Frank operative produces potentia dividuals.
1~~s no hesitation in strongly urging t,hc profession t,o employ the nonmethod which he has develope~l. :I ~nrll~orl wl~irh is nrnbul:ltor~, whi~~h no wars, and whicl.h, so far, has proved unifllrmlp suc~YYzsf’nl in catalllishing coeurrdi and in restoring the self-respect al111 happint~ss ~rf the :~fflir~tc~d irl .T. I’.
Diaz, A. Rodriguez, Hysterectomy
and Anido, 33.: Cholecystectomy,
Surgical Rev.
Considerations in Ten Cases of Total cubann dc ohst. y ginec. 3: 42. 3917.
The authors report a series of 10 cases in which 110th operations were l~~~rf~~rmrd simultaneously under spinal anesthesia. The cases were unselect,ed and l~roph>-lactic appendectomy was also done. The morbidity was no greater t,han that in the authors’ 300 cases of total hysterentomy. The authors feel that, :LY a whole there ip less physical and psychic risk in performing hot11 procedurcl$ :\i one operation than in two separate operations. R. .T. 1V!:rsssr:\x Sunde, A.: Experiences Gained From Operations olmt. et gynec. Rcnndinxv. 21: 1, 1941. In operating on the prone position, catheter lies in such in the after care in catheter in place for upon vaginally.
on Vesicovaginal
ht,l :I
cases of vesicovaginal fistulq Sunde urcnsi~~nall,\ ntlpl~>,\~h He prefers a suprapul,ic fistuht IO an indwelling catheter if 11111 a way that it may injure the sutures. The most importan point operations for vesicovaginal fistula is leaving the indwelling a sufficiently long time. MoPt resical fiatulas should bc nperafr(l .T. P. GaEBNIIIIJrl
Daneff, G.: A Method of Correction Uterus, Zentralbl. f. GynCk. 64:
of Retroflexion 146’7, 1910.
of the
With the patient in the knee-chest position, the author opens the posterior fornix for the correction of hypelanteflexion or the anterior fornix for the correction elf retroversion. A sufficiently large wedge of myometrium is excised at the most acute portion and the edges brought together with catgut, bringing the uterus into its proper position. The operation is done under local anesthesia and the patient nay be ambulatory. Accidental incisions into the cervical canal give the author no alarm and cause no trouble. Hegar dilators may be used later with impunity. So stat,istics are given but the author recommends the procedure for correction of sterilit,y and severe dysmenorrhea. R. J. \%‘ICIHS~VA?~
Items American
Board of ObsWxics
and Gynecology,
The general oral and pathological examinations (Part II) for all candidates will be conducted at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, by the entire Board from Wednesday, May 19, through Tuesday, May 25, 1943. The Hotel Schenley in Pittsburgh will be the headquarters for the Board, and formal notice of t,he exact time of each candidate’s examination will be sent him several weeks in advance of the examination dates. Hotel reservations may be made bk- writing direct to the Hotel. Candidates for reexamination in Part I1 must make written application t.o tht, Secretary’s Office not later than April 15, 1943.