A mechanical and statistical model of granular material

A mechanical and statistical model of granular material

88A 819 SYMPOSIUM Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on Explosives anl Pyrotechnics. Los Angeles,1974. FRANKLIN INST. RES.LABS. NTIS. 1974. The five...

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819 SYMPOSIUM Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on Explosives anl Pyrotechnics. Los Angeles,1974. FRANKLIN INST. RES.LABS. NTIS. 1974. The five sections of these proceedings are as follows: 1. The develolxnent of new devices; 2. The explosive and pyrotechnic counterpart of section one; 3. Detonation transfer; 4. New develolxnents in safety techniques; and 5. Measuring techniques.

Professional ethics and legal requirements

825 RAMANATHA IYER,Ts The behavlour of l~rsmlnen plastic clay ur~ler low effective stresses, lOF,3T, 23R. CAN.GEOTECH.J.V12,1,FEB 1975,P70-83. Shear tests on undisturbed samples on clay at low normal effective stresses have proved to be useful in order to understand the nature of cohesion, nram~en plastic clay was considered to be a suitable material for this study as it is non-fissured and noneamented. Triaxial compression and extension tests without membranes were performed on this clay in the low stress ramge, and the tests are discussed in this paper.

826 82O GILBBRT, AG Envlror~ental attitudes and legislation. review. MIN. EN]NG, AIME,V27, 2,FEB. 1975, F67-68.

1974 Anaual

Properties of rocks and soils 821 PIKE,DC Compactlbility of graded aggregates. 1. Standard labsratory tests. 18F, 7T, 5R. TRANSPORT, ROAD RESEARCH LAB. REPORT, LR$47,1972,34P. As part of an investigation into the mechanical properties of graded aggregates, B~itiah standard vibrating hammer compaction tests have been carried out on a wide range of materials. It has been found that if results are expressed on a voltunetrlc basis they can be used to simplify studies of the effects on compactibility of changes in properties such as particle shape, texture and size distribution.Au+/h. 822 LIVNES, M GREENS~IN, J Plastic equilibrium in anisotroplc cohesive clays. 8F, lOR. SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS, V14, NI,MAR.1974,Pl-ll. An analysis is proposed for determining the static and kinematic characteristic lines for a medium of anisOtropic cohesive clays. Compatibility equations along the slip lines are derived and used to determine the bearir~ capacity. 823 ODA, M A mechanical and statistical model of granular mate~ial. IBF, 30R. SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS, V14, NI, MAR. 1975, P13-27.

824 BROWN, ~TD RAXHID,~A Geotechnical properties of nearshore sediments of Canso Strait, Nova Scotia. 8F,6T, IIR. CAN.GEOTECH.J.VI2,1,FEB 1975, P44-57. The results of a field amd laboratory investigation of the geotechnical properties of the near-surface sediments of the Strait of Canso, Nova Scotia, are given. These sedi~nts were layered and bioturbated coarse-gralned and fine-grained, most of the investigative work being done on the latter fine-grained clay arzl silt sediments. Investigation procedures included in-situ shear vane tests ar~ tmdisturbed samplir~E using the L~high University Gravity Corer.


827 KABIB, P The rheological properties of soils. In French. AN. MINEs, N2-3, FEB-MAR. 1975, PI7- 22. To define precisely the relationship of stressj strain and time to each other in soils, it is necessary to describe the structure of these materials. The presence of a granular mineral skeleton whose interstices are more often than not filled with water, permits an u~derstamding of the mechanisms of non-llnear deformations and of the manner in which the fracture criterion may vary according to the velocity with which the solicitations are applied. For practical application of soil mechanics a knowledge of geological environment is indispensable to define the conditions of pore pressure and strains llmit s.

Texture,structu re,composition end density See also abstract: 874.

828 WEST, G D L ~ T WTON, MJ Wet slevimg for the particle-size dis~ributlon of soll s.1F, 3T, 10R. TRANSPORT, ROAD RESEARCH LAB.REPORT,LR437,1972,10P. This report describes an alternative method of wet sieving for the British stamdard particle-size distribution test, that allows the process of washing the sample free of silt and clay amd the process of sievi~ the sand-sized fraction to be combined in a simgle operation. The results of trials of the method are given, and it is concluded that the procedure is suitable for soils containing little gravel-sized material.Auth.

829 PENNER, E NAT. RES. COUNCIL, OTTAWA, CDN JOHNSTON, GH GOODRICH, LE Thermal conductivity laboratory studies of some Mackemzie Highway soils. 13F,6T,6R. PROC.27TH CANADIAN GEOTECHNICAL CONF.EDMONTON, NOV. 1974, P161-168. 83o BAi~ITZ IP ZENr. INST. PHYs. ERDE, BERLIN, D BANKWITZ, E ZENT. INST. PHYS. EBDE, BERLIN, D Fracturir~, elastic waves, velocities.Symposium. In German.6F, ~R. PROC. 2ND INT. sYMP. GEODESY AND PHYs. EARTH, P~SDAM, 1973 .ZENTRALINST. PHYs.ERDE, PART 2,1974, P287- 298.