A FURTHER SIMPLIFICATION OF VARIABLE SCHEDULE SELF-REINFORCEMENT PROCEDURES THOMAS N. DORSEL, MARGARET L. ANDERSON and EVELYN M. MOORE Western Carolina University Summary-A simpler alternative to two previously described self-reinforcement procedures is suggested, and its advantages are discussed. While any procedure availing itself of chance will suffice to permit such self-reinforcement procedures, simplicity is desirable because of a likely correlation between simplicity and usefulness.
Dorsel (1977) suggested a simplification of Pawlicki and Morey’s (1976) instrument for self-directed variable schedules of reinforcement.
(b) less conspicuous, and (c) more convenient and less destructible than the instrument suggested by Pawlicki and Morey. But now a further simplification of this technique retains all the advantages of the previous two instruments, but outdistances even Dorsel’s (1977) simplification in the areas of ease of construction, of inconspicuousness, convenience, and non-destructibility. This “new” instrument is the ever-familiar wrist watch. A wrist watch could be used for implementing variable ratio schedules of reinforcement by imaginarily dividing the watch face into equal segments (e.g., halves, quadrants, 5-set intervals), the number of equal segments determining the ratio in effect, and looking at the watch after each correct response to determine which segment the second hand is pointing to. Reinforcement would be provided only after those responses which were followed by a look at the watch which revealed the second hand pointing to a predetermined segment of the watch. For example, if one wanted to reinforce oneself on a VR-4 schedule, the watch face would be imaginarily divided into quadrants and one of the quadrants would be arbitrarily designated as the reinforcement quadrant. After each correct response, the person would quickly check the watch and self-reinforce only after those responses when the second hand was
Briefly, Pawlicki and Morey’s instrument involved a dial-and-pointer assembly with numbers appropriately spaced on the dial so that the pointer when spun might come to rest on certain numbers in accordance with a variety of variable ratio schedules of reinforcement. If the pointer came to rest on the appropriate number for a given schedule, reinforcement was self-administered. Dorsel’s simplification involved a container (e.g., pill container, candy box, etc.) and items within the container (e.g., pills, hard candy, etc.). The items in the container were the same except for one which differed only in one visual attribute (e.g., color, some distinctive marking, etc.). The procedure for implementing a variable ratio schedule of reinforcement involved blindly, randomly, and with replacement selecting an item from the container after each correct response. Reinforcement was to be provided only after those correct responses which led to the selection of the visually different item. A variety of variable ratio schedules could be implemented depending on the number of items in the container. Dorsel’s simplification was (a) easier to construct,
Requests for reprints should be addressed to Thomas N. Dorsel, Psychology Department, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC 28723. 35
pointing to the reinforcement quadrant, Since each quadrant might be expected to be pointed to one out of four times by chance, the correct response should be selected for reinforcement on the average of one out of four times, thereby producing a VR-4 schedule of reinforcement. If a VR-2 schedule was desired, the watch face would be divided in half, and one half arbitrarily designated as the reinforcement half. A VR-3 schedule would similarly involve thirds of the watch face, and, in the extreme, a VR-60 would involve I-set intervals in segmenting the watch face. Whatever the size of the segments, implementation requires merely a quick check of the watch face after each correct response to see if the second hand is pointing to the reinforcement segment. This latest approach retains the advantages of both of the earlier techniques (Pawlicki and Morey, 1976; Dorsel, 1977). It can accommodate a variety of variable ratio reinforcement schedules as described above; it can be adapted to approximate variable interval reinforcement schedules (see Dorsel, 1977, p. 490); and it can serve to deny the person who is self-directing a reinforcement schedule the information regarding which ratio or interval is in effect at the moment. This denial of information occurs because the person cannot predict a
priori which segment of the watch face will be indicated by the second hand, In addition, this method exceeds Dorsel’s (1977) technique in simplicity because (a) a wrist watch requires no construction, (b) looking at one’s watch in the present society is even less conspicuous than handling pills and candy, (c) the wrist watch is very convenient since many people wear one, and (d) it is virtually non-destructibie considering the durability of present day watches and the care people give them. In sum, this new method is part of a continuing effort to simplify the procedure of selfreinforcement on variable schedules. While any procedure which avails itself of chance events (e.g., spinning pointers, drawing straws, rolling dice, flipping coins, etc.) might be used to produce variable self-reinforcement schedules, a search for the most convenient and least conspicuous technique is justified to enable it to be applied to the greatest number of subjects in the greatest variety of circumstances. REFERENCES Dorsel T. N. (1977) Implementation of variable schedule, self-reinforcement procedures, Behav. Ther. 8, 489-491. Pawlicki R. E. and Morey T. M. (1976) A low cost instrument for “thinning” self-directed schedules of reinforcement, Behov. 71ter. 7, 120-122.