Discussion A meeting of the Immunotoxicology munobiology will be held at the F. E. Herbert Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD. Information on the meeting:
Group on the subject of Pulmonary Immunotoxicology/ImSchool of Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Registration
Dr L. D. Loose Pfizer Inc. Eastern Point Road Groton, CT 06340 U.S.A.
MS I. Mahabir Smith, Kline and French Laboratories 1500 Spring Garden Street Philadelphia, PA 19101 U.S.A.
Tel. 203 441 4692
Tel. 215 270 7289
A NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Lipid Mediators in Immunology of Burn and Sepsis Helsingor,
20-25 July 1986
The program includes: Burn, sepsis and the immune system (T cells, lymphokines, etc.); Lipid and related mediators (PGs, TxA2, LTS, PAF, etc.) in burns, sepsis and trauma; Lipid mediators as immunomodulator agents; Lipid mediators in immunology of burn sepsis and trauma; Anergy of burn injury: theoretical perspectives. Contact: Dr M. Braquet Scienttjic SecretarylLMIBS ‘86 Centre de Traitement des Brtiles Hopital d’lnstruction des Arm&es Percy F-92140 Clamart France Tel. (331)