Statistics & Probability North-Holland
17 July 1992
14 (1992) 293-298
A remainder estimate for the normal approximation of perturbed sample quantiles Stefan
S. Ralescu
Department of Mathematics, Queens College, City Uniuersi@ of New York, Flushing, NY, USA Received March Revised October
1991 1991
Abstract: For a smooth statistical normal law is considered. Under Keywords: Perturbed
1. Introduction
model, suitable
the rate of convergence in distribution of the kernel-smoothed quantile estimator assumptions, a Berry-Es&en type result with a rate O(n ‘/* log n) is established.
limit theorem,
to the
and main result
The study of perturbed empirical distributions and associated quantiles has received considerable attention, due in large part to the work of M. Falk and R.D. Reiss. The monograph by Reiss (1989) gives a particularly lucid exposition of the mathematical attractions of smoothing the empirical distribution function (e.d.f.): it is intuitively appealing, it is easy to compute, it provides increased second order efficiency and it improves the speed of convergence in the bootstrap. Let X,, X2,... be independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.1 observations drawn according to a cumulative distribution function (c.d.f.) F. A fundamental approach to statistical estimation and hypothesis testing is to estimate directly F by a random distribution. In many statistical procedures, however, it is more convenient to formulate hypotheses on F in terms of F-’ rather than F itself. Here F-‘(p) = infix: F(x) >p}, 0
Here, (a,> is a sequence of (positive) ‘window-width’ tending to zero as n + m and k satisfies: k > 0, dx = 1. In the context of a smooth statistical model, it is more appropriate to use a smooth
Correspondence Blvd., Flushing, Research
to: Stefan S. Ralescu, Department NY 11367-1597, USA.
in part by the Research 0 1992 - Elsevier
of Mathematics,
of CUNY,
B.V. All rights reserved
City University
of New York,
65-30 Kissena
Volume 14, Number 4
estimator gn rather than corresponding to f:, via &x)
A(t) --m
F,,. A suitable
17 July 1992 to obtain
&((~-&),a,) i=l
g,, is to use the
The research of the large sample properties of F,, was initiated by Nadaraya (1964). A detailed listing of work on (1.2) is given in the references. It is noteworthy that Reiss (1981) and Falk (1983) have shown that for appropriately chosen kernels and sufficiently smooth distributions, the asymptotic performance of i,, is better than that of F,, in terms of relative deficiency. In the present paper we work directly with the perturbed kernel sample quantile gn-‘(p)
= inf{x:
Fn(.x) >p},
The statistical motivation for using (1.3) relies on the considerable amount of empirical evidence available to support the superiority of &l(p) over the classical sample quantile FnP*(p) for a variety of smooth distributions (cf. Azzalini, 1981). Indeed, a large number of simulation studies (cf. Kappenman, 1987) underlined this aspect by revealing that kernel quantile estimators perform substantially better than the sample quantile when they are used to estimate quantiles in moderate to heavy tails of the sample distribution. The limiting behavior of @nP1(p) was first elucidated by Nadaraya (1964), who obtained - under appropriate conditions - the central limit theorem A,= where
the standard
(1.4) d.f. and H,(x)
is the c.d.f. of
For related investigations in this direction under different sets of conditions we refer to Mack (1987) and Ralescu and Sun (1992). However, the problem of determining a convergence rate for A, has remained open. The study of the accuracy of the normal approximation is a very important problem. Indeed, though sometimes usual statistical practice ignores this fact, such limit theorems are useless for applications, unless one is willing to derive an accompanying inequality providing control over the accuracy of the approximation. Estimating rates of convergence in the central limit theorem for various nonparametric estimators has been an important research topic over the last twenty-five years. From a statistical point of view, such a study has proved extremely fruitful by yielding much that is significant for statistical theory as well as useful in practical applications. The characterization of the error of approximation in the central limit theorem may be used to establish large deviation approximations, which in turn are useful in asymptotic efficiency considerations. Recently, attention has been focused to this problem in connection with classical sample quantiles for which Reiss (1974) has obtained a rate Berry-Es&en bound of order n-‘12, while Puri and Ralescu (1986) have validated this convergence for the generalized class of random central order statistics. The purpose of the present paper is to go beyond the limiting result (1.4) and investigate the speed of convergence. We produce a remainder term estimate by specifically showing, under appropriate regularity conditions, that A,, = O(n- ‘I2 log n). We do not know whether the Berry-Esseen rate 0(n-‘j2) is available. Our theorem is the first general estimation establishing a bound in the asymptotic normality for perturbed kernel quantiles. It is worth noting that our theorem requires a smooth statistical model. 294
14, Number
the paper,
we shall make the following
F is twice differentiable _/xk(x)
on its support /x’k(x)
17 July 1992
with F” bounded
and F’( F-‘( p)) > 0,
(1.5) (1.6)
n”2Un = O( 1).
Remark 1.1. A word of comment about the above assumptions is in order: in practice, the kernel weight a, are the two items that the user must select in order to determine F,-‘(p). Now, while the choice of k will not significantly affect the asymptotic behavior of pnp l(p), it is clear that since the parameter a, determines the degree of smoothing, one may expect that the closeness of the normal approximation tends to depend more crucially on the choice of a, and thus, assumption (1.7) should not be viewed as an undue handicap, but rather as a technical requirement to force a better rate of convergence. A closer examination of the proof presented below shows that one could obtain a slower rate for the convergence to zero of A, by relaxing the requirement (1.7) to allow a wider range of variability for the bandwidth.
k and the bandwidth
Theorem. Under the assumptions (1.5)~(1.71, there exists a constant A > 0 not depending on n, such that for all n > 1,
log n.
Remark 1.2. In the case of classical sample quantiles, a practically useful estimate of the constant corresponding to the constant A in (1.8) in the Theorem, was given by Reiss (1974) (see also Puri and Ralescu, 1986). Unfortunately, the present proof of (1.8) does not lead easily to an exact value of the constant A in (1.81, although we expect that the actual error terms are small enough to get approximations of practical relevance. There is, however, not much hope to find reasonable estimates for this constant for small sample sizes but this might be possible under more restrictive conditions on f.
2. Proof of the Theorem Let K,(x)
=jx a,’ k(t/a,) -CC
We begin by noting that H,(x)
pL,(x) =E{K,(x-X1)}
= P(@~W’(p)
and a:(x)
+ c~n-“~ ) >p) where c = (~(1 -~>>“~/f(F-‘(p)).
if we set
Z,i=K,(F-l(p) v,(x)
p) + cxn-1/2),
we have with S,(x)
= n-1/2 I? [Z,, i=l
w,J x) = n112( p - vn( x))/T,(
Volume 14, Number 4
17 July 1992
that K(x)
Q%(411+ [@(b%(x)) -@WI =rln(x) +rzn(x>, say.
= [qJ,(~))
We now use (2.1) to estimate sup, x, ~ d, I H,,(x) - Q(x) I where d, = d(log n)‘/*, for some d > 0 to be specified later. By the Berry-Es&en theorem for independent r.v.‘s, there exists C, > 0 (universal constant) such that for all n > 1 and all x, Irl.(x)I~C,h,(x)n-“* where h,(x) = E I K,(F-l(p) uniformly for I x I < d,, IF(F’(p)
(2.2) + cxn -l/2 -Xl)
- vn(x)1 3/ri(x).
i/2)(1 -F(P(p)
< cd(log n)l’*
In order to asses h,(x),
we note that
It I
where e(t) = F(F-l(p) + t) -F*@‘-‘(p) + t). Combining (2.3) and Lemma 2.1 of Reiss (1981), we find that sup (r~(X)-_P(1-p)~=O(a,+n-“2logn). 1x1
From (2.4) it is clear that suplX, Gd,hn(~) = O(1) and thus sup ITln(X)I = O(n-“2). Ixlcd,
On the other hand, by using a Taylor expansion and the Mean Value Theorem qiJ= @‘, Ir2n(X)I =]n”Q,(x)/r&)
+ ((P(I
- I)”
x) I+(p)
for some intermediate points tPpxand p where e,(x) = v,(x) - F@-‘(P) + cxn-“*). (1.7), Lemma 2.1 of Reiss (1981) and (2.4) we have uniformly for I x 1 < d,, that d’“e,(x)/7,(x)
= O(n-“2),
we can write with
(2.6) Applying condition
and X2.-1’2F”(5px)/T,(X)
= 0(n-“*
log n).
On combining these estimates we find via (2.6), sup ITZn(X)) = O(K”2 Ixl
log n).
Thus, from (2.1), (2.5) and (2.7) we obtain sup I&(x) Ixlcd,, 296
log n).
14, Number
17 July 1992
Next we consider the range I x I a d, for which we use the estimate sup [H,(x) lx/ >d,
r~)“~}+ (1
- 0( d,)). (2.9)
The second term on the right hand side of (2.9) is estimated by Mill’s ratio l-@(d,)
= O(K”~)
if d 2 1.
For the first term, it suffices to consider Z@-‘(p) > F-‘(p) + cdn-1/2(log r~)‘/~j = T,, since a similar estimate holds for the probability of the reversed inequality. To obtain an upper bound for r,,, note that if d is chosen sufficiently large we have for n large, n) r/2
m, >p + +n-1/2(log
where m, = p,jF-l(p) since
+ dn- 1/200g n)‘/‘).
7=rn=P k(rnn 1 i=l
We establish this inequality at the end of the proof. Then,
-p) 1
an application of Hoeffding’s inequality (Hoeffding, -p)‘)
rn G exp( -2n(m,
1963) and (2.11) gives
= O(K”2).
Using simliar arguments we obtain P{F’,I-‘(p)
From (2.9), (2.10), (2.12) and (2.13) we get (2.14)
sup IH,(x)-@(x)l=O(C”2). lxl>d,
The statement (1.8) follows from (2.8) and (2.14). This completes the proof of the theorem. Finally we show the validity of (2.11). We write nr/2
(+I -p)
=n ‘12(m, -F(F-l(p) +nii2(F(F-‘(p)
+d,(log +d,(log
n)1’2)) n)1’2) -p).
By Lemma 2.1 of Reiss (1981) and (1.7), the first term on the right hand side of (2.15) is seen to be O(1). On the other hand, since as IZ+ 03, n1’2( log n) -“*(F(F-‘( for every 0 < E < F’(F-l(p)) n1’2 F F-‘(p) I(
p) + dn-“2(log
n)“2) -p)
+ dF’(F-‘(
p)) > 0
we have for n large, +dn-
1’2(log n)1’2) -p> >d{F’(F-l(p))
For (2.15)-(2.17), the inequality (2.11) easily follows.
q 297
14, Number
17 July 1992
Acknowledgement The author
is grateful
to the referee
for a careful
of the paper
and for helpful
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