Neur05c1ence• 8106ehav10ra1Rev1ew5,V01. 15. pp. 179-184. Per9am0n Pre55p1c, 1991. Pr1nted1n the U.5.A.
0149-7634191 $3.00 + .{30
A M0de1 f0r Car6amate and 0r9an0ph05phate-1nduced Eme515 1n Human5 6 . D. D • M E L L 0 *1 A N D F. R. 51DELL•1"
*Chem1ca1 Defence E5ta6115hment, P0rt0n D0wn, 5a1156ury, W11t5h1re, 5P4 0JQ UK and "PUn1ted5tate5 Army Med1ca1 Re5earch 1n5t1tute 0f Chem1ca1 Defen5e A6erdeen Pr0v1n9 6r0und, MD 21010-5425
D•MELL0, 6. D. AND F. R. 51DELL. A m0de1f0r car6amate and 0r9an0ph05phate-1nducedeme5151n human5. NEUR05C1 8108EHAV REV 15(1) 179-184, 1991.--1n human v01unteer5, 5tud1e5 t0 a55e55 the adver5e effect5 0f the car6amate ant1ch011ne5tera5e phy505t19m1ne 5h0wed that the 1ntramu5cu1ar d05e 065erved t0 1nduce eme515 1n 50% 0f 5u6ject5 te5ted (ED50) wa5 28.1 (23.5-120.7) p.9/k9. 7h15 d05e reduced wh01e 6100d ch011ne5tera5e (ChE) act1v1ty t0 60% 0f c0ntr01 va1ue5. 5tud1e5 1n marm05et5 t0 a55e55 the 6ehav10ura1 t0x1c0109y 0f phy505t19m1ne 5h0wed that the c0rre5p0nd1n9 ED50 and ChE act1v1ty va1ue5 were 34.3 (21.5-55.8) p.9/k9 and 66% re5pect1ve1y. 5ar1n wa5 a150 5h0wn t0 1nduce eme515 1n marm05et5, 6ut 0n1y at d05e5 that reduced erythr0cyte ChE act1v1ty t0 12% 0f c0ntr01 va1ue5. 7he5e data 5eem a150 t0 c0rre5p0nd w1th rep0rt5 0f 0r9an0ph05phate p0150n1n9 1n human5. 1t 15 c0nc1uded that the marm05et may 6e a very 900d m0de1 0f 60th car6amate and 0r9an0ph05phate-1nduced eme515 1n human5. Phy505t19m1ne
0f an 0r9an0ph05phate 15 91ven that an1ma15 cann0t 0n1y 5urv1ve p0150n1n9 6ut 5eem t0 •rec0ver• w1th1n a few h0ur5 (7, 17, 18). H0wever, 6ef0re phy505t19m1ne can 6e u5ed a5 a pr0phy1act1c dru9 treatment f0r 0r9an0ph05phate p0150n1n9 1n human5 1t 15 nece55ary t0 dem0n5trate that th15 dru9 p055e55e5 n0 unaccepta61e adver5e effect5 when adm1n15tered a10ne. 7h15 ar9ument pr0v1ded the rat10na1e f0r a 5er1e5 0f 5tud1e5 c0nducted at the U5 Army Med1ca1 Re5earch 1n5t1tute 0f Chem1ca1 Defen5e (U5AMR1CD) 0ver the year5 1966--1975 t0 a55e55 the nature and 1nc1dence 0f the 5ympt0m5 rep0rted 6y hea1thy human 5u6ject5 f0110w1n9 the adm1n15trat10n 0f phy505t19m1ne and 1n re1at10n t0 the d05e adm1n15tered. 0 n e 5uch 5ympt0m wa5 eme515. At the Chem1ca1 Defence E5ta6115hment (CDE) 1n the Un1ted K1n9d0m, dur1n9 5tud1e5 0f the effect5 0f 5u61etha1 d05e5 0f 5ar1n (150pr0py1 methy1 ph05ph0n0f1u0r1date) and phy505t19m1ne, eme515 wa5 065erved 1n the marm05et (Ca111thr1xjacchu5), a pr1m1t1ve New W0r1d pr1mate 5pec1e5.7he rat10na1e f0r the5e 5tud1e5, wh1ch 1nv01ved determ1nat10n 0f the re1at10n5 6etween the d05e5 0f phy505t19m1ne and 5at1n adm1n15tered and the 1nc1dence 0f a var1ety 0f c11n1ca1 519n5 man1fe5ted, wa5 t0 a55e55 the eff1cacy 0f c0m61ned adm1n15trat10n 0f phy505t19m1ne-hy05c1ne a5 a pretreatment f0r 0r9an0ph05phate p0150n1n9. Data fr0m the5e 5eparate human and marm05et 5tud1e5 pr0v1ded the 0pp0rtun1ty t0 c0mpare the 1nc1dence 0f phy505t19m1ne-
7 H E 5ympt0m5 0f car6amate 0r 0r9an0ph05phate ant1ch011ne5tera5e (ant1-ChE) p0150n1n9 1n human5 have 6een we11 d0cumented (9,14). 7he5e 1nc1ude 5ympt0m5 med1ated thr0u9h exce551ve 5t1mu1at10n 0f mu5car1n1c recept0r5 (e.9., 6r0nch0 c0n5tr1ct10n, exce551ve 5a11vat10n, nau5ea, eme515 and 1nv01untary defaecat10n) and thr0u9h exce551ve 5t1mu1at10n 0f n1c0t1n1c recept0r5 (e.9., mu5cu1ar tw1tch1n9 and weakne55). 0 t h e r 5ympt0m5 1nc1ude anx1ety, re5t1e55ne55, 1mpa1rment 0f mem0ry, 5peech d150rder5 and c0nvu1510n5. De5cr1pt10n5 0f 5ympt0m5 have n0t chan9ed 519n1f1cant1y 0ver near1y three decade5 (23,25). 7he re1at10n5h1p 6etween the 1nc1dence 0f the5e 5ympt0m5 and the d05e 0f ant1-ChE adm1n15tered 15 d0cumented very p00r1y. 7h15 15 perhap5 n0t 5urpr151n9 51nce the 5ympt0m5 de5cr16ed (9,14) are 6a5ed pr1mar11y up0n anecd0ta1 rep0rt5 0f acc1denta1 p0150n1n9 1n human5 where 1nf0rmat10n re9ard1n9 d05a9e 15 rare1y ade4uate and where treatment w1th ant1ch011ner91c dru95 5uch a5 atr0p1ne may have m0d1f1ed 5ympt0m5 rep0rted. F0rma1 d05e-re5p0n5e 5tud1e5 have n0t 6een rep0rted. 0 n e ant1-ChE wh1ch ha5 6een 5tud1ed exten51ve1y 1n recent year5 1n 60th an1ma1 5pec1e5 and human5 and f0r wh1ch 11m1ted d05e-re5p0n5e 1nf0rmat10n 15 ava11a61e 15 the car6amate phy505t19m1ne. 1n the 5earch f0r an effect1ve dru9 treatment f0r 0r9an0ph05phate ant1-ChE p0150n1n9, 1t ha5 6een 5h0wn 1n an1ma1 5tud1e5 that 1f phy505t19m1ne 15 adm1n15tered 6ef0re a h19h d05e
tRe4ue5t5 f0r repr1nt5 5h0u1d 6e addre55ed t0 Dr. 6. D. D•Me110, 810109Y D1v1510n,Chem1ca1 Defence E5ta6115hment, P0rt0n D0wn, 5a1156ury, W11t5h1re, 5P4 0JQ UK.
1nduced eme5151n human5 and marm05et5, t0 c0mpare the 1nc1dence 0f 5ar1n-1nduced eme515 1n marm05et5 w1th the ant1c1pated 1nc1dence 1n human5 and t0 u5e 5uch 1nf0rmat10n t0 determ1ne whether the marm05et 15 a 900d m0de1 0f 60th car6amate and 0r9an0ph05phate-1nduced eme515 1n human5. ME7H0D
5u6ject5 7he human 5u6ject5 0f the 5tud1e5 c0nducted at the U5AMR1CD were 38 ma1e hea1thy v01unteer5 a9ed 6etween 18-30 year5. Marm05et5 0f 60th 5exe5 were h0u5ed 1nd1v1dua11y 1n 5tandard ca9e5 (d1men510n5 750 × 480 × 600 mm) 10cated w1th1n a r00m ma1nta1ned at 22-23°C and a re1at1ve hum1d1ty 0f 50-60%. A re9u1ar day-n19ht cyc1e wa5 1mp05ed 6y e1ectr1c 119ht1n9 (119ht fr0m 0700-1900 h). 7hey were ma1nta1ned at the1r free-feed1n9 60dy we19ht5 (ran9e 290-390 9) w1th 5upp1ementa1 feed1n9 0f fre5h 0ran9e5 and v1tam1n5. An1ma15 had unre5tr1cted acce55 t0 water at a11 t1me5. A11 an1ma15 were dru9-na1ve.
Pr0cedure 7he human 5tud1e5 were c0nducted 1n acc0rdance w1th the Dec1arat10n 0f He151nk1. A11 5u6ject5 were 1nf0rmed fu11y re9ard1n9 the nature 0f the 5tud1e5 and the pr0f11e 0f p055161e 5ympt0m5 they m19ht exper1ence f0110w1n9 adm1n15trat10n 0f phy505t19m1ne. A11 5u6ject5 were 91ven the 0pt10n 0f w1thdraw1n9 fr0m the 5tud1e5 at any t1me. F1ve 5eparate 5tud1e5 were c0nducted 6etween 1966 and 1975. 1n 1966, 5even 5u6ject5 part1c1pated 1n a d05e-re5p0n5e 5tudy 0f phy505t19m1ne, the purp05e 0f wh1ch wa5 t0 re1ate 1nh161t10n 0f ChE act1v1ty t0 d05e. Wh01e 6100d, p1a5ma and erythr0cyte ChE act1v1t1e5 were m0n1t0red c0nt1nu0u51y 6y mean5 0f a three channe1 m0n1t0r (16). 5u6ject5 were adm1n15tered phy505t19m1ne at a d05e 0f e1ther 20 0r 28 1x9/k9, 1M. 0ne 5u6ject rece1ved the 5ame d05e 0f phy505t19m1ne (20 p,9/k9) 0n tw0 0cca510n5. 1n 1968, 51x 5u6ject5 were adm1n15tered phy505t19m1ne (15 1x9/k9, 1M). 7hree 5u6ject5 rece1ved th15 d05e 0n tw0 0cca510n5. ChE act1v1ty wa5 n0t mea5ured. 1n 1971, three 5u6ject5 were adm1n15tered phy505t19m1ne (28 p,9/k9, 1M). ChE act1v1ty wa5 n0t mea5ured. 1n 1972, 51x 5u6ject5 were adm1n15tered phy505t19m1ne at a d05e w1th1n the ran9e 12.5-30 p,9/k9, 1M. F1ve 5u6ject5 rece1ved the dru9 0n three 0cca510n5 and 0ne 5u6ject rece1ved the dru9 0n tw0 0cca510n5. 0n1y data fr0m te5t5 w1th d05e5 0f 15, 20 and 25 1x9/k9 are rep0rted. ChE act1v1ty wa5 n0t mea5ured. 1n 1975, 11 5u6ject5 were adm1n15tered phy505t19m1ne at a d05e 0f e1ther 15, 20 0r 25 1x9/k9, 1M. 7w0 5u6ject5 rece1ved the 5ame d05e 0f phy505t19m1ne (15 p,9/k9) 0n tw0 0cca510n5. 8100d wa5 drawn at 1nterva15 f0r mea5urement 0f wh01e 6100d ChE act1v1ty (15). 0vera11, 33 5u6ject5 rece1ved 45 d05e5 0f phy505t19m1ne 0ver a d05e ran9e 0f 12.5-55 1~9/k9 and 519n5 and 5ympt0m5 were rec0rded. ChE act1v1ty wa5 m0n1t0red 1n tw0 5tud1e5 f0r a t0ta1 0f 23 d05e5. F1ve 5u6ject5 rece1ved 5ympt0mat1c treatment w1th atr0p1ne. 7he marm05et 5tud1e5 were c0nducted 1n acc0rdance w1th the UK An1ma15 (5c1ent1f1c Pr0cedure5) Act 0f 1986. At 1ea5t 5even day5 f0110w1n9 the1r arr1va1 1n the 1a60rat0ry each an1ma1 wa5 adm1n15tered e1ther phy505t19m1ne 0r 5ar1n and then 065erved w1th1n the1r h0me ca9e5 f0r 1nterm1ttent per10d5 up t0 48 h0ur5. A deta11ed rec0rd de5cr161n9 the c11n1ca1 519n5 065erved a5 a funct10n 0f t1me f0110w1n9 the adm1n15trat10n 0f e1ther phy505t19m1ne 0r 5at1n wa5 ma1nta1ned 6y an exper1menter exper1enced 1n the 065ervat10n 0f marm05et 6ehav10r. A11 an1ma15 were 065erved
c0nt1nu0u51y f0r 20 m1nute5 f0110w1n9 adm1n15trat10n 0f the ant1-ChE. F0r pract1ca1 rea50n5, 065ervat10n5 6etween 21 m1nute5 and 48 h0ur5 were 0n1y 1nterm1ttent. 7he pre5ence 0f the exper1menter 15 n0t e55ent1a1 t0 the accurate rec0rd1n9 0f the 1nc1dence 0f eme515 1n marm05et5. Ev1dence 0f eme515 f0110w1n9 the event 15 detected ea511y. N0 attempt5 were made t0 e1ther 4uant1fy the 1nten51ty 0r determ1ne the per10d1c1ty (1.e., c0nt1nu0u5 0r 1nterm1ttent) 0f the c11n1ca1 519n5 065erved; n0r wa5 any attempt made t0 d15t1n9u15h 6etween var10u5 519n 5u6type5 (e.9., d1fferent type5 0f m0uth and t0n9ue m0vement5). F0110w1n9 adm1n15trat10n 0f phy505t19m1ne, an1ma15 were n0t d15tur6ed 6y the 065erver.
ChE Act1v1ty 1n 5eparate marm05et 5tud1e5, 6100d 5amp1e5 (0.2 m1) were taken fr0m the fem0ra1 ve1n5, 15 m1nute5 6ef0re (c0ntr01 5amp1e) and 15 m1nute5 after (te5t 5amp1e) adm1n15trat10n 0f 0ne 0f three d05e5 (20, 40 and 80 1x9/k9, 1M) 0f phy505t19m1ne 0r 0ne 0f f1ve d05e5 (2,5, 5, 7.5, 10 and 12.5 1~9/k9) 0f 5ar1n. Prev10u5 w0rk at CDE had 5h0wn that the de9ree 0f erythr0cyte ChE 1nh161t10n 15 near max1ma1 at th15 t1me. Erythr0cyte ChE act1v1ty wa5 determ1ned u51n9 the 5pectr0ph0t0metr1c meth0d 0f E11man et a1. (10) at 30°C. 1n th15 meth0d 1 mM acety1th10ch011ne wa5 u5ed a5 the 5u65trate. 1n the 1975 human 5tudy, 0n1y wh01e 6100d ChE wa5 m0n1t0red and thu5 0n1y data f0r wh01e 6100d ChE act1v1ty w111 6e pre5ented. 1ndependent mea5ure5 0f erythr0cyte and wh01e 6100d ChE act1v1ty 1n the 1966 5tudy 1nd1cated that the5e are 1nh161ted near1y e4ua11y 6y phy505t19m1ne.
Dru95 Phy505t19m1ne 5a11cy1ate and atr0p1ne 5u1phate were 06ta1ned c0mmerc1a11y. 1n the human 5tud1e5, phy505t19m1ne (Dur5t Chem1ca15, NYC, U5A) wa5 06ta1ned a5 a 501ut10n (4 m9/m1). 1n the marm05et 5tud1e5 phy505t19m1ne wa5 d15501ved 1n a 0.9% 501ut10n 0f 5ter11e 5a11ne. 5ar1n (pur1ty > 95%) wa5 5ynthe512ed at CDE, d11uted w1th 150pr0pan01 t0 a c0ncentrat10n 0f 5 m9/m1, d1v1ded 1nt0 2 m1 a114u0t5 and then 5t0red under 114u1d n1tr09en at 4°C. Further d11ut10n t0 the re4u1red c0ncentrat10n wa5 made w1th a 501ut10n 0f 5ter11e 5a11ne (0.9%) 1mmed1ate1y pr10r t0 1t5 adm1n15trat10n. A11 dru95 were adm1n15tered 1ntramu5cu1ar1y 1n the arm (human5) 0r 1n the 1nner th19h (marm05et5). 1nject10n v01ume f0r the marm05et 5tud1e5 wa5 0.5 m1/k9.
5tat15t1ca1 Ana1y515 Pr061t ana1y5e5 were c0nducted 0n data de5cr161n9 the 1nc1dence 0f eme515 a5 a funct10n 0f the d05e 0f phy505t19m1ne adm1n15tered u51n9 the meth0d de5cr16ed 6y F1nney (1 1). RE5UL75
Human 5tud1e5 F0110w1n9 the adm1n15trat10n 0f phy505t19m1ne, a var1ety 0f 5ympt0m5 were rep0rted and 519n5 065erved. 5u6ject5 rep0rted fee11n9 "•h19h,•• nerv0u5, dr0w5y, warm, 119htheaded, d122y, 51ck, c1ammy and weak. 0ther 5ympt0m5 rep0rted were 61urred v1510n, 5weat1n9, nau5ea, a6d0m1na1 cramp5, 4uea5y 5t0mach, 5119ht vert190, 5haky hand5 and eme515. 7he 1nc1dence 0f 5ympt0m5 1n re1at10n t0 the d05e 0f phy505t19m1ne adm1n15tered 15 5h0wn 1n 7a61e 1. Data f0r d05e5 0f phy505t19m1ne 0ut51de the ran9e 15-28 1J,9/k9 are n0t 5h0wn 51nce the num6er 0f 5u6ject5 te5ted at the5e d05e5 were t00 5ma11 (1,e., n = 1-2) t0 ena61e the1r 1nc1u510n 1n the pr061t ana1y515. Each 11ne
repre5ent5 a te5t w1th a 51n91e 5u6ject. 50me 5u6ject5 (5ee the Meth0d 5ect10n) were te5ted 0n m0re than 0ne 0cca510n. 5ym6015 1nd1cate the pre5ence 0f the 5ympt0m 5tated, treatment w1th atr0p1ne and year 1n wh1ch the te5t wa5 c0nducted. 7he nature 0f 5ympt0m5 rep0rted and the1r 1nc1dence 1n re1at10n t0 the d05e 0f phy505t19m1ne adm1n15tered wa5 n0t re1ated 1n any 06v10u5 manner t0 the year 1n wh1ch the 5tudy wa5 c0nducted. 7he num6er5 0f te5t5 dur1n9 wh1ch n0 519n5 were rep0rted never dr0pped 6e10w 20% 0f the t0ta1 num6er 0f te5t5 at each d05e and decrea5ed a5 the d05e 0f phy505t19m1ne wa5 1ncrea5ed. 1n add1t10n, a5 the d05e 1ncrea5ed the num6er 0f 519n5 rep0rted dur1n9 each te5t and the num6er 0f 0cca510n5 where 1t wa5 jud9ed nece55ary t0 adm1n15ter atr0p1ne 1ncrea5ed. 7he 1nc1dence 0f eme515 1ncrea5ed 1n pr0p0rt10n t0 the d05e 0f phy505t19m1ne adm1n15tered (F19. 1). F0110w1n9 adm1n15trat10n 0f the h19he5t d05e 0f phy505t19m1ne (28 1x9/k9), eme515 wa5 n0t 065erved 1n m0re than 50% 0f 5u6ject5 te5ted. Furtherm0re, eme515 wa5 n0t 065erved 1n tw0 0f f1ve 5u6ject5 wh0 rece1ved atr0p1ne 5u65e4uent1y. 51nce the p05516111ty ex15ted that 5ympt0m5 man1fe5ted may have 6een 1nf1uenced 6y treatment w1th atr0p1ne, the data were ana1y5ed 60th w1th and w1th0ut data fr0m 5u6ject5 50 treated. 7he d05e 0f phy505t19m1ne that w0u1d have 1nduced eme515 1n 50% 0f 5u6ject5 te5ted (ED50) wa5 e5t1mated 6y pr061t ana1y515 t0 6e 28.1 (23.8-119.6) 1x9/k9 when treated 5u6ject5 were exc1uded and 28.1 (23.5-120.7) 1x9/k9 when treated 5u6ject5 were 1nc1uded. 7he 510pe5 0f the re9re5510n funct10n5 were 7.4 and 6 re5pect1ve1y. A d05e 0f phy505t19m1ne (28.1 1a.9/k9) wa5 5h0wn t0 reduce the act1v1ty 0f wh01e 6100d ChE t0 60% 0f c0ntr01 va1ue5 (F19. 2). Marm05et 5tud1e5 1n marm05et5, a var1ety 0f c11n1ca1 519n5 were 065erved 1nc1ud1n9 exce551ve 5a11vat10n, p110erect10n, fa5c1cu1at10n, per10ra1 m0vement5, eme515 and trem0r. 71me t0 0n5et 0f 519n5 ran9ed fr0m 1-30 m1nute5.7he maj0r1ty 0f 519n5 were n0 10n9er ev1dent at 60 m1nute5. 7he 1nc1dence 0f per10ra1 m0vement5, eme515 and trem0r (F19. 3) 1ncrea5ed 1n pr0p0rt10n t0 the d05e 0f phy505t19m1ne adm1n15tered. 7he t1me t0 0n5et 0f eme515 ran9ed fr0m 1026 m1nute5. N0 eme515 wa5 065erved after 30 m1nute5.7he ED50 0f phy505t19m1ne f0r eme515 1n th15 5pec1e5 wa5 e5t1mated t0 6e 34.3 (21.5-55.8) 1~9/k9.7he 510pe 0f the re9re5510n funct10n wa5 4.3. A d05e 0f phy505t19m1ne (34.3 1.t9/k9) wa5 e5t1mated t0 reduce erythr0cyte ChE act1v1ty t0 a60ut 66% 0f c0ntr01 va1ue5 (F19. 2). 7he 1nc1dence 0f eme515 065erved 1n marm05et5 f0110w1n9 adm1n15trat10n 0f 5ar1n (F19. 4) 1ncrea5ed a5 the d05e 0f 5ar1n wa5 1ncrea5ed, 6ut 0n1y up t0 a d05e 0f 10 1x9/k9. 7hereafter, the 1nc1dence 0f eme515 decrea5ed. 7h15 61pha51c d05e-re5p0n5e funct10n prevented the e5t1mat10n 0fan ED50 va1ue f0r 5ar1n. H0wever, the 10we5t d05e 0f 5ar1n te5ted that 1nduced eme515 wa5 7.5 1x9/ k9, a d05e 5h0wn t0 reduce erythr0cyte ChE act1v1ty t0 a60ut 12% 0f c0ntr01 va1ue5 (F19. 5).
D05e (p.9/k9)
15 15 15
15 15 15 15 15 15
Eme515 Atr0p1ne
• Q
• • 0 0 0 0 ,4
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28
~7 ~7 V V • • 0
0 0
V ~7 V 0
0 0
0 0 0 0 ~7
0 0 ~7
~7 •
V •
• • A £
7e5t5 were c0nducted dur1n9 5tud1e5 1n 1966 (m), 1968 (0), 1971 (A), 1972 (0) 0r 1975 (V). 5ee text f0r further exp1anat10n.
7he 5ympt0m5 rep0rted 6y human 5u6ject5 adm1n15tered phy505t19m1ne were character15t1c 0f ant1-ChE p0150n1n9 (9,14). 7he c0n515tency 0f the re5p0n5e t0 phy505t19m1ne acr055 5u6ject5 wa5 10w. F0r examp1e, at the h19he5t d05e rep0rted, 5ympt0m5 were n0t 065erved 1n tw0 ca5e5 wherea5 1n tw0 0ther ca5e5, 5ympt0m5 were 0f 5uff1c1ent 5ever1ty t0 re4u1re treatment w1th atr0p1ne. 50me 5u6ject5 were treated w1th atr0p1ne at the 0n5et 0f nau5ea and 1t can 6e ar9ued that th15 m19ht have 1nf1uenced the 1nc1dence 0f eme515. H0wever, eme515 wa5 065erved 1n 50me atr0p1ne-
treated 5u6ject5 and, c0nver5e1y, wa5 n0t 065erved 1n 50me untreated 5u6ject5. Furtherm0re, the e5t1mated ED505 f0r eme515 1n treated and untreated 5u6ject5 were 1dent1ca1. 1t 5eem5 rea50na61e t0 c0nc1ude, theref0re, that the 5ympt0mat1c treatment 0f f1ve 5u6ject5 w1th atr0p1ne d1d n0t 1nf1uence the 0vera11 1nc1dence 0f eme515 1n the5e 5tud1e5.7he5e data d0 n0t 0f c0ur5e 5u99e5t that atr0p1ne ha5 n0 1nf1uence up0n phy505t19m1ne-1nduced eme515 1n human5. 1t 15 p055161e, f0r examp1e, that an ant1emet1c effect 0f
757c" ta
0 ~ 15
20 30 9
D05e (p9/k9 1.m.) 20
D05e (~91 k9 1.m)
F16.3.1nc1dence 0f c11n1ca1519n5 1n marm05et5 (n = 6) f0110w1n9adm1n15trat10n 0f phy505t19m1ne.
F16. 1. 1nc1dence 0f eme515 1n human5 (n= 8-11) f0110w1n9 adm1n15trat10n 0f phy505t19m1ne. 50me 5u6ject5 (5ee 7a61e 1) were treated w1th atr0p1ne at the 0n5et 0f nau5ea.
atr0p1ne w0u1d have 6een m0re ev1dent 1f the dru9 were 91ven ear11er after phy505t19m1ne. 1n the marm05et 5tud1e5, c0n51dera61e d1fference5 were 065erved 1n the 5en51t1v1ty 0f an1ma15 t0 the var10u5 t0x1c act10n5 0f phy505t19m1ne. F0r examp1e, at a d05e 0f 30 1x9/k9 per10ra1
m0vement5 were 065erved 1n a11 an1ma15 wherea5 trem0r wa5 065erved 1n n0ne. 7h15 h19h119ht5 a p0tent1a1 pr061em 1n t0x1c01091ca1 re5earch when 0n1y 0ne 1ndex 0f t0x1c1ty 15 u5ed t0 e5t1mate the p0tency 0f a xen0610t1c. 7 h e 0r9an0ph05phate ant1-ChE, 5ar1n, wa5 a150 5h0wn t0 1nduce eme515 1n marm05et5. H0wever, the d05e-re5p0n5e funct10n f0r 5ar1n wa5 e55ent1a11y 61pha51c 1n nature. 0 n e p055161e exp1anat10n m19ht 6e that a5 the d05e 0f ant1-ChE 15 1ncrea5ed the nature and 1nten51ty 0f 519n5 man1fe5ted chan9e and the1r t1me t0 0n5et decrea5e5. At h19her d05e5, theref0re, 50me 519n5 may n0t man1fe5t 0r may 6e •ma5ked• 6y 0ther 519n5. N0 attempt wa5 made t0 4uant1fy the per10d1c1ty 0r 1nten51ty 0f emet1c ep150de5. 1t 15 p055161e theref0re that d1fference5 1n the 1nc1dence 0f phy505t19m1ne-1nduced eme515 6etween human5 and marm05et5 may ex15t 6ut may n0t have 6een detected. H0wever,
-.-e 7C>-
,~ 50-
1.1.1 .C
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,-e 20-
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20 30 40 50 60 7080 D05e ()J9/k9 1.m.1
F16. 2. Phy505t19m1ne-1nducedreduct10n 0f wh01e 6100d ChE act1v1ty 1n human5 ( • ) and erythr0cyte ChE act1v1ty 1n marm05et5 (•). Each data p01nt repre5ent5 the re5u1t fr0m 0ne 5u6ject 0r an1ma1.
7•5 10 12•5 D05e (1J9/k9 1.m.)
F16. 4. 1nc1dence 0f eme515 1n marm05et5 (n = 15) f0110w1n9 adm1n15trat10n 0f 5ar1n.
100 A
75 7
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1 1 25
2-5 5 7-5 10 12•5 D05e (~91k9 1.m.) F16.5.5ar1n-1nduced reduct10n 0f erythr0cyte ChE act1v1ty(Mean + 5.E.) 1n marm05et5 (n = 4--6).
1n term5 0f the 0vera11 1nc1dence 0f eme515 a5 a funct10n 0f the d05e 0f phy505t19m1ne adm1n15tered, the 5en51t1v1ty 0f 60th human5 and marm05et5 were near1y 1dent1ca1 51nce the ED505 and 510pe5 0f the re9re5510n funct10n5 1n the5e 5pec1e5 were 51m11ar. 7hu5, 1t can 6e c0nc1uded that the marm05et 15 a very 900d m0de1 f0r phy505t19m1ne-1nduced eme515 1n human5. 1n marm05et5, the 10we5t effect1ve d05e 0f 5ar1n te5ted (1.e., 7.5 1x9/k9) that 1nduced eme515 wa5 5h0wn t0 reduce erythr0cyte ChE act1v1ty t0 12% 0f c0ntr01 va1ue5.7he5e data 5eem t0 c0rre5p0nd w1th rep0rt5 0f 0r9an0ph05phate p0150n1n9 1n human5. A1th0u9h the 10we5t effect1ve d05e 0f 5ar1n that 1nduce5 eme515 1n human5 15 n0t kn0wn, there 5eem5 t0 6e 9enera1 c0n5en5u5 that n0 5y5tem1c 5ympt0m5 0f p0150n1n9 are ant1c1pated f0110w1n9 0r9an0ph05phate ant1-ChE p0150n1n9 unt11 erythr0cyte ChE act1v1ty 15 reduced t0 a60ut 20% 0f c0ntr01 va1ue5 (24). 7hu5, the marm05et w0u1d 5eem t0 6e a 900d m0de1 f0r 5ar1n-1nduced eme515 1n human5 a150. 7he5e data m19ht a150 5u99e5t that the marm05et 15 a 900d m0de1 f0r car6amate and 0r9an0ph05phate ant1-ChE-1nduced eme515 1n human5. H0wever, phy505t19m1ne and 5ar1n may n0t 6e repre5entat1ve 0f 0ther car6amate and 0r9an0ph05phate ant1-ChE5. C0nf1rmat10n 0f th15 m0re 9enera1 c0nc1u510n mu5t theref0re awa1t further 1nve5t19at10n.
7he d1fference 1n emet1c p0tency 6etween 5ar1n and phy505t19m1ne de5erve5 ment10n. Phy505t19m1ne-1nduced eme515 wa5 065erved 1n 60th human5 and marm05et5 when wh01e 6100d 0r erythr0cyte ChE act1v1ty wa5 reduced 6y 20-30% 0f c0n901 va1ue5 wherea5 a much 9reater reduct10n 0f ChE act1v1ty, 1.e., 7080% 0f c0ntr01 va1ue5, wa5 re4u1red 6ef0re eme515 wa5 1nduced 6y 5ar1n. 7he rea50n f0r th15 d1fference 15 unkn0wn. 0ne p055161e exp1anat10n m19ht 6e that phy505t19m1ne may act pred0m1nant1y up0n the centra1 nerv0u5 5y5tem wherea5 5ar1n may act pred0m1nant1y up0n the per1phera1 nerv0u5 5y5tem. An0ther, 15 that ant1-ChE-1nduced eme515 15 n0t re1ated 51mp1y t0 ChE act1v1ty a5 mea5ured 1n 6100d. 7he marm05et ha5 0n1y rare1y 6een u5ed f0r 5tud1e5 0f eme515. 7h15 5pec1e5 ha5 6een rep0rted t0 6e 5en51t1ve t0 the emet1c act10n5 0f the d0pam1ner91c a90n15t5 LY 171555 (19) and tetra11n (6). 7he data rep0rted here 5u99e5t that the marm05et may a150 6e 5en51t1ve t0 the emet1c act10n5 0f ch011ner91c a90n15t5. 7h15 pattern 0f 5en51t1v1ty f0r the marm05et, a New W0r1d pr1mate 5pec1e5, 5eem5 t0 c0ntra5t w1th that 065erved f0r 01d W0r1d pr1mate 5pec1e5 5uch a5 the rhe5u5 m0nkey, the cyn0m019u5 m0nkey and the 6a600n, 5pec1e5 0ften referred t0 a5 the •h19her 5u6human pr1mate5.• F0r examp1e, a1th0u9h a 519n1f1cant 11terature ex15t5 de5cr161n9 the 6ehav10ra1 and phy5101091ca1 effect5 0f a very w1de ran9e 0f d05e5 0f car6amate and 0r9an0ph05phate ant1-ChE5 1n rhe5u5 m0nkey5, cyn0m019u5 m0nkey5 and 6a600n5 [e.9., (1, 3, 12, 13, 20)], eme515 ha5 n0t 6een rep0rted. 7h15 5u99e5t5 that the re1at1ve 5en51t1v1ty 0f the5e 5pec1e5 t0 the emet1c act10n5 0f ch011ner91c a90n15t5 may 6e very 10w. Rhe5u5 m0nkey5 have a150 6een 5h0wn t0 6e an 0rder 0f ma9n1tude 1e55 5en51t1ve than human5 t0 the emet1c act10n 0f ap0m0rph1ne (4,22). Eme515 ha5 6een rep0rted 1n rhe5u5 and cyn0m019u5 m0nkey5 f0110w1n9 exp05ure t0 rad1at10n (8), 1nfect10n w1th 5taphy10c0cca1 enter0t0x1n5 (5), adm1n15trat10n 0f the narc0t1c anta90n15t 7R5379M (21), adm1n15trat10n 0f the ferr0cene hemat1n1c MDL 80,478 (26) and dur1n9 w1thdrawa1 fr0m phencyc11d1ne (2). 7he5e data 5u99e5t theref0re that 01d W0r1d m0nkey 5pec1e5 may 6e 1e55 5en51t1ve t0 the emet1c act10n5 0f 60th d0pam1ner91c and ch011ner91c a90n15t5. 1t 15 c0nc1uded that the marm05et may 6e a very 900d m0de1 0f 60th car6amate and 0r9an0ph05phate-1nduced eme515 1n human5.7he c0ntra5t1n9 pattern 0f 5en51t1v1ty t0 the emet1c act10n5 0f d0pam1ner91c and ch011ner91c a90n15t5 6etween the marm05et, rhe5u5 m0nkey, cyn0m019u5 m0nkey and 6a600n may ref1ect a 519n1f1cant 5pec1e5 d1fference 6etween New and 01d W0r1d m0nkey5. A m0re 9enera1 1mp11cat10n 0f the5e data 15 that, de5p1te the c1ear advanta9e5 0f u51n9 01d W0r1d pr1mate 5pec1e5 f0r 6ehav10ra1 t0x1c01091ca1 re5earch, the1r u5e d0e5 n0t 9uarantee the pred1ct10n 0f a11 1mp0rtant 519n5 0f xen0610t1c t0x1c1ty. AcKN0wLED6EMEN75 7he auth0r5 w15h t0 thank Dr. W. A. 6r0ff f0r ChE determ1nat10n5 1n the human 5tud1e5; Dr. R. Peter50n, Dr. D. 5afer and Dr. 5.5cher f0r 50me 0f the human data and Mr5.7. M. 8aker, M5.5.5. M11e5and Mr5. D. E. Wh1te f0r the1r exce11ent techn1ca1 a5515tance thr0u9h0ut the c0ur5e 0f the marm05et exper1ment5. 7he marm05et 5tud1e5 were 5upp0rted 6y the Pr0curement Execut1ve 0f the M1n15try 0f Defence, UK.
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