A primer in computed axial tomographic anatomy. III. The male pelvis
Depart~neni of Radiology, The University of iowa Hospitals and Clinics. ‘low City, Iowa
Thz fctlowing przseentation of the computed tomographic (CT) ...
Depart~neni of Radiology, The University of iowa Hospitals and Clinics. ‘low City, Iowa
Thz fctlowing przseentation of the computed tomographic (CT) anatomy of the male pelvis adheres essentially to the same format used in our previous communict&ms Il. 2). The scans were made at 1 S-cm intcwals on an Et.41 CT NC5 scanner with a 320 x 320 rr.skix in the slow wm option. The ~~b~l~ body is that of a 46.y~ear-ald male who &d ofcerebral trauma. Fiiures 1 (A-D) and 2 (A-D) M ccphalad to that pegion of the tmmdywhich exb:b?s sex-rtic~ific differences and am presented only fcr
coraoletcncss’ sake. Fieures 3, 4 and 5 ceasiat escb of f&r adjacent CT s&&s which form tbe basis for conposite schematic drawings that identify the prin cipai anatomic mucturss encountered in trsnsverx. sedicasthmugh the body at these Inc:r.
Aslewn. R.T.,‘Miu Shelle;‘Hawkinr. R.T.. and to Mr. Lorw Spence of the Anatow Department for their continued support and pt&siin‘of technical expertise to these projects.
dorsal !,urface of both pubir bane!. and ihe pubic symphasis. 2.
Select UK one most cowect statement. a.
The seminal vaicks
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arc oositioned ventral to the ~CFWII and obliuuelv oriented.