S7 Conclusions: Targeted NGS of material obtained from routinely prepared, DiffQuik stained smears is accurate showing equivalent results to those obtained on FPPE material with the added advantage of permitting cytomorphological correlation.
EDUCATION/TRAINING/CURRENT TRENDS 1 If You Build It Who Will Come? The Cytology Education Learning Lab (CELL) Website Marilee Means, PhD, SCT(ASCP)1, Liron Pantanowitz, MD2, Deborah Sheldon, BA3. 1ASC, ASCP, ASCT, & CAP, Kansas City, Kansas; 2 University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; 3 American Society of Cytopathology, Wilmington, Delaware
Figure 2
ROC analysis of methodologies
PP14 Targeted Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) of Material Obtained from DiffQuik-stained Thyroid Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) Smears: Parallel Evaluation of Matched Benign and Malignant Cytological and Surgical Specimens Adele Kraft, MD, Catherine Dumur, PhD, Jorge Almenara, PhD, Narjes Mousavi, CT(ASCP), Celeste Powers, MD, PhD. Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia Introduction: Mutational analyses are becoming essential for papillary thyroid carcinoma diagnostic evaluation, further refining the cytological diagnosis and revealing potential therapeutic targets. Most publications describe the use of NGS in fluid-suspended cells obtained via a dedicated FNA pass. Lack of cytomorphological correlation may lead to falsenegative results. This study aims to evaluate the performance of a 50-gene panel targeted NGS on routinely collected thyroid FNA material prepared as DiffQuik stained smears. Materials and Methods: We identified archived surgically resected thyroid glands diagnosed as: classical variant papillary thyroid carcinoma; follicular variant papillary thyroid carcinoma or nodular hyperplasia with FNA performed up to 6 months before surgery. Nine surgical/cytology paired slides were selected using these criteria: matching nodule; uniform histomorphology; at least moderate cellularity, less than 10% contaminating cells on cytology. Cytology smears underwent digital scanning, 72-hour xylene immersion, coverslip removal, pre-wetting with ATL buffer (Qiagen) and scrapping off the glass slide with sterile scalpel blade. Similarly, tumor areas from deparaffinized unstained slides were scrapped off for DNA isolation. After incubating with Proteinase K, DNA was purified using the QIAamp DNA mini Kit. Double-stranded DNA was assessed by fluorometry on the Qubit. Barcoded libraries for each sample were generated from 1 or 10 ng of dsDNA using Ion AmpliSeqTM Cancer Hotspot Panel v2. Combined barcoded libraries were sequenced on Ion 316TM chips, run on the PGM instrument. Sequence variants were identified with variantCaller plugin 4.0 using validated custom parameters. Variant annotation was performed by querying COSMIC, dbSNP and ClinVAR databases. Results: Variants in multiple genes were identified including BRAF and HRAS, with excellent correlation between matched surgical/cytology pairs.
Introduction: In October 2013, 22 new entry-level competencies (ELCs) were added to the cytotechnology student curriculum. Many of these new topics (e.g. digital imaging) included emerging technologies. However, available resources for cytotechnology student educators to teach these ELCs were scarce, which presented a problem. This challenge served as the impetus for the ASC, ASCT, ASCP, and CAP to develop a website that could function as a repository for such educational resources. The aim of this study was to evaluate the success of this Internet tool by analyzing data from the registrants. Materials and Methods: A website was established called the Cytology Education Learning Lab (CELL) (http://cytologyedlab.org). Webpages were designed to permit contributors to easily upload various files (articles, images, videos, etc.) and for users to download these ELC-related resources from the CELL database. The website was launched on March 21st, 2014. Registrant data were evaluated by profession and region. Results: One month after the website went live nearly 500 individuals were registered. Many people from around the world and individuals not directly related to the education of U.S. cytotechnologists visited the website. These included cytotechnologists, pathologists, other health professionals, business representatives, and non-U.S. instructors. File types uploaded included PDF documents, images (jpeg), powerpoint presentations, audio files (MP3, MP4) and videos, as well as external web links. Conclusions: CELL is a secure, free, file-sharing website that satisfies the demand to provide modern cytology educational resources within our community. The website appears to be successful based upon the increasing number of individuals that have logged on and uploaded educational materials for cytotechnology programs and their students to use. As the CELL website matures it is anticipated to progressively provide more useful and relevant ELC-related resources to its users. 2 A Cytotechnologist Mentoring Program Improves the Cytotechnology Student Experience Erica Kaplan, MS, CT(ASCP), Amanda Bruening, BS, CT(ASCP), Bridgette Springer, BS, CT(ASCP)CM, Debbie Sabo, BS, CT(ASCP), Dawn Underwood, MS, CT(ASCP), Sandra Dolar, BA, CT(ASCP), Lindsay Shearer, BS, Jennifer Brainard, MD. Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio Introduction: Mentorship is an important part of career development and may be formal or informal. Cytotechnologist mentors are best able to help cytotechnology students navigate a complex and evolving career path. We describe our experience establishing a mentoring program for cytotechnology students. Materials and Methods: The program director solicited volunteer cytotechnologist mentors, paired them with current students and provided program oversight. The program was designed to occur over an 8 month
period with students rotating mentors. The students and the mentors each formally evaluated the program. Results: The mentoring program was piloted with 4 volunteer cytotechnologist mentors and 3 students. The students spent 1-2 months with each cytotechnologist mentor. The time commitment is variable but students average 4-5 hours a month with the mentors. Each new mentoring rotation begins with an introductory meeting between student and mentor covering basic getting acquainted questions and questions to direct the pair on specific focus areas (Table 1). A central component of each rotation is student previewing of current unscreened cases, with review of cases with the mentor. A record of student diagnoses is maintained. Additionally, the cytotechnologist involves the student in his/her areas of expertise (Table 2). Early feedback shows that the program benefits both students and mentors (Table 3). Conclusions: The mentorship program is a valuable addition to our cytotechnology school. Providing students with live cases affords a better understanding of a realistic work environment. By introducing new educators through mentoring, students learn different approaches to making correct diagnoses. The increased interaction between cytotechnologists and students reinforce the mentor’s morphologic criteria through case review. Open communication, flexibility in work flow and full commitment from all parties involved are necessary for a successful program. Student and mentor evaluations at the end of this year will provide valuable feedback and opportunites for improvement.
Table 1
Intoductory Meeting Questions
Introductory meeting questions What body sites do you need to focus on? How did you find out about cytology? Why did you think cytology would be a good career for you? What was the hardest thing for you to get used to when you became a cytotech? What was your school experience like? What’s one good piece of advice going into cytology? Is there anything you dislike about cytology? Can I help fix it?
Table 2
Hot Topics
Hot Topic
Content to cover
EBUS EUS IR Adequacy assessments 10% random selection Review of high risk QC, differences at each institution application deadlines website tutorial recognizing source (voided urine vs bladder wash and vaginal vs cervix) rejection criteria Calling in HSIL results Sign out HPVs SCT Supervisor/Manager Program director Lab administration Sales National organizations Local societies Committee Board member Contact information Sign and date every change Daily workload recording Track time screening Slide count Hands on intro to fish scope Abnormal cell criteria Adjust depth of focus Counting probes Use of all 4 filters
Quality Control
Board of Certification
Specimen Troubleshooting (non screening duties)
Career Planning
Organizations and Societies
Table 3
Benefits of Mentoring
Both Cytotechnologist and Student
Attention to career development
Support system for academic and career development Insider prospective job search and career planning Exposure to different a perspective and experience Experience with current, unscreened cases
Satisfying way to give back to profession Opportunity to expand current knowledge Enhance management and leadership skills Identify skill gaps
Encourages a new way of thinking, explaining and working Creates a team mentality and allows open communication Allows for problem solving, and helps to improve processes
Help with review of medical records Gain confidence for entering the workforce
3 Utilization of Laboratory Professionals to Enhance Student Training in a Cytotechnology Program Sandra Dolar, BA, CT(ASCP), Maureen Croyle, BS, CT(ASCP), Ghada Aramouni, BS, CT(ASCP), Gertrude Little, Gail Imondi, CT(ASCP), Julie Shorie, CT(ASCP), Dawn Underwood, MS, CT(ASCP), Maria Lopez, BS, Jennifer Brainard, MD. Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio Introduction: Involvement of experienced laboratory personnel in training cytotechnology students benefits both the students and the laboratory. As our cytotechnology school is relatively new, we decided to look at ways to include laboratory professionals in the cytotechnology student curriculum. We also evaluated professional development needs to enhance the laboratorians’ role as teacher. Materials and Methods: Areas of potential involvement in the school were determined by the program director, lab manager and medical director. The program director presented teaching opportunities to the cytotechnologists and prep personnel. Laboratory personnel were able to volunteer in both areas of strength and in areas they wanted to develop. Development opportunities were offered to laboratory personnel based on their needs assessment. Results: Opportunities to participate in the cytotechnology school included: lectures, microscope sessions, ROSE training, troubleshooting, specimen preparation, FISH training, educational slide set development and laboratory management. All cytotechnologists and prep personnel volunteered for the school in some capacity. The program director worked with volunteers regarding curriculum requirements, lecture topics and scheduling. Four cytotechnologists lectured students with input from the program director. Five cytotechnologists participated in microscopic teaching sessions. Training of laboratory personnel included a talk on how to give an effective lecture and computer classes. Technologist teaching cytotechnology students has shown mutual benefits for students and laboratory personnel (Table 1). Conclusions: Laboratory professionals are enthusiastic participants in cytotechnology student education. Cytotechnology students gain exposure to a variety of techniques and viewpoints beyond the scope of school faculty. Employees gain the opportunity to review and reinforce criteria and practices that make them skilled laboratorians. The increased interaction between technologists and students enhances learning for both. Topics that are difficult to cover in lecture format may be more easily addressed in a less formal setting. Employee, graduate and employer surveys will provide important feedback regarding program effectiveness.