Notes and Brief Articles
collections (but not the part examined by Sydow) happens to bear a few teliospores in addition to urediospores does not affect the status of the name. Sydow (1938) supplied a Latin description of the telia from a specimen collected in Ghana (bearing both telia and uredia) under the name R. ;:,ygiae Syd. and Sydow must therefore be considered to have published a new name, based on a new type, which is a later homonym of the illegitimate name R. ;:,ygiae Syd. (1937). Hemileia pieningii Deighton, nom.nov.
Syn. Hemileia mussaendae Cummins, Bull. Torrey bot. Club 87, 36 1960 (as 'Viennot-Bourgin'), based on telia, not H. mussaendae Viennot-Bourgin, Bull. trimest. Soc. mycol. Fr. 67, 431, 1952, based on uredia. The name H. mussaendae Viennot-Bourgin (1952) was based on a type from Ivory Coast which bore uredia only and thus is illegitimate though validly published. Cummins (1960) supplied a Latin description of the telia from a specimen collected in Ghana (L. Piening CB 2129) under the name 'Hemileia mussaendae Viennot-Bourgin sp.nov.' and remarked 'Since Viennot-Bourgin's fungus on Mussaenda erythrophylla Schum. & Thonn. from Ivory Coast had no teliospores the name, H. mussaendae, dates from the present publication and Piening's specimen is the type'. Cummins was therefore publishing a new name, H. mussaendae Cummins, based on a different type from that of H. mussaendae Viennot-Bourgin of which it is a later homonym. A NEW SPECIES OF CONIOTHYRIUM E. PUNITHALINGAM
Commonwealth Mycological Institute, Kew In the course of examination of the surface features of spores of Coniothyrium species by electron microscopy, an undescribed species was reported to having an uneven surface similar to C. minitans Campbell (1947) and C. sarcinellae Sahni (1968) by Punithalingam & Jones (1970). Since a Coniothyrium species that combines all the characters of the unnamed species has apparently not been recorded before, it is here described as new. Coniothyrium onychiuri sp.nov. (Fig. 1) Coloniae in agaro 'potato-dextrose' fusco-griseae denique nigrae mycelio sparso aereo. Mycelium ex hyphis septatis, ramosis, brunneis, laevibus vel verruculosis 2-4 pm crassis compositum. Pycnidia solitaria, sphaerica vel subglobosa, 100-140 pm diam, fusca vel nigra, per ostiolum apicale aperientia. Paries pycnidialis 2-4-stratosus cellularum compositus, cellulis brunneis, compressis, extra obscuris et crassoparietalibus. Conidiophora hyalina, simplicia, continua, obpyriformia vel clavata, 3-5 x 2-3 pm. Pycnidiosporae (phialosporae) sphaeroideae, palIide brunneae, verruculosae, 3-4 x Q-3·Sllm. Ex Onychiuro psuedoflmetario, Auckland, New Zealand, Mrs]. Young, 1969, 1M! 137464 typus. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 55 (3), (1970). Printed in Great Britain
Transactions British Mycological Society
Colony on potato dextrose agar grey brown, eventually turning black with sparse aerial mycelium. Mycelium composed of septate, branched, dark brown, smooth to verrucoluse hyphae 2-4 pm thick. Pycnidia solitary spherical to subglobose, 100-14° pm diam, dark brown to black, opening by wide, apical ostioles. Pycnidial wall 2-4 cell layers thick, composed of brown compressed cells heavily pigmented and thick-walled on the outside. Conidiophores hyaline, simple, non-septate, obpyriform to clavate
100 p m
25 p m
Fig. 1. Coniothyrium onychiuri. A, Vertical section of pycnidium ; B, Cross-section of pycnidiuffi; C, pycnidiospores; D, part of pycnidial wall, conidiophores and spores; E, mycelium.
3-5 X 2-3 pm. Pycnidiospores (phialospores), sphaeroid pale-brown, verruculose, 3-4 x 2-3'5 pm. Another isolate IMI137447 also made from Onychiurus pseudofimetarius from New Zealand by Mrs J. Young was identical to the type. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 55 (3), (1970). Printed in Great Britain
Notes and Brief Articles
The species described here is readily distinguished from all other Coniothyrium species having roughened surfaces on examination by optical microscopy, by its rather smaller spores. The spore dimensions of Coniothyrium species having an uneven spore surface so far described are as follows: C. onychiuri Punithalingam 3-4 x 2-3'5 !lm; C. minitans Campbell 4-6 x 3'5-5 !lm, C. sarcinellae Sahni 8-10 x (4-) 5-6 (-7) usn. REFERENCES
CAMPBELL, W. A. (1947). A new species of Coniothyrium parasitic on sclerotia. Mycologia, 39, 190 - 195. PUNITHALINGAM, E. & JONES, D. (1970). Spore surface ornamentation in Coniothyrium species. Trans. Br, mycol, Soc. (in the Press). SAHNI, V. P. (1968). Deuteromycetes from Jabalpur. III. Mycopath. Mycol, appl, 36, 267-288.
Department of Botany, University of Nottingham The genus Rollandina was proposed by Patouillard (1905) with the following diagnosis. 'Receptaculum determinatum ex hyphis septatis, ramosis, pannoso-contextis formatum. Asci suboctospori, ovoideo-globosi, minuti, hyalini, dense glomerati; glomeruli numerosi, sparsi, noduliformes, trama undique obvoluti, sporae hyalinae'. The type specimen in Herb. FH was re-examined by R. K. Benjamin in 1956, and another reexamination by Apinis (1968) revealed that the structure of the 'stalk' (receptaculum) and cup-like expanded' subiculum' is dissimilar to the fungus forming the loosely interwoven hyphal web covering that' subiculum' in which the ascomata are embedded. This indicates that the 'stalk' and the' subiculum' belong to another fungus. Because of this the generic characters of Rollandina are amended as Ascomata globosa, mollis, plus minusve hyalina, minuta, superficialia, solitaria vel aggregata, Hyphae peridii anastomosae, hyalinae, septatae, reticulatae, ad septae plus minusve constrictae et minutae asperulatae; appendicae absentibus vel simplex. Asci hyalini, vel luteo-punicei, globosi vel ovati, 2-8 spori, evanidi. Ascospori continui, hyalini vel dilute colorati. Conidia absentibus vel type Chrysosporii, Microsporii vel Oidii. Typus: R. capitate Patouillard emend. Ascomata albida, 150-300!lm crassa; asci ovoideo globosi, tenuiter tunicati, sessili, 2-4-8 spori, 8 x 6 !lm; ascospori lentiformi, levi, circulariter canaliculati, 3'0-4'5 x 1'5-2'5 !lm. Hab. ad quisquilas prope Bau-hau in regione Cai-Kinh, Tonkini, L. Boutan 341 (FH). Similar isolates, possessing a simple, reticulate peridium consisting of hyaline, anastomozing delicately rough-walled hyphae, somewhat constricted at the septa, have been encountered on several occasions. Such soil isolates do not form any spiral appendages or dumb-bell-shaped cells in peridial hyphae but may possess simple, more or less radiating ends proTrans. Br. mycol. Soc. 55 (3), (1970). Printed in Great Britain