Oceanographic Abstracts
temperate regions. No littoral species are known from the tropics. Owing to the patchy distribution of terrestrial plant debris on the b o t t o m of the sea, the populations of Xylophaga are presumed to b~ isolated, and this may promote speciation in the group. Isolation may be further accentuated by the nonpelagic development of the juveniles. Brood protection was observed in nine species, the young being attached to the shells and siphons of parent individuals. The latter carried 1-10 juveniles (a single species had about fifty young attached). The largest juveniles found attached to the shells measured from 0.3 to 1-0 m m in length. Some species of Xylophaga were found to live in various kinds of plant material (wood, bamboo and coconut) and in some cases they were found living together with Teredo sp. A review of the occurrence of terrestrial plant debris in the deep sea is given, a n d it is suggested that a rather characteristic animal community dependent on plant debris either for shelter or food, or both, does exist in the deep sea. KOBLENTS-MISHKE, O. I., 1963. A review of data on measurements of primary production in the northern part of the Pacific. (In Russian). Mezhd. Geofiz. Komitt,. Prezid., Akad. Nauk, SSSR, Rezult, Issled. Prog. Mezhd. Geofiz. Goda, Okeanol. Issled., (8): 104-11.
1. ThestudyoftheprimaryproductionoftheNorthPacificwasbegunin1953duringtheTranspac expedition. In 1953-1960 measurements of primary production and plant pigments, especially chlorophyll, were made at about 400 stations. The most abundant material were collected near Japan a n d b:tween 160 and 178°W, the least in the seas of the F a r East a n d in the Alaska Bay. 2. The data obtained were classified according to season and to water types. The most abundant material o n t h e primary production and on pigments was collected in the transition zone in summer, the least abundant in the inshore waters throughout the year, and in the remaining regions in winter and autumn. The subtropical waters in the spring-summer period were not studied extensively. 3. The highest production occurred in spring and summer in the neritic zone, next in the subarctic and transitional waters, and was least in subtropical waters. 4. When comparing the data, the deviations were analysed in the measurements of primary production made during the forty-sixth cruise of the Oshoro-maru (Japan), the twenty-ninth cruise of the I/ityaz (USSR), and the forty-sixth cruise of the Hugh M. Smith (USA). It is found, that in cases of low production the largest deviations occurred in the materials of the Oshoro-maru, and the smallest in the data of the Hugh M. Smith. In cases of high production the largest deviations also belonged to the data of the Oshoro-maru, the smallest were found in the data of the Vityaz. 5. The relation between the production in a water column and that o n the surface ranges in boreal waters is within 14-26, and in the transition zone in spring within 40-60. KoN, H., 1963. O n the distribution of diatom south of Shionomisaki. (In Japanese; English sub-titles). Bull. Kobe. Mar. Obs., 171 (Art. 12): 1-6. On the basis of 114 samples collected from 1954 to 1960 the distribution of diatoms south of Shionomisaki is discussed in relation with the hydrographic conditions. One hundred and fifteen species were found. The number of cells per liter is minimal in August as is the number of species, below 108 and from 103 to 104. Greater numbers occur in the neritic region, a distribution related to the position of the Kuroshio. The distribution of the subgenus Hyalochaete is similar to that of the number of cells a n d is taken as an indicator of neritic water. On the other hand, the genus Rhizosolenia is an indicator of oceanic water and is a b u n d a n t in August. The composition of the diatom population is similar in each water mass.
KONAGA, S., 1963. Water temperature at the sea surface (V). Influences of the internal wave. (In Japanese). Bull. Kobe. Mar. Obs., 171 (Art.2): 107-114, 1-8. In early summer, water temperatures rise at the surface due to solar radiation. Though the temperature change depends on meteorological conditions, the surface water is mixed with deeper water due to stirring by wind waves, swell and ocean currents. Moreover internal waves near the sea surface make a periodic divergence of the surface layers. As convergence makes the vertical gradient of the water temperature small and the divergence large, they enhance the increase of the surface water temperature and vice versa. In this paper, an attempt is made to analyse qualitatively the relationships between the surface water temperature and internal waves near the surface, when the sea is calm and the sky is clear. KORT, V. G., 1963. Exchange of waters in the Southern Ocean. (In Russian). Mezhd. Geofiz. Komitt., Prezid., Akad. Nauk, Rezult. lssled. Prog. Mezhd. Geofiz. Goda, lssled., No. 8: 5-16. New data on water mass transport of the circular Antarctic Current are presented based on the study of 685 deep-sea oceanological stations for the period of 1930--1958. The stations were located chiefly along meridional sections. The zonal mass transport along 20°E is 190 × 10e m3/sec and through Drake strait it is 150 × 108 m3/sec. The meridional transport of the near-bottom Antarctic waters to the north along the whole perimeter of the circular Antarctic Current is 827 x l0 Bma/sec. KoRr, V. G., 1963. Heat exchange in the Southern Ocean. (In Russian). Mezhd. Geofiz. Komitt., Prezid., Akad. Nauk, SSSR, Rezult. lssled. Prog. Mezhd. Geofiz. Goda, Okeanol. lssled., (8): 17-23. The paper analyses the influence of the Southern Ocean on the World Ocean heat regime, based on material obtained in the Antarctic during the I G Y and preceding years. A numerical estimate of