A new readout and memory method for a multiwire spark chamber

A new readout and memory method for a multiwire spark chamber

NUCLEAR 1N57RUMEN75 A NEW READ0U7 AND M E 7 H 0 D 5 AND MEM0RY 35 (1965) 323-324; ~ ME7H0D N0R7H-H0LLAND Pu8L15H1N6 c0. F 0 R A MUL71W1RE 5PA...

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AND M E 7 H 0 D 5


35 (1965) 323-324; ~






5. M 1 Y A M 0 7 0

Departnwnt 0f Phy51c5, Facu1ty 0f 5c1ence, 05aka C1ty Un1ver51ty, 05aka, Japan Rece1ved 17 May 1965

7here are 5evera1 meth0d5 t0 rec0rd p051t10n5 0f pa551n9 part1c1e5 1n a mu1t1w1re 5park cham6er, 5uch a5 u51n9 ferr1te c0re51), a ma9net1c tape 2) and a ma9net1c drum3). Here, a new type 0f a mu1t1w1re cham6er 15 pre5ented wh1ch ha5 a 5uper50n1c de1ay 11ne a5 a read0ut and mem0ry 5y5tem f0r the p051t10n5 0f 5park5. 7he de1ay 11ne ha5 many 1nput tran5ducer5 at d1fferent p01nt5 and each 1nput tran5ducer 15 c0nnected t0 a w1re 0f the cham6er. 8y the tran5ducer, the 5park current 1n the w1re 0f the cham6er 15 c0nverted 1nt0 50und, wh1ch 15 5ent a10n9 the de1ay 11ne. 7he p051t10n 0f the w1re 1n wh1ch the 5park current pa55ed 15 determ1ned 6y mea5ur1n9 the de1ay t1me 0 f t h e 50und t0 a rece1v1n9 tran5ducer wh1ch 15 10cated at 0ne end 0f the de1ay f1ne. 7he de1ay 11ne may a150 6e u5ed a5 a mena0ry 5y5tem. 1n th15 ca5e the pu15e fr0m the rece1v1n9 tran5ducer 15 fed 6ack t0 the 0ther end 0f the de1ay f1ne thr0u9h an 1nput tran5ducer after amp11fy1n9 1t and 15 mem0r12ed unt11 the rec0rder w111 6e free. Am0n9 5evera1 p055161e de1ay 11ne5, a ma9net05tr1ct1ve de1ay 11ne 0 f a n1cke1 w1re 4) 5eem5 t0 6e 51mp1er and ea51er t0 c0n5truct5). 1n th15 ca5e, ename11ed c0pper w1re5 fr0m the w1re5 0f the cham6er are c011ed 0n a n1cke1 de1ay f1ne 0ne 0r tw0 turn5 6ef0re c0nnect1n9 w1th earth and the5e c01f5 c0n5t1tute the 1nput tran5ducer5.7he current thr0u9h the 1nput c011 pr0duce5 a 10ca1 ma9net1c f1e1d 1n the n1cke1 de1ay 11ne and the e1a5t1c def0rmat10n due t0 the ma9net1c f1e1d pr0pa9ate5 a5 a 5uper50und a10n9 the de1ay 11ne. 7he 50und 15 detected 6y a rece1v1n9 tran5ducer wh1ch 15 an ename11ed c0pper w1re c011 w0und ar0und the de1ay 11ne. A p01ar121n9 ma9net1c f1e1d at the rece1v1n9 c011 1ncrea5e5 th15 519na14). Re51dua1 ma9net1c p01ar12at10n 0f n1cke1 w1re at the rece1v1n9 c011 15 a150 en0u9h t0 065erve the 519na1 fr0m the rece1ver. 7he wh01e 5y5tem 15 5h0wn 5chemat1ca11y 1n f19. 1. A he11um f111ed mu1t1w1re 5park cham6er wa5 u5ed t0 5tudy th15 meth0d. 7he e1ectr0de5 0f the cham6er were made 6y pr1nted c1rcu1t techn14ue and are 33 cm × 33 cm 1n area. 7he w1re5 are c0pper 5tr1p5 0f 1.5 mm w1dth and 31 cm 10n9, 5paced 1 m m fr0m an0ther. 7he 5pace 6etween the e1ectr0de5 15 5 mm. A 6und1e 0f 50 n1cke1 w1re5 0f 0.08 m m 1n d1ameter and 99.6 percent 323



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F19. 1. 7he read0ut and mem0ry 5y5tem f0r a mu1t1w1re 5park cham6er w1th a ma9net05tr1ct1ve de1ay 11ne. 11 . . . 1n: 1nput c0115 c0nnected w1th the w1re5 0f the cham6er; 10 : 1nput c011 t0 pr0duce a reference 519na1, wh1ch 15 nece55ary f0r mem0ry u5e 0f the de1ay 11ne; 1f: 1nput c011 f0r mem0ry u5e; R: Rece1v1n9 c011; M: P01ar121n9 ma9net.

pur1ty wa5 u5ed a5 de1ay 11ne. 70 each c0pper 5tr1p 0f the earth 51ded e1ectr0de5 0fthe cham6er, an ename11ed 0.06 mm c0pper w1re 15 c0nnected and 15 c01fed 0n the de1ay 11ne 0ne turn 6ef0re c0nnect1n9 w1th earth. 7he rece1v1n9 tran5ducer 15 a c011 0f 50 turn5 0f ename11ed 0.06 m m c0pper w1re. A h19h v01ta9e pu15e 15 app11ed 0n the 5park cham6er when c05m1c ray5 fa11 1nt0 the cham6er. An 0rd1nary h19h v01ta9e pu15er 0f 5C22 thyratr0n wa5 u5ed and the de1ay t1me c0n5tant 0f the pu15e wa5 ch05en a5 0.1 #5ec. 7he cham6er 15 0perated we11 at the ran9e 0f 6 kV-8 kV 0f the h19h v01ta9e pu15e and an examp1e 0f the pu15e fr0m the rece1ver 15 5h0wn 1n f19. 2. 7he pu15e 15 tr1an9u1ar 1n 5hape, 1t5 durat10n 15 a60ut 0.8 /~5ec at the 6a5e and the pu15e he19ht 15 a60ut 3 mV w1th re51dua1 p01ar12at10n. 50me character15t1c5 0f the n1cke1 de1ay f1ne were 5tud1ed and the f0110w1n9 c0nc1u510n5 were 06ta1ned. When tw0 adj01n1n9 1nput c0115 at a d15tance 5h0rter than 4 mm are exc1ted 51mu1tane0u51y, the 519na1 pu15e5 fr0m the rece1v1n9 c011 are 0ver1apped and 1t 5eem5 t0 6e adv15a61e t0 5et the 1nput c01f5 at a d15tance 1ar9er than 5 mm fr0m 0ther 1nput c0115. 1n th15 arran9ement, a tra1n 0f pu15e5 wh1ch are pr0duced 6y many exc1ted 1nput c0115 can 6e 065erved w1th0ut 0ver-


5. M1YAM070

1app1n9 0r d15appearance 0 f t h e pu15e5.7h15 5h0w5 that the ma9net05tr1ct1ve de1ay 11ne meth0d 15 app11ca61e t0 rec0rd many p051t10n5 0f part1c1e5 51mu1tane0u51y 6y a mu1t1w1re 5park cham6er.

F19. 2. 7he 519na1 fr0m the rece1v1n9 c011. 7he n015e at the f1r5t part 15due t0 the e1ectr1ca11nterferencepr0duced 6y the d15char9e. 7he 5weep 5peed 15 20 #5ec/d1v. and the pu15ehe19ht c0rre5p0nd5 t0 a60ut 3 mv at the rece1v1n9 c011. 7he app11ed h19h v01ta9e pu15e t0 the 5park cham6er 15 7 kv. 7 h e attenuat10n 0f the 5uper50und a10n9 the n1cke1 de1ay 11ne 15 a60ut 0.55 per 50 cm de1ay 11ne. 7 h e w1den1n9 0f the 519na1 a10n9 the de1ay 11ne 5eem5 t0 6e ne9119161e. 7he5e 5ma11 attenuat10n and w1den1n9 0f the 519na1 are de51ra61e character15t1c5 when a 10n9 de1ay 11ne 15 u5ed f0r a 1ar9e mu1t1w1re cham6er. 5evera1 type5 0f de1ay 11ne5 0f 99.6 percent pure n1cke1 w1re were te5ted 1n 5uch f0rm5 a5 a 6und1e 0f 10 and 33 n1cke1 w1re5 0f 0.08 m m 1n d1ameter, 51n91e n1cke1 w1re 0f 0.5 m m and 1 m m 1n d1ameter. A11 519na15 0f the5e de1ay 11ne5 are 51m11ar 1n 5hape and durat10n and the5e de1ay 11ne5 are f0und t0 6e app11ca61e t0 the mu1t1w1re 5park cham6er. P01ar121n9 ma9net1c f1e1d at the rece1v1n9 c011 15 effect1ve 1n 1ncrea51n9 the pu15e he19ht 0f the 519na1 fr0m the rece1ver. 7here 15 an 0pt1mum ma9net1c

f1e1d 1nten51ty t0 065erve the max1mum 519na1 6y the rece1ver. 7 h e read0ut t1me 0f the cham6er depend5 0n the 1en9th 0f the de1ay 11ne, the 50und 5peed 1n th15 de1ay 11ne 15 a60ut 4.6 mm//~5ec. 7heref0re the t1me 15 0n1y 100/~5ec f0r 50 cm de1ay 11ne and 15 5h0rter than the rec0very t1me 0 f t h e 5park cham6er. 7 h e meth0d ment10ned a60ve 5eem5 t0 6e 51mp1er and re4u1re5 5h0rter read0ut t1me than any 0ther meth0d. 7he ma9net05tr1ct1ve de1ay 11ne w1th mu1t1-1nput c0115 may 6e u5efu1 a150 f0r the mu1t1-1nput 5y5tem f0r a c0mputer wh1ch w111 6e nece55ary f0r the exper1ment5 1n h19h ener9y phy51c5. 7he auth0r w15he5 t0 expre55 h15 thank5 t0 pr0f. Y. Wata5e, 1. M1ura, 7. K1tamura and 5. H19a5h1 f0r the1r enc0ura9ement. 7hank5 are a150 due t0 pr0f. 5. 02ak1 f0r va1ua61e 5u99e5t10n5 1n prepar1n9 th15 manu5cr1pt.

Reference5 1) 5ee f0r 1n5tance, F. Kr1enen, Nuc[. 1n5tr. and Meth. 20 (1963) 168; J. R. water5, Nuc1.1n5tr. and Meth. 21 (1963) 126. 2) M. J. Neumann and H. 5herrard, 1RE 7ran5. Nuc1. 5c1. N~4-9 (1962) 293; 5. M1yam0t0, uchu5en Kenkyu (1n Japane5e) 1n pre55. 3) 5. M1yam0t0, Rep. 5ymp. 1n5tr. E1ementary Part1c1e Phy51c5 (1n Japane5e) (1965) p. 31. 4) 5ee f0r 1n5tance, E. M. 8rad6urd, E1ectr1ca1 C0mmun1cat10n 28 (1951) 46; 6. 1. C0hn, L. C. Peach, M. Ep5te1n, H. 0.50ren5en and D. P. Kane11ak05, 7ran5. 1RE, C0mp1. part, CP-5 (1958) 53. 5) 61anne111 deve10ped a d1fferent meth0d f0r a 5park cham6er 6a5ed 0n ma9net05tr1ct10n, 6. 61anne111, Nuc1. 1n5tr. and Meth. 31 (1964) 29.