824 The death- and invaliding-rates are given separately the sportsman, and the student, while for the invalid for each of eight areas, but the small ...

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824 The death- and invaliding-rates are given separately the sportsman, and the student, while for the invalid for each of eight areas, but the small numbers involved there are articles on climate and some useful notes on do not permit of any satisfactory comparison being South Africa as a health resort. Appended to the made between their relative healthiness. All show book is an atlas by Bartholomew’s containing maps, some improvement in their death- and invalidingmany of which have been specially drawn for this book, the price of which is 2s. 6d. rates. NEW PREPARATIONS A MANUAL ON MILK APLONA.-This preparation is prepared in a A SMALL but useful compendium of information on laboratory attached to a private hospital in Munich, at the instigation of the Munich University children’s milk, of particular use to those interested in the clinic, and is put on the market by Messrs. Coates laboratory and industrial aspects of milk production, and Cooper Ltd., 94, Clerkenwell-road, London, E.C. testing, and distribution has recently been issued.1 Its prescription is a convenient method of applying The chemical constitution and nutritive value of what may be termed apple therapeutics. Much different types of milk, methods for examination of literature is issued with the preparation setting out quality, and a number of miscellaneous facts of interest the virtues of an apple diet, especially in the treatare included. It is curious that in discussing the ment of diarrhoea, some of the authors being production of clean milk, the author does not mention particularly enthusiastic as to the results to be the preliminary washing of the milker’s hands. A obtained from the astringent action of fruit juices, second edition might usefully contain information of apples in particular. on the extent of infection of the milk-supply with TONICINE (Reed and Carnrick, Canada. Agents : pathogenic organisms, the frequency of milk-borne Coates and Cooper).-We have received specimens disease, and the proportion of milk pasteurised in of this gonadal tonic preparation presented in two different towns. forms, Tonicine Male and Tonicine Female. The THE PROPERTIES OF CORAMINE preparations are put up with great neatness. Each fluid drachm of the male formula contains testicular M.R.C.P. writes : There seems to be a widespread hormone representing fresh testicle grs. 25 : each belief that Coramine exerts a direct action upon the fluid drachm of the female formula contains ovarian heart. The makers of this powerful medullary hormone representing fresh ovary grs. 5. The dose stimulant have never, I believe, claimed such a in each case is two teaspoonfuls. A warning on the property for it, and the only apparent explanation bottles points out that the physician should be assured for the fallacy is a subconscious association of the of the need of the endocrinal agent before the tonic word, coramine, with the Latin cor. The danger is taken. of this belief lies in the likelihood that for real syncope, ANEPBDEM.—This polyvalent vaccine, which comes such as occurs in pleural shock, coramine will be used, from the laboratories of the N.O.D. Institute Ltd. whereas the only rational and effective medical treatin Wimpole-street, has been handed over for distribument is injection of adrenaline into the heart cavity tion by the Institute to British Drug Houses Limited. and muscle. Coramine is invaluable in narcosis The vaccine is prepared from mutation forms of the and respiratory failure, though here it is pertinent B. coli communis, and is administered by intra- to mention the discovery of W. P. Kennedy and B. muscular injection. Each ampoule contains 1 c.cm. noted by you, that the depressant recently Narayana, of the washings of 1000 million mixed micro-organisms, action of evipan sodium on the frog’s heart is numerous strains of each of the following being used antagonised by adrenaline. in its preparation : B. acidi lactici, B. lactis œrogenes, B. pneumoniœ (Friedlander), Streptococcus fmcalis, MOTHERHOOD : A GUIDE FOR MOTHERS.-Messrs. B. morgagni, B. miaticus, B. œecalis alkaligenes, Cow and Gate Ltd. have brought out a fourth B. pyocyaneus, B. proteus, B. alkalescens, and the edition of a booklet intended as a guide during bacillus of epidemic jaundice. pregnancy and a fund of information on the care and treatment of children. It is written in simple ORGANISED CHARITY no attempt being made to advise mothers language, THOSE who seek help for the unfortunate as well as beyond the ordinary routine of nursery life, but those who wish to give it wisely will make a good start within its compass it is conspicuously well done. if they acquire a copy of the Annual Charities Register The illustrations are attractive, the letterpress arrests and Digest,l which gives a clear and orderly survey the attention, and there is no bias in favour of artificial of the scope and purpose of existing charitable institutions and organisations. Some slight rearrange- feeding. It may be recalled that this firm presented the Nurses’ Fund for Nurses in 1926 with a home of ment in the material has been made since last rest for nurses at Clapham which is still being fully for is now a section there instance, year ; complete devoted to the work of the public assistance committee utilised. PRACTITIONERS IN THE UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA.of the London County Council, which is set out in considerable detail, and all the associations dealing Replying to a question in the Union House of with animal welfare have also been put together Assembly, Capetown, Mr. Hofmeyr, the Minister of and now form a special section. The register gives Public Health, said that on Dec. 31st last the number of medical practitioners registered in the Union, a valuable analysis of practical charity, exemplifying the lines to be found on the title page of the current and entitled to practise therein, was 2528. Medical volume: students being trained at the University of Capetown numbered 503, and at the University of the For everie thing that is begun with reason Will come by readie meanes unto his end Witwatersrand 422-a total of 925. Forty-two must needs miswend." -

But things miscounselled

To-day, when there is so much poverty and need in our world, it is more essential than ever that the distribution of charity should be efficient and that wastage, either through overlapping or maladministration, should be reduced to a minimum.

medical practitioners in register during 1933.

overseas were




CORRIGENDUM.—In the article on Death-rates in Great Britain and Sweden which appeared on p. 698 of our issue of March 31st the two Figures were inadvertently transposed. The graph reproduced as Fig. 1 represents the mortality for Scotland while SOUTH AND EAST AFRICA the graph called Fig. 2 gives the mortalities for Union-Castle Mail THE Steamship Company have sent us a copy of the fortieth edition of the South and England and Wales. East African Year Book and Guide, edited by A. S. FROM April 23rd the address of the west-end and G. G. Brown. It contains information useful dep6t of the Crookes’ Laboratories (British Colloids, alike to the business man, the emigrant, the tourist,Ltd.) will be 88, Newman-street, W.1. 1 London : Longmans for the Charity 1933. Pp. 515. 8s. 6d.

Organisation Society.

1 Notes on Milk. By T. J. Stewart, N.D.A., N.D.D. London: H. K. Lewis and Co., Ltd. 1934. Pp. 46. 1s. 6d.