Mohamed Khalgui, Xavier Rebeuf, Françoise Simonot-Lion
LORIA - INPL Campus S ientique, BP 239 54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nan y - Fran e {khalgui, rebeuf, simonot}loria.fr tel: +33 3 83 58 17 28, fax: +33 3 83 58 17 01
Abstra t: This paper deals with the temporal orre tness of ontrol appli ations designed using the omponent-based standard IEC 61499. In this standard, a fun tion blo k is dened as an event trigger omponent ontaining its own data. To validate the temporal behavior of an appli ation, we have to take into a
ount its s heduling on the exe ution support. We propose an abstra tion of the omponent behavior taking into a
ount all its possible exe utions. Moreover, we propose to verify the temporal orre tness of the appli ation with regard to global temporal properties (end to end delays). Thanks to su h hara terization, we show that it is possible to he k deadlines for the appli ation to ensure its orre tness. To rea h this goal, we transform the appli ation into a dependant tasks model(Copyright
2005 IFAC).
Keywords: Fun tion Blo ks, IEC 61499, Real Time, s hedulability analysis, oine s heduling.
In the ontrol systems eld, the IEC 61499 standard (WG6 2003, WG6 2004) is a omponent-based methodology allowing to design appli ations as well
Industrial ontrol appli ations need to satisfy not only fun tional properties but also temporal ones. To validate a priori the orre tness of su h appli ations, one of the key issues is to model their temporal behaviors. To manage the design omplexity, several methods based on omponents have been proposed (Pe os 2005, holoblo 2005, Stewart et
al. 1997, Arti us 1996). In su h approa hes, evaluating temporal behavior requires also a model of the exe ution support.
as the exe ution support (Crnkovi and Larsson 2002). In the standard, the Fun tion Blo k is dened as an event trigger omponent (Lewis n.d.). It is a reusable fun tional unit of software owning data. A ontrol appli ation is spe ied by a fun tion blo ks network" whi h an be distributed on one or more devi es. Several omplex appli ations have been spe ied using fun tion blo ks (Ifak 2005). Moreover, reusable fun tion blo ks libraries already exist (holoblo 2005).
The standard allows to validate stati interoperabil-
(IEC61131-3 1993) for the Programmable Logi
ity between blo ks. Nevertheless, temporal behavior
Controllers. We an divide its des ription into two
depends on dynami data. Therefore, it is di ult
parts: the ar hite ture des ription and the blo k
to a priori validate temporal interoperability. We
behavior through the events sele tion me hanism.
propose an abstra tion of ea h blo k behavior taking into a
ount all its possible exe utions. Su h abstra tion allows to ompute an upper bound of
2.1 Ar hite ture des ription
the appli ation exe ution time. We show that it is possible to verify the temporal orre tness of the ap-
An appli ation fun tion blo k (FB) (gure 1) is
pli ation with regard to global temporal properties
a fun tional unit of software that supports some
(end to end delays).
fun tionalities of an appli ation. It is omposed by
To validate temporal interoperability, we propose a s hedulability analysis of a fun tion blo ks network distributed on one devi e. To perform su h analysis, we propose to transform the fun tion blo ks appli ation into a parti ular dependent tasks model in the order to take advantages of the results in this eld. Some
s hedulability
analysis of systems in one pro essor. In the nonpreemptive ase, (Cu u et al. 2002) presents an optimal algorithm to s hedule systems with pre eden e, periodi ity and laten y onstraints (end to end deadline). In addition, (Cu u and Sorel 2003) proves the existen e of a hyper-period
an interfa e and an implementation. The interfa e
ontains data/event inputs and outputs supporting the intera tion with the environment. Events are responsible for the a tivation of the fun tion blo k while data ontain valued information. The implementation onsists of a body and a head. The body is omposed of internal data and algorithms implementing the blo k fun tionalities. Ea h algorithm gets values in the input data hannel and produ es values in the output data ones. They are programmed in stru tured text (ST) language (IEC61131-3 1993).
for syn-
hronous systems allowing the proposed algorithm to nd a s hedule applying it from of from 0 to
On another side, (Jeay et al. 1991)
gives a s hedulability ondition for a set of periodi and sporadi operations with arbitrary release times. (Howell and k. Venkatrao 1995) studies the omplexity for the problem of non-preemptively s heduling of periodi and sporadi tasks on one pro essor using inserted idle times. Using part of this result, we show that it is possible to generate a safe o-line s heduling for a fun tion blo ks network. Moreover,
Figure 1. An IEC 61499 fun tion blo k
the proposed s hedulability analysis allows to dene a strategy for a fun tion blo k to adapt its internal
The blo k head is onne ted to event ows. It sele ts
behavior a
ording to the s heduling.
the sequen e of algorithms to exe ute with regard to
In the next se tion 2, we briey present the IEC 61499 standard. Then we present our behavior hara terization of an appli ation. The se tion 4 deals with its transformation into a tasks model. In the se tion 5, we propose a generation of tasks dead-
an input event o
urren e. The sele tion me hanism of an event o
urren e is en oded in a state ma hine
alled the Exe ution Control Chart (ECC). At the end of the algorithms exe ution, the ECC sends the
orresponding output event o
urren es.
lines a
ording to the appli ation delays. Finally,
In the standard, a fun tion blo ks network denes
we present a s hedulability analysis based on the
the fun tional ar hite ture of a ontrol appli ation.
generated deadlines.
Ea h fun tion blo k event input (resp. output) is linked to an event output (resp. input) by a hannel. Otherwise, it orresponds to a global appli ation
input (resp. output). Data inputs and outputs follow the same rules (gure 2).
We present the main on epts of the IEC 61499
The exe ution support ar hite ture (i.e. the indus-
Fun tion Blo ks standard (WG6 2003, WG6 2004).
trial ontrol system) is dened by a devi es net-
This standard is an extension of the IEC 61131.3
work. A devi e is omposed of one pro essing unit,
sensors, a tuators and network interfa es. In order to manage intera tions with a given physi al pro esses, a devi e ontains several resour es. A resour e ontains FBs networks intera ting with a physi al pro ess. Considered as a logi exe ution unit orresponding to time slots of the pro essing unit, the resour e provides s heduling fun tion for its lo al FBs networks. The operational ar hite ture orresponds to a distribution of the appli ation fun tion blo ks over the
Figure 3. The ECC behavior
dierent resour es of the exe ution support ar hite -
* It a tivates the algorithms sequen e orresponding
ture. The advantage of su h approa h is to take into
to the sele ted event. Then, it waits for the resour e
ount hardware as well as software omponents.
s heduler to exe ute this sequen e.
For sake of simpli ity, we onsider in this paper only one fun tion blo ks network distributed on a single resour e of a devi e. Running Example. For all the ontinuation, we
onsider the following running example of a ontrol appli ation lo ated in a resour e of a devi e. This
ontrol appli ation is omposed by four FBs supporting its fun tionalities (gure 2).
* When the exe ution ends, it emits orresponding output events o
urren es. We note that an algorithms sequen e is atomi . Moreover, the resour e s heduling fun tion applies only non preemptive poli ies. On the other hand, the poli y of events priorities in the ECC is not spe ied in the standard. Therefore, it is up to the designer to x su h priority for ea h fun tion blo k (Khalgui et
al. 2004). Note that the ECC is spe ied as a state ma hine where ea h tra e is omposed by a waiting of an input event, invo ations of algorithms, sending of output events. Running Example. we present the ECC behavior
of the fun tion blo k
F B1
(gure 4). The sele tion
me hanism is performed thanks to a state variable ′ ′ a of F B1.
ie1 o
urren e, it asks (!ex_fb) the pro essor to perform the orresponding When the ECC sele ts an
algorithms sequen e. When the exe ution is nished
F B1 state variables, F B4 or simultaneously oe2 F B3 and F B2 .
(?end_ex) and depending on the ECC sends and Figure 2. A ontrol appli ation
f bn.
to respe tively
ie5 o
urren e, it waits the pro essor to exe ute the orresponding algorithms When the ECC sele ts an
oe7 to F B3 depending on the internal variables.
sequen e. When it is nished, it sends 2.2 Events sele tion me hanism
F B2
Let turn to the internal des ription of a fun tion blo k. Note that only algorithms exe ution spends
time. In a given fun tion blo k, the ECC is said idle if there is no algorithm to exe ute. Otherwise, the
To hara terize temporal behavior of a fun tion
ECC is busy (gure 4).
blo k, we have to take into a
ount the exe ution
ording to the standard (WG6 2004), the FB
ontains an internal buer for input o
urren es. The ECC behavior is devised into three steps:
of the ECC. Indeed, the ECC de ides not only algorithms to exe ute but also the output events to send. Nevertheless, the sele tion of transitions inside the ECC may depend on internal state variables.
* First, it sele ts one input event o
urren e a
Then we propose to dene sets of output events
ing to priority rules dened in the resour e.
orresponding to all possible exe utions.
f ollow(f b1 , ie1 ) = {{oe1 }, {oe2 , oe3 }} f ollow(f b1 , ie5 ) = {{oe7 }, {oe8 }} f ollow(f b4 , ie4 ) = {{oe4 }} 3.2
f bn
temporal onstraint
A real time appli ation must often respe t temporal
onstraints as end to end delays. To asso iate su h delay to the fun tion blo ks network, we need to rst formalize the omposition between fun tion blo ks. Figure 4. The ECC behavior of
F B1
We propose a fun tion
that spe ies ausali-
To validate the temporal orre tness of the appli a-
ties between an event input of a fun tion blo k and
tion, we propose to dene end to end delays orre-
an output of another one a
ording to the fun tion
sponding to time onstraints imposed by the prob-
blo ks network. Note that
lem spe i ation. In this se tion, we rst present the
site fun tion that asso iates to an output event the
abstra tion of the fun tion blo k behavior. Then we
input event target of the sent o
urren es.
propose a formalization for end to end delays. For all the ontinuation, we denote by
f bn
a fun tion
blo ks network.
Running example. From the link between
F B4,
cause(ie4 ) = oe1 ef f ect(oe1) = ie4
We propose to ompute an abstra tion of the fun tion blo k behavior. The di ulty is to identify the output events sent orresponding to an input event
We dene
state ma hine. Nevertheless, ring a transition in the ECC an depend on internal variables of the blo k. Therefore, we propose to identify the supersets of
set of input (resp output) events of a fun tion blo k
F B. tr
be a tra e in
we denote by
• IE(tr) the input event o
urring in tr • OE(tr) the set of output events o
urring in tr We propose a fun tion input event
ie ∈ IEF B ,
f ollow
asso iating to an
the sets of simultaneous
outputs = {oe ∈ OE/ef f ect(oe) ∈ / IE} Running example. We have the following sets :
inputs = {ie1 , ie5 } outputs = {oe4 , oe5 , oe6 , oe9 , oe10 }
sible exe ution), we asso iate a superset gathering
IE (resp OE ) the set of input (output) f bn. Let onsider IEF B (resp OEF B ) the
inputs = {ie ∈ IE/cause(ie) ∈ / OE}
For ea h tra e of the ECC automaton (i.e. ea h pos-
Let onsider
outputs) the set f bn whi h
not linked to another event.
output events possibly o
urring simultaneously.
all the output event o
urring in this tra e.
(respe tively
input (respe tively output) events in
urren e. Su h asso iation is spe ied in the ECC
F B1
one an dedu e :
3.1 Fun tion blo k behavior
events of
ef f ect spe ies the oppo-
We propose the fun tion end to end delays for
delay that en odes all the f bn. delay(ie, oe) denotes
the maximum duration that an take the exe ution
ie ∈ inputs oe ∈ outputs one.
between the re eive of an and the sent of an
urren e
Running Example. delay(ie1 , oe4 ) spe ies the maximum duration for the treatment of the ie1 and ie4 algorithms sequen e. Let suppose the following
delay(ie1 , oe4 ) = delay(ie1 , oe5 ) = delay(ie1 , oe6 ) = 10ms and delay(ie5 , oe9 ) = delay(ie5 , oe10 ) = 17.
onstraints :
output events.
f ollow(f b, ie) = {OE(tr)/ie = IE(tr), tr ∈ ECCF B }
Running Example. For example, we asso iate to
two sets of output events orresponding to the
two tra es in the ECC starting from the transition triggered by
?ie5 .
In this part, we propose to transform system
f bn to
a tasks
with pre eden e onstraints (Babanov et
al. 2003). The purpose is to exploit the results on
f irst = {T ∈ T ask/T.pred ∈ / T ask}
this topi to perform the s hedulability analysis of
f bn.
last = {T ∈ T ask/∀s ∈ T.succ, ∀Tj ∈ s, Tj ∈ / T ask}
In this se tion, we dene the task hara terization in the system
A task orresponds to one exe ution
of a fun tion blo k. Then, we dene a tra e as a
4.2 Tra e denition
ausality sequen e of tasks.
To spe ify a ausality sequen e of tasks, we dene
4.1 Task denition starting from a FB network An appli ation task
We dene the fun tion
generate(ie) that
onstru ts
ie the orresponding task T . Note is_generated_by(T ) is the opposite fun tion of generate. We denote by T ask the tasks set of S . setOE be a set of output events. We dene target(setOE ) that asso iates for setOE
fun tion
• T0 ∈ f irst • Tn−1 ∈ last • ∀i ∈]1, n − 1], Ti−1 = Ti .pred
Thanks to su h tra es prin iple, it is possible to
he k the appli ation end to end delays. Let
following set of tasks,
be the tra es set in
target(setOE ) = {T ∈ T ask/∃oe ∈ setOE , oe = cause(is_generated_by(T ))} is hara terized as follows,
We denote by
the rst task of the tra e
T race f irst(tr)
In this paper, we
onsider the ase of not reentry tra es (Klein et
al. 1993, Liu 2000) : the exe ution of the exe ution end of the
k − th
(k − 1) − th instan e of
the last
task. Otherwise the system is not feasible.
su h as,
Running Example. We distinguish ve tra es in
• W CET :
the worst ase exe ution time of the
algorithms sequen e orresponding to
ie. It an
be evaluated using the ode and the hara teristi s of the exe ution support. The task that must be exe uted before
the exe ution of
It orresponds to the exe-
ution of the FB produ ing
• succ:
instan e of the rst task must not start before the
T = {W CET, pred, succ}
• pred:
as a Tasks sequen e,
su h as,
tr = T0 , T1 , ....., Tn−1
for an input event
A task
a tra e
orresponds to the exe ution
of a FB a tivated by an input event o
urren e
a set of tasks sets. All the elements of
a set orrespond to tasks to exe ute on e the exe ution of
tr1 = T1 , T2 ; tr2 = T1 , T3 tr4 = T5 , T6 and tr5 = T5 , T7 . Ea h a tasks sequen e in f bn.
this ontrol appli ation : ;
tr3 = T1 , T4
tra e spe ies
Note that we an lassi ally dene an operation
op(T )
as the set of tra es having the same
root. It orresponds to all possible exe utions of when
f bn
is a tivated (the orresponding input event
is nished. Note that ea h set
op(T ) = {tr ∈ T race/f irst(tr) = T }
orresponds to a possible exe ution s enario. (i.e. one tra e in the
T.succ = {setT /setT ⊂ T ask, ∃setOE ∈ f ollow(f b, is_generated_by(T )), setT = target(setOE )} Running example. We generate the prede essor of
and the su
essors of
as follows,
T4 .pred = T1 T1 .succ = {{T2 , T3 }; {T4}} T1 exe ution is nished, two s enarios are possible : Either we exe ute T2 and T3 or we exe ute T4 . When the
We dene
f irst
the tasks set that they
have not a prede essor (resp su
essor). These sets
orrespond to the
delay(tr) as the end to end tr ∈ T race. This temporal
onstraint orresponds to the delay(ie, oe) where ie
orresponds to the f irst(tr) and oe orresponds to an event produ ing by the last task of tr. We lassi ally dene deadline of a tra e
d(T ) the deadline of the task T ∈ tr. d(T ) has to take into a
ount the time for exe uting all the su
essors belonging to a same set of T.succ
We dene
before their respe tive deadlines. We hara terize
d(T )as
T ∈ last, d(T ) = delay(tr)
Otherwise ,
the s hedulability analysis of asyn hronous systems (Leung and Whitehead 1982). By analogy with
d(T ) = mins∈T.succ {minTi ∈s {d(Ti ) − Pd(Tj )≤d(Ti ) Tj .W CET }} Tj ∈s Running
[rmin +
our ase, the analysis may be done in
jmin , rmax + jmax + 2.lcm].
Example. We onstru t the dierent
deadlines of the dierent tasks. For the operation
op1 , we ompute rst of T2 , T3 and T4 .
all the deadlines of the tasks
• d(T2 ) = delay(tr1 ) = 10 • d(T3 ) = delay(tr2 ) = 10 • d(T4 ) = delay(tr3 ) = 10 We ompute then the deadline of
6.1 A
essibility graph generation Let
be the a
essibility graph orresponding to
• S • T
d(T4 ) − T4 .W CET }
a tasks set to exe ute, a sele ted task to exe ute between all the
S . We apply the EDF
a tivated tasks of
poli y
to perform su h sele tion.
• t
d(T1 ) = min{10 − 3 − 4, 10 − 1} = 3
be the tasks
is s hedulable if its temporal behavior
is orre t. The s hedulability riterion is the respe t of the deadline for ea h task. To perform the s hedulability analysis of
we propose to onstru t an
s heduling traje tories. Ea h traje tory represents a possible exe ution s enario of the appli ation. Therefore, several tra es are used to onstru t a
algorithm during
ea h traje tory onstru tion to verify end to end delays of the orresponding tra es. We present a temporal hara terization of
[rmin + jmin , rmax + jmax + 2.lcm]. We present the following steps to
onstru t G. The rst step lets to onstru t the rst tasks state C0 .
Sin e
f bn are periodi , then ea h task T belonging to f irst is a tivated periodi ally. We
hara terize su h task by a release time r, a period p and a jitter j (the maximum deviation of the
all input events of
be the rst state in
belonging to rst.
S0 = f irst We generate then step by step the dierent tasks states in the dierent
traje tories as follows,
Ci = {Ti , Si , ti } be a state Ti = {W CETi , predi , succi }
in the graph
Ti ∈ / last
Let suppose that
tasks sets.
Ti .succ = {ts1 , ..., tsk } We onstru t
tasks states
C0 , ...., Ck−1
target of
as follows,
∀j ∈ [0, k − 1], Sj = (Si \{Ti })∪tsj if
Ti ∈ last tr
Let Tmax = {rmax , pmax , jmax } and Tmin = {rmin , pmin , jmin } be two tasks of f irst su h as,
We onstru t
∀Ti ∈ f irst, rmin + jmin ≤ ri + ji ≤ rmax + jmax
Step: Let
T = {r, p, j} be the least ommon multiple of the tasks
C0 = {S0 , Tmin , tmin = rmin + G. S0 ontains the tasks
First step: Let
jmin }
exe ution.
tions s enarios in the interval
essibility graph. The a
essibility graph is a set of
traje tory. We apply the
We apply su h algorithm to analyze all the exe u-
In this part, we propose a s hedulability analysis of an IEC 61499 ontrol appli ation. Let
the start time of the
We present the following algorithm to onstru t
We dene a tasks
C = {S, T, t}
min{d(T2 ) − T2 .W CET − T3 .W CET ;
as follows :
T1 .
d(T1 ) =
The system
the s hedulability analysis of
be the tra e ontaining
target of
Ti .
as follows
Sj = (Si \{Ti }) ∪{f irst(tr)} Thanks to this graph onstru tion, we dedu e that
As we treat only not reentry tra es, we an ex-
the appli ation is not s hedulable if one deadline of
ploit the result on the hyper period proposed for
a task belonging to a tasks state is not satised.
Running the example. We perform the proposed
algorithm to analyze the s hedulability of the ontrol appli ation
f bn.
hara teristi s of
We propose the following temporal
T5 .
• r1 = 2; p1 = 50; j1 = 1. • r5 = 1; p5 = 50; j5 = 1. We suppose the following worst ase exe ution times of the dierent tasks :
By onstru ting the a
essibility graph in the hyper period
[2, 103], the algorithm
veries all the temporal
onstraints and proves that the appli ation is s hedulable. We present a part of su h graph (gure 5). Applying the rst step, we onstru t the rst tasks
C0 = {{T1 , T5 }, T5 , t = 2}. Then, we apply step to onstru t the remainder states.
Figure 6. The s hedulability analysis of the FBs network of o
urren es to sele t in su h hyper period. The sele tion me hanism must be ompatible with the generated s hedulability analysis. Let
be two o
urren es to sele t, we note that
if the ECC has to sele t
Tj,n Ti,m ≪
Tj,n .
Therefore, the s heduler will re eive at a time
from an ECC the adequate task that it is dedi ated to pro ess a
ording to the s hedulability analysis. Su h poli y lets to guarantee the onformity between the internal behavior of a FB and the s heduler behavior inside the resour e. Figure 5. The a
essibility graph
We dedu e from the a
essibility graph an o-line s heduling of the appli ation (gure 6). We show in ea h state of this graph the task and the start time of its exe ution. Note that for sake of on iseness, identi al bran hes parts of the tree are merged.
Running Example. We dedu e the following events
priorities for
ECC3 .
• F B1 : T51 ≪ T11 ≪ T52 ≪ T12 ≪ T53 ≪ T13 • F B2 : T61 ≪ T21 ≪ T62 ≪ T22 ≪ T63 • F B3 : T71 ≪ T31 ≪ T72 ≪ T32 In ea h blo k, the ECC must sele t always the input o
urren es a
ording to su h order to guarantee the
orre t omposition with the s heduler.
6.2 Events priorities poli y In a fun tion blo k
f b,
the sele tion of input o
ren es must be based on the orresponding tasks deadlines. Indeed, the o
urren e to sele t orresponds to the task that has the earliest deadline. But the
is unaware of these temporal prop-
erties. We propose therefore to exploit the previous s hedulability analysis to generate events priorities for ea h blo k.
7. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKS This paper presents a ontribution to develop an industrial ontrol appli ation a
ording to the IEC 61499 standard. This ontribution lets to validate the temporal interoperability of su h appli ation. First of all, we propose an abstra tion of the fun tion blo k behavior to take into a
ount all its possible
As the s hedulability analysis is performed in the
exe utions. Moreover, we propose to verify the or-
[rmin + jmin , rmax + jmax + 2.lcm],
re tness of the appli ation with regard to end to end
we propose to generate for ea h ECC the order
delays. To perform su h validation, we propose to
hyper period
transform the appli ation to a parti ular dependant
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ount the ommuni ation interfa e inside ea h devi e and the networks delays. On another side, we will extend our resear hes by exploiting the fault tolerant s heduling approa h to redu e temporal onstraints in the ase of non riti-
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