Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B9 (1985) 593-597 North-Holland, Amsterdam
‘), H. v. BUTTLAR
‘) Department of Phisics, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA ‘) Experimentalphysik III, Ruhr - Uniuersitiit, D 4630 Bochum I, W. Germany *’ Department of Physics, University of Lund S - 22362 Lund, Sweden
Some energy levels and lifetimes in B II have been studied using classical emission spectroscopy and beam-foil spectroscopy. Revisions are suggested for the excitation energies of the 2~3s ‘S and 2s5p ‘PO levels. The 2~3s ‘P” and 2s6p ‘P” terms have also been located. Lifetimes have been measured for the 2s2p ‘PO, 2p* ‘S, 2s3d ‘D and 2p2 ‘P levels. The results are compared with theoretical data.
1. Introduction There exist several experimental and theoretical investigations of radiative transitions, energy levels and oscillator strengths in singly ionized boron (B II). The information about energy levels is largely based on the high-resolution spectroscopic work of Glme [l] which has later been complemented by a beam-foil study [2]. Several authors (see, e.g. [3-51) have also used the beam-foil technique to determine lifetimes and f-values in B II. Theoretical excitation energies originate from the superposition-of-configurations (SOC) calculations of Weiss [6], the polarized frozen-core data of Markiewicz et al. [7] and the multiconfiguration calculations of Luke [8]. These three theoretical investigations and numerous others (listed below) have also provided f-values for B II. However, a detailed comparison between the available experimental and theoretical results reveals the existence of a number of unsolved problems and inconsistencies. For example, the experimental energy of the 2~3s “S level, based on the classification of a line at 1607.76 A as the 2s2p ‘PO-2~3s ‘S transition, differs substantially from theories [6-81, which predict a much shorter wavelength. These calculations further imply that the f-value of the 2s2p ‘PO-2~3s ‘S transition is very low (because of mixing between the 2~3s and 2p2 ‘S levels) and thus in poor agreement with beam-foil results [3-51, obtained from decay measurements for the 1607 A line. Since the theoretical data are in good agreement with experimental excitation energies in most other cases, the possibility of an erroneous classification should be examined. Furthermore, the situation concerning f-values is not entirely satisfactory in B II. A notable example is the 2s2 ‘S-2s2p ‘PO resonance line, for which theoretical analyses yield f-values that are 0168-583X/85/$03.30 0 Elsevier Science Publishers (North-Holland Physics Publishing Division)
about ’ 20-30% higher than those obtained from beam-foil lifetime measurements [3-51. It has been suspected that the disagreement is largely due to the rather complicated cascade situation which makes decay curve analyses by curve-fitting methods quite difficult and thus calls for more elaborate analysis techniques such as the ANDC method of Curtis et al. [9]. Indeed the latter was successfully applied to the same resonance transition in Be-like N IV and 0 V [lo] and the results so obtained were in excellent accord with those of elaborate theoretical calculations. In an attempt to clarify such problems we have re-examined the spectrum of B II, using the beam-foil excitation method. Some spark spectra of B II have also been recorded which complement and extend the beam-foil results. We have finally also reinvestigated some beam-foil data registered earlier [2-41.
2. Experiment The beam-foil investigation was performed at the University of Arizona, using the 2 MV Van de Graaff accelerator. With BCl, in the rf ion source we obtained good and stable beams of B+ ions which were accelerated to 0.5, 0.75 or 1.0 MeV and directed through a carbon foil. The spectra (1200-2000 A) were recorded with a McPherson 235 0.5 m Seya-Namioka monochromator, equipped with an EMR 541F photomultiplier at the exit slit. We also measured the decay times for a number of spectral lines. The spark spectra were obtained at the University of Lund using a sliding spark light source and a 3 m normal-incidence vacuum spectrograph. The plate factor of this instrument was 2.77 A/mm in the first order.
01 ,$%I0 AartZ. ‘~alX~ey3 hCreyuuIald lF?yMXIIOS B 30 a.re 1 aIqe1 u! s1Insal Ino 1ey1 pa1011aq lCIIeug pInoqs 11 ‘IaqeI 1eq1 %U!snIn0 103 U0SEa.I aql S! q3yM [9] odI sEdz 30 a%uaDJad q%y dIal\geIa.~ E wy (1 aIqE1) I _ UKI If9981 1B IaAaI ayL ‘J1 dssz ql!~ %OIIS iCInqncy.Iad gu!aq uoyXJa1uy ay1 ‘sauas odI dusz aq1 Jaao pa1nqg -yp s! odI scdz 1sq1 awD!pu! [9] ss!aM 30 suogvIn3Ie3 ay1 1~~1 osIe aloN ‘[~‘9] hoaq1 icq pa1loddns Jay1.rt3 s! 1InsaJ yqL ‘sI spsz ‘sa!las sg1 u! urla1 1xau aq1 ~03 I _*3 9E6L913o anI’J* 111s,aYQ ‘JF3uo3 aM ‘y 9L’LO91 1~ auq ay1 30 U$$IO aql pau!eIdxa OSIE PIE ( I_ur~ S~SSEI SBM1InsaJ snoFald aql) I_~3 ()()pl moqr? 6q A%aua sI s~sz aq1 paspaJ aAeq aM aIyM ~ho13~3spss a1!nb MOU s! 1uatuaal% aqL .[8-91 sari@@@ Ie3galoay1 aq1 ~I!M Jargas 1 aIqe1 u! paz!.n2uuuns a.re sa+aua ~011 -s1pxa 103 sanIeA Mau ayL w1Dads yleds Ino uo paseq I(I1sow a.Ie s1InsaJ asaqL XuJa1 OdI dgsz aq1 paz!IwoI .xay1-m3aM pue pas!Aal aq 1snw ‘[I] auqo dq uaA? ‘IaAaI odI dssz ay1 30 .&aua aq1 1ey1 pun03 &Iv aM S!S@XIE aq1 30 1led sy .aAoqe pauoguauI ‘1aIdgInur I 8 ay1 kq papuaIq snq1 Buraq ‘y EL~I 1~ sJn330 uoysuw1 sI sCsZ-,d, dzsz ayl lql SMoqs ‘JD!‘JM ‘v I’pIOz iv pun03 uayl WM uo~l~sue.11 OdL scdz-s, s~sz iq~ +CIaA!13adsal ‘y I.9811 PUE 8’P691 1e) aI PU’J SK $z W!M s’J“!l~u -!qwoD s1! tuol3 wla1 OdI sgdz 1uwodur! ayl paz!IeDoI 1~3 aM ‘[S-9] s1Insal Iwpaloay1 ayl qp~ 1CdoDso.x13ads qmds uro.13 asoy pue ~1~p IFo3-ureaq ay1 Ou!u!quro:, &J ‘YJOMs1q1 30 1.red SE pawo3Jad SBM sapas Iw13ads JI dusz ay1 30 uo!wu+?xa uy ‘11 8 u! IaAaI sI SESZ ayl 30 uogrsod aq1 ysqqe1sa 01 suogvtnqwo3 sno!.wA pay ah 1 %3 u! u~oqs asoy se yns e~ep 8u!sn
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[email protected] u! aq &, pcdzsz-d, ,dzsz 30 s1uauoduroD aq1 1aq1 Bugsalalu! s! 11 .[rr] us pa.uweaur sv ‘(y LPL’LOSI-OK’LPSI) 1aIdgInw ,,a,, PEdzsz-d, zdzsz aq1 30 sauq aq1 q1!m (sayywacnrn I!o3-tueaq aq1 u!ql!rm) q18uaIaAem II! sap!r3u!oD(1 ‘8~3aas) squads .xno u! y 0.8851 1e auq aqJ .aInl uoyaIas 0 = sv aq1 30 asnwaq urnnuguo3 1aIqnop aq1 01~~ az!uo!o1ne 1ouuBDday1 in9 ‘(s, zsz) I 8 30 iy.ug uo~1~z~uo~is-u3 aq1 aAoqE kIIeya%aua aq sIaAaI laddn aqL ‘dp zdzsz ‘wa1 1avenb lsaMo[ aq1 01 O(lp pua odp pcdzsz se qDns suIla1 urol3 suo!1!sueJ1 522I 8 u! sawI 30 laqwnu I? payFsseI2 - kdo3sol13ads uogdrosqt? Ou!sn - oqM ‘[II] oIIapuoL pue g!ox 30 YJOMaq1 ST1sala1u! .uqnyled 30 .sIaAaI Blaua III-1 8 uo slap aIqeI!eAe aq1 pasn aAt2q ah\ a-nGi!!3aq1 u! sawI lay10 aq1 %!K3guap! UI ‘I!03 aq1 ~0~3 paJa11nds ‘su101~ uoqIw hq pa11va ‘1 3 u! suog!sue.11 an2 v Ls91 pue 09c1 ie saug aqL .aAoqe pauoyuaur ‘uO&eJl St Spyod, dzsz aq1 103 qcueas e u! pasn ‘(y oL91-OSSI) e.wads I.‘O3-waq aaJq1 smoqs I ‘8y slaaal hXtaua pun u.wads .~.g uo!ssnas!ppm qnsa~
S. Bashkrn et al./ Renewedsru~r oJB II
Our decay data for the 2p2 ‘S, 2s3d ‘D and 2p2 ‘P levels were analyzed with the DISCRETE program. The cascading effects could be handled in a comparatively straightforward way. Our results are presented in table 2. together with previously published experimental data. Only one set of theoretical results (by Weiss [6]) has been included for comparison. a detailed compilation of theoretical data being given in table 3. The present result for the 2s2p ‘P” level agrees with the early phase-shift measurement of Lawrence and Savage [15] but the uncertainty has now been significantly reduced. However. our lifetime is much shorter than the results of Martinson et al. [3] and Kernahan et al. [5]. We have compared our present decay data with those of ref. [3] and conclude that the difference is largely caused by a much better spatial resolution along the excited beam (and thus time resolution) than in the early experiment. Also, less powerful computer programs were used in [3]. For the other three terms our results agree with those obtained by Kernahan et al. [5]. In all cases agreement is good with the theoretical data of Weiss [6]. The j-values for An = 0 transitions, computed from our experimental lifetimes are compared to theoretical results in table 3. A large number of theoretical data (in addition to those already mentioned [6-S]) are available for B 11. Most modern calculations include the electron correlation effects in a detailed way. For a discussion of theoretical problems and results in this spectrum we recommend the comprehensive article by Day and Larson [ 161 and the recent review by Crossley [ 171. Of particular interest are the calculations of Sims
be complemented by additional work. preferably over a larger wavelength range. Furthermore it is not quite satisfactory that some transitions, for example those at 1604.5 and 1616.0 A, remain unclassified. 3.2.
Liferimes and/-i*alues
We measured the decay times of the 2s2p ‘P”, 2p2 ‘S, 2s3d ‘D and 2p2 ‘P terms in the present experiment. Particular emphasis was placed on the 2s2p ‘P” lifetime. in view of the problems discussed above. The decay curves were analyzed using the powerful multiexponential fitting program DISCRETE [12] and the ANDC method, by means of the computer program CANDY (131. Fig. 2 shows a decay curve of the 1362 A line in B II (2s’ ‘S-2s2p ‘P”) and the main cascading into 2s2p ‘P”. from the levels 2p2 ‘S, 2p2 ‘D and 2s3d ‘D. The measured decay curves for these levels (for 2p2 ‘S and 2s3d ‘D from the present experiment and for 2p2 ‘D from an unpublished investigation [14]) were used as inputs to the ANDC/CANDY study of the 2s2p ‘PO lifetime. Interestingly enough, the results obtained by DISCRETE and CANDY were quite similar in the present case whereas larger differences - with the CANDY analysis giving much better agreement with theory - were established for the 2s2p ‘P” term in N IV and 0 V [lo]. This result may indicate that cascading from 2p2 ‘S into 2s2p ‘P” (which is very difficult to correct for by multiexponential fitting techniques) is less significant in beam-foil studies of B 11 than in higher members of the Be I isoelectronic sequence.
1 0
I 20
I 60
I 60
I (ChMnel
I 80
I 100
I 120
Fig. 2. Decay curve of the 2s2p ‘PO level in B II. The main cascading levels and transitions. included in the present analysis, are indicated.
S. Bashkin et al. / Renewed study of B II
596 Table 2 Lifetimes
of excited levels in B II Wavelength
Lifetime (ns)
This work
Other experiments
2s2p ‘PO
0.86 (7)
2p2 ‘s 2s3d ’ D 2p* 3P
1842 1230 1625
0.72 (5) 0.80 (7) 1.16 (6)
0.9 (2) b); 1.15 (10) c) 0.99 (5) d); 1.17 (7) e, 1.04 (8) =); 0.84 (5) e); 0.96 (6) ‘); 0.77 (4) ef 1.38 (10) ‘); 1.29 (6) ‘) 1.24 (7) e,
a) b, ‘) d, ‘)
0.738 0.71 1.14
Weiss [6]. Lawrence and Savage [15]. Martinson et al. [3]. Bromander [4]. Kernahan et al. [5].
and Whitten [18] which provide upper and lower bounds for the f-values of the 2s2 ‘S-2s2p ‘PO transition in Be I, C III and 0 V. Day and Larson 1161 interpolate these data for B II, obtaining f=0.984,0.010, in good agreement with the result of their own elaborate calculations. Table 3 shows that our new f-value for the 2s’ ‘S-2s2p ‘P“ line is in good agreement with most theoretical results [6-8; 16-251. The previous discrepancy has thus been removed. The number of theoretical results is somewhat smaller for the other transitions. Here also we agree with the theoretical data. In view of previous experiments for the Be I sequence, in particular Be I [27], N IV and 0 V [lo], our B II results are hardly surprising. However, they should be of value by
Table 3 Oscillator
We are grateful to A.W. Weiss for providing us with his unpublished B II data, for valuable advice and interesting discussions. The experimental material, provided by H.G. Berry and W.S. Bickel has been very valuable. We also acknowledge enlightening discussions with T.M. Luke, R.P. McEachran, A. &me and W.H. Parkinson. Two of the authors (H. v B. and I.M.) are grateful for the hospitality extended to them at the University of Arizona. Support from Deutsche Forschungsgemein-
in B II Wavelength
further demonstrating that the beam-foil method can provide reliable f-values also in intricate cascading situations and by illustrating the importance of combining atomic spectroscopy and lifetime measurements.
This work
0.98 (8)
2s2p ‘PO-2p2
0.24 (2)
2s2p 3P0-2pz
0.34 (3)
1.02 a); 1.03 b); 0.942 c); 1.01 d); 1.00 et 1.01 O; 0.93 &I;0.985 ht; 1.01 “; 1.02 jt 1.14 kf; 1.08 0 0.230 @; 0.241 b); 0.231 d); 0.161 @; 0.21 h); 0.229 ‘); 0.236 ‘) 0.348 @; 0.330 s); 0.343 i); 0.363 ‘)
2s2 ‘S-2szp
a>Weiss (61. W N&&ides Cl dl Cl 0 8) h) it
jl kl 1)
et al. [19]. Banyard and Taylor [20]. Hibbert [21]. Stewart [22]. Moser et al. [23]. Victorov and Safronova [24]. Day and Larson [16]. Laughlin et al. 1251. Ganas and Green 1261. Markiewicz et al. [7]. Luke [8].
S. Bashkin et al. / Renewed study of B II
schaft (H.v.B.), the U.S. Department of Energy (S.B.), and the Swedish Natural Science Research Council (J.O.E. and I.M.) is also gratefully aeknowl~ged.
References [l] A. &ne, Physica Scripta 1 {1970) 256. (21 H.G. Berry and J.L. Subtil, Physica Scripta 9 (1974) 217. [3] 1. Martinson, W.S. Bickd and A. &me, J. Opt. Sot. Am. 60 (1970) 1213. [4] J. Bromander, Physica Scripta 4 (1971) 61. [5] J.A. Kemahan, E.H. Pinnington, A.E. Livingston and D.J.G. Irwin, Physica Scripta 12 (1975) 319. [6] A.W. Weiss, private communication (1973). [7] E. Markiewin, R.P. McEachran and M. Cohen, Physica Scripta 23 (1981) 828. [S] T.M. Luke, Physica Scripta 23 (1981) 1066. [9] L.J. Curtis, H.G. Berry and J. Bromander, Phys. Lett. 34A (1971) 169. [lo] L. Engstrijm, B. Denne, J.O. Ekberg, K.W. Jones, C. Jup&, U. Lit&n, Weng Tai Meng, A. Trigueiros and I. Martinson, Physica Scripta 24 (1981) 551. [ll] R.A. Roig and G. Tonddlo, J. Phys. B 9 (1976) 2373.
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