A retrospective review of the prevalence of neisseria gonorrhea and chlamydia trachomatis in a hospital based adolescent medicine clinic

A retrospective review of the prevalence of neisseria gonorrhea and chlamydia trachomatis in a hospital based adolescent medicine clinic

JOURNALOF A Vol. IO, No. 3 -. EollY il. xoDvsnAPRcoucmNNuNsApDwLsGEHT yetor J.Coo9ar. Ph.D.,lulanls J. Taylor.and 1.2oaald IR*nbr. I&D. S&wider Chil...

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Vol. IO, No. 3

-. EollY il. xoDvsnAPRcoucmNNuNsApDwLsGEHT yetor J.Coo9ar. Ph.D.,lulanls J. Taylor.and 1.2oaald IR*nbr. I&D. S&wider Children'sBoapltol,lam2 Icl~6Javlsb IfadiulCs~t0r,SIJWatS~y Wook, Rw llyda PAi. NY, and ILlivoraity of cabridls. F7n&va.

Skau, R.W..H.S..

Swvay.Y havar0wnl.d that meamu&mkt bodyml@ and sk490 418 etaam adoluce?it fprlu and may be amooiatad withthe aatiw dl~order~.k~kdolglul dlffareu and lack of an




have madein2atpNtation@IdcoLparismltof pravloum conflictln2 vuwrch difficult. '1& pupor Of tilim mtudy1DI to identifyconcernwith wy 'aapaand wiSbt controlat&e2lU uar6 ad&-t ~~b~~lgirlswing a nowly tlw Ed9 SbPaw8rlomuin(mSgUWI.Tkls devawpad, wlidatedSIMt-lr ilutnvmltvu a&olnirtaBdto &xl1fa&ale studenta.awd 11-10,~lr331)


fourn2acataSorles.15-16yur oldasbowd ~tutlwelof concern: ‘I& mu of 9&& :onurm in this m wu trioa u hi&~ as in otbor *es (pc.OP:. with the adale of of -tin,3 disorders. wa leval~ of dieutirfactim with nl@t and akopa wwo closely atwoclntad with dletily. Zutia#, vmltit@, and laxative ~9% With 2h.12 of 11-12 yaw



oldareportlag currentdietin&9.32 reportlagself-induce4 voclltlw. 8~3 5.711 repoetln~ lruratlva abvllo for valeht control. liaaon~ 17.18 yaar old% 37.52 reportad sa1f-ir+4&lwd voaltlqi and 17.32 wrted laxaim ati.

m FRRCNANCV AND GONOCOCCAL lSSC4XATIOlI I~PXCTIDII IW ADDLWCENTS. Wndy Fried-oginski. 2.8.. Walter D. Rawnf~ld, I.D., ROsalind Carter. 2.8.. StuI II. ‘hrmmd, N.D., Oaph.Of Fad., Wonteciord Hediul ctr./Albwt Einstein College of



4LcoIloL. MLJUAUA mmkv Arm Dum!o

Am cocAxnn USE Anon0 PloNubncv. J. Deanis


2dolescenta have high rates of uninbnded pragnancy and smNally trONEitted di(STD), both Of which WY he partially rslrt@ to pour ConWacapUve praslices. Thus, the aogno&wa or an STa may indicafi es :ii4zrss:w? !ziPkFnr praDnmcy. Tkim study was undertaken to datamine if gOnOCMCa1 infection (GC) mhould be considered . risk factor :or @regnanr;y 104 wrually active 13-21 yenr old females ff m adolo-28. age18) attandfingt.aaadolescentgynecolagy clinic ah an urban ~~~~h~~whospit.alwre studied with a oonfidantial struaWred 41s (n-43) of the patiantm had a past or preaant 12g (n-1,) had gith*r a pa*t histoy Of GE or pragnany’ VW . a pasitiva cervical 0E aal~ura (cc*). 12/12 DC+ patienta weeel PGt (92.3). 12i43 PG+ pationtm wara cc+ (266). whereas only Even l/61 P&iO?Its tavor pragnant ware DC+ (26), (p.oooa). after controlling for potential confounding variables much as patlent age, Wr of lifatiu sexual partners, and contraufz8;~dwa, tlm signifiunt amnociation between DCt and PO+ . Tbo positive associmUon b&man pregnancy and CC may bo rrlatad to danea tot mporaUio

CNNRrlTx. ADoLEscms



and coulne during the rhrer ,a,th period before pr.~~nancyww acknowledged md for rho three prlod after eekaovladge~~nt of pray,nancy. SC&Odmographic and aubatanc~ we infomatloa YIPSobtained by self-adnlnlsPse@d quesMomaire givm to conaantin$ olo~cn vitkln 48 bows of delivery. Data from womanlass old at timeof concsptloa are presented bars.



159adolsacenta complecad IOM,CF .I1of Ohaquestionnaire. &lean we WI 16 year.. iO3 465X) ATC ublte. 28%black. SZZrare umarrlad and the eedloa imom w,s leanthan91O.ooO peryear. 421 reported cl@retto sook1~ tbrou&out yresnaacy. Hoor (77.521 reported EO cban~ein Nuba of ci~arattsa per day; 14Xreported.reduction of YO or moreci@rettee pa


day durlug 9r./luncy. slcobol intake bbased on quantly-frequency mu of ulna.ulna coviers, beer aad liquor) vat increased doting p~e#w~cy by 102. onckaDged in 334, and decreased in 562. 19.61 reported norljuana use during 9ref,nmcy. szd 92 used a~ri,unna throu@oot prefnancy. Only 8 (5.63) adolescents rspoxiei cocalm usa before pre6ooncy; 6 anid they stormed usPne cccmire before rhev becamemt~nunt. Althoueh few adolea-


m f&Nwd contracaPtive wage was the wmxpzcted pecitivr us#iariorm found bctveen: 1) 5G+ and patients who mportod aver using oral conrraoeprive4 (p.nn):and 2) GC+ and uw of barrier contracoptivcs (1pl.034).These data euggek 1 infwW.on in an adolesmirt fernala that knowledge of gonshould lad ts haighhwmd concern regarding Pmffectivo usa of COntZaoOptiOn uith its attendant risk for pragnlmoy.

Tba arudy subjeet~~ wam 102 girls (13 -18ywra old;l&am 15.9)vbo bad lam ganlte3 LrxCL infIcctloru due to c. tracboutim(CT),2. 6mlUrrbmaU (Gc),and/or T. va#nalis(Trle).Tblrty-four 2lr3s (33.32) had CT, 17

(16.7X) 6C. 29 G6.42) Talcand 22 (21.62) bad mlxadlnketlann.WuuSmmt incUd& ~p~eittc mtlblotit CmNomt PLI racmmnded by tba Cantars

fo: Dlsenae Cuotrol. nitton iMt?ootiom for treat-t of ttir ma ~artnn~. a for a tent of cura (Tot) (3-6 trutmnt) ad individual counaelin,~ on ccmtracaptian and ST&,. Ten (9.0X) hft the clir~lc v&bout. sclsdulcd xwL”rn .ppolnasn(.Of rkm 9'2i96.G:) rho hd (26.152) fsiled tu for TM. L (4.42) to anotbar clinicand 64 (69.6%) rstu~nad to our cSlnic(113 cf tkooa did not konp t& m4lMl oppolrbant). of 1B.T&rLa. 56 (54.92) tunic l-18 (run7wkP)




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aftw ccwlatianef traatantandID" tuwul for al1tkreayMt.5 ib our Cli*lC.ST2vu found ta 12/Sd (21.42) 4ttk TDC -ration (EEB oa Lb0 IlikiaiPinfestionin 7 2irls). r& ns2atire S’f2 rata at WC wu 76.2X for CT. 90x for CC. 56.52 for Tric end E2.9Z fGCtixw3InEectioar. TreatmIltof pu partlwrawu rDport,d by54% of tkoss who raturned for TUG 92 did':& knov if the&+artrun ua~atraatsdmd 11Xreportedthat tybm'a aqulred.na swpartn.r since Che dlwsls of theSll). TblsstudyMove the coplimw r.ta in this population is weesptably low.

6naly~ia and mdmtoltdh~




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treamt in adoluemto vi11 kelp lmp1unt mMwO. Dvtuocwd I@&4 to.bat.r cmatrulafSTDs.

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