R&D reports Computer-aided design Goering, R 'Engineering tools move to the desktop' CompuL Des. Vol 26 No 13 (July 1987) pp 36-48 Digital signal processing Wilson, R 'Digital signal processing ICs take on new applications' Comput. Des. Vo126 No 14 (1 August 1987) pp21-23
Tripathi, S K, Huang, Y and Jojodia, S 'Local area networks: software and related issues' IEEE Trans. Software Eng. Vol SE-13 No 8 (August 1987) pp 872-879 Many applications of LANs have a direct impact on software: system performance depends on protocol implementation, operating system and application software; load sharing among nodes requires software support; file sharing, security, reliability and synchronization all result in extra communication and software. The paper reviews the issues that affect the software requirements for LANs.
Distributed software Image processing Arora, R K, Rana, S P and Gupta, M N 'Ring based termination detection algorithm for distributed computations' Microprocess. Microprog. Vo119 No 3 (June 1987) pp 219-226 Ensuring proper termination of a distributed program soon after it has accomplished its assigned task is an important problem in distributed computing. Most algorithms for this purpose assign the responsibility for correct termination to a unique process in the system, but this becomes a point of centralized control and hence a performance bottleneck. This paper presents a symmetric algorithm where all processes follow an identical protocol and there is no specialized central process.
Blair, G S, Mariani, J A, Nicol, J R and Shepherd, D 'A knowledge-based operating system' Comput. J. Vol 30 No 3 (June 1987) pp 193-200 Most operating systems are designed to run on a single computer and provide a multiprogramming environment~ but cannot realize the full potential of local area networks. To meet these new demands the authors propose an operating system kernel with a knowledge base. The knowledge base is tailored towards a particular application and is designed specifically to support a target s y s t e m - in this case, an intelligent programming environment.
Teja, E R 'PC image applications expand' MiniMicro Syst. Vol 20 No 7 (July 1987) pp 91-105 Reviews graphics hardware and software for image processing on personal computers.
Instrumentation and control Kalpagam, K and Naidu, P S 'Microprocessor-controlled automatic focusing of a lens' J. Microcomput. AppL Vol 10 No 2 (April 1987) pp 101-112 Lefas, C C 'Microprocessor control of distributed storage, active solar heating systems' J. Microcomput. AppL Vol 10 No 2 (April 1987) pp 119-126 Microprocessors Cormier, D 'Architectural advances yield true 8-bit, single-chip computers' ESD Vol 17 No 7 (July 1987) pp 57-63 Microprocessors with 8-bit bus architectures continue to be cost effective for logic-controlled systems that do not require numerically intensive processing, for example in
personal computers. Such 8-bit microprocessors are now being enhanced, with the development of single-chip 8-bit microcomputers and microcontrollers with onboard memories, timers and communications ports. The most successful 8-bit architectures have been based on Intel's 8080/5/8 and Zilog's Z80; this paper discusses single-chip derivatives of these microprocessors from a large number of alternate source companies. Special issue on new microprocessors IEEE Micro Vol 7 No 4
(August 1987)
Majithia, K 'The new generation of microprocessors' pp 4-5 Hunter, C B qntroduction to the Clipper architecture' pp 6-26 Johnson, M 'System considerations in the design of the Am29000' pp 28-41 Perlmutter, D and Kin-Wah Yuen, A 'The 80387 and its applications' pp 42-57 Systems houses, such as DEC, AT&T and Hewlett-Packard, which have instigated mainframe architectures for their own proprietary microprocessors have been the catal~tst for higher-integration, higher-performance 32-bit microprocessors. On-chip functions now available include memory management units, instruction and data caches, buffers and floating-point blocks. Three 'new-generation' processors exhibiting these on-chip features are described: Fairchild's Clipper, the Advanced Micro Devices Am29000 and Intel's 80387 coprocessor.
Ng, K W and Mol, K Y 'The high level language and operating system support features of advanced microprocessors: part 1, high level language support features' Microprocess. Microprog. Vol 19 No 3 (June 1987) pp 203-218 Microprocessors such as the NS32032, Z80000, MC68020 and 80386 have a major role as hosts for high-level language programs. The paper describes the architectural requirements for high-level language
Microprocessors and Microsystem~,