A long-range, oceanographic telemetering system

A long-range, oceanographic telemetering system

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TERt~nER, H., and G. TERMmR, 1962. Rapports entre les milieux homogenes de sedimentation et l'6volution. Scientia, 97 (5/6) : 118-123. Chaque 6poque de l'Histoire du Globe est, en gen6rat, caract6ris6e par une ou plusieurs roche sedimentaires pr6dominantes. Le g6ologue 6tudie des faci6s qui perrr, ettent de reconstituer les biotopes darts lesquels ont prosp6r6 les organismes qui ont ensuite 6t6 fossilis6s. 11 est ainsi capable de p r a i s e r les conditions de milieu clans lesquelles se sont produites les phases principales de la transformation des 6tres vivants. Si l'on consid6re le d6but des Temps Fossilif6res, qui a 6t6 d6cisif pour I'Evolution, le milieu le plus r6pandu fut celui des estrans marque par des s6diments detritiques offrant des traces m6caniques : les Ann61ides, les Brachiopodes lnarticul6s et les M6rostomes y ont subi l'essentiel de leur d6veloppement; un peu plus tard les Lamellibranches y prirent leur d6part. Les embouchures des fleuves, principalement les deltas, se sont r6v61~s favourables aux Lamellibranches, aux Crustaces, au× premiers Vert6br6s (Agnathes), ce qui permit/l ces groupes de s'adapter aussi bien aux eaux douces qu'aux eaux sal6es et de remonter /t l'int6rieur des terres. Les calcaires construits se rangent er, plusieurs cat6gories bien diff6rentes, d'apr~s les organismes qui les ont 6difi6s : Algues, Spongiaires, Coraux, Lamellibranches. C'est en leur sein que sont n6s la plupart des Foraminif6res, les Brachiopodes Articul6s, les Monoplacophores, les Gast6ropodes et les C6phalopodes. Les facies ',i faunes pyriteuses qui repr6sentent des Herbiers ou des Algueraies, ont servi la r6ussite de types particuliers, par exemple les O16nid6s du Cambrien sup6rieur et de rOrdovicien. Enfin les calcaires nodulcux, repr6sentent des eaux agit6es : ceux du type " Ammonitico Rosso " abritent une faune sp6ciale oour laquelle est propos6e une explication nouvelle.

WAKAMO,C. L., and R. C. FITZPATRICK, 1962. Instrument for the measurement of hydrodynamic flow noise. Mar. Sci. lnstrum., Instrum. Soc. Amer., Plenum Press, N.Y., 1 : 8-20. A n experimental study of the generation of the acoustic energy by fluid turbulence near an extended solid boundary was performed. For this study, a free-falling self-contained missile was conceived. Parameters affecting the design of the vehicle were stability, velocity, recovery of the vehicle, skin vibration or ' Self n o i s e ' factor, and the effects of acceleration and deceleration on equipment performance. An inboard magnetic tape data recording system stores the acoustic signals for subsequent analysis. Detailed information on the depth-measurement circuitry, automatic recovery mechanism, calibration procedure and check-out for a typical launching and recovery are presented~ WALDEN, R. G., and D. H. FRANTZ, JR., 1962. A long-range, oceanographic telemetering system. Mar. Sci. Instrum., Instrum. Soc. Amer., Plenum Press, N.Y., I : 50-54. A low cost transponding buoy for medium frequency, long-range ocean telemetry has been developed at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and further refined commercially. Its use as a drift buoy has been previously described; more recently a series of propagation tests at 2.4 mc and 7 mc has been conducted out to a 1400 mile range, and temperature measurements have been transmitted on a regular schedule. The buoy, and associated receiving and recording equipment are described, as well as the necessary buoy control circuitry for certain typical problems in physical oceanography.

WILLIAMS,A. B., 1962. A re-examination of Ovalipes species in the Carolinas (Decapoda, Portunidae). Crustaceana, 4 (I): 39-41. Ovalipes ocellatus ocellatus (Herbst) von der 6stlichen Kiiste und O. o. guadulpnsis (Saussure) yon der siid6stlichen und siidlichen Kfiste der Vereinigten Staaten wurden lange als Unterarten betrachtet mit einem ~berlappungsareal in North Carolina. Auf Grund von Unterschieden in Fhrbung, K6rperbau und geographischer Verbreitung kann man beide Formen jedoch als nahe verwandte Arten betrachten. WILLIS,J. P., and L. H. Am',ENS, 1962. Some investigations on the composition of manganese nodules, with particular reference to certain trace elements. Geochirn. et Cosraochim. Acta, 26: 751-764. Using spectrochemical techniques Fe, Si, Mg, Co, Ni, Cu, V, Mo, Ti and T1 have been estimated in nineteen manganese nodules, eight from the Atlantic Ocean, seven from the Pacific Ocean and four from the Indian Ocean. Though data on more samples are required before firm and detailed conclusions can be made about the distribution of elements in manganese nodules, several distinct features appear when the data on the nineteen samples are examined. (i) Certain elements appear to enrich more strongly than others. For example, relative to igneous rocks Mo is much more strongly enriched than V. For several elements (Ni, Cu and particularly Co and Tl) the degree of enrichment in two Fe-low nodules is far smaller than in the other nodules. (ii) The magnitude of dispersion of concentration appears to vary considerably for different elements; thus, whereas variation of concentration of V is relatively small, that of Ni, Cu, Co and T1 is far larger. (iii) The statistical nature of the distribution of Fe in manganese nodules appears to be characteristic and different from that of the other elements studied so far. (iv) Of the possible inter-element relationships examined that of Ni-Cu appears to be the most strongly developed.