A linear-time algorithm for isomorphism of a subclass of chordal graphs

A linear-time algorithm for isomorphism of a subclass of chordal graphs

Information Processing North-Holland Letters 9 November 44 (1992) 45-49 1992 A linear-time algorithm for isomorphism of a subclass of chordal gra...

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Information Processing North-Holland


9 November

44 (1992) 45-49


A linear-time algorithm for isomorphism of a subclass of chordal graphs N.Ch. Veeraraghavulu

*, P. Sreenivasa


and C.E. Veni Madhavan

Department of Computer Science and Automation, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India Communicated by T. Lengauer Received 18 May 1992

Keywords: Design

of algorithms;




1. Introduction The graph isomorphism problem has been much studied in the literature. Linear-time algorithms for the isomorphism problem have been obtained for trees [4], for planar graphs [51, for maximal outerplanar graphs [2] and for interval graphs [6]. In this paper, we propose a linear-time algorithm for the isomorphism problem of a subclass of chordal graphs, namely, Hamiltonian 2-sepchordal graphs. This class properly contains the class of mops. The polynomial transformation given in [6] suffices to show that the isomorphism problem for 2-sep-chordal graphs is as hard as the general graph isomorphism problem. Consequently, it is of interest to study for what other subclasses of chordal graphs, in addition to trees, mops, and interval graphs there exist polynomial time isomorphism solutions. In Section 2, we introduce the class of 2-sep-

Correspondence to: Dr. P. Sreenivasa Kumar, Center for Development of Advanced Computing, 2/l Brunton Road, Bangalore 560 025, India. * Present address: Texas Instruments, 71 Miller Road, P.O. Box 145, Bangalore 560 052, India.


0 1992 - Elsevier





chordal graphs and discuss related results. Section 3 contains the linear-time isomorphism algorithm.

2. 2-sep-chordal


A graph G = (V, E), where I/ is the vertex set and E is the edge set, is always considered here as being finite, undirected, connected and simple. A graph G is chordal if every cycle of length at least four has a chord, i.e. an edge joining two nonconsecutive vertices of the cycle. A nontrivial chordal graph is one which has at least two maximal cliques. We shall henceforth deal with nontrivial chordal graphs. A graph is a k-tree if it can be obtained by the following recursive construction rules: (a) Start with a k-clique; a k-clique is a k-tree. (b) Choose a k-clique Q in the existing k-tree, add a vertex and make it adjacent to all the vertices in Q. k-trees form an important subclass of chordal graphs. A minimal vertex separator in a chordal graph is a vertex separator S such that deletion of S renders each of the vertices of a particular pair in two different components and no proper subset

B.V. All rights reserved



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of S has this property. An undirected graph is chordal if and only if every minimal vertex separator of it induces a clique [3]. In this paper, we refer to minimal vertex separators of chordal graphs as base sets [81. Note that in the case of k-trees, base sets are all of size k. A chordal graph is called a k-separator-chordal (briefly k-sep-chordal) graph if every base set of it is of size exactly k. A k-tree is a k-sep-chordal graph as all of its base sets are of size k. Note that a k-sep-chordal graph can have maximal cliques of size (k + 1) or more whereas in a k-tree all maximal cliques are of size (k + 1). In this paper, we confine our attention to 2-sepchordal graphs. A maximal outerplanar (mop> graph is an outerplanar graph in which addition of an edge between any pair of nonadjacent vertices results in a nonouterplanar graph. A mop can be recognized in linear time [7] and it has a unique Hamiltonian circuit which can also be determined in linear time [2]. Mops form a strict subset of 2-trees. A 2-tree is a mop if and only if each of its base sets is contained in exactly two maximal cliques [9]. Furthermore, a 2-tree is Hamiltonian if and only if it is a mop [9]. This result generalizes to the following which deals with 2-sepchordal graphs. Theorem 1 [S]. A 2-sep-chordal graph G is Hamiltonian if and only if (1) every base set of G is contained in exactly two maximal cliques and (2) for any maximal clique Q of G, there exists a Hamiltonian cycle C(Q) of Q such that each of the base sets contained in Q appears as an edge in C(Q).

The second condition in Theorem 1 can be stated equivalently, as follows [81: For any maximal clique K = (Vk, Ek) of G, the graph K’ = (V,, B(K)) is either a cycle on 1K ) vertices or a graph in which each component is a single vertex (a trivial component) or a path. Here, S’(K) is the set of base sets contained in K. We note that there is a unique tree associated with each mop. This tree is the geometric dual of 46


9 November


the outerplanar embedding of a mop (without a vertex for the outer face). Generalizing this, we associate a tree T with a Hamiltonian 2-sepchordal graph G as follows: Let the set of maximal cliques of G be (Q,, Q2,. . . , Q,}. The vertex set of T is (ql, qz, . . . , q,) where qi corresponds to the maximal clique Qi. The edges of T correspond to the base sets of G. T has an edge (qi, qj) if and only if Qi and Qj share a base set. (We know that any base set is shared by exactly two maximal cliques of G.) We call T the clique tree of G. The notion of a clique tree is very important for the algorithm presented in this paper. We make use of the following result from

[81. Theorem 2. The clique tree and the set of base sets of a Hamiltonian 2-sep-chordal graph can be obtained in linear-time. We denote the parent of the node representing a clique K in a clique tree T of G by p(K). We represent the set of base sets in K by S?(K) and the common base set between K and p(K) by xK (called parent base set of K). Since irTTK constitutes an edge, we sometimes call it as the edge rrK. We denote a nontrivial component in K’ =
3. Linear-time


In this section we present a linear-time algorithm that determines if two given Hamiltonian 2-sep-chordal graphs are isomorphic. We use the clique tree to obtain a unique code for Hamiltonian 2-sep-chordal graph, in a manner similar to coding subtrees in the tree isomorphism algorithm by Hopcroft and Tarjan [4]. We take the central nodes as the roots of clique trees in’our algorithm. (If there are two central nodes, each of the two central vertices v in T,, will be taken, in turn, as the root of T,, and any one in T2 will be taken in turn as the root of T,.) A first isomorphism check can be made at


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(Initializing the labels of base sets.} Assign label 1 to each base set of G, and G,, in both directions. (Note, these labels are updated in Step 5a.)


{Assigning tuples to the leaves of clique trees.} Assign to all leaves of TI and T2 the sizes of the cliques represented by them. Now, repeat Steps 3-6.

9 November



(Sorting the tuples of clique tree nodes at one level.) Assume that all the nodes of T, and T, at level i - 1 have been assigned tuples. Let S, and S, be the sequences of tuples created for the nodes of T, and T2, at level i - 1, respectively. Sort S, and S, using lexicographic sorting of strings of varying length [l]. Let Sj and S; be the sorted sequences of tuples corresponding to S, and S,. Let L, be the list of nodes of T, at level i - 1 sorted by nondecreasing value of the assigned tuples of integers and let L, be the corresponding list of nodes for T,.


{Comparing sorted sequences of tuples of clique tree nodes at one level.1 If S; and Si are not identical then halt; the given graphs are not isomoprhic. If S; and S; correspond to the roots of clique trees then halt; the given graphs are isomorphic.


Perform the following actions on T, with S; and L,. (a) {Updating the labels of base sets at level i.} Assign current -label = 2. for each distinct tuple r on S; do begin if the fixed segment fs in the cliques K represented by T is symmetric {i.e., fs has same tuple of integers in both directions) then begin Assign current -label to rrK in both directions. current -label = current -label + 1. end; else begin (fs is not symmetric) Assign current -label to rTTKin the direction that gives a smaller tuple for fs and current -label + 1 in the other direction. current -label = current -label + 2. end; end. (b) {Assigning tuples to the nonleaves of clique trees at level i.} For each node c’ of the clique tree, at level i,

Fig. 1.

this stage, since the two Hamiltonian 2-sepchordal graphs represented by these clique trees are isomorphic only if the trees are isomorphic. But this is not sufficient; two nonisomorphic Hamiltonian 2-sep-chordal graphs which have isomorphic unlabeled clique trees are presented in Fig. 1. If the clique trees are to be used directly in the isomorphism testing process, they must be appropriately labeled to reflect their relative orientations and a labeled tree isomorphism must be used. We assign integer labels to the base sets in both directions treating a base set as a pair of directed edges to represent the clique hanging from it (Step 1 and 5a). Then we organize these labels to obtain a tuple of integers for each node of the clique tree to represent the structure of base sets in the clique corresponding to that node (Step 2 and 5b). Thus, we assign tuples of integers to the nodes of the two clique trees, starting at level 0 (a node at a distance i from the root of the clique tree is at level h - i, where h is the height of the tree) and working up towards the roots, in such a way that G, and G, are isomorphic if and only if the roots of the clique trees, T, and T2, are assigned the same tuple of integers. We call a clique tree node representing a maximal clique K as the node K throughout the algorithm.




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9 November


obtain the sequences of integers for each segment in both the directions by performing a depth-first search on K’ = (V,, 9(K)) and take the smaller sequence. In case the base sets in the clique K form a cycle, consider the sequences in both directions starting with rTTKand take the smaller of the two. Lexicographically sort these sequences. Assign a tuple of integers to K consisting of I K I and sorted sequences corresponding to the segments in K, separated by O’s, in that order. On completion of this step, each node of T, at level i will have a tuple associated with it. Figures 2 and 3 illustrate the assignment of integer labels to base sets and tuiles to the nodes of clique trees. 6.


Step 5 for T2 with S; and L,.




Fig. 3. An illustration of Algorithm ISO. (Left to Right labels are given below base sets. The maximal cliques are labeled N, , Z and thick lines indicate base sets.)

We establish below the correctness and complexity of Algorithm IS0 using the following lemma: Lemma 3 [Il. Given a sequence of tuples A,, whose components are integers in A,, A*,..., the range 0 to m - 1, with A, = (ail, ai2,. . . , a,,,>, then a permutation B,, B,, . . . , B, of the Ai’s such that B,=zB,< ... , where ltota,= Cy=,li. Theorem 4. Algorithm IS0 tests the isomorphism of two Hamiltonian 2-sep-chordal graphs in linear time, i.e., O(n + e>.

Fig. 2. An illustration of Algorithm ISO. (Left to Right labels are given below base sets. The maximal cliques are labeled A,. , M and thick lines indicate base sets.) 48

Proof. We present an inductive proof showing that the above algorithm is correct. First, assume the hypothesis that two subgraphs corresponding to the clique subtrees rooted at two clique nodes at level i - 1 are isomorphic if these nodes are assigned the same tuple. This is true for all leaves of the clique trees. Now, a base set at level i is


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labeled to represent the clique subtree hanging from it up to isomorphism after considering orientations also. Then we code the information contained in the base sets of every clique at level i to represent the clique up to isomorphism. Thus these two operations preserve the hypothesis. The running time of the algorithm is obtained by observing that the work of assigning integer labels to base sets in Step 5a and tuples to clique tree nodes in Step 5b, at level i, is proportional to the number of base sets at level i - 1. From Lemma 3, if follows that the sequences of segments in the clique tree nodes and the tuples assigned to the clique tree nodes at level i can be computed in time proportional to the number of vertices in the maximal cliques at the level. 0

4. Conclusions We may be able to obtain a larger subclass of 2-sep-chordal graphs for which isomorphism can still be tested in linear-time. We can drop the Hamiltonicity restriction and allow a separator to be contained in more than two maximal cliques. However, we may still require that the separators contained in a maximal clique constitute either a cycle or a set of paths. It will be interesting to further generalize and consider the class in which we let the separators constitute any graph for which isomorphism is polynomial-time testable.


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Acknowledgment We thank Thatte (IISc, Bangalore) (IIT, Bombay) for helpful discussions.

and Diwan

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111A.V. Aho, J.E. Hopcroft