By SEAMUSO’RIAIN 34 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2 THE
saw shown in the figure was developed to make use of portions of ordinary hacksaw blades which are much sharper than the commonly used nasal saws. The large, curved, stainless-steel handle gives very adequate grip and control, and indicates the angle of the cutting blade; an open, adjustable handle is also available. The sleeve method of fixing the blade to the handle is simple and secure. The whole instrument is easy to clean and sterilise. One disposable blade is adequate for 4 to 6 operations. The saw can be obtained from Surgico Ltd., Kill Avenue, Dun Laoghaire, Ireland. I am indebted to MrJohn Barron, Odstock Hospital, Salisbury for the idea of using an ordinaql hacksaw blade and to Mr Erwin Hiibrich, who designed and perfected the handle.