laws will apply. The proof for the nonrelativistic case is similar. The relation between T arr(j



R is &




Hence, nV = constant,


PV5’3 = /2$1V75’3 = constBant,


TT72’3 = constant.


For semirelativistic cases, the spectrum is no longer invariant and a temperature cannot be defined. This stems from the absence of a simple power-law dependence of E on p in semirelativistic cases. In conclusion, in an expansion or contraction process, for the case of a strictly noninteracting gas in the relativistic and nonrelativistic limit, if the distribution function is initially in equilibrium, it will remain so in Dhe course of time. Further, if the number of particles is conserved, then the ratio p/kT remains constant. The spectrum also remains invariant. X.









We now consider the problem of annihilation of particle pairs in an evolving Universe. This problem arises from the belief that, since particles and antiparticles show a symmetry in their properties, it is possible that this symmetry property is also reflect’ed in the overall particle-antiparticle population of the Universe (34). If the Universe has a singular origin, t’hen at some time in the past the t.emperature and density of the Universe must be so high that particle pairs (including nucleon pairs) are in equilibrium with radiation. If equilibrium holds to very low temperatures, then all nucleon pairs will annihilate. However, as the Universe expands, conditions for achieving statistical equilibrium may not be satisfied, and nucleon pairs may survive annihilation during the expansion. The collision term [dj/d& for the annihilation process is

[g = -; [da 1 avjCfi)f(p)

+ production


where (T is the annihilation cross sect’ion, v is the relative velocity, and an overbar denotes quantities associated with antiparticles. A similar expression can be obtained for [dj/d~]~. The production rate is usually a complicated function of temperature and density. Therefore, instead of considering the full problem, we can consider the case where the initial particle density is many times greater than the equilibrium









pair density. This will mean that the production rate is small compared with the annihilation rate. The transport equation then becomes

At low energy, ~21 is a constant. After multiplying Eqs. (98) and (99) by (2,/h”) d3p and (,2/h3) d”fi, and integrating over #p and rC”fi, respectively. w obt8ain : aN/at

+ 3Ho(t)N

aiT/at + 3Ho(t)X

= -NK\“!cTc)>


= -NXcd,

( 101)

where N and IT are the number densities of particles and antiparkles. Eqs. (100) and ( 101)) we find a(N - xj/at

+ 3Ho(d(N

- ii)


= 0.

( 1o”XI

The solution is 111(N - A-) = -


XHo(t) r/f + constant,


or, using the definition Hc( t) [Eq. (19)], me find (N






which states that the total number of particles is conserved (c+f. conservation of baryons). Rewriting E:q. ( 103) : N - 3 = ANoexp [-J’3H&!



where ANo is a constant. By subst,ituting Eq. (10.5) into Eq. (100) we no\s obtain 3Ho(t) + ANo UIJexp [j Equat,ion ( 106)


3HoCt) d])

R = - (Tl’Tl.

( 106 1

be linearized by bhe substitution ;\” = Z-’ :

az ’ - - {RHO(t) + ANo uv exp [-j at

3H,,(tl dt]j

Z = UI’.

The solution is Z = Cl exp[/h(f)

dt] + exp[/h(t)



clxp [I

- h(t) df]dt,






= 3H0(t)

+ ANo UZJexp [ -/BHodt)

dt] ,

and the arbitrary constant CI is to be determined from the actual member density N at a certain time t. Equation (108) is a general solution, valid for any cosmological model. XI.







We now apply Eq. (108) to an evolutionary cosmological verse in which radiation energy is dominant, then,

Ho(t) From the thermodynamic

T(t) and, if the total number

model. For a Uni(109)

we find that

= T’t-

of particles


= l/X

that TV4’3 = constant,




is conserved,


= n’t-3’2.


Different cosmological theories will give somewhat different values of T’ and ,n’. Alpher et al. (36) gave T’ = 1.5 X 10’a”K. The evaluation of n’ is different from the evaluation of T’. The present Universe is a matter universe for which (112)

Ho(t) = %(t-‘I, -213



a t


0~ T3 a t-‘.



Hence n’ must be evaluated from the equation n(t)


= n’( T/T’)3.

Using the present value of n = lo-’ and the constant T’, one finds that n’ = lo”“, if the age of the Universe is taken to be -10” years. The proper inclusion of interactions between particles and antiparticles will only slightly alter the numerical character of the result. Substituting Eq. (109) into Eqs. (105) and (108)) we then find N - N = ANot-3’2,


( 116)

4_-3’2 0 cl + #O+;‘~,AN~) exp{&


- (Fy’“I}

- Nz’










where N”’ is. the value of iir at t = to . In the case N = ,y, it is easily shown t,hat the solution is

N(O) N = n” = (1 + ~aup~o) ; a’2- ~al,fojp’) ; 0 0


Comparing Eq. ( 118) with Eq. ( 111), we seethat in the case fi = N, the pair densit,y is quickly reduced by a depletion factor 1 + 2fo/Ta after a time of the order of to has elapsed. 7, = [(TvE(‘)]-~ is the mean life time of a particle ( or an antiparticle) against annihilation at f = to . In the case of Eq. ( 117), however, the depletion factor is

which can be very large if ANocrvl’f~‘2 >> 1. Now we apply Eqs. (117) and (118) to our Universe. I’irst we must find :I set of the initial density and temperat’ure of the Universe at the earliest possible epoch for which the assumptions underlying Eqs. ( 117) and ( 118) are still valid. We choose to = 0.01 sec. The initial temperature and density comput,ed from Eqs. (110) and (115) are 1.5 X 1O”“Ii and 10z5/cm”, respectively. In the nonrelat~ivistic limit, t,he equilibriulll proton pair den&v 12,~~) is given by [see I<:,(l. (34)l


where + = r>l,c2/kI’ = (1.09 X 10’3)T-’ and nip is the proton mass. I;rom Eq. ( 119) we find that at T = (1.5 X 101’)oI<, t.he equilibrium density n’“’ is much lessthan the initial density 102’/cm3 so that the use of our theory is justified. But, t,his t,emperature is not very different. from the t,emperaturr of (2 X IO”)% at which th e equilibrium densit’y is also ld5/cm3. This is due to the steep temperature dependence of the pair density. The value of ,SI for p--/, annihilation at zero energy is a constant with uu = 2 X lo-‘” cm’/sec’ [see (Jr)]. We t.herefore find that, in t,he case of Eq. ( 118), t,he depletion facmr 1 + ZfOli7,, is of the order of 108.Thus, had our Universe been creat)edwit’h an equal number of particles and antiparticles, most pairs would have annihilated in the first few hundredths of a second after creat,ion, and the present Universe would have heel1 richer in radiation energy than what is observed. Further, unless t’here is a mechanism not yet known to us which can cause a complete separation between partivIes and antipart,icles to t’ake place before the formation of galaxies, an even



larger fraction of nucleon pairs will annihilate during galactic and star formation, resulting in a number of 7%MeV photons from the decay of x0-mesonsproduced in p-15 annihilations. Since the present observations exclude such a high energy flux, we conclude that the assumption of an equal number of particles and antiparticles at the time of creation of the Universe is incompatible with both observations and presently accepted physical laws and world models. If the Universe is initially richer in particle population, then Eq. (117) tells us that as long as ANo~v/tki2 >> 1, virtually all antiparticles created at the early epoch will have annihilated in the first few hundredths of a second after creation. The present Universe is therefore free of any residual antiparticle associated with the creation of the Universe. This is consistent with the available data on cosmic ray antiproton fluxes. The present calculation thus precludes the presence of antigalaxies. XI.





Eq. (118) tells us that the depletion factor is of the order of to/~, where 7 is the mean interaction time (avN)-‘. We now apply this criteria to obtain rough estimates of all forms of matter energy in terms of observed radiation density and matter density (galaxies and intergalactic hydrogen). An exact treatment of this problem with a better cosmological model will be discussed in a forthcoming paper. A. INTERGALACTIC



According to Alpher’s model Universe (36), down to a temperature of 300°K radiation, energy is dominant. We can use Eq. (115) for t’he temperature-density relation: rb = 102’(T/1.5 X 10’“)3.


Substituting Eq. (120) into Eq. (57), we obtain the degree of ionization of hydrogen ai in terms of the temperature of the Universe:

-=CYi2 1 - 0‘;

(1.57 T” 10~~~ exp _ I..57 T” lo5 . 1.4 x 1o16


When the value of t,he quantity on the left-hand side is of the order of unity, ionization equilibrium will begin to shift towards neutral hydrogen. This takes place at T = 3400”K, where the corresponding density is n - 100 and f. = 1013sec. The recombination cross section is lo-” cm2 at this temperature, and hence, UZ,= 4 X lo-l3 and 7 = 7 X lOlo set, which is much smaller than to . We may therefore conclude that most &mixed hydrogen will recombine at approximately lOI seconds after creation. The question is then whether intergalactic




3. 3

neutral hydrogen can become ionized after the formation of galaxies. Gould and and Ramsey (58) have shown that if the intergalactic hydrogen is not ionized initially before galactic formation, then it is unlikely that an ionized state can come into being afterwards and be maintained at present. Further, down to :t temperature of 3OO”K, radiation is dominant. This means that the total energy (self gravitational energy plus the thermal energy) of a region in space is always close to zero. The necessary condition for gravitational condensation is that there exist regions in space for which the total energy is negat’ive. Therefore galaxies cannot form until radiation energy is no longer dominant. This means that the recombination of hydrogen will take place long before galactic formation. Hemoe, based on our result and Gould and Ramsey’s estimate we can conclude tentatively that the presence of a large amount of intergalactic ionized hydrogen is basically inconsistent with the accepted principle of physics and the singular origin of the Universe. A better calculation will tell us the upper limit. of t’he amount of ionized hydrogen in terms of the total intergalactic neutral hydrogen and the total mass in galaxies. Of course, it is possible for ionization to take place after galactic formation. We shall consider this problem in a future paper. B. INTERGALACTIC



Using Eq. (58) and Eq. (120) we find that

c&l2 - 1.9 x 1oz3(5.2 ; 1 - (Yd


P--,j.yX1,,a 7’,

( 122 1

At CY~N $1, we tind T = 870°K with the corresponding value of r~ = 2 and to = 3 X lOI sec. The direct recombination of two hydrogen at)oms in their ground state into a hydrogen molecule (2H -+ HZ) is a very improbable proves:: becausethe transition is a forbidden one (39). The recombination can t’ake pla~r through one of t,he excited states (e.g., one atom in the ground state and th(> other 2p state) or via a three-body process3H --+ Hz + H. The fractional number of atoms in the first-excited state at T = 847°K is roughly e-loo :Y 10-43, and hence can be entirely neglected. The transition probability for the three-body process 3H + Hz + H is roughly 1O-32cm6 set-’ [see (40)], which is too small t#o yield any significant recombination reactions because of the low density. Gould and Salpeter (39) suggestedthat in interstellar space, recombination may t#akeplace 011 the surface of dust grains. However, as we shall seebelow, the dust grains are not likely to exist before galactic formation and before the temperature of the Universe has dropped substantially. Hence we conclude that very little hydrogen will become molecules in the early evolution of the Universe. Because the density of hydrogen in intergalactic space will always decarease, the formatjion of hydrogen molecules in intergalactic space will become even more unlikt~ly



after galactic formation. Thus it appears that there are very few intergalactic hydrogen molecules. We may remark that the presence of a large amount of int’ergalactic molecular hydrogen should yield some absorption lines at the first ionization potential of 15.4 eV in distant quasars and should be detectable. Based on (A) and (B) and the observed upper limit of intergalactic neutral hydrogen density, we conclude that almost all hydrogen appears to be located in galaxies. C. INTERGALACTIC



The abundances of heavy elements (He and others) have been estimated by various groups, wit#h the most optimisCc result ascribing no more than 20% of all massesto the heavy elements (33). Therefore, at best, 20% of matter will be in the form of elements other than hydrogen. D. NEUTRINOS It has been conjectured from time to time that the neutrino energy density of the Universe can be very large (&I). As we have seen, if the total number of neutrinos is equal to that of antineutrinos and if a state of thermodynamic equilibrium is maintained at’ the early epoch, then the neutrino energy density is of the same order of magnitude as the photon energy density, and the spectrum of of the neutrino gas camlot be very different from the black-body neutrinospectrum. At to = lop6 set, when T g 10’?~, the matter density is around 104’ particles/cm3. The interaction cross section of neutrinos is around 1O-38cm’. Hence, the interaction time T ,- ((rVN)-’ is 10-l’ sec. A state of thermodynamic equilibrium must therefore exist for neutrinos at the initial evolutionary phase of the Universe. 111 order that neutrino densit’y may be much larger than that of photon density, it is necessary that a degenerate state exist’. Being a relativistic gas, according to Theorem 2, p/k? = E,/kT must be a constant, where EF is the Fermi energy of the neutrinos. If E, is different from zero, the population of neubrinos must greatly exceed that of antineutrinos or vice versa. Let us assume that the anti-neutrinos are more abundant. (The calculation with a more abundant neutrino population is the same.) Then, from Eq. (69)) we find that the neutrino energy density CT,is

u, = 4&


T4f;+' (9

= 5.824 X lo-l6 T4.fi+) ($).

Using the present value of T = 3”K, we find that if U, is to be equated to lo-” g/cm, it is necessary that

f'+'(E 2 F/kT)

= 5.74 X 105;








lo-‘” g/cm is the energy density necessary for closure. For comparison, the present matter density due to galactic masses is 7 X 10w31 ergs/cm3. From Table I we find that


= 40,

so that the value of the present Fermi energy will be of the order of 1.6 X lo-’ eV, which is too small to be detected. However, the excessive number density of anti-neutrinos over neutrinos at present is of the order of nj = 1.406 (fS,/kTi”. T* = 7 X 10”. Comparing this with the present density of protons, we see t.hxt the total number of antineutrinos is around lOI times that of electrons or preptons. We must ask: Is there any particular reason that there should be such :m excessive number of neutrinos (or antineutrinos) in t’he Universe? At a temperature > lOgoI< t’he presence of neutrino degeneracy (i.e., :I, thgenerat,e v-gas and not n-gas) will suppress the neut,ron population in the t~lulibrium reaction: n+vGp+e-. This will cause a reduct’ion in t,he neutron capture reaction which takes pl:~~ct~ at T N lOgoK: The above react,ion is responsibIe for the production of primodial helium (A;). Hence the presence of neutrino degeneracy will reduce the production of pri medial helium. Likewise the presence of antineutrino degeneracy will enh:tncci t.hc neutron population, in the equilibrium reaction P+pGn+e+ which will increase the production of primodial helium. Recent observations t)\, Creenstein and Munch (42) indicate that in some very old st’ars (whose original composit.ion is presumably primodial matter) heliuni is nearly absent, contrai.? to the calculations performed earlier (3.3). To resolve t)his difficulty Fou-ler (.$A) proposed that universal neutrino degeneracy may resolve this difficultmy. However, this suggestion must be supported by other evidences before it can bc :I,(*cepted. The problem of neutrino degeneracy cert,ninly deserves more attent ic)II in future work. If the number of excessive antineutrinos is equated t’o the number of electrons (also equated t,o protons) then E,/kT c 0 and the neutrino energy density is close to the black-body-radiation energy density. E.



Because the gravitational field is a t,ensor field a gruviton (gravitational quantum), has a spin two; and because thestatic gravitational force is an inverse square force, the rest mass of a graviton is zero. Therefore, gravitons in therm:tl equilibrium with their surroundings must, have t,he same spectrum tis radiation,



and subsequently, the same energy density-temperature then is whether thermal equilibrium can exist. According density is n(t)

relation. The question to Eq. (11 l), the number

= n’t-3’2*


7 = (mn)-’

= t3’2/rzm’

The average energy of the graviton is proportional to T. In order that 7 should decrease as t decreases, (av) as should not depend on the energy faster than (energy of graviton)k where Ic > - J,i. (N ot e, f or neutrinos, k is positive). When this condition is fulfilled, then there is always a value of t for which 7 < t, so that thermal dynamic equilibrium can be achieved. However, according to Weber (44), the scattering cross section of a graviton by a material particle which is damped only by reradiation is proportional to X2 or Em2, and one which is damped by other irreversible processes (e.g., electromagnetic radiation) is proportional to E-l. Hence, there may be some question as to whether gravitatational radiation may come into equilibrium with matter at an early epoch. However, gravitational radiation comes into equilibrium with macroscopic matter (galaxies, etc.) at a later stage, since the cross section increases with wavelength. F. INVISIBLE


Other forms of invisible matter can be classified under two categories: (i) those bound by chemical forces (e.g., rocks, dust, etc.); and (ii) those formed by their own gravitational field (small planets, black dwarfs, etc.).

i. Intergalactic

Dusts from Primordial


No matter can exist in the form of a solid at temperatures above a few thousand degrees Ii. The formation of dust and rocks can take place only when the temperature is low so that the vapor pressure is comparable to the pressure in the Universe. The composition of dust grains has been speculated to be icy crystals and other impurities. At T - 300°K the vapor pressure of metals (e.g., copper) is around lo-l4 mm Hg. This will correspond to a particle density of 10’ particles/ cm3, which is several orders of magnitude greater than the actual density of the Universe at this temperature. Hence even heavy metals cannot condense to become dust particles. For ice, the vapor pressure will be even greater, and hence dust can be formed only at very low temperatures. We therefore conclude that only a negligible fraction of primordial matter can condense into dust.

ii. Black Dwarfs The next question is whether there are invisible objects bound by their own gravitational force in the intergalactic space. The condition for gravitational






binding for a gas cloud of massm is that its total energy must be lessthan zero. Assuming a uniform density p and a uniform temperature T, the dimension of the gas, R, must be such that

where p is the density, R the dimension, and T the temperature of the gas. Thus conditions for the formation of a large object (such as a galaxy) are more favorable than the conditions for the formation of a small object, for a given temperature and density. Therefore, it is unlikely that there are large massescondensing to become invisible astronomical objects before galactic formation in the intergalactic space. We neglect from our discussion the possibility of the existence of a large amount of matter in collapsed state. G. SHAPE OF THE SPECTRUM



During hydrogen recombination it is possible that t’he spectrum of photons may be altered by free-free, free-bound processes.However, since the number of photons is many orders of magnitude greater than the number of hydrogen atoms, when recombination takes, it is also unlikely that the photon spectrum will be seriously altered. Hence we believe that the spectrum of the background to radiation must be tha6 of a black body to a high degree of approximation. This will be discussedin a future paper. Weymann (45) has considered the shape of the cosmic radiation background. However, he assumed a very high density of matter ( -y10e2’ g/cm3) which is incompatible with observations, as we have shown in this paper. His result, is still int’eresting because under some circumstances the black bodp spectrum is substantially alt.ered. XIII.


The development of general relativity has been regarded as one important step towards understanding the structure and evolution of the Universe. Its success in predicting the second order corrections to particle trajectories and light rays in a gravitational field, marks a triumph in understanding the small (but not microscopic) scale of behavior of the gravitational field. IDS success is further glorified by its prophecying the expansion of the Universe, which is observed later. Yet in the meantime, a theory as complicated as general relativity, predicted a remarkably limited number of cosmological models. In its unadulterated version, the theory allows only two types of cosmological models. One contains an infihite amount of matter, originated from a singular origin, and destined to expand until oblivion (open Universe) ; and one contains a finite amount of



matter, also originated from a singular origin, which will expand to a maximum dimension, and then contract back to a singular state (closed Universe). The behavior of a particular model depends on two parameters: the overall matterenergy density of the Universe and the Hubble’s constant. For our Universe, the Hubble’s constant as determined from galactic research is in the neighborhood of 3.3 X lo-18 set-‘. The matter-energy density attributed to galaxies is in the neighborhood of 7 X 10P31g/cm”. This is too small for closure. For t’he reason that Mach’s principle is not applicable to an open model, most cosmologists prefer to have a closed model. In order to do so, cosmologists generally choose one of the two alternatives: (a) that there is a large amount of matter-energy in invisible form (b) that some physical laws are violated. Invariably, the laws to be violated and the degree of violation, are so chosen that results are many orders of magnitude beyond the present technological limit of verification or disreputation. In this paper we have shown that if we apply to our Universe cosmological models which have a singular origin, then the bulk of matter-energy density is in the form of galaxies. Hence we have shown that (a) is not likely to be true. We regard the alternative (b) as totally unsatisfactory. To postulate and to accept a law because it canriot be shown to be wrong, without, in the meantime, suggesting some method of experimental confirmation, is the same as to accept the book of Genesis as the scientific theory of creation, on the basis that it cannot be refuted. We believe that a physical law has no right to exist unless it can be shown otherwise. The necessity for postulating (a) and (b) stems from the belief that Mach’s principle has the supreme command in cosmological theories. However, the fact that Mach% principle cannot be formulated unambiguously is a reason for not adopting it at present, Even as a principle, as Zeldovich pointed out (46), it lacks a unity. Once we free ourselves from Mach’s principle, we can study the Universe as it is. Unless it can be shown that Mach’s principle is necessary, we should not still worry about it. There are still some unanswered questions; among them are. (a) Does the existence of a singularity in all cosmological models mean that a new theory of gravitation is required at high density? (b) Why in our Universe does only one type of particle population dominate? Does this mean the high symmetry between particles and antiparticles breaks down at very high density? We have no idea what the answers are, nor in which direction we must search for an answer. XIV.






Based on information available to us, and assuming the validity of all physics laws we conclude that the bulk of matter-energy in our Universe is in the








form of galaxies. Our Universe can be described by an open model with yo = +0.03. Sandage (14) has assigned a value of +1.65 to 40 . This value is obtained using brightest members of clusters as samples. This value of ~0 must be corrected for galactic evolution, since the galaxies which are responsible for the large value of q. are younger than our galaxies by a few billion years. After these corrections are taken into account, the value of ~0 is brought down to +0.5. ?;o uncertainty has been assigned to this value of y. . The discrepancy between Sandage’s value and ours is not, serious, in view of difficulties of determination of ~0 . Our value of q. essentially is proportional to the density of matter due to galaxies. The density quoted here, 7 X 10s3’ g;‘cm”? was given by Oort in 1958. In view of the importance of the density of matter iu galaxies, a new determination will be of vital interest and great’ importance. In conclusion, the structure of our I;iziuerse is consistent with an open model with a ual,ue of q. between 0.02 and 0.5. Notes a&led in proof: In the 1967 Texas Meeting” which was held at SW I-ark (.January 23-27) R. H. Dicke announced that he and his associates had det,ected an oblateness in the shape of the sun amounting to a difference of 5 X lo-” in solar radii at the equator and at the pole. According to von Zeipel’s t,heorem, the exterior shape of a star represents the equipotential surface of the star. If von Zeipel’s theorem is applicable to the sun, then this oblateness can be interpret’ed as Dhe presence of a quadropole moment in the potential of the sun. This quadropole moment will introduce an advancement of Mercury’s perihelion point by as much as 4 seconds of arc per century. This will then invalidat~c the good agreement between Einstein’s theory and observation of the advancement of the perihelion of Mercury. However, it has not been sholvn conclusively that von Zeipel’s theorem is applicable to t,he SUIT. Hence Dicke’s observation is still subject to interpretation. XV. I woilld



t,o thank



R. Stothers

and Dr.





November 18, 1966 REFERENCES

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