1.3 YC
secretion of the ovary, acting in concert with those of the other glands of internal secretion, maintains the tone of the vegetative system. Similar researches, carried out on patients operated upon for various other complaints (without removal of the E. L. KING. ovaries), gave only negative results. Sserdjukoff, M. G.: Endocrine cxxiv, 284.
Forms of Epilepsy.
fiir GynPkologie,
The author describes a distinctive type of epilepsy which be feels is definitely due to disturbances of the endocrine glands, either singly or in groups. The etiology and pathogenieity of such an endocrine disturbance is found in connection with a certain specific constitutional status and with disturbances of the functions of the entire endocrine system, or at least in part. These groups which are most eommonIy affected include combinatione of ovarian, thyroid, hypophyseal and uterine dysfunctions. The more severe types of such an endocrine epilepsy have a definite and rational surgical therapy as well as symptomatic or orga.notherapeutic forms of RALPH 8. REIS. therapy. Dietrich: Basis.
A Forme Fruste of Dystrophia Adiposogeuitalis and Its Erperimental Zeitschrift fiir Geburtshiilfe und Gynlkologie, 1924, lxxxvii. 14fi.
The author describes and illustrates with a number of cast’s a previously not differentiated endocrine disease syndrome which he designates a.7 a forme fruste of He believes that this should be recognized as a separate dystrophia adiposogenitalis. entity on t,he basis of clinical findings, theoretical considerations, and. the experimental proof of an hypophyseal disturbance in metabolism in the adrenalin bloodsqgar curve. The disease occurs in small to medium-sized individual8 who show a striking adiposity for their age. The history usually shows that the adiposity appeared in early youth and the fat deposits were localized to definite regions, hips, lower abdomen, nates, thighs, upper arms and breasts. Hands and feet, wrists and ankles are never affected. The menses usually appear late, there are periods of amenorrhea, often of years’ duration and the bleeding is shsort, often lasting only for hours. Examination shows a more or less marked, hypoplasia of cxtrrnal and internal genitalia. The labia majora and minora are poorly developed, the pubi? hair scanty. The vagina is narrow, often short. The cervix iis small, often conical. The uterus is usually well proportioned but small, often acutely anteflexed, in some cases it is of the infantile type, particularly when the disturbances date back to childhood. The ovaries are small and frequently cannot be palpated, partially on account of the thickness of the abdominal wall.’ The author considers the etiology a primary hypophyseal hypofdnction with so+ ondary hypoplasia of the genital organs and characteristic fat deposits. Thme arc’ determined not by the ovarian but by the hypophyseal hypofunction. Preparations of fhe anterior lobe of the hypophysis are indicated therapeutically but there is no satisfactory preparation on the market. The author has obtained the bests results with the pluriglandular preparations. Ovarian extracts are of no value whatsoever. SL\R~~~RET
Aachner, B. : The Influence of the Hy-pophysis Med.izinische Klinik, 1924, xx, 1681.
on the Female
The hypophysis, like the pineal body, differs from the other glands of internal secretion because of its anatomic and apparently also functional connection with the brain. Contrary to the belief of Gushing and Riedl, extirpation of the anterior lobe of the hypophysis does not cause death. Tn dogs, complete removal of the anterior Inbe or of the entire pituitary gland produces a ressation of growth and mental rle