of presenting the conventional or * L old terminology” of bundle-branch block, but also gives the ’ Lnew terminology. ’ ’ In the s&ion having to do with coronary occlusion and coronary altery disease, precordial chest leads are discussed. The section which is given over to the irregularities is very well done, except for those parts having to do with treatment. These appear to me to be inadequate and not especially judicious, probably because the plans of therapy do not coincide with my own notions of the use of the measures and drugs which are available. The use of illustrations has been very generous. The bibliography has not been selecte
The volume is a very welcome addition tn the library of those especially interested in electrocardiography, but it will find little place outside this group in this country since our own literature abounds in excellent texts for students and practitioners. The appearance of a second, revised edition of the hook within a few months of the printing of t,he first, edition testifies to the popularity that it has won. .\
ary 12, 1836, price $7.50. brary.
39 pp., 12 mo., Boston, Introdmtion by James
By Oliver The Welch F. Ballard,
Wendell Bibliophilic Director,
Holmes, M.D. JannSociety, 3 Fenway, Boston Medical I,i-
Oliver Wendell Holmes, after having graduated from Harvard College in 1829 and having read law for a year, decided to take up the profession of medicine. After taking two courses in a private medical school in Boston he went to Paris where for two years he walked the wards of I,a Pit% and t,he H8tel Dieu in the footsteps of two great clinicians Louis and Andral. Returning to Boston late in 1835, he was given the degree of M.D. by Harvard in 1836 and as one of the requirements for that degree offered this dissertation on pericarditis. By some strange circumstance the manuscript of this essay has remained all this time unknown and unpublished in the archives of the Boston Medical Library and has only now seen the light of day in this publication by the Welch Bibliophilic Society. The writer presents an analysis of the anatomical and clinical features of eleven cases observed with Andral and Louis, as well as of a larger number of cases recorded by Bouillaud, and discusses the value of the IL antiphlogistic” treatment in general use at that time. He quotes Bouillaud as stating that “of twenty pat,ients attacked with acute general rheumatism of the articulations, there will be at least half who will offer the symptoms of pericarditis or endo-cardit,is (inflam. of the internal membrane of the heart) and often of both united.” The volume is an attractive, finely printed brochure of forty pages which should be warmly welcomed by medical bibliophiles as well as by all who are interested in the history of this important disease.
Books Received Lsccro~~s
By J. Mantes
1937. T,os
y Eduardo 371~Sucursal: Lac
Clinica Castex. Cordoba
Braun-Me&ides. Cordoba EN
Por Oscar Orias y Literaria. Florida
Por el Doctor Antonio Battro. Docente Libre de Clinica Honorario de la Catedra de1 Prof. Mariano Libreria Cientifiea y Literaria. Florida 371--Sueursal: Aires, 1937.
Medica, Jefe El Ateneo, 2099, Buenos
El Steneo, Libreria 2099, Buenos Aires, 1937.
de R.